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Only one char...
only one kd!!!

Your Characters
16:13:06 Aug 10th 10 - Mr. Fvckup:

Ruler name Kingdom Spons. Turns World
Sir Horus IX Black Flag 0   0 Mantrax
Mr. Fvckup - 0   3 Fantasia
Mr. Panic IV G O D L I K E 0   3 Starta



I understand some people will want to keep this information secret... but I don't mind !!

19:51:37 Aug 10th 10 - Mr. Strawhat Luffy:

Ruler nameKingdomSpons.TurnsWorld
Mr. Strawhat LuffyRage1    1Fantasia
Mr. Leeroy Jenkins-0    0Talents
Mr. Sage-0    2Mantrax

Seems like the cool think to do 

13:58:12 Aug 11th 10 - Mr. Panic IV:

I'm really surprised at how little the response was for this.... I'm guessing it is because people want to noob stomp on lower worlds annonymously?

14:23:40 Aug 11th 10 - Emperor Palpy Thinks God Has Lost:

Ruler nameKingdomSpons.TurnsWorld
Mr. Palpy Hates EwoksSalvation Army0    2Talents
Mr. Palpy Scratches Head-0    3Fantasia
Emperor Palpy Thinks God Has LostBloody Hound Dogs0    3Mantrax

14:36:38 Aug 11th 10 - Dr. Dill Pickle:

Do not have time. 

16:51:20 Aug 11th 10 - Mr. Legend:

Mr. LegendBrotherhood of the Wolf-    -Mantrax
Mr. Heatly--    -Fantasia
Mr. LolzorSalvation Army-    -Talents

Still looking for a KD in fant.

17:01:32 Aug 11th 10 - Mr. Jelly:

There can be only one Jelly D:

Ruler nameKingdomSpons.TurnsWorld
Mr. JellyDaffodils1   0Armageddon

08:42:19 Aug 12th 10 - Sir Musquito:

Sir Musquito Honest John 0   0 Zetamania
Mr. Mcmax The Tester - 0   3 Fantasia
Mr. Mcmax The Wizzard - 0   3 -Dead-


Third character is going to start on Mantrax with RoC.

11:24:30 Aug 12th 10 - Mr. Ignis Bloody Dog:


You have 0 sponsored turns. Every 3rd tick a sponsored turn will be converted to a turn that can be used by your character.

Click on a character to play it.

You can max have 3 characters.

Ruler name Kingdom Spons. Turns World
Mr. Ignis Bloody Dog Bloody Hound Dogs 0   0 Mantrax

too much with this charachter already

12:26:38 Aug 12th 10 - Mr. Barny:

Ruler nameKingdomSpons.TurnsWorld
Mr. BarnyiPwN1    1Fantasia
Mr. Justin Newman-0    1Talents
Mr. Iggymybitch-0    1Mantrax

20:24:16 Aug 12th 10 - Lord Chade:

Ruler nameKingdomSpons.TurnsWorld
Lord ChadeGuild Of The Fallen1    1Starta

20:59:45 Aug 12th 10 - Mr. Fafnir:

I think it is a good idea actually.


You have 0 sponsored turns. Every 3rd tick a sponsored turn will be converted to a turn that can be used by your character.

Click on a character to play it.

You can max have 3 characters.

Ruler nameKingdomSpons.TurnsWorld
Junior Guildmaster DragonGuild Of The Fallen0   0Starta
Mr. Dexter The Serial KillerSons of Odin0   0Fantasia
Mr. FafnirFallen Guild0   0Talents

23:15:47 Aug 12th 10 - Mr. Certainty:

Chade you mucked it up :(

06:07:07 Aug 14th 10 - Mr. Scipio:

I've voted twice now on talents, not one came thru

06:48:03 Aug 14th 10 - Emperor Palpy Thinks God Has Lost:

you have to transfer it to your character scripio

08:57:33 Aug 14th 10 - Mr. Arthur Has Lynns Jonny Pickle:

Ruler name

Mr. Arthur Has Lynns Jonny PickleBrotherhood of the Wolf0   0Mantrax
Mr. Zaphod Beeblebrox-0   0Talents
Mr. Ford PrefectBow to Skinny0   1Talents

Zaphod is inactive :(  Zeta should delete him now :P  Can't have two players in one world! I hope the spawning works when I remake him...

09:27:46 Aug 14th 10 - Mr. Briefcase:

You know what sucks. If you chose to randomly join a kingdom and then left the kingdom before you made your first move, And then the spawn city  locks you in by closing its gates, You are screwed. You're protection does not even start and you can not resign or restart because you are in protection..
And you can not move because you are locked in a city. And you can not be killed because you are in protection.


13:26:50 Aug 14th 10 - Mr. Real Rocknrolla:

Dont leave before you move. Pretty simple. You have the option to land on your own, you choose to land with a kd and then leave after landing in their core, most likely to attack them.

Then your a dick

20:41:53 Aug 15th 10 - Mr. Irule Here Too:

Ruler nameKingdomSpons.TurnsWorld
Mr. Irule Here Tooo-0   0Fantasia
Khaos Lord IruleRiders of Rohan0   0Nirvana
Mr. Irule Here Too-0   0Talents

21:24:37 Aug 15th 10 - Mr. Analhilator:

Ruler nameKingdomSpons.TurnsWorld
Mr. AnalhilatoriPwN
0   0Fantasia
Mr. EfrandorRiders of Zohan0   0Nirvana
Mr. Josh Reed
-0   0Talents

05:02:13 Aug 16th 10 - Mr. Dargoth:

Mr. DargothArmy of Anubis0   0Mantrax
Mr. CottonAoA Recruitment Center0   0Talents

05:23:22 Aug 16th 10 - Mr. Manowar:

I agree with Rocknrolla, that's what's happining to be right now. :P

Also, people with more than 1 character, effective time managment... or.... HAVE NO LIFE. lol.

05:32:50 Aug 16th 10 - Khaos Lord Irule:

                               ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ has no life lmao

05:40:02 Aug 16th 10 - Mr. Narcissus:

has no life

12:33:36 Aug 16th 10 - Mr. Homoflag:

seriously i have no life :/

13:13:11 Aug 16th 10 - Mr. Barny:

What if you have more than 3 characters? Are you an even bigger loser?

13:26:19 Aug 16th 10 - Mr. Shawty:

give him a break, he alrdy admitted he has no life.

I mean 10 characters on fant and 3 on Talents? pretty impressive for one guy with no life to uphold all

01:01:06 Aug 17th 10 - Ice Prince Zephyr:

has no life

01:33:35 Aug 17th 10 - Mr. Long John:

Haha you would Ice Prince.

(Liu Bei)


Has no life


03:50:38 Aug 17th 10 - Mr. Captain Nemo:

HAHA wow what a dude.

11:34:24 Oct 5th 10 - Mr. Pure:

14:23:22 Aug 16th 10 - Mr. Manowar:

I agree with Rocknrolla, that's what's happining to be right now. :P

Also, people with more than 1 character, effective time managment... or.... HAVE NO LIFE. lol.

Do you know how hard it is to quickly check 3 accounts in a 5 min break lol =P Good time management I think

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