Forums / In game politics / ZFU - Zetamania Farmers Union

ZFU - Zetamania Farmers Union
00:47:36 Jul 12th 08 - Mr. Donut Forsakeme:

Ladies and Gentlemen of VU!

We have great pleasure in announcing that the Zetamania Farmers Union is now open for business.  We, the members, will sit and farm because, even when we try to attack a Kingdom that's twice our power we can't.  They have lots of weak players, we have a few stronger ones, so our armies are useless against them.

Yet we know that won't stop them creating merges from their lots of weak players to rape our farms and pillage our women.  This is the greatest move towards World Peace in recent history and we, the members of the Farmers Union, nominate Zeta for the Nobel Peace Prize for his outstanding achievement!

09:18:44 Jul 14th 08 - Mr. Millenium:

Although i do not agree with what you say, i will defend to the death your right to say it

even if it is retarded....


18:04:04 Jul 14th 08 - Mr. Black:

i think its ridiculous that a guy used to be my size, but cos hes been weakened and cant take his mines, even though he hasas many if not more troops than i do!

05:11:32 Jul 15th 08 - Mr. Xenon:

 Would someone tell me what the hell this is?

05:17:28 Jul 15th 08 - Mr. Hilario:

we tried to take a blocker and the good thing is.. its own by a member who is too small for us. We cannot do anything.

so, i want to apply here.

05:17:43 Jul 15th 08 - Mr. Lapulapu The Chief:


The new rule is being use as a tactics of other KD.
When I'm about to attack they place a blocker by their new player on the bridge so that I can't enter. The only option there is to plunder.

05:46:31 Jul 15th 08 - Mr. Twamao:

pls remove that so called "improvement" zeta!  it is dumb!

05:56:00 Jul 15th 08 - Mr. Midget Mac:

Zeta, this change has caused more exploitation then help please get rid of it.

06:38:39 Jul 15th 08 - Mr. Boy Negro The Bukis:


06:42:58 Jul 15th 08 - Sir Random:


06:51:39 Jul 15th 08 - Mr. Lapulapu The Chief:


the KD of MAD is MAD now!wahaha...peace out! LoL

18:57:29 Jul 15th 08 - Mr. Lapulapu The Chief:

What the *beep*!

What would I do then???
I can't attack someone.
Because someone who is equal to my size are protected by those weaker ones.
How could I enter their core if their blocker were those new players!


19:00:44 Jul 15th 08 - Mr. Lapulapu The Chief:

I'm sooooooooo PISSED!!!

19:02:08 Jul 15th 08 - Mr. Ingo Von Lucker:

"Crush Walls" and walk past that blocker maybe ?!

19:08:01 Jul 15th 08 - Mr. Lapulapu The Chief:

That's the problem I have only Lvl 1 Magic Sci.

19:56:37 Jul 15th 08 - Mr. Lapulapu The Chief:

now I have lvl 3 magic sci

20:09:57 Jul 15th 08 - Mr. Death Proof:

I join as well

00:31:32 Jul 16th 08 - Mr. Black:

Mr. Ingo Von Lucker


7/15/2008 7:02:08 PM

"Crush Walls" and walk past that blocker maybe ?!


if it were that simple to get past a blocker everyone would be doing it

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