Forums / In game politics / Zeon is defeated

Zeon is defeated
07:43:15 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Messiah:

30 minutes ago DB broke our blocker. This means our defences have been breached from all directions. Game over.

We learned several things this era though and we appriciate the attention given to us. Here are the 3 main reasons why Zeon lost this battle:

  • We had inferior magic. This is something we need to work with.
  • Although our strategies where correct, sometimes our tactics lacked. For example, both DB and Carnage riverjumped us.
  • The odds. Well, this factor was nothing we could do anything about. Zeon+Music was fighting Carnage+Dark Blood+Mirror.

I now urge all the remaining kingdoms of Fantasia to sign a pact against these axis of evil. Of the 7 most powerfull 4 are allied. If any of you wish to survive - unite and avenge us!

Ohh. And I razed my ~100k buildings.

07:58:05 May 22nd 07 - Sir Fizban:

Jeez, I think Messiah needs to start praying to Zeta for a miracle instead of being Harry Reid and saying 'The war is lost'.

08:27:53 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Heroix:

Isn't walking other the rivers unhonorable bug?

08:29:15 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Naked Pizza Delivery Guy:

No because ZETA knows about it. I complained about it but no one really cared.

09:34:38 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Morgan:

Its not a bug it just sucks(if it makes you loose a war, if you win bcoz of it it rulez).

09:47:40 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

as far as im concern Mirror is not doing anything to Zeon. 

09:50:43 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Saint Just:

River jumping is abuse (zeta stated this) but there is no consequences for it, so its up to the players not to do it. Lets say its a measurement of how the kingdoms look upon them self. End of discussion.

09:58:22 May 22nd 07 - Lord Senturu:

messiah, and the KD of Zeon. although i havent seen you fight against them  i have heard about it. i must say you lasted longer than others would of suspected. congradulations

14:37:35 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Imperator:

Riverjumping is ALLOWED

its even listed in the FAQ!

Go read and not complain!


14:38:38 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Imperator:


Q: When you build a city beside a river, when the city expands can you make it so that the city is on both side of the river?

A: No, you can't get that big because of the nearby river.
But you can actually get attacked by the people on the other side of the river when you get big enough.  :)


Please dont call it abuse; its tactics!


14:40:11 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Imperator:

Crap I shouldnt press the reply button that often!

Fearn, it was a nice fight ;p kudo's for you!


14:43:52 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

Riverjumping doesn't require a city on the water.

14:51:10 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Imperator:

We didnt just hop across using a scout if that is what you mean. We took a town that they build across the river and simply attacked that town.

The one where you hop across using a scout, well thats 'illegal' but we didnt do that. They just shouldnt have build a city next to a river :P


14:55:34 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Messiah:

Imperator is right. And those two cities you took over the river didnt have anything to do with our defeat. Carnage though scoutjumped us and contributed to us not being able to strenghten Next as much as we could've. But it was really just an example of how our tactics needs to improve: ie for example not building those cities close to the river.

15:00:46 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Hemmer Swallows:

It's a shame that we see our ally is lost. I hope we can hold out long enough to buy enough time for the rest of Fantasia to face that they'll have the same future as us, if they don't act quick.
I must say I'm dissapointed though. We only lasted 15 real life days. I hoped for surviving longer together, ofcourse.

Well, I must thank you guys though, you were an honourable ally, and powerfull too this era. Thank you for this.

15:13:57 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Mcikan:

Jumping over a river doesn't require a town and if you look in the South of Brasta right now, you'll see how Carnage did it and is doing it ;).

15:14:50 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Hemmer Swallows:

My walls got deleted, why don't their armies get deleted?

Btw- Don't take this serious ;)

15:49:05 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Saint Just:

15:56:31 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Heroix:

Why my trolls can't swim while carnage can? The god is so cruel for me 'haha'

16:49:27 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Wiseguy:

As far as Mirror is concerned (Haywood) they were fighting our allies, Music and with that practicly us because Music couldn't help us out much because of the Mirror and Carnage combined attack.

It was a shame you guys didn't give me enough time to get involved.. Was a shame I missed the first week of this era..

17:13:58 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Jetleeomg:

This reminds me of a jack johnson song 'The HoriZEON has been defeated' ahaha i rock :)

18:44:11 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Mcikan:

'The one where you hop across using a scout, well thats 'illegal' but we didnt do that. '

After watching the map, what do you all think of this way of crossing the river? Should we decide it's a trick and then acceptable? or is it 'illegal' as Mr Imperator wrote?

18:48:08 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Soccerjester:

congrats zeon, u guys did well. its tough against such powerful enemies. u have surely earned my respect!

18:54:20 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Naked Pizza Delivery Guy:

All right thats my scout!!!!!


18:59:42 May 22nd 07 - Duke Dork:

Thanks Zeon, I had fun, hope you had the same.

19:18:21 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Mcikan:

Yes thanks my 'enemies'! I've enjoyed it a lot.It's been a great fight.

19:47:44 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Scottology:

yes maybe it says that taking cities from over a river is possible, but its a cheap way of getting into our core.

using scouts to riverjump into our core like carnage did is also cheap is my opnion

the result of this war proves nothing. you defeated us using cheap unhonourable tactics and in my opinion you deserve nothing.

sure you probably would have broken our blockers eventually and would have deserved the victory, but not now. not even in the slightest.

20:14:30 May 22nd 07 - Ms. Quietone:

you're entitled to that opinion

20:20:17 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Hemmer Swallows:

Dark Blood and Carnage are just really badass...

20:20:32 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Elsin:

"yes maybe it says that taking cities from over a river is possible, but its a cheap way of getting into our core."

It's pretty simple to prevent. Think about where your placing your cities...

20:22:33 May 22nd 07 - Sir Fizban:

I call you cowards for following Messiah's lead and just torching whatever you have. The main cause of your defeat wasn't by some 'riverjump'. It's when the flood of armies breaks your blocker. Diversionary tactics are well and good and it's your own fault you couldn't keep them contained, or plan city placement with regards to whether it can be jumped or not.

Still, coming in here and trying to belittle us for a victory is absurd. You had little chance in terms of sheer size, your blockers were left wide-open in some area, costing you more troops that could've been used at your main blocker. Acknowledge your faults, adapt, and move on. However, while you're moving on, take your defeat with a little bit of good-sportsmanship.

20:27:42 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Morgan:

Lets end the flames before they really start of:

Everybody sucks except Zeon ^_^

20:31:52 May 22nd 07 - Duke Dork:

And now they just started...

20:37:32 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Heroix:

haha! Flame flame flame! What you'll get from us? NOTHING!!! haha!
We don't need no water let the mother***ker burn! Burn mother mother***ker, burn! (As in da song: Bloodhound Gang - Fire, Water, Burn)

21:04:41 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Stormvenz:

I for one still have respect for many in zeon. They held out remarkably well agianst both carnage and DB. You guys fought a hell of a fight and provided a good war:D (You had me nervous a coupe of times;)


Dont know why some are making a big deal about city jumping and river jumping. These are tactics I have used and seen used countless times by many kingdoms for many eras now. It was actually when our merge took that music blocker that opened up your southern flank to us, causing your troops to have to concentrate on several fronts.


@Hemmer: You'll always be badass in my book spoonie;) You guys did good too, maybe if you switched what kind of music you were playing? Maybe reggae or disco?

21:47:03 May 22nd 07 - Duke Dork:

"No VU, no cry, wowoowowo"

22:01:23 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Messiah:

Elsin & Fizban. That is excactly what I have been saying, aint it?

22:33:28 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Sloth:

I now urge all the remaining kingdoms of Fantasia to sign a pact against these axis of evil. Of the 7 most powerfull 4 are allied. If any of you wish to survive - unite and avenge us!


It's a shame that we see our ally is lost. I hope we can hold out long enough to buy enough time for the rest of Fantasia to face that they'll have the same future as us, if they don't act quick.


I don't think your hopes will be realized.. the remaining 4 of the top 8 kingdoms that are not in the mega Legacy alliance are all at war with each other.

Phi vs Abydos. Abydos vs Dorian. LDK vs Dorian and Mirror...

That being said.. time to return to killing Phi Empire :-) Abydos vs Phi is probably one of the most interesting battles ongoing right now.

22:34:36 May 22nd 07 - Sir Fizban:

If you were saying it, then other members of your kd wasn't and the post was for them.

23:49:54 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Carolus Rex The Midgeteater:

Correction Sloth. FIGHTING Phi, your nowhere near killing us and you probably never will be =)

23:54:44 May 22nd 07 - Mr. Rooster:

I think  DB need some kind of anger management classes 'cause thet sure seem to have over active rape, burn and pillage glands :)
I wonder how long us *beep*s in SoS last ?

00:29:02 May 23rd 07 - Lord Arzun:

I think that razing your own cities is a cowardly act, and makes you look really bad. You could have had a chance to fight back, but you just gave up and took our victory. Other then that though, Zeon did well, I think that if they had gone on the offence a little earlier then the outcome could have been different.

Oh, and I'd just give it a few more days for you guys ; )

00:30:33 May 23rd 07 - Lady Tantulii:

Simply put, we were outnumbered and outmaneuvered.  Our allies helped, but they were weak and recovering from other wars while we were fighting two kingdoms larger than ourselves in points and members.

I would have *hoped* that Carnage would play honorably.  Zeta clearly didn't INTENT for river-jumping via scouts.  That would mean it wasn't supposed to be any sort of strategy or tactic.

Now that it's over, though, I wonder who Carnage and DB will take on next.  My thoughts are probably not each other (though that would certainly be an interesting fight to watch.)

00:32:45 May 23rd 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

considering NAP, I think not.

00:34:25 May 23rd 07 - Lady Tantulii:

Well, NAPs are breakable after a designated cancellation notice... though I doubt either of you want a big chaotic practically "civil war" where your kingdoms are integrated.

01:29:27 May 23rd 07 - Mr. Messiah:

Arzun: We are actually BOTH fighting back AND razing down our own colonies. If we decide to stay on fantasia(just relocate to other side of map) what good is it to leave you with hundreds of thousands of buildings? Basicly we are keeping our armies and trying to do as much dmg to yours while trying not to give you mines or arms that would even more strenghten you vs our allies.

02:12:36 May 23rd 07 - Sir Fizban:

Mr. Rooster


5/22/2007 5:54:44 PM
I think  DB need some kind of anger management classes 'cause thet sure seem to have over active rape, burn and pillage glands :)
I wonder how long us *beep*s in SoS last ?


I don't know, though with Stij's army severely weakened, we can find out eh?

02:28:30 May 23rd 07 - Mr. Kongdust:

it was a fun battle. all i have to say is ... the kong shall live on... well not really... but his son will, i hope, as long as he isn't killed... good luck to all remanding kingdoms out there :P

02:44:18 May 23rd 07 - Mr. Shyers The Return:

I believe you are taking this quite well Messiah, although i'd love to have some cities, i believe you are doing the right thing in your position if you believe defeat.  And it is good of you to understand that the river jumping is easily stopped by not allowing scouts in your land or building close to the river. I guess this makes halflings a bit deadly.
You others speak of honor? look to Messiah, he has done well at accepting this fate, my deepest regards at your lost. Instead of complaining about this or that, he formulates a plan of new attack for next time. To simply flame as a sort of retal is childish, i will not defend anyone on this as it seems all sides are guilty.

02:49:54 May 23rd 07 - Lady Tantulii:

Mr. Shyers, the old bridge, 9:00 tomorrow morning sharp, pistols.

Then we'll settle our little honor dispute :)

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