Forums / In game politics / Zeta delete Agent Smith

Zeta delete Agent Smith
19:29:47 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Kobaltic:

If Agent Smith wins the era i think it will be a big disgrace toi this game.

I demand Agent Smith to be deleted from the end score.



19:31:13 Mar 27th 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

it didnt happen the first time they did it..or the second. it wont happen the third

19:32:03 Mar 27th 09 - Ms. Coxy Reborn:

it should be done tho, by letting smith win this era, hes basically saying its okay for ppl to abuse his game

19:32:15 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Slave:

all I can say is /agree kobaltic

19:32:39 Mar 27th 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

as he has done on many many occasions why would he change now?

19:33:53 Mar 27th 09 - Ms. Coxy Reborn:

cos theres a first time for everything, and its about time zeta did something before his long term members get pissed off and quit

19:35:25 Mar 27th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

Agreed....but probably won't happen.

19:35:50 Mar 27th 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

most of his long term members have quit there are very few left as it is. making the rest quit wont give him any problems

19:36:28 Mar 27th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

next era will be mine, im gonna *beep* accounts and feed them to me, era of stirlin here i come!

19:38:06 Mar 27th 09 - Ms. Coxy Reborn:

how have most his long term players already quit? there loads of them still playing :/

19:39:38 Mar 27th 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

there are not loads of long term players playing. ive been here a long time and very few of the players i knew even 25 eras ago are still playing.

19:40:02 Mar 27th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

depends on how you define long term players.

I agree with kobaltic (ofcourse)

but it won't happen, the only way we will make zeta realise that he has to do something to save his game is by mass-quitting. Which is exactly what I'll be doing.

19:40:33 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Kobaltic:

Keep Lickking Zeta,s asss Finwe, are you on his payrole or something.

19:40:34 Mar 27th 09 - Ms. Coxy Reborn:

i said long term... someone doesnt have to have played longer than Osi to be considered long term

19:41:43 Mar 27th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

i agree with kobu and coxy.

19:42:07 Mar 27th 09 - General Ezatious:

osiris is a goth, expect it kobaltic. he will never agree to anything rational

19:43:21 Mar 27th 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

Mr. Kobaltic


3/27/2009 1:40:33 PM
Keep Lickking Zeta,s asss Finwe, are you on his payrole or something.


its called being a realist. he did nothing to stop bless even when aware of it for many eras. he continues to ignore land dropping among many other things. why would he suddenly have a change of heart about feeding when he has never stopped it before

19:43:55 Mar 27th 09 - Ms. Coxy Reborn:

didnt he eventually weaken bless?

19:44:33 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Falcon Fan:

25 eras assuming 1era = ~ 1 month is a little over two years...I'm guessin' for that long of a stretch lots of people would leave ANY game no matter how good it is...

19:44:36 Mar 27th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

instead next era he will just mak it so you can cross maps, no walls, 3 man kds, and naz are 6000/6000. im sure it will help the game.....

19:45:05 Mar 27th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

i've been playing for almost 3 years now.

19:45:07 Mar 27th 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

yeah after many eras. and kobu when he does act IE DELETES A MULTI he gets a mass of retarded *beep*s like yourself talking crap about him for being blackmailed? he cant win if he acts he cant if he doesnt. and doing nothing is easier

19:47:34 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Kobaltic:

Sorry Finwe for flapping my tong, its just that i am furious about this.

19:50:03 Mar 27th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

A lot of people are.....

19:52:09 Mar 27th 09 - Lord Primate Death:

A change in the method of determining the winner needs to be looked at, and has for many era's, as this is not a true reflection of "the best of the best".
To use the current formulae is a total misrepresentation of the game, and the effort put into planning and executing strategies, winning battles and outwitting the enemy. Personally, I feel that the era winner should be based totally on kill ratio's, with ALL members of a merge being credited for the success of said merge. A war game should be based soley on war....not farming. Income building should be the means to the success, not its final result

19:53:29 Mar 27th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

then i would *beep* 80 mill farmers for a friend to slaughter 1-3 mill at a time.....

19:55:45 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Griffith:

let him win stop fighting over it, let him win hes name will be #1 on the score board.. just give the the era named after her :P

19:59:22 Mar 27th 09 - Ms. Coxy Reborn:

the reason you cant think of a good way to decide who should get era win, is because everyone have different aims when they play. some aim to farm for more troops/income. others aim to take the most cities or kill the most troops. but what i suggest is after every era instead of showing everyones scores, you show their stats (ie. troops, land, kills etc). and just reward the era win to the kingdom who won, this will discourage selfish play and encourage everyone to fight for their kd from start to finish, which imo is what this game is all about and what i find fun about VU

20:15:56 Mar 27th 09 - Monarch Vicereine of Wickedness:

"this will discourage selfish play and encourage everyone to fight for their kd from start to finish"

finally someone says what I think also

20:31:26 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Cbr:

Oh the poetic irony! When Legacy was asking the same thing when these individuals were exploiting at a much higher level than just some run of the mill feeding, everybody else was laughing and saying we were whining.

Compared to what they did back than this hardly even seems like cheating.

20:31:28 Mar 27th 09 - Sir Momo Wolfe:

what did agent smith do? there's been a bunch of stuff talking about him, but i don't know what he did.

20:32:58 Mar 27th 09 - Junior Guildmaster Shmeh:

read the other 4/5 topics about him ;) lol

20:33:06 Mar 27th 09 - Lady Inactive Due Aids:

Sir Momo Wolfe


3/27/2009 8:31:28 PMwhat did agent smith do? there's been a bunch of stuff talking about him, but i don't know what he did.

Ugh, we get to hear about Auspice and all the Smiths exploits once again thanks to you.

20:34:42 Mar 27th 09 - Sir Penguin:


Agent won and the era will be named under his name.

20:35:35 Mar 27th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

you're only saying that because you hate me, penguin.

well , doesn't matter anyways

20:37:25 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Cbr:

"you're only saying that because you hate me, penguin."

Nobody cares what Penguin think anyway, but he is right here, the era will be named after smith, might as well start accepting that.

20:38:17 Mar 27th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

This era will always be "Era of the Pirate" in my book Lewatha!

20:38:51 Mar 27th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

exactly cobra, which is why I said

"well , doesn't matter anyways"

20:39:38 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Mcmax:

I remember to have read many nasty things about this "Agent Smith". From age....hmmmmm 31-32 or so.... That is, if this is the same person using the same name.

For me is seems like most of you of - the oldies - KNOWS who is who. By he way they are playing, writing or just by rumours. But I'm a newbii here (only played some 15-16 months), so what do I know (for sure). 

Why the he.k did Smith actually got member of any kingdom??? 

20:41:16 Mar 27th 09 - Lady Inactive Due Aids:

As said in either this, or another post. Sloth, a previous member of the Smiths invited him back to VU and he joined RET. Lew believed him to be changed, as Sloth is. How wrong she was.

Long story short, the Smiths exploited the one market system and a spell that can give you +1 BT or -1 depending on whether your successful.

20:41:56 Mar 27th 09 - Sir Penguin:

rofl cobra go back to your hole were you belong.

Lew - i dont hate you. if i would i wouldnt make citys for you? or give awards for my beloved argon...

But i must say Smith rocks <2

yeah its a 2

20:47:10 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Mcmax:

And Lew: This age will also in my mind be yours.

And as you know, we in the former Royal Order of Claidhmore always have had a weak spot towards female pirates.............. Even though we would have been sacificial lambs.

21:10:28 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

Farming hardcore.... I disagree, remove both Lew and Smith from the High Scores. I can understand ppl farming at the end of an era to win, but farming all era for the win is pathetic imo..... I'm guessing a lot of those troops killed are from merges and from Smith end of era.

Pirate Lewatha of Retribution
Total land: 975113Batles won: 16Cities captured: 9
Total killed: 535161Science lvls: 24Total troops: 5.2 Million

21:23:36 Mar 27th 09 - Agent Smith:

Heh, I don't know why I bother, but I will try to say something in my defense.  Did I farm all era?  Yes I did.  My friends both had era wins and I wanted to get one before I quit the game.  Unfortunately, farming is how you win the era in this game.  I wi*beep* wasn't, but that's the way the game is.  As far as I know farming isn't against the rules.  The only other thing I did was land dropping which I'm pretty sure is an accepted part of the game now.  I certainly know I wasn't the only member of Ret using land dropping as a tactic let alone in the game.  Anyway, This will be all I'm going to say on the matter.  I'm not going to waste lots of time responding to all the flaming.  Thanks to Andersen for helping me land drop and for his help and advice as a former era winner.

21:25:04 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Cobra:

Lol Not surprising he won in an era where market abuse is so available


21:25:08 Mar 27th 09 - Monarch Vicereine of Wickedness:

Congratulations on the win Agent Smith

21:25:17 Mar 27th 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

and yet none of you and your friends deserve an era win and none are respected as worthy era winners way to go! no plz hurry up and quit so real players can play

21:27:43 Mar 27th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

ruby knight, I accomplished that without feeding though, something smith would have been unable of.

21:33:53 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Ruby Knight:

Agent should definitely be removed, no arguements there. But I think more emphasis should be on kill/death ratio and battles won/cities taken. The way it is, its impossible for any good player to win an era(Not saying Lew isn't skilled, by good I mean fought well/hard all era). Obviously you weren't alone in farming though, unless I'm mistaken and these are pure mages.....

Sir Feanor of Foundation
Total land: 513797Batles won: 2Cities captured: 1
Total killed: 47087Science lvls: 17Total troops: 2.5 Million
7.Princess Luvana of Retribution
Total land: 225391Batles won: 12Cities captured: 6
Total killed: 43123Science lvls: 20Total troops: 974640
Sir Muzzy of Foundation
Total land: 318698Batles won: 2Cities captured: 0
Total killed: 359Science lvls: 31Total troops: 337685

22:23:57 Mar 27th 09 - Mr. Roxbury:

I think Smiths era win summed up this era nicely. My guys have been yelling wolf about the Smith guys since forever, yet he is accepted into the biggest alliances as one of their own. What else is there to say?

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