Forums / In game politics / Zeta:BLS currently recruiting

Zeta:BLS currently recruiting
23:07:46 Jul 7th 08 - Mr. Zakk:

Black Label Society

Kingdom Banner

Name: Black Label Society
Members: 11
Tag: BLS
Created: 5/1/2008 9:57:48 PM
Leader: Mr. Zakk


Now accepting applications. Experience is always welcome but not a demand.

Application Questions:
1. Why do you want to join?
2. How many era have you played?
3. What are your previous names & KD"s?
4. How active are you and what time zone are you in?
5. What race do you play and what style? (Offense, Defense, Mage)

18:27:39 Aug 20th 08 - Mr. Death Proof:

Well Since Zakk decided to take his hack at Fantasia....BLS is recruiting once again, with new leadership. We are currently located on Arma, and if you want to be a part of the society put in an App. All I ask is for you to be active in the KD forum.

Now accepting applications. No Experience required.

Application Questions:
1. Why do you want to join?
2. How many era have you played?
3. What are your previous names & KD"s?
4. How active are you and what time zone are you in?
5. What race do you play and what style? (Offense, Defense, Mage)

18:31:45 Aug 20th 08 - Mr. Death Proof:

Oh yeah and we're hoping to move to Mantrax next era.

18:38:50 Aug 20th 08 - Mr. Roheran:

good luck, see you there ;-)

18:46:07 Aug 20th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Big Lucky Sandwich is more of a Pro name

20:31:43 Aug 20th 08 - Mr. Death Proof:

it is more of a Pro name...but hey we can slang our BIG LUCKY SANDWICHES with the best of them Revenge!

00:25:42 Aug 21st 08 - General Zondervan:


09:59:50 Aug 21st 08 - Lord Nephilim The Redeemer:

Mr. Roheran


8/20/2008 8:38:50 PM
good luck, see you there ;-)




18:51:49 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Roheran:

learn how to spell and apply decent grammar you cretin

18:55:42 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Justin:

Lord Nep touch them and die. They are ours!!!

19:06:59 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Roheran:

lol, quite good for you Justin!

20:33:01 Aug 21st 08 - Sir Lord Nitral:

Lord Nephilim The Redeemer


8/21/2008 8:59:50 AM
Mr. Roheran


8/20/2008 8:38:50 PM
good luck, see you there ;-)




LoL how did you change your name mid-era slade....Oh yeah WE KILLED you and your puny KD.get over it.grudges arent pretty.

20:34:30 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Death Proof:

ok Lord Necropheliac, i hope to see you on Trax as well! :). Roheran, bro can't wait to battle with you again and Justin...don't start.

20:36:38 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Death Proof:

anyway....looking for some recruits still     I *-* I

20:50:53 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Roheran:

Hi DP, yep, will be good to cross swords again my friend. See you then



20:55:24 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Zakk Wylde:

First off thanks Death Proof while I went to Fantasia to help PKS destroy the evil forces of DB. And second, next era the Zakk will be back in BLS! And I am looking for YOU Justin....and I see some of you douches want to say something about the initials. Well I guess BLS can stand for Big Long Shlongs (which Justin loves to eat!). Well that is it from the Zakk. later folks.

20:59:59 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Justin:

wow scared of the ppl who threatened us with power then got spanked. Haha bring it on.

21:07:20 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Zakk Wylde:

Its already brought I here by declare war on the pansy girly boys TDS.

21:11:39 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Zakk Wylde:

OH Justin before I forget bring your multi Justina with you.

21:11:57 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Justin:

sweet my nazzies are getting a treat before a real war.

21:21:23 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Death Proof:

let the flaming begin.... :)

21:23:08 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Justin:

nope cuz this is my last post DP

21:23:54 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Roheran:

mant is going to be fun!

21:27:22 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Brutii:

LOL Zakk u r calling us pansys, thats funny. If i remember correctly, a kd with 1/2 your members that started in your world a week later than u did destroyed you with ease if u guys were such a great kd then u could have easily beat us. Boy some people just dont give up and DP if you don't want justin to say anything 2 u then don't invite him into a conversation by putting his name in it. Oh and by the way u r just as annoying to me as justin is 2 u so should you mouth im sick of hearin it

21:32:23 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Roheran:

brutii, you have gotten grumpy this era ;-)

21:55:50 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Brutii:

yah well im sick of this fighting between our kds and no one will give it up

21:59:00 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Roheran:

I don't disagree. I try not to get involved but sometimes it is just too tempting.


Still recruiting :-)

22:06:08 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Zakk Wylde:

Well its easy to smack someone when you trust them and stab you in the back but thats a moot point. I have learned my lesson in trusting you girls. Next time there will be no trusting. Just fighting.

22:07:01 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Roheran:

i'm offended!!

22:07:55 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Zakk Wylde:

Not trying to offend you Roheran you was just following orders. And the only decent one I met out of that bunch.

22:10:51 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Jim Morrison:

I'll second Roheran being KICK A$$! and being a trustworthy adversary.

22:19:24 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Roheran:

almost brought a tear to my eye :-p

but thanks for the compliments, rare on this game!! Don't know you JM but thanks and love the name, the Doors are the nuts

22:30:50 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Jim Morrison:

i work with the fellas from BLS, Death Proof, Zakk, Methods of Mayhem...and so does pretty much everyone from PKS...but i know all about the situation that went on between the two KD's.

22:33:49 Aug 21st 08 - Mr. Roheran:

Oh okay, we will cross next era then. all the best

13:19:45 Aug 22nd 08 - Sir Lord Nitral:

Mr. Zakk Wylde


8/21/2008 8:07:20 PMIts already brought I here by declare war on the pansy girly boys TDS.

LoL your still *beep*ing that TDS wooped you give up.

04:14:15 Aug 23rd 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

not many people know the ACTUAL relationship between this kingdom and pks............ ;)

06:49:46 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Brutii:

Harsh words zakk looks like someone is still sore that they got there asses kicked. And Jim Morrison, what is the situation that zakk told u b/c i bet that it is not near the truth

06:58:51 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Justin:

not even close Brutii is my guessing

12:32:29 Aug 23rd 08 - Sir Lord Nitral:

NOT EVEN CLOSE TO BEING CLOSE.And Soc i bet its not a skill relationship...or tactical information giving judging by BLS's moves.

01:52:29 Aug 26th 08 - Mr. Death Proof:

I see that all these KD's are disbanding...Music, Sheol...feel free to join me next era on Mantrax. :)

02:17:40 Aug 26th 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

Sir Lord Nitral


8/23/2008 4:32:29 AM
NOT EVEN CLOSE TO BEING CLOSE.And Soc i bet its not a skill relationship...or tactical information giving judging by BLS's moves.


first, don't call me soc. i don't know you.

second, ;)

03:23:38 Aug 26th 08 - Sir Lord Nitral:

soc soc soc soc soc innewyork innewyork innewyork :) CANT STOP ME HAHAHA

03:29:13 Aug 26th 08 - Mr. Death Proof:

Can i call you soc  8-)


05:04:15 Aug 26th 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

yes death.


:(  nublets these days....

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