Forums / In game politics / Zetamania 24

Zetamania 24
00:01:59 May 9th 13 - Mr. Icouldnotthinkofanewname:

Inb4 BL and Zondy!

Let the gang-bang of Ferakin commence!

00:45:51 May 9th 13 - Dragon (Lord Dexter The Serial Killer):

Hey wait just one minute we did nothing to deserve a gang bang!!!

All we did was play well and win the

02:10:17 May 9th 13 - Electric (Electric Cowabunga):

I doubt there will be any gang bang of Ferakin.

05:53:12 May 9th 13 - Pure (Sir Binh The Orc):

"All we did was play well"

I giggled.

11:26:03 May 9th 13 - Legend (Duke Rich Bear):

Our theme song.

11:32:20 May 9th 13 - Konspyre (Mr. Pooh Bear):

Bear force one9Mr. Hanks100
Zanshi5Mr. Finvale69
Kingdom Of Ferakin10King Burninglegion The Iron Skinned58
The Death Dealers6Lady Halffull22
Forsaken10Sir Crown Royal8
House Lannister3Mr. Tyrion Lannister I8
BloodLust4Mr. Ariess4
Beothuk5Duke Ohmlyone4

11:46:21 May 9th 13 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Ultima Weapon):

I approve of the Bear Force One theme song!

15:38:53 May 9th 13 - Juicebox (Mr. Finvale):

So it would seem that DD, Zanshi and BFO have all spawned relatively close together. Should be interesting. Hi everybody by the way

16:06:29 May 9th 13 - Konspyre (Mr. Pooh Bear):

We are bears. Become our food. You do not have the option to disagree.
Also, Please stop randomly recruiting all tagless in the area.

17:24:44 May 9th 13 - Juicebox (Mr. Finvale):

Aren't small Kingdoms supposed to recruit? I don't understand. What's your problem with recruiting Kingdomless people?

17:29:48 May 9th 13 - Juicebox (Mr. Finvale):

Besides. We're friendly. =)

17:32:08 May 9th 13 - Mr. Icouldnotthinkofanewname:

The era has just started and this is already almost too much to... bear.

17:38:29 May 9th 13 - Micwu (Sir Trollin Shaggins):

Yeah Zetamania seems to be full of whiners, I've noticed. Waaaaah you farmed all era while we had an OOP war. So?

04:19:04 May 10th 13 - Elite (Mr. Elite III):

So, you just did the same, whine. Nice work.

06:06:10 May 10th 13 - King BurningLegion (King Burninglegion The Skygod):

Goodluck to all, I hope to see unknown kingdoms rise this era

15:46:14 May 10th 13 - Juicebox (Mr. Finvale):

That's the plan. Thanks BL. =) Also I'm not sure Trollin was whining. Believe it ot not there is a difference between whining and stating your opinion. =)

16:00:56 May 10th 13 - Joker (Mr. Rotten):

I kicked all your butts last era bitches : ), and yes it was totally whining. WTF  embarrassed themselves so badly they're gone.

Also the bearforce videoclip is great if your a *edit by myself*.

06:01:56 May 11th 13 - King BurningLegion (King Burninglegion The Skygod):

Congratulations on the era win Joker

  1. Great Archmage Joker Foo of Kingdom Of Ferakin (Elf)
    Had 1,312,188 land, 1,269,565 troops and 32 science points. Killed 1,490,474 soldiers, won 75 of 98 battles and captured 82 cities.
  2. Ms. Cream of Kingdom Of Ferakin (Elf)
    Had 606,625 land, 379,169 troops and 21 science points. Killed 115,808 soldiers, won 7 of 8 battles and captured 9 cities.
  3. Mr. Roffelbob of Kingdom Of Ferakin (Elf)
    Had 867,214 land, 293,551 troops and 18 science points. Killed 375,408 soldiers, won 30 of 45 battles and captured 30 cities.
  4. Mr. Sable of The Black Hand of Kingdom Of Ferakin (Human)
    Had 713,680 land, 312,426 troops and 23 science points. Killed 300,184 soldiers, won 13 of 20 battles and captured 19 cities.
  5. Mr. Byebye of IDC (Halfling)
    Had 25,600 land, 593,912 troops and 33 science points. Killed 461,918 soldiers, won 37 of 77 battles and captured 27 cities.
  6. King Burninglegion The Iron Skinned of Kingdom Of Ferakin (Orc)
    Had 555,208 land, 388,389 troops and 13 science points. Killed 1,413,260 soldiers, won 41 of 73 battles and captured 27 cities.
  7. Great Warrior Rylee VII of Kingdom Of Ferakin (Troll)
    Had 567,285 land, 194,856 troops and 18 science points. Killed 457,069 soldiers, won 45 of 71 battles and captured 32 cities.
  8. Mr. Cao Cao of Forsaken (Halfling)
    Had 172,991 land, 286,459 troops and 17 science points. Killed 158,360 soldiers, won 30 of 55 battles and captured 37 cities.
  9. Mr. Kalinka of WTF (Dwarf)
    Had 39,673 land, 413,221 troops and 23 science points. Killed 1,325,679 soldiers, won 22 of 50 battles and captured 21 cities.
  10. Mr. Dagger of Kingdom Of Ferakin (Orc)
    Had 235,444 land, 227,693 troops and 14 science points. Killed 152,193 soldiers, won 15 of 27 battles and captured 16 cities.

22:59:34 May 11th 13 - King BurningLegion (King Burninglegion The Skygod):

This promises to be an interesting era... Top 5 kingdoms with the same player base

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Bear force one10Mr. Hanks305
Zanshi11Mr. Finvale208
The Death Dealers10Lady Halffull145
Forsaken10Sir Crown Royal111
Kingdom Of Ferakin11King Burninglegion The Skygod100

23:13:15 May 11th 13 - Konspyre (Mr. Pooh Bear):

Don't kid yourself :P
We're the top 1 KD, you guys are the "rest".

23:26:44 May 11th 13 - King BurningLegion (King Burninglegion The Skygod):

Those numbers wont last for long, its just good to see the starting point

23:30:05 May 11th 13 - Mr. French Fries:


he is trolling you. 

00:40:00 May 12th 13 - Ms. Galactic Gaurdian:

so who is having an OOP war?

IMGKingdom NameMembersLeader%P
Kingdoms in Zetamania
Bear force one10Mr. Hanks688
Zanshi11Mr. Finvale444
The Death Dealers10Lady Halffull329
Forsaken10Sir Crown Royal242
Kingdom Of Ferakin11King Burninglegion The Skygod224
Battlestar Galactica3Electric Galactic Avenger100
Beothuk3Duke Ohmlyone44

01:26:29 May 12th 13 - Mr. Borid:

Bears vs KoF, Zanshi, and DD

DD vs KoF and Bears
KoF vs DD and Bears

06:46:37 May 12th 13 - King BurningLegion (King Burninglegion The Skygod):

Where is Forsaken hiding?

09:28:39 May 12th 13 - Mr. Dragon Tamer:

It sure does look like its 10 people in the kingdom, but in reality just 2-3 have actually spawned.

09:58:37 May 12th 13 - Cao Cao (Mr. Cao Cao):

Yeah, a bunch of the Forsaken players are taking the era off. We'll be around soon enough ;)

22:40:52 May 13th 13 - Mr. Icouldnotthinkofanewname:

Go get 'em, boys!

23:18:13 May 14th 13 - Mr. French Fries:


Bears vs 

DD & KoF

23:42:06 May 14th 13 - Konspyre (Mr. Pooh Bear):

Don't forget Zanshi, of whom half merged into DD. Oh, and don't forget Juan, who's doing his best on his own.

23:58:54 May 14th 13 - Mr. French Fries:

This is reminiscent of Fantasia. 

Map vs LGC

00:03:18 May 15th 13 - Konspyre (Captain Conspyre):

We haven't even moved one army against LGC, and are 99% fighting Immos. How is it map vs. LGC? Please do explain.

00:30:15 May 15th 13 - Mr. Smallfries The Small:

And Bears technically aren't fighting 100% of the map either. The parallel is correct enough. 

00:45:44 May 15th 13 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Sir Crown Royal):

well bears aren't fighting forsaken we like our corner so leave us the hell alone

00:49:43 May 15th 13 - Zond (The Lightning Dust):

still making that money i see. good times, good times.

01:07:33 May 15th 13 - Mr. Quiet Juan:

who are these bear pain in the arses who wont let me have my fun:( 

11:45:12 May 15th 13 - Legend (Duke Rich Bear):

Sorry Juan. We just don't like you.

08:38:20 May 16th 13 - Konspyre (Mr. Pooh Bear):

The Death Dealers15Lady Halffull91

Their numbers keep increasing. Already at 15. How mysterious.

09:11:50 May 16th 13 - Mr. Icouldnotthinkofanewname:

What's your point? There's no player cap on Zeta, we can have as many as we want, so can you. :P

09:37:18 May 16th 13 - Stirlin (Dark Prince Stirlin):

if you cant beat them, you can out recruit them!

10:23:09 May 16th 13 - Mr. Icouldnotthinkofanewname:

Or just do both. :P

10:29:08 May 16th 13 - Mr. Jack Frost:

Lol, all their new recruits are hardly contributing to the war effort though. (other than those that came from zanshi). At least for the moment anyway. Most of their new recruits got in the same way I did, through the "auto accept new players" thing.

17:20:21 May 16th 13 - Mr. French Fries:

^ look everyone, its the "I hate VU, it's such a stupid game," kid. Here, contributing. WOW!

20:14:55 May 21st 13 - Electric (Electric Galactic Avenger):

Hey zet sell me slaves please and thank you.

14:15:53 May 23rd 13 - Lady Halffull:

death dealers breed like rabbits.

21:48:02 May 23rd 13 - Khan (Mr. Kalinka):

Wow, I have just seen who we are fightin. BF1 song kicks ass, and I eagerly hold my butt now to be kicked by such bears :))))

22:16:12 May 23rd 13 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Ultima Weapon):

03:48:02 May 24th 13 - Khan (Mr. Kalinka):

Wow, I have just seen who we are fightin. BF1 song kicks ass, and I eagerly hold my butt now to be kicked by such bears :))))

Looks like the peeps on Zetamania have been a bit of Mmmm to one another :D

09:54:04 May 26th 13 - Mr. Icouldnotthinkofanewname:

Looks like Bears have bit off more than they can chew.

Kingdoms in Zetamania
The Death Dealers17Lady Halffull100
Bear force one11Mr. Hanks92
Forsaken10Sir Crown Royal72
Battlestar Galactica4Electric Galactic Avenger44
Beothuk2Duke Ohmlyone26
Kingdom Of Ferakin11King Burninglegion The Skygod20

11:37:18 May 26th 13 - Pure (Sir Binh The Orc):

Its not that we bit off more then we could chew, we actually near had you guys, then you took on 7 players. Theres only so much you can do when its 11 vs 17 + 11 + 4 + Zanashi which has since disbanded. On a world like ZeTa there is only so much you can do against those odds :P

11:58:59 May 26th 13 - Mr. Icouldnotthinkofanewname:

No, that's exactly what you did. Insted of trying to get relations with anyone you took everyone on. :P And you didn't "near have us" :P Granted, you did almost have Zanashi. Not that I'm having a go at you or anything. You're actually doing a good job. I just think you guys have bit off a bit more than you can chew this time. :P

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