Forums / In game politics / Zetamania 4

Zetamania 4
21:19:26 Dec 2nd 10 - Sir Horus XI:

thread started....

anyone wanna right me in as leader?

Medieval Warriors is getting created, and I don't care how little people join it... I'm just looking for a good time (but no more than 10 are allowed in) we have a sweet banner and vice positions are available...

if noone writes me in, i'll be forced to solo!

21:27:03 Dec 2nd 10 - Duke Some Fckin Dude:

i will write it in and i will join you horus :D
But im not starting till im dead on mant so may-b 2days :)
But i will write you in now


21:31:51 Dec 2nd 10 - General Who:

ill be here and will kick someones ass :)

21:32:43 Dec 2nd 10 - Duke Some Fckin Dude:

Z :O
Join MW :D

21:33:43 Dec 2nd 10 - Sir Horus XI:

Medieval Warriors

Kingdom Banner

Name: Medieval Warriors
Members: 2
Created: 12/2/2010 9:22:05 PM
Leader: Sir Horus XI

Compare kingdom


In the earliest Middle Ages it was the obligation of every noble to respond to the call to battle with his own equipment and infantry.

The knights were drawn to battle by feudal and social obligation, and also by the prospect of profit and advancement. Those who performed well were likely to increase their landholdings and advance in the social hierarchy. The prospect of significant income from pillage and ransoming prisoners was also important.

We are looking for a few good knights...

21:40:11 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. Rhys Abound Adventure Awaits:

Susuwatari is heading to Mant when it reopens, good luck Horus

21:41:13 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. Magic Warrior:

We will be there too Rhys........ At least RoC will.

21:43:16 Dec 2nd 10 - Sir Horus XI:

oh no endless, i have another char on mant waiting for you there

any susu's needing a home on zeta?

22:10:20 Dec 2nd 10 - General Who:

:( why go to mant. your the reason im going to zeta. to kill you

22:32:33 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. Rhys Abound Adventure Awaits:

Kingdom Cap :p

there might be Horus, pretty sure some of the guys in Susu have characters on Mant in other kingdoms and will stay on Zeta

Zond, good luck with that :p

22:33:48 Dec 2nd 10 - General Who:

wont need luck :p just stay on here and ill show ya!

22:38:45 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. Rhys Abound Adventure Awaits:

Actually you will :p since I started playing I have died once when ZeTa dropped Dark onto Fant after 1 or 2 eras of experience playing the game and not since then until very recently when Pengy finally got me on Mantrax this era :p  if it took him a few years it may take you much longer ;)

23:09:55 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. Valkyros III:

Wait, there actually IS kingdom cap on Zetamania...?

23:13:53 Dec 2nd 10 - General Who:

hahaha once again. just spawn on the map and no dont nap whore to avoid it :p and ill do teh rest

23:30:08 Dec 2nd 10 - Mr. Rhys Abound Adventure Awaits:

Yes there is a cap on Zeta, 10 max.

Zond, I don't like you why would I want to play on any map you are on if I don't have to?  BTW, I don't know if you realize it but Susuwatari  did not nap whore to war PKS and Japan :p we did CF a few smaller kingdoms since we were not bringing peace to the world via extermination of all enemies. and they got eaten by PKS and Japan  ... in hindsight I suppose that taught us don't play nice with the appetizers or someone else gets your meal :p

23:34:29 Dec 2nd 10 - Sir Ozymandias Lokken:

well Ill either go solo (and die pretty much OOP) or join MW, depends where you are on the map

00:15:32 Dec 3rd 10 - Konig Wiggy:

What how did you have 18 players then, damn that is stupid... There goes another good lineup for SIN..

02:00:13 Dec 3rd 10 - Mr. Rhys Abound Adventure Awaits:

there was a bug, it was a drop cap not an acutal kd cap

 if you landed on the map you could join after
but ZeTa fixed that so now you can't do that :D

If you want or have more then 10 players you can only play Fant or Mant now or do like you did in Starta, have sister/brother kingdoms

03:22:39 Dec 3rd 10 - General Who:

Never said you, i said dont do it one i start killing you. simple enough. and fair enough, i could careless who likes me. those that do know me, the rest choose to believe watever they wish so i honestly dont care :)

06:36:44 Dec 3rd 10 - Konig Wiggy:

Nirvana*  but that ain't happenin' this time lol.  People complain too much when they lose, so I'll beat them all with no relations like I am on Starta.

06:52:23 Dec 3rd 10 - Mr. King:

Both Zondervan and Polydeuces seem pretty cocky for people that lose nearly every era they play.


06:55:09 Dec 3rd 10 - General Who:

Yeah i may die, but i dont play with kds i know will win. I play in kds with not high chances of winning or smaller kds. More fun that way and a lot more fighting.


As you can go and read my history, every era i played in a bigger kd i have won or didnt die.. goes for just about everyone

06:57:03 Dec 3rd 10 - Mr. Grim Darkhammer The Ancient:

Grats to everyone on Zetamania it was a really fun era. Susuwatari brought it all era long, great job!! Rhys, I enjoyed my spankings. I hope you did too.

Peacekeepers will be staying on Zeta at least one more era. The kingdom cap should be fixed this era. Hopefully we will have more players & more kingdoms to fight this time around.

06:58:51 Dec 3rd 10 - Mr. King:

"every era i played in a bigger kd i have won"

Flat out lie. There is no "era of zondervan" or era of <any of your other names> 

"or didnt die.. "

Also a lie.

07:01:07 Dec 3rd 10 - General Who:

i didnt say win era.

and honestly could careless what you say

07:38:08 Dec 3rd 10 - Sir Ozymandias Lokken:

shouldn't that be couldn't care less zondy, otherwise it implies that you do care, which kind of defeats your arguement

07:49:19 Dec 3rd 10 - General Who:

lol yes :p its like 12am. am half asleep. :p

11:25:05 Dec 3rd 10 - Konig Wiggy:

00:52:23 Dec 3rd 10 - Mr. King:

Both Zondervan and Polydeuces seem pretty cocky for people that lose nearly every era they play.


lol @ this tool... I won't say I win all the time, 'cause I don't.  But have only lost a few times and my won battles greatly outweigh my lost battles.  As with wars as well.
Konig Wiggy has won 49 battles, captured 45 cities and killed a total of 390151 men and women.  Mmm, startans...
I could give you a long history lesson about myself and VU, but you won't care anyways and I don't really have time for people such as yourself that like to lie and make shiet up :)

12:19:58 Dec 3rd 10 - Mr. Rhys Abound Adventure Awaits:

Grim <3

ofc I did :D

good luck on Zeta 

17:31:13 Dec 3rd 10 - Mr. Manowar:

Damn it ZeTa! I picked TALENTS! Not Zetamania! *face palm*

Alright people of Zeta, join METAL! We have cake!

17:33:52 Dec 3rd 10 - Sir Horus XI:

26 ticks or so until the settling starts...

any unaffiliated players out there looking for a good time are still very welcome

we currently have 3 very experienced players, we are not looking to be the largest kingdom, just the strongest

18:23:41 Dec 3rd 10 - Konig Wiggy:

This will be fun Horus, shall be a true measure against eachother :)

19:47:46 Dec 3rd 10 - Sir Horus XII:

going orc again

20:11:36 Dec 3rd 10 - Konig Wiggy:

Cool, glad you will do that :)  Best to learn all the races proficiently since it's fun to play with all different ones and not the same ones all the time.

21:37:10 Dec 4th 10 - Sir Horus XII:

settling has started.... 2 kingdoms are full already... MW is not and we will not auto accept... looking to have a good era!

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Peacekeepers10Mr. Lackadaisical Grim Darkhammer227
Sol Invictus II10Ms. Euphrosyne203
Medieval Warriors4Sir Horus XII100
METAL2Mr. Manowar44

11:26:51 Dec 5th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

Looks like SIN is running past everyone else so far :)

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Sol Invictus II10Ms. Euphrosyne100
Medieval Warriors6Sir Horus XII67
Peacekeepers10Mr. Lackadaisical Grim Darkhammer33
whores of zetamania2Mr. Snow Frost Dribbles6
METAL2Mr. Manowar6
Dasein3Mr. Tasso The Mediocre0
Butt Buddies2Mr. Captain America0
Oblivion1Mr. Pussinboots0
The Military2Mr. Armyofone0
Susuwatari14Mr. Rhys Abound Adventure Awaits0
GOTF0Mr. Intricate

21:51:18 Dec 5th 10 - Sir Horus XII:

not from my perspective!

ingdoms in Zetamania
Sol Invictus II10Ms. Euphrosyne106
Medieval Warriors7Sir Horus XII100
Peacekeepers10Mr. Lackadaisical Grim Darkhammer83
whores of zetamania2Mr. Snow Frost Dribbles29
Butt Buddies2Mr. Captain America19
METAL2Mr. Manowar2

02:19:48 Dec 6th 10 - Mr. Pride:

the race is on :D

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Sol Invictus II10Ms. Euphrosyne100
Medieval Warriors7Sir Horus XII85
Peacekeepers10Mr. Lackadaisical Grim Darkhammer62
whores of zetamania2Mr. Snow Frost Dribbles24
Butt Buddies2Mr. Captain America12
METAL2Mr. Manowar1

07:22:26 Dec 7th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

And SIN is keeping thee lead :)

Sol Invictus II10Ms. Euphrosyne100
Medieval Warriors10Sir Horus XII80
Peacekeepers10Mr. Lackadaisical Grim Darkhammer55
Butt Buddies2Mr. Captain America16
Apocalypse3Mr. Virus14

07:45:24 Dec 7th 10 - Mr. Captain America:

IMGKingdom NameMembersLeader%P
Kingdoms in Zetamania
Sol Invictus II10Ms. Euphrosyne642
Medieval Warriors10Sir Horus XII515
Peacekeepers10Mr. Lackadaisical Grim Darkhammer355
Butt Buddies2Mr. Captain America100
Apocalypse3Mr. Virus88

Butt Buddies will butcher everyone, despite our late start!

08:06:48 Dec 7th 10 - Mr. Soda Popinski:

Hello People of Zetamania!

I come in Peace.

Thank You.

08:33:24 Dec 7th 10 - Mr. Hitake:

Hello People of Zetamania!

I come with war.

Thank You.

10:13:21 Dec 7th 10 - Mr. Hope:

Hello People of Zetamania!

I come with cookies.

Thank You.

10:36:01 Dec 7th 10 - Mr. Pride:

Hello People of Zetamania!

I come with milk.

Thank You.

11:11:31 Dec 7th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

Hello People of Zetamania!

I come with murder.

Thank You.

13:53:21 Dec 7th 10 - Mr. Manowar:

Goodbye people of Zetamania!


I leave with all your women.


F*** you. :D

19:20:16 Dec 7th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

c-c-c-combo breaker! :P

05:18:47 Dec 8th 10 - Mr. Korwynn:

Soda Popinski lol awesome name man. Brings back memories I chuckled a little =)

and goodluck to all on Zeta look forward to an honorable match.

05:21:06 Dec 8th 10 - Mr. Korwynn:

speaking of which.....

settle days     players                        % alive

Lets get to spawning people we need some more kingdoms on this server. If your looking for a new world pick Zetamania!

18:16:14 Dec 8th 10 - Mr. Pride:

has the kingdom cap been removed? PKS is up to 13

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Sol Invictus II10Ms. Euphrosyne100
Medieval Warriors10Sir Horus XII75
Peacekeepers13Mr. Lackadaisical Grim Darkhammer74
Apocalypse4Mr. Virus20
Butt Buddies2Mr. Captain America16

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