Forums / In game politics / Zetamania 7

Zetamania 7
05:20:58 May 10th 11 - Ms. Maam:

I put on a dress and now i'm gonna show zetamania a good time. I back in MW and we'll be better than ever

so why not, who's down for a ride on the MW side?


16:36:21 May 11th 11 - Ms. Maam:

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Beothuck6Ms. Jennaside171
Celestial Crystal4Mr. Tcbovan109
Medieval Warriors5Mr. Marcelo Del Pilar100
NSYNC6Mr. Justin Timberlake98
The United States of America2Mr. America57
SKULLZ VRS HUMANZ2Mr. Reign of Firestarter51
Army of Two2Mr. Elfontop48
Show No Mercy1Mr. Legendary Morgawr40
Celestial Knights2Ms. Viela24
Requiem2Mr. Valkyros V24
The Chosen9Mr. Silver The III1

16:38:44 May 11th 11 - Mr. Joey Fat One:

Where is pks? :'(

13:43:55 May 12th 11 - Ms. Maam:

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Beothuck7Ms. Loser133
NSYNC10Mr. Joey Fat One125
Medieval Warriors5Mr. Marcelo Del Pilar100
Celestial Crystal6Mr. Tcbovan48
Army of Two2Mr. Elfontop35
Rageroar2Ms. Aevalist33
Show No Mercy1Mr. Legendary Morgawr15
Celestial Knights2Ms. Viela15
The United States of America2Mr. America13
SKULLZ VRS HUMANZ2Mr. Reign of Firestarter1
Requiem3Mr. Valkyros V1
Dasein3Mr. Tasso The Mediocre0
Peacekeepers12Mr. Bidi0

15:27:00 May 12th 11 - Mr. Crowley:

10:38:44 May 11th 11 - Mr. Joey Fat One:

Where is pks? :'(

just giving everyone a head start ;-p

17:18:19 May 12th 11 - Mr. Legendary Morgawr:

lol im all the way at the bottom, i have to reach closer to the top.

PS: nice to know your here horus, i want to fight against you this era bro. may the best man win.

13:45:46 May 13th 11 - Ms. Maam:

Kingdoms in Zetamania
NSYNC10Mr. Joey Fat One138
Beothuck8Ms. Loser100
Medieval Warriors5Mr. Marcelo Del Pilar100
Celestial Crystal8Mr. Tcbovan55
Army of Two2Mr. Elfontop25
Celestial Knights2Ms. Viela25
The United States of America2Mr. America22
Rageroar2Ms. Aevalist20
Torment2Mr. Acerf The Freak18
Requiem6Mr. Valkyros V17
Show No Mercy1Mr. Legendary Morgawr10
SKULLZ VRS HUMANZ2Mr. Reign of Firestarter5

14:07:04 May 13th 11 - Mr. Mielo:

I think you're all gonno have a good time!

05:02:42 May 14th 11 - Mr. Fever Fang:

Hope we can turn this into a good era.

05:10:26 May 14th 11 - Mr. Valkyros V:

 Yeah me too lol :D

17:22:03 May 14th 11 - Mr. Unhungrier Horse:

O_O Zetamania is no fun without crosswalling yourself from the world and farming for epic winzz.

04:50:53 May 15th 11 - Ms. Maam:

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Beothuck9Ms. Loser125
NSYNC9Mr. Joey Fat One112
Medieval Warriors5Mr. Marcelo Del Pilar100
Celestial Crystal10Mr. Tcbovan73
Requiem5Mr. Valkyros V47
Outta Sync2Ms. Britney Spears31
Torment4Mr. Acerf The Freak25
Army of Two2Mr. Elfontop25
Celestial Knights2Ms. Viela17
Rageroar2Ms. Aevalist15
Peacekeepers10Mr. Bidi14
SKULLZ VRS HUMANZ2Mr. Reign of Firestarter10
Black Flag4Mr. Hamish The Second1
Blue1Ms. Black Alice1

19:56:59 May 15th 11 - Sir Horus XV:

so black flag is officially back.... and me without a returned messaged from hamish.... cold blooded

15:43:53 May 16th 11 - Ms. Maam:

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Beothuck9Ms. Loser134
NSYNC9Mr. Joey Fat One123
Medieval Warriors5Mr. Marcelo Del Pilar100
Celestial Crystal10Mr. Tcbovan94
Requiem5Mr. Valkyros V54
Outta Sync2Ms. Britney Spears40
Torment5Mr. Acerf The Freak36
Peacekeepers10Mr. Bidi25
Celestial Knights4Ms. Viela25
Rageroar2Ms. Aevalist14
Army of Two2Mr. Elfontop9
SKULLZ VRS HUMANZ2Mr. Reign of Firestarter6
Blue1Ms. Black Alice3
Black Flag4Mr. Hamish The Second1

07:24:30 May 19th 11 - Mr. Dragon Bane:

wooo so exciting!  -_-

13:57:30 May 19th 11 - Ms. Maam:

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Beothuck9Ms. Loser114
Medieval Warriors6Mr. Marcelo Del Pilar100
Celestial Crystal11Mr. Tcbovan94
NSYNC9Mr. Joey Fat One85
Requiem6Mr. Valkyros V48
Torment6Mr. Acerf The Freak40
Outta Sync2Ms. Britney Spears36
Rageroar1Ms. Aevalist9
Celestial Knights2Ms. Viela8
Peacekeepers10Mr. Bidi7
Black Flag4Mr. Hamish The Second4
Blue1Ms. Black Alice3

09:45:03 May 31st 11 - Mr. Light:

This place is getting mad.

13:45:13 May 31st 11 - Ms. Maam:

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Dirty Pop10Mr. Justin Timberlake141
Beothuck9Ms. Jennaside136
Celestial Crystal10Mr. Tcbovan122
Medieval Warriors6Mr. Marcelo Del Pilar100
Torment5Mr. Acerf The Freak34
Peacekeepers10Mr. Bidi26
Black Flag1Mr. Hamish The Second17
Rageroar3Ms. Aevalist9

17:16:03 Jun 1st 11 - Ms. Maam:

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Beothuck9Ms. Jennaside136
Dirty Pop10Mr. Justin Timberlake135
Celestial Crystal11Mr. Tcbovan126
Medieval Warriors6Mr. Marcelo Del Pilar100
Torment5Mr. Acerf The Freak42
Peacekeepers10Mr. Bidi29
Black Flag1Mr. Hamish The Second18
Rageroar3Ms. Aevalist10

19:36:54 Jun 4th 11 - Ms. Britney Spears:

All very quiet on the forums, and fairly quiet ingame too I think!

Dirty Pop10Mr. Justin Timberlake100
Beothuck9Ms. Jennaside98
Celestial Crystal11Mr. Tcbovan91
Medieval Warriors6Mr. Marcelo Del Pilar53
Torment5Mr. Acerf The Freak26
Peacekeepers10Mr. Bidi20
Black Flag1Mr. Hamish The Second10

06:33:40 Jun 5th 11 - Mr. Crown Royal:

not really i just talk to people on who i'm fighting cause other then that i dont really need to talk to them unless they decide to talk with me about random stuff

02:56:35 Jun 6th 11 - Mr. Fever Fang:

Ima take the win, end of discussion.

03:21:31 Jun 6th 11 - Mr. Crown Royal:

not if i take it first

19:50:38 Jun 7th 11 - Ms. Maam:

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Dirty Pop10Mr. Justin Timberlake190
Celestial Crystal12Mr. Tcbovan179
Beothuck9Ms. Jennaside162
Medieval Warriors6Mr. Marcelo Del Pilar100
Torment4Mr. Acerf The Freak46
Peacekeepers10Mr. Bidi33
Black Flag1Mr. Hamish The Second25

20:17:11 Jun 7th 11 - Lady Venus Willia:

Got a new MC eh Maam? How annoying.

03:34:36 Jun 8th 11 - Sir Horus XV:

and you would be?


13:57:38 Jun 8th 11 - Ms. Maam:

i'm gonna guess britney spear?

14:33:51 Jun 8th 11 - Ms. Maam:

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Dirty Pop10Mr. Justin Timberlake186
Celestial Crystal12Mr. Tcbovan161
Beothuck9Ms. Jennaside156
Medieval Warriors6Mr. Marcelo Del Pilar100
Peacekeepers10Mr. Bidi34
Torment4Mr. Acerf The Freak34
Black Flag1Mr. Hamish The Second27

21:07:50 Jun 13th 11 - Mr. Muscle:

Armageddon has been cast in your world!

Currently 1 people wants the age to end, 0 does not, and 58 people has not voted.

21:21:43 Jun 13th 11 - Mr. Joey Fat One:

And we were expecting a good fight from you guys :(

Isnt it a bit early for you to admit defeat?

21:29:47 Jun 13th 11 - Mr. Justin Timberlake:

lulz :D

22:48:21 Jun 13th 11 - Mr. Muscle:

Early, maybe, maybe not

Armageddon has been cast in your world!

Currently 10 people wants the age to end, 6 does not, and 43 people has not voted.


btw. Next era Zetamania should be big walls and merges

04:06:15 Jun 14th 11 - Mr. Toa:

if armas cast theres easily 10 days left to kill each other then you can admit defeat...

04:10:38 Jun 14th 11 - Mr. Justin Timberlake:

There's a fair chunk of land between us, along with kingdoms still living and warring both sides. :P

Armageddon has been cast in your world!

Currently 15 people wants the age to end, 8 does not, and 34 people has not voted.

and by the looks of it, things may end abruptly. lol

09:44:46 Jun 14th 11 - Mr. Muscle:

and by the looks of it, things may end abruptly. lol

Seems you are right, did not expect that to happen.

Cruxifie me, hang me on the highest tree..........

09:57:08 Jun 14th 11 - Mr. Lance Bass:

That system is not good, the age was nowhere near done, those that get beaten will always vote yes, KD Power should also be taken into account or just remove the voting option in my opinion.

A very poor way for an era to end :(

10:03:03 Jun 14th 11 - Mr. Chris Kirkpatrick:

What a joke ! I log-out 12 ticks ago in full war mode then log back in and world has ended , great cast whoever you are .... not !

10:06:03 Jun 14th 11 - Mr. Toa:

 Our mage cast it expecting the usual 250 or so hours till era end.. so it was a surprise to us all to see the vote system come up..  and yes its a typical zeta (insert expletives) way of finishing eras.. get rid of the vote or just let eras finish in a set time frame...

10:51:25 Jun 14th 11 - Mr. Justin Timberlake:

I've been era blue balled!

13:32:00 Jun 14th 11 - Mr. Jakee:

The Bushido Award for most Honorable: ehhhh

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Dirty Pop

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: Peacekeepers

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: I dunno who's new

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Dirty Pop

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: Beothuck

The John Mccain award for most Sportive Loser: Judging by the quick Arma votes, not many of these. :P

The Divide and Conquer award for best NAP partner: ehh, Celestial?

The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Era didn't go that long to tell

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: eh

The Sarah Palin award for "I don't know what the hell this is  but I'll participate anyways" (biggest idiot on the forums): eh

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Dirty Pop

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Hamish? Then again, not hard with meat shield tactics. :P

The Jug of Whine award for Biggest Whiner: eh

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: eh

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: eh

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: eh

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: Korwyn

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": Justin Timberlake

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: eh

The "Hi, my name is Boxxy" Award for most anoying player: Justin Timberlake

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: Not many flames

Fun Awards:
Most Artistic Banner: Dirty Pop
Sexiest Banner: Dirty Pop
Oddest Ruler Name: 
The Best Sp@mmer:

13:58:04 Jun 14th 11 - Mr. Aas Inglorion:

its such a waste it ended so early >.< the best has yet to come

15:13:49 Jun 14th 11 - Mr. Ogrim Doomhammer:

Hey, looking to get onto Zeta for the great walls patch, any KD recruiting? Message me if you want to know details on experience...

19:26:51 Jun 14th 11 - Mr. Anonymous The Medieval Warrior:

Looking for a active KD on Zeta, anyone have a opening?

19:32:17 Jun 14th 11 - Mr. Fafnir:

Same here, though with a dif char. 

20:32:59 Jun 14th 11 - Mr. Maraudr Die Kill Die:

^ Same here, if the updates are actually in effect this era.

21:46:47 Jun 14th 11 - Lord Braveheart:

I guess they aren't since fanta hasn't finished yet...

22:59:41 Jun 14th 11 - The Architect:

Come Join PKS.  Message me if you are interested.

01:09:44 Jun 15th 11 - Mr. Barny:

12:46:47 Jun 14th 11 - Lord Braveheart:

I guess they aren't since fanta hasn't finished yet...

It's tough to call, he implemented the Armageddon updates and Fantasia hasn't ended yet either.

I'm also looking for a Zetamania kingdom. Message me in-game if you have an opening.

07:54:46 Jun 15th 11 - Flame Lord Phoenix Legion:

is the kingdom cap in zeta?

10:17:33 Jun 15th 11 - The Architect:

Sadly, yes.  It's looking like we have 2 openings however.  We are just waiting for two people to contact us wanting to join before we free them up.  Let me know if you'd like to join PKS.

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