Forums / In game politics / Zetamania 81

Zetamania 81
15:20:03 Oct 22nd 20 - Dakarta (Duke Bailing Hay):

If we're going to do the 3 man KD and/or FFA, can we all adhere to the "unofficial" rules set out?

I.e. this past era, we had agreed to do only halfer or dwarves. There were countless orcs, humans and elves.

03:34:04 Oct 23rd 20 - Konstant (The Ancient Mastu):

I think just FFA, anything else is hard to "enforce"

15:11:12 Oct 23rd 20 - Dakarta (Lord Dacarta):

We can enforce FFA as much as race.. i.e., we can't. It's all on the honor system that people will do what was agreed on.

The only difference FFA, everybody could then team up and destroy the team who allied someone else.

15:41:09 Oct 23rd 20 - Phat (Grand Moff Prelate Rata):

Just three man FFA. Not gonna get very far trying to enforce the extra rules. 

19:53:34 Oct 23rd 20 - Dakarta (Lord Dacarta):

There's no way TO enforce it. It's all on the honor system and those who don't want to adhere are "those guys".

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