Forums / In game politics / Zetamania 84

Zetamania 84
10:55:23 Apr 29th 21 - heroix (Mr. Heroix):

I incite every kingdom leader to toggle on "Automatically accept new people into the kingdom" so we can make this world lively and friendly to newcomers again.

11:09:04 Apr 29th 21 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Jesus Left Toe):

I concur! (It's certainly not the only way I can get accepted into Kingdoms these days. :'(  )

11:14:26 Apr 29th 21 - Mr. Sam Norge:

Perhaps we could actually figure out who wants to play this era and divide everyone out over two or three kingdoms? 

1 - Heroix
2 - JLT
3 - Sam

11:26:47 Apr 29th 21 - heroix (Mr. Heroix):

That’d be a decent start

22:35:37 Apr 30th 21 - Jarl Rahzalgul:

I'm down

01:20:56 May 1st 21 - Konstant (The Ancient Farmer Mike):

Let me get this straight? You now want to break down your ~12 person KD, to 3 person KDs like it was supposed to be all along...

Well geez! I wonder why we had the 3 person KD rule in Zeta for the past 1+ year?!

08:19:26 May 1st 21 - Mr. Office Boss:

If you have more than 3 active members on MAP, kick them out from kd.

08:31:44 May 1st 21 - Mr. Office Boss:

Hydra has currently 4 members on Map.

09:04:59 May 1st 21 - Mr. Seisnem:

i am willing to start a kingdom with someone ? :) 

09:17:09 May 1st 21 - Mr. Office Boss:

Make a Character>Kingdom>Kingdoms in Zetamania>find a kingdom which has 2 or lesser members>Apply>Spawn after joining.

Or create & spawn. Don't forget to click Zetamania.

16:06:26 May 1st 21 - Emperor (Emperor Ordo Hereticus):

I will help start a kingdom on zet

17:52:48 May 7th 21 - Mr. Sam Norge:

Is there anyone else actually on this world? 

20:22:40 May 16th 21 - Den Norske Sam Norge:

Hydra, please stop attacking tagless new/returning players. The guy your going after has had half the time we've had on the world. It's bad for the player base and bad for a world which is already pretty much dead.

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