Forums / In game politics / Zetamania 9

Zetamania 9
00:55:40 Jul 26th 11 - Puppy The Kitten Squisher:

Yay Zetamania!

had to post to get rid of the phony unread messages crap. :P

00:58:27 Jul 26th 11 - HorusPanic (Sir Horus XVI):

forum bugs?

00:58:31 Jul 26th 11 - I am Legend:

Well thank you Puppy now I got rid of it 2 <3

06:55:29 Jul 26th 11 - Mr. Dorthmarg:

Soooo. Zeta 9. Gonna be nice. :]

07:54:00 Jul 26th 11 - Mr. Snoopy:

Well, Zeta played a joke.... nyan-cat-nuked the forum and all its posts. Then went to a few day old backup. lol So more recent posts were deleted, but the thread and the phantoms of posts still gave the unread crap. 

07:59:38 Jul 26th 11 - Zond (General Tongue Whisperer):

love how no one ever reads the updates and thinks we are a genius or zeta butt buddy when we know stuff (rofl)

13:53:58 Jul 26th 11 - Jesus Left Toe (Mr. Heyzeus):

So who is winning Zeta this era? 

13:57:03 Jul 26th 11 - HorusPanic (Mr. Panic Lucky Number XIII):

hopefully forsaken

14:23:43 Jul 26th 11 - I am Jills Fan:

Were gonna win this. We are fighting for Jill... How can we lose that...

14:33:55 Jul 26th 11 - Jesus Left Toe (Sir Jesus Left Toe):

True, Jill never loses.... She just steals my era win's.. :P

21:06:35 Jul 26th 11 - Mr. Seigfried The Terrorist:

BLT will win 

07:48:30 Jul 27th 11 - Jesus Left Toe (Mr. Audaciter):

You mean JLT??.. :P

16:50:41 Jul 27th 11 - Ms. Xes Laro:

I dunno why Jill got banned but I'm pretty sure it was unjust. To that end everyone who is on Zeta and aknowledges that fact must either join Jill's anointed knights or surrender their cities peacefully. Anyone else will become smashed in a most gruesome and humiliating fashion.

Our loss immense
Our grief intence
A banning so bad
And results so sad
We ride for justice
We ride for thruth
We ride for Jill
To put forth her will
Jill is the thrill.
Jill is here still.
Forever in our hearts
Until her next era starts

<3 Jill <3

23:23:01 Jul 27th 11 - Mr. Donut Forsakeme:

What is this "thruth" you ride for????

23:54:10 Jul 27th 11 - Mr. Nostradamus:

what is "intence"

00:45:27 Jul 28th 11 - Dragon (Mr. Fafnir II):


05:09:38 Jul 28th 11 - Mr. Seigfried The Terrorist:

Oh no, lol BLT is a shoo-in, i mean look at out KD banner... 

14:20:34 Jul 28th 11 - HorusPanic (Mr. Dance Gavin Dance):

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Shall Not Pass11General Tongue Whisperer235
Daffodils11Mr. Donut Forsakeme168
Jill Always Inour Heart7I am Jills Fan163
Forsaken10Mr. Crown Royal100
Peacekeepers11Mr. Barbed Wire82
Double Tap4Mr. Percy50
Blood Lance Tribe2Mr. Comanche22
Sleepless2Mr. Roq21
Harlequin2Ms. Celaeno11
The Great Duchy of Lithuania2Mr. Vytautas Didysis4
Zona Oeste1Mr. Louis Pocho2

15:20:48 Jul 28th 11 - Ms. Xes Laro:

Donut, I'll go ahead and quote myself here:
"...Jill got banned... it was unjust..."

Nostra, my whole purpose and interest is serving Jill - spelling correctly is secondary.

18:43:51 Jul 28th 11 - Mr. Donut Forsakeme:

If there was an unjust banning then the Daffodils are with you - we hate injustice :(

19:14:47 Jul 28th 11 - Zond (General Tongue Whisperer):

Shall Not Pass



Anyone wanna else wanted to the list?

20:39:25 Jul 28th 11 - Ms. Xes Laro:

Anyone you want on it?

20:42:42 Jul 28th 11 - Zond (General Tongue Whisperer):


20:46:47 Jul 28th 11 - Ms. Xes Laro:


20:56:52 Jul 28th 11 - Zond (General Tongue Whisperer):

Double Tap is also warring us.

22:36:08 Jul 28th 11 - Mr. Meanie:


20:27:37 Jul 29th 11 - Mr. Joebob:

you attacked us so we defended 

20:28:31 Jul 29th 11 - Zond (General Tongue Whisperer):

Rawr defend the awesomeness of my kd

20:35:04 Jul 29th 11 - Zephyr (Ice Prince Keth The Tahl Ael):


Shall Not Pass


Double Tap
Jill Inour Heart

21:33:59 Jul 29th 11 - Duke Drakos:

Maybe you should make that

Shall Not Pass



22:26:18 Jul 29th 11 - Mr. Seigfried The Terrorist:

yeah what drakos sed :P

23:28:34 Jul 29th 11 - Mr. Marauder Die Kill Die:

Damn, all the people I want to kill are versing the KD I cant join. :(

Well, not "all the people". I don't have anything against Forsaken, or Daffodils. I hope the other 2 die horribly though... some members in particular. ^^

02:10:42 Jul 30th 11 - Mr. Percy:

Hope your not speaking of Double Tap, Marauder.


And I agree with Joe, as your member tried to attack me, and in retaliation, struck back. Now look where that brought him :P

04:08:31 Jul 30th 11 - Mr. Marauder Die Kill Die:

Yes I am talking about Double Tap, you Percy, in fact, are the "in particular", you betrayer. :P If I was able to I'd come down there and kill you myself for what you did to me. Fortunately for you I'm in no position to. But I still wish you a horrible death. >:)

04:55:41 Jul 30th 11 - Zond (General Tongue Whisperer):

yes Drakos!

Well Sleepless hasnt done anything yet 0.0

10:18:42 Jul 30th 11 - Mr. Vytautas Didysis:

good luck to everyone ;)

13:16:36 Jul 30th 11 - Mr. Percy:

Um, what exactly have I done? In every time you ever requested to join, regardless if you were near death, we accepted you into our kd. I dont see why you have any reason to hate us.

16:39:50 Jul 30th 11 - HorusPanic (Sir Spawning For The Exp):

forsaken is really been lackluster... dissapoint

16:43:30 Jul 30th 11 - Zond (General Tongue Whisperer):

Stop spamming gts and you may live :?

16:45:12 Jul 30th 11 - Mr. Marauder Die Kill Die:

Why? YOU BETRAYED ME! That's why.

16:45:52 Jul 30th 11 - Zond (General Tongue Whisperer):

I think he is asking when and how

20:37:52 Jul 30th 11 - Mr. Marauder Die Kill Die:

I think it should be pretty obviouse to him, I sent him like 10 messages about it after it happened. None of which he replied to.

04:20:18 Jul 31st 11 - Jesus Left Toe (Mr. Heyzeus):

  1. Where are the S2G'ers ???
  2. Jill is awesome.
  3. Everyone who doesn't agree, doesn't deserve to live.
  4. Point 1 was the only real point to this post.
  5. I am just having fun with dot points after i accidentally clicked the button.
  6. Someone buy all my stone.

05:46:20 Jul 31st 11 - Ms. Ashe:

Newest Update :)

Shall Not Pass
Dendarii Mercenary Corps (They are Jill Haters, My Personal enemies (; )


Double Tap
Jill Inour Heart

The Rest of Zeta :D

05:50:54 Jul 31st 11 - Zephyr (Ice Prince Keth The Tahl Ael):

I like it this way (;

06:28:47 Jul 31st 11 - Mr. Marauder Die Kill Die:

I hope you die horribly too, Ashe. Killing my poor scouts when I was just trying to leave. >:(

07:03:47 Jul 31st 11 - Ms. Ashe:

You were trying to leave when the rest of my KD was already killing you. I must take part in the killings :P


08:22:41 Jul 31st 11 - Jesus Left Toe (Mr. Heyzeus):

Killing is Fun, that's why i'm farming instead. :P

08:24:43 Jul 31st 11 - Zephyr (Ice Prince Keth The Tahl Ael):

lol farming is way over fun(;

23:22:35 Jul 31st 11 - Mr. Avenger:

Looks like they're starting to have trouble taking us :P

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