Forums / In game politics / Zetamania Age 20

Zetamania Age 20
02:23:22 Nov 29th 12 - Mr. Mirai:

Back to the map I know, love, and died on :]

And while I still can...

Most Powerful ArmiesMost Powerful Cities

People of Mirai
Mr. Mirai


Your character Mr. Mirai is the 529th most powerful ruler in Zetamania


00:57:05 Nov 30th 12 - King BurningLegion (King Burninglegion The Dark Savior):

Kingdom Of Ferakin

Kingdom Banner

Name: Kingdom Of Ferakin
Members: 7
Created: 11/20/2012 5:41:14 PM
Leader: King Burninglegion The Dark Savior

Compare kingdom


The Kingdom Of Ferakin are warriors who seek to purify the corruption which runs rampant through our society

Purification and extermination of those who are lost is the goal of the warriors of Ferakin

To save our realm there is no other way


00:58:47 Nov 30th 12 - Mr. Mirai:

I hope I don't travel 50 ticks to end up in between kingdoms again lol

15:13:59 Dec 1st 12 - King BurningLegion (King Burninglegion The Dark Savior):

Down with Forsaken and Death Dealers, Join the kingdom of Ferakin!

16:47:56 Dec 1st 12 - Death Dealer (Mr. Anonymous Reaper):

If you wish to stay alive until the end you should join us, if your looking for some competition you should war us. In this realm those are about the only options there are at the moment.

16:57:24 Dec 1st 12 - Mr. Small Fries:

Join Death Dealers if you want a boring era where you ARE the locust

18:17:57 Dec 1st 12 - King BurningLegion (King Burninglegion The Dark Savior):

Join Death Dealers if you like NAPing every kingdom in the realm

Join Kingdom Of Ferakin if you desire to bring down tyrants like them

18:20:05 Dec 1st 12 - Mr. Chade The Mothership:

Join The Mothership if you feel like the screws in your head are getting loose!

18:22:03 Dec 1st 12 - Mr. Mirai:

Screw the rest and join the tagless for the lols!

21:19:53 Dec 1st 12 - Death Dealer (Mr. Anonymous Reaper):

11:17:57 Dec 1st 12 - King BurningLegion (King Burninglegion The Dark Savior):

Join Death Dealers if you like NAPing every kingdom in the realm

Join Kingdom Of Ferakin if you desire to bring down tyrants like them

Diplomacy is part of the game, only a fool would try to go without relations when you just starting a KD. We only had one NAP last age/era, so why was it only my KD and our NAP partner the only two KDs alive at the end?  Also I am no tyrant, ask anyone who has joined any of my KDs. They are free to voice their opinions, play as they wish(as long as it does not harm the KD), and free to come & go as they wish.

Anyway, lets have fun this age/era ^_^

21:25:44 Dec 1st 12 - Mr. Mirai:

Non-tyrant part is true.

21:39:59 Dec 1st 12 - Stormy (Lord Stormcrow):

I left death dealers this era to hang with old friends, but would have stayed otherwise. Anon runs a good ship and there are some nice guys in there (<3 grim).

And mass-nap? We had only one nap last era. Not our fault we killed off most everyone:P

05:19:29 Dec 2nd 12 - Muffin Man (Mr. Crypt):

I just wanted to say, that I'm right next to death dealers or one of their scouts and I'm scared for my life.

But theres only one way to get better, and I'd rather die from people better than me then farm against people worse than me :)

05:26:45 Dec 2nd 12 - Zond (Mr. Lucrative):

What if there is no one worse than you... hmm

06:23:22 Dec 2nd 12 - Mr. Mirai:

Scouts from ferakin have been spotted lol... I was hoping I wouldn't have to think so much this early in the era :/

06:25:32 Dec 2nd 12 - Muffin Man (Mr. Depressed):

Zond, there are plenty of people worse than me.

06:27:04 Dec 2nd 12 - Mr. Shinsei:

Like me!

06:31:01 Dec 2nd 12 - Zond (General of Love):

True that!

06:32:06 Dec 2nd 12 - Mr. Mirai:

Oh that hurts zond :[

06:33:13 Dec 2nd 12 - Muffin Man (Mr. Unf):

I meant there are plenty of people better than me. Nobody is worse than me :)

06:34:47 Dec 2nd 12 - Mr. Mirai:

"Nobody is worse than me"

Lies! The only race I can play without dying is halflings. I proclaim myself terrible >:[

06:44:52 Dec 2nd 12 - Muffin Man (Mr. Depressed):

i proclaim myself terrible because I can't play any race and survive unless I farm :/

07:01:37 Dec 2nd 12 - Zond (Mr. Lucrative):

I proclaim myself.. err mean. :o

16:23:27 Dec 2nd 12 - King BurningLegion (King Burninglegion The Dark Savior):

MGKingdom NameMembersLeader%P
Kingdoms in Zetamania
Kingdom Of Ferakin14King Burninglegion The Dark Savior100
The Death Dealers13Mr. Anonymous Reaper68
Forsaken8Sir Crown Royal35
The Mothership5Mr. Chade The Mothership35
Beothuk7Duke Ohtyle Cookin13
Hope4Mr. Target4

Off to a positive start

21:08:33 Dec 2nd 12 - Mr. Nariek:

sorry to bring this up again but

11:17:57 Dec 1st 12 - King BurningLegion (King Burninglegion The Dark Savior):

Join Death Dealers if you like NAPing every kingdom in the realm

Join Kingdom Of Ferakin if you desire to bring down tyrants like them

Diplomacy is part of the game, only a fool would try to go without relations when you just starting a KD. We only had one NAP last age/era, so why was it only my KD and our NAP partner the only two KDs alive at the end?  Also I am no tyrant, ask anyone who has joined any of my KDs. They are free to voice their opinions, play as they wish(as long as it does not harm the KD), and free to come & go as they wish.
the only reason we really allied forsaken is because our cores were intertwinded and dexter was hunting us down and we would not have survived without it , the only other relations we had all era was a ceasefire with LoR and BEO. so BL you of all people know you were one of the ones hunting us.

21:13:49 Dec 2nd 12 - Zond (Mr. Lucrative):

I do believe he was saying that just to get ppl to join his kd over anon. Highly doubt he was serious

22:44:30 Dec 2nd 12 - King BurningLegion (King Burninglegion The Dark Savior):

Propaganda is effective, but here are the facts

Kingdom Of Dexters plan was to war everyone and we triumphed for the near entire length of the era until Death Dealers

NAP'd Forsaken
CF with Beothuk
CF with LoR

and in turn, Beothuk fought us because there was only 5 kingdoms alive and the only ones who had no relations were us

I cannot deny we were hunting you but there was a 3on1 gang bang occuring, although I may have done the same thing If I was facing an overwelming force

23:00:40 Dec 2nd 12 - Mr. Mirai:

Beothuk did end the CF while Dexter was dying though

00:25:18 Dec 3rd 12 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Mr. Jack The Drunk Destroyer):

well the way i'm looking at it is that when forsaken nap'd death dealers there was 2 people in that kd and like 4 in mine so it was a wise move at the time

04:00:05 Dec 4th 12 - Mr. Xanatos:

BL once again i must recap.
Beothuk only attacked you after we poped your block. simply a little vulture attack it looked like, Which you repelled and regained all your citys within a day maybe two.
Beothuk N.A.P. was simply to assure neutrality in our war with you because we thought they were allied with you guys at first and did not want to get blind sided by them in our war.
CF with LoR was on their behalf because they were attacked by you AND forsaken (forsaken built up though and wiped their asses with LoR, No offence.)
and yes we NAPed forsaken and ran so damn far your supply lines would be non existant.Your armys would have been obsolete by the time you got to us... tactical retreat, Russian style. xD

04:38:46 Dec 5th 12 - Mr. Mirai:

You know... When I think about it... I decided to solo on a world where KD mates can merge armies lol.

08:53:47 Dec 5th 12 - Tyr (Mr. Mothership Deathlaser):

Not the best idea maybe :P

14:47:47 Dec 5th 12 - HorusPanic (Mr. Panic XXII):

i can't believe teh map zeta rolled, they don't deserve it:


14:51:06 Dec 5th 12 - Tyr (Mr. Mothership Deathlaser):

lol :P

18:53:42 Dec 5th 12 - King BurningLegion (King Burninglegion The Dark Savior):

The only word deserving of it! sure that is what you were meaning to say

Walls and merges is how this game was created to be played

18:53:51 Dec 5th 12 - King BurningLegion (King Burninglegion The Dark Savior):

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Kingdom Of Ferakin18King Burninglegion The Dark Savior100
The Death Dealers16Mr. Anonymous Reaper82
Forsaken9Sir Crown Royal28
The Mothership6Mr. Chade The Mothership23
Beothuk7Duke Ohtyle Cookin14

20:59:15 Dec 5th 12 - Mr. Mirai:

Whats with you people and your scouts.... like seriously?

01:15:57 Dec 6th 12 - Electric (Ms. Pink Warrior):

why arent you scouting.

02:13:12 Dec 6th 12 - King BurningLegion (King Burninglegion The Dark Savior):

My men have scouts on every inch of the map, whats with us is that we like to know exactly where everyone is

02:51:10 Dec 6th 12 - Electric (Electric Phenomena):

until someone runs around with an orc scout and kills them all O.o

04:22:30 Dec 7th 12 - King BurningLegion (King Burninglegion The Dark Savior):

I wonder what Beothuk and DD are up to?

04:29:34 Dec 7th 12 - Zond (Mr. Lucrative):

Maybe a little war.. idk Ohm been there a while and no action :P

05:08:26 Dec 7th 12 - Yukan (Mr. Mirai):

mmm it looks like ferakin is killing forsaken in the west and death dealers are killing beothuk in the east :|

I'm not sure about mothership and DD though... it looks like mothership is surrounded or something...

05:10:29 Dec 7th 12 - Zond (General of Love):

Nah we got them surrounded! >:D

05:15:44 Dec 7th 12 - Yukan (Mr. Mirai):

Those blockers say otherwise O_O

05:31:06 Dec 7th 12 - Zond (General of Love):

Our blockers. we took from them :P

06:25:54 Dec 7th 12 - Yukan (Mr. Mirai):

Well then...

06:39:40 Dec 7th 12 - Zond (General of Love):

Plus we killed lots ^^

06:53:07 Dec 7th 12 - King BurningLegion (King Burninglegion The Dark Savior):

I dont see any evidence of Beo and DD war,

I know the small mothership empire bounced DD back

06:53:11 Dec 7th 12 - King BurningLegion (King Burninglegion The Dark Savior):

I dont see any evidence of Beo and DD war,

I know the small mothership empire bounced DD back

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