Forums / In game politics / Zetamania Era 10

Zetamania Era 10
08:56:57 Sep 8th 11 - Jesus Left Toe (Mr. Heyzeus):

I've spawned. So i guess the new era is well and truly upon us. I would like to remind all interested parties, that if you want to win the era play Halfling. :P

Let the Flaming begin !!!

09:02:34 Sep 8th 11 - Jenna (Ms. Jennaside):

maybe ill play halfer again i think i remember how to play it :)

09:10:21 Sep 8th 11 - Jesus Left Toe (Mr. Heyzeus):

Don't you have enough Era wins as it is?... don't worry though Jill, i'll beat you this era or die trying.

10:16:40 Sep 8th 11 - Mr. Not Phoenix:

im still a die hard elf fan >=-(

10:59:52 Sep 8th 11 - Jesus Left Toe (Mr. Heyzeus):

Dwarf FTW. :P
Actually not true, Halfer FTW, dwarf for fun.

13:51:06 Sep 8th 11 - SFD (Ms. Slim Fast Diet):

JLT i like your thinking mann ;)

14:40:24 Sep 8th 11 - Legend (I am Jills Fan):

Jill I hate you. You forced Ohm to kick me out of the chat. You lost all my love </3

14:46:32 Sep 8th 11 - SFD (Ms. Slim Fast Diet):

lol, leg end she has all the love she needs ;) <3 jill

15:09:54 Sep 8th 11 - Legend (I am Jills Fan):

Yeah!! Nudies of Jill!!

07:16:32 Sep 9th 11 - Electric Jeeves Vapour:

What kingdom should i join?

08:31:21 Sep 9th 11 - phoenix (Mr. Not Phoenix):

you should join FLL =-D

19:20:03 Sep 9th 11 - Mr. Notawere Wolf:

Pshhh. Dwarf, halfer.... what ever happened to Orc winning the era?


COME ON! It's been done.... a few times.... maybe. XD

19:47:28 Sep 9th 11 - Mr. Dino:

Mr. Notawere Wolf


12:20:03 Sep 9th 11
Pshhh. Dwarf, halfer.... what ever happened to Orc winning the era?


COME ON! It's been done.... a few times.... maybe. XD

Zetamania age 6: Mr. Effer of Fukitol

Starta age 7: Mr. Phinn of Adventure Time

Starta age 8: Mr. Tyrin of Optimus Consilium

Mantrax age 8: Mr. Binh The Pillager of Forgotten Warriors

Zetamania age 8: Mr. Xerxes of Shall Not Pass

Fantasia age 5: Mr. Barny of Dark Side

Yup... it's been done a few times. :P

20:15:54 Sep 9th 11 - Kobuskan (Mr. Explode):

No matter how hard you fight on the end the farmer wins.

  1. Mr. Anonymous Jill Fan of Jill Always Inour Heart (Halfling)
    Had 733,111 land, 3,818,804 troops and 40 science points. Killed 813,728 soldiers, won 18 of 26 battles and captured 16 cities.
  2. Mr. Dorthmarg of (Halfling)
    Had 613,635 land, 2,941,279 troops and 24 science points. Killed 234,063 soldiers, won 17 of 29 battles and captured 8 cities.
  3. Mr. Aeroloop of Jill Always Inour Heart (Halfling)
    Had 1,476,695 land, 1,834,346 troops and 26 science points. Killed 1,751,207 soldiers, won 89 of 113 battles and captured 96 cities.

22:06:16 Sep 9th 11 - Puppy The Kitten Squisher:

If said farmers even survive, that is. lol

09:11:04 Sep 10th 11 - phoenix (Mr. Not Phoenix):

well people have set cities now! fun to be had all around!

21:57:23 Sep 18th 11 - Zond (General Doh):

Guys, wahts up? So quiet.. odd

04:40:17 Sep 20th 11 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Mr. Crown Royal):

i know right maybe we should bang some pots and pans and wake all those forum trolls up

04:42:35 Sep 20th 11 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Heyzeus):

I guess everyone is too busy dying at my blade to come and chat on the Forums, poor guys, tell you what, i'll go easy on them to give them a chance to chat.

04:46:25 Sep 20th 11 - SFD (Duke Some Fcked Dude):

shup JLT your a LIER!!! ")

05:13:05 Sep 20th 11 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Heyzeus):

:O... Me, nooooooo. I most certainly don't have less than 200 kills and only 1 captured city.

05:21:21 Sep 20th 11 - SFD (Mr. Smiley Face Destroyer):

you best not have less than that b/c if i find out you have been lieing i will personally shove your un-used sword somewhere you wouldnt like >:(

06:42:21 Sep 20th 11 - Mr. Takin The Urine:

It better not be his anus, because he would like that.. :)

06:45:33 Sep 20th 11 - SFD (Duke Some Fcked Dude):

eww thats just dirty mann i was thinking of shoving it in my sheith after i killed him mann ewwwwwww....

06:49:06 Sep 20th 11 - Mr. Thorn Inthy Side:

Come on SFD. I know what you were really thinking.. lol.

*damnit.. wrong character. :(

06:53:50 Sep 20th 11 - SFD (Ms. Slim Fast Diet):

ok mind reader what am i thinking now !*_*!

07:35:53 Sep 20th 11 - Mr. Takin The Urine:

hahaha... no thanks I am married (to a woman).. ;) 

07:40:44 Sep 20th 11 - SFD (Mr. Smiley Face Destroyer):

hahaha damn you and your mind reading ;)
ok then but il be waiting <3

09:08:50 Sep 21st 11 - phoenix (Flame Lord Phoenix Blaze):

>_>  i preferred the silence   =-P

03:27:47 Sep 24th 11 - Lord Old Fat And Lazy:

Hey everyone. Just checking in after being gone a couple of era. Someone cast arma so I can start playing again.  :)

15:05:34 Sep 24th 11 - Zond (General Doh):

this is just the start :p

only one kd down so far.

15:12:13 Sep 24th 11 - Zond (General Doh):

but more to go! us vs the whole map again. :)

2 down basically, one that just now stopped farming left. along with one thats been putting up a good fight. oh and also another. totally forget, to many fronts xD

15:42:42 Sep 24th 11 - Dan the Epic (Mr. Fool):

So what's the situation on Zeta, zondy?

15:52:05 Sep 24th 11 - Zond (General Doh):

Daffodils, about dead. They had some inactive issues and got over ran.

The Tea party, fighting flame lords legion i believe and us. Soon be dead it seems.

Flame Lords Legion is fighting us. Putting up a fight.

Peacekeepers, is fighting us and not sure, as i totally forgot about them lol Can look though.

Beothuck, been farming all era. Just stopped and is now heading at us.

Repeat of last era? Everyone try and kill us.. but we are winning and will win :P

Im not going inactive this time!!

18:19:41 Sep 24th 11 - Grim (Mr. Grim Darkhammer):

Now now, Zondy. Don't be forgetting about PKS.

18:40:17 Sep 24th 11 - Zond (The Elf):

Tbh, i really didnt even realize you guys were playing on this world until someone told me. I forgot :(

13:47:14 Sep 26th 11 - Mr. Triton:

09:12:13 Sep 24th 11 - Zond (General Doh):

but more to go! us vs the whole map again. :)

Now now, don't forget the other half of your kingdom.

ONE EYE7Mr. Annunaki

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Forsaken16Mr. Crown Royal

17:47:39 Sep 26th 11 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Mr. Crown Royal):

yeah thats us vs the whole map triton jeeze i thought you were on the same page as us

17:54:28 Sep 26th 11 - Zond (General Doh):

We were all one kd, split to take on the map every where. All knows that. But dont forgot your other halves! (too many to post)

05:17:41 Sep 27th 11 - Mr. Helstrom:

11:47:39 Sep 26th 11 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Mr. Crown Royal):

yeah thats us vs the whole map triton jeeze "i thought" you were on the same page as us

You thought? Now that's a first.

17:36:21 Sep 27th 11 - Zond (General Doh):

Farmthuck is engaging us now. Let the farmers try and beat us.

21:18:19 Sep 27th 11 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Mr. Crown Royal):

ooh ouch that one cut deep man i apparently thought more then you did cause we beat you guys but hey what do i know

22:11:31 Sep 27th 11 - Tyr (Mr. Tyrant):

Let your armies (or lack of them ;) ) speak!

00:12:22 Sep 28th 11 - Jenna (Ms. Jennaside):

Farmthuck is engaging us now....  hahaha Zond

Who helped you come up with that :P

04:09:11 Sep 28th 11 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Mr. Jackdaniels Falling Over Drunk):

his mom lol hahahhaha jkjk

07:37:33 Sep 28th 11 - Zond (General Doh):

my brain did!

07:11:25 Oct 2nd 11 - Zond (General Doh):

Flame Lords Legion16Mr. Not Phoenix352
Beothuk10Ms. Jennaside236
Peacekeepers9Mr. Barbed Wire181


Forsaken16Mr. Crown Royal395
ONE EYE7Mr. Annunaki100

One Eye Currently lost its south half of players due to Beothuk farming all era, and now attacking, But me and Aussie have plowed Daffodils, and about to plow FLL. Then us two are headed to you Beothuk. So please farm us some for nice 90ks mmk :)

10:51:40 Oct 2nd 11 - Tyr (Mr. Tyrant):

Lol zond? :P

10:59:20 Oct 2nd 11 - Jenna (Ms. Jennaside):

One Eye are like crickets, you can hear them talk but as soon as you walk by them they become silent.

11:00:00 Oct 2nd 11 - Jenna (Ms. Jennaside):

your legs better be able to run faster than your mouth can :D

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