Forums / In game politics / Zetamania Era of Mzzery

Zetamania Era of Mzzery
05:34:21 Dec 28th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

Kingdoms in Zetamania
Hot Inactive Veterans33Sir Binh The Elven War164
No Pulse21Mr. Papas Bear129
Brethren Forever17King Khain Dragonborn121
Gladiators16Mr. Gladiatorul100
The Federation8Sir Uther Pendragon43
Stupid TeRRoriST5Mr. Scream36
Planet Hollywood9Mr. Bruce Willis36
Bear Machines 5Mr. Bear Banger36
Hemorrhagic Pneumonia1Mr. Hexister7
Eternity1Mr. Bizonkill7

05:57:09 Dec 28th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

good luck people

10:24:03 Dec 28th 09 - Mr. Christian Bale:

Goodluck to everyone on Zetamania ^.^

14:46:43 Dec 28th 09 - Mzz Mzzery The Mzzchievous:

I <3 this topic :D

15:37:37 Dec 28th 09 - Lady Quietones Boobs:

Ofc you do. We're the smexiest world!

16:13:49 Dec 28th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky Johnny Depp:

[07:12] Mr. Christian Bale: why is a dogs penis so pinkish?
[07:13] Mr. Hanky Panky Johnny Depp: o dear
[07:13] Mr. Christian Bale: it looks like playdo

save to say, we have issues

16:16:30 Dec 28th 09 - Ice Prince Shazsaro:

Good luck Glad may the luck be with you.

17:57:13 Dec 28th 09 - Lord Uther Pendragon:





Theres no Arnold Schwarzenegger?

you guys suck.

18:02:31 Dec 28th 09 - Sir Spawn:

No pulse is on Zeta?=D
now thats just perfect<3

19:32:30 Dec 28th 09 - Lord Deno Pan:

Good luck to everyone on Zeta

19:45:11 Dec 28th 09 - Mr. Hanky Panky Johnny Depp:

we do have an arnie geeze

20:05:56 Dec 28th 09 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

You have the governor of California? Present him..

21:04:32 Dec 28th 09 - Mr. Radioactive:

hes too old now :D

21:08:02 Dec 28th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Nice banner HIV, although I think the old one is better :/

21:11:55 Dec 28th 09 - Mr. Bruce Willis:

21:14:01 Dec 28th 09 - Lady Rev the Hedgehog:

I dont like HIV's new banner

21:16:04 Dec 28th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

i dont see hivs new banner

21:18:39 Dec 28th 09 - Mr. Bruce Willis:

im wating for our colourful religious characters to start a flame war -_-

21:47:51 Dec 28th 09 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Im still seeing the green one but an upside down cross means nothing satanic and anyone to think so is serious uneducated in the religious world.

Saint Peter was Crucified upside down, cross and all.

So to mark an upside down cross as anti christian is a ridiculous notion.
I think its fine guys, keep it.

21:49:20 Dec 28th 09 - Lady Rev the Hedgehog:

I think they changed back.
It was a HIV, with the I being a cross upside down with a red background

21:51:46 Dec 28th 09 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Yeah Sable Black Blade described it to me over the phone. It makes me sad that i didnt get to see it.

23:07:08 Dec 28th 09 - Sir Chow Yun Fat:

oh yes we do have a arnie!

00:09:22 Dec 29th 09 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

I don't get it.. I still see the red banner. What's up HIV?

00:12:17 Dec 29th 09 - Princess Aisha:

I dont know what you're talking about, we have the same banner...

Hot Inactive Veterans

Kingdom Banner

Name: Hot Inactive Veterans
Members: 33
Created: 8/5/2009 1:44:22 AM
Leader: Sir Binh The Elven War

00:18:55 Dec 29th 09 - Lady Boobson:

We have the red banner :)

00:23:18 Dec 29th 09 - Princess Aisha:

Well I see the regular green banner...

Our kingdom banner

00:28:56 Dec 29th 09 - Ms. Black Mamba:

cached image.

01:19:07 Dec 29th 09 - Mr. Bruce Willis:

mulit kd..... someone get a mod!!!!!!!!

01:32:37 Dec 29th 09 - Mr. Bruce Willis:

Lord Uther Pendragon


20:47:51 Dec 28th 09 Im still seeing the green one but an upside down cross means nothing satanic and anyone to think so is serious uneducated in the religious world.

Saint Peter was Crucified upside down, cross and all.

So to mark an upside down cross as anti christian is a ridiculous notion.
I think its fine guys, keep it.

You arent really taught to think much now are you???
The act of Crucifixion is not about trying to execute a person by hammering a nail into their wrist or foot... its a slow suffocation. The body grows weak from hanging, and the person finds it harder and harder to breath. If it were a couple of nails, they could be there all weekend waiting for the guy to die. Thats why after 12 hours, if the victim was still alive, their knees were broken too... stopping the last support mechanism they had. IF the could physically hang him upside down, he wouldnt die from the crucifixion, but would have a major flow of blood to the head... thats all. Stop listening to urban legends.

And HIV is evil -_-

04:52:11 Dec 29th 09 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


regardless he was Crucified upside down until death so do not talk to me like you know what you are talking about. Also the notion of anything being satanic due to its Anti-Christian nature is also absurd because true Satanism is all about bettering oneself before those around you. Thats the exact reason why (in story) Lucifer was banished from heaven.

True Satanists are typically quiet and they keep to themselves and do not speak out against other religions. A part of the religion itself commands you to hold your tongue against other religions or bite it off.

Off topic again.
I never said that the death was caused by the Crucifix and it is in record that he way put on a crucifix that was upside down. Yes the death would have been by blood flow and it would have been quicker but that is how they did it so in some cases the upside down cross isn't used for anti christianity (though i must admit it is mostly used in this purpose) but it is also used to symbolize Saint Peter.

Your statement from what i said is completely irrelevant because regardless the crucifix caused the death because it was holding him upside down.

04:53:41 Dec 29th 09 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Before you question me on thinking do a little research yourself and think about what you say before you accuse me on not thinking.

I am done with this.

My point is that this banner that was up for a grand total of probably 12 minutes is in no way racy or offensive. If it is to someone then its all in that persons head because it has to do with how they translate it.

10:22:30 Dec 29th 09 - Mr. Kaze:

I like hiv's new banner. Especially the 'I'. Anyways, good luck to everyone!

11:21:12 Dec 29th 09 - Lord Uther Pendragon:



see Kaze proves my point thats its all in the viewers head!


11:55:04 Dec 29th 09 - Sir Chow Yun Fat:

meh the old green one was better

11:55:37 Dec 29th 09 - Sir Ryan The Archtroll:

I don't like HIVs new banner.

Also Good Luck Glad!

12:01:42 Dec 29th 09 - Sir Chow Yun Fat:

agreement with ryan!

13:32:12 Dec 29th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

@ Ice Prince Shazsaro and Sir Ryan The Archtroll - thanks you; good luck to you, too

16:12:35 Dec 29th 09 - Mr. Bruce Willis:

Im trolling Uther... and you are evil... imma throw my wikipedia at your satanic ass soon.
And ... anyone think Uthers banner look like a charity ad???

16:26:58 Dec 29th 09 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

Ha.. A Charity, indeed.  A charity where you donate your souls to the Federation. Or we take them. So, less of a charity. More, of a... something else. Ha

16:38:40 Dec 29th 09 - Sir Chow Yun Fat:

help the poor little federation people.....too long have they starved and perished due to the exploitation of there natural resources by forgeiners....but HERE IS HOW YOU CAN HELP!

please donate your cities to the federation so they can fight poverty and become will be rewarded

17:10:31 Dec 29th 09 - Archangel Argyle:

Good luck to HIV and their friends!

19:19:35 Dec 29th 09 - Mr. Sable The Black Blade:

So I guess it's true about how when people move to Hollywood they become all mean and plastic, huh? Not much of an improvement from being dead bears, if you ask me. Ha. I'm only joking guys. Good luck in the upcoming wars and such.

19:21:04 Dec 29th 09 - Sir Chow Yun Fat:

you too man and plastic bah! imagine being made of the shit!

20:18:16 Dec 29th 09 - Mr. Bruce Willis:

You soooooo 80's.... we use Silicone now babe

21:54:05 Dec 29th 09 - Lord Uther Pendragon:


You may think Charity now but when this hand is reaching across Visual Utopia its going to start to look like Fascism!


22:42:46 Dec 29th 09 - Mr. Bruce Willis:

Satanic Fascists ... grrr

03:15:55 Dec 30th 09 - Mr. Bruce Willis:

For all kingdoms planning on warring us.... we have a kd theme going with our city names so would appreciate it if when you build cities, maintain the theme so when we take them they fall into continuance with our current line up...

04:20:13 Dec 30th 09 - Master Windu:

lol not going to happen

04:21:42 Dec 30th 09 - Mr. Bruce Willis:

shut up charityboy... star wars aint real and nor is santa... ask Harrison Ford

05:10:48 Dec 30th 09 - Sir Chow Yun Fat:


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