Forums / In game politics / Zetamania next era I

Zetamania next era I
17:13:55 Apr 25th 08 - Mr. Lord Admiral Terrence Hood:

Starting this thread early, but who is going to be on Zetamania next era?

18:25:23 Apr 25th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

Personally I think Zet will be crowded next era.

18:33:00 Apr 25th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Yeah but I want to be able to stretch my legs. Hmm., only 2 solutions for that...

18:58:16 Apr 25th 08 - Mr. Panic II:

Ill follow my KD (RoC)... I assume they will be on Zeta

19:51:15 Apr 25th 08 - Mr. Money:

I will be on zeta next era, not sure who i will be playing for but i will be there.

20:05:01 Apr 25th 08 - Mr. Justanius:

have fun

20:06:10 Apr 25th 08 - Mr. Justanius:

1. Ms. Ashley The Legion Dwarf 933171
2. Mr. Justainius Fontaini The Dark Riders Dwarf 787489

20:09:58 Apr 25th 08 - Mr. Wraith:


And money, I don't see a problem with changing in-between eras but its changing during the era that annoys me and many others.

20:16:06 Apr 25th 08 - Mr. Money:

1.Lord Protector NimicFlamers UnitedDwarf4835837
2.Mr. MidnightFlamers UnitedDwarf3770389
3.Ms. ZinxuFlamers UnitedDwarf3752509
4.Mr. MoneyDrug LordsElf3587716

I can do that to Justanius =P

Yea, that annoys me to but theres nothing we can do about it.

20:35:57 Apr 25th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

I can do that too Money!

6. Ms. Emogirl Predators Dwarf 1899579

21:09:14 Apr 25th 08 - Mr. Justanius: u wer emogirl

21:34:25 Apr 25th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

who ever said I wasn't?

21:41:11 Apr 25th 08 - Sir Gilgamash Leich:

1. Mr. Mittalmar Just Freedom Elf 3363791
2. Mr. Heimdall Frumentarii Dwarf 2870912
3. Sir Trogdar Liech Frumentarii Orc 2678540
4. Mr. Ancient Basio Frumentarii Dwarf 2383626

21:43:43 Apr 25th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Well... if you're all going to show off then I will to.

20. Mr. Wraith Elf 839051

It may seem crap BUT it was only my second era. :)

Well... fir*beep*ll era. :)

21:46:47 Apr 25th 08 - Sir Gilgamash Leich:

oooh and for Mr. Money's post:

1. Lord Protector Nimic Flamers United Dwarf 4835837
2. Mr. Midnight Flamers United Dwarf 3770389
3. Ms. Zinxu Flamers United Dwarf 3752509
4. Mr. Money Drug Lords Elf 3587716
5. Mr. Blah Blah The Brutal Blahcentennial Men Halfling 3569428
6. Sir Rodrick Von Liechtenstein Flamers United Elf 3300034

I was there too...

23:35:52 Apr 25th 08 - Mr. Money:

yea, but did you take down a whole KD alone? It was 18 vs Me, i hit them when they was recovering from a war but still thats 18 vs 1 person ( lets just say i had to drink a lot of coffee). I would have been first if those stupid dwarfs caver masters didn't jack up there scores.

I feel sorry in a way b/c there KD is just now recovering from that.

19:05:04 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Justanius:

...*mumbles predators pffft*

20:52:10 Apr 26th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Mr. Wraith


4/25/2008 9:43:43 PM

Well... if you're all going to show off then I will to.

20. Mr. Wraith Elf 839051

It may seem crap BUT it was only my second era. :)

Well... fir*beep*ll era. :)


Yep. And I made it as the best human last age (place 11) on Zeta, my 1st whole age in VU.


And by the way. All Frumentarii  scores are somehow a result of ROoC success last age........


03:12:27 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

So...... who will be on Zet next era?  ^-^

03:18:17 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Headstrong:

hmm i might be, but who cares

why make a thread asking?

03:24:47 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Kevdwayne:

hhhmmm..... I wonder why.....

04:12:24 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

because they are looking to make the biggest known orgy in VU history =D

im in

04:13:12 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Panic II:

8. Mr. Panic The Alliance Dwarf 1264963

^ Zeta last era

currently 4th

09:28:24 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Not for long Panic. I WILL surpass you eventually. :)

20:09:01 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Justanius:


20:20:47 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

i think i will be on zeta next era! depends where selky tells me im going

20:22:30 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Justanius:


20:23:53 Apr 27th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

I would put my guess on Selkirka

20:24:51 Apr 27th 08 - Mr. Justanius:


04:46:14 May 1st 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

Black Chain is up for Zeta next era...

Orgy with RoC?


sounds pleasurable...

: P

anyways... Money... i forgot where i placed on there but it was my first era and i came in half way through...

so i think i did fair...

but i haven't matched my score since...

im not a big miner... hahaha

23:42:22 May 1st 08 - Lord Uther Pendragon:

but yes...

i believe that an unbreakable bond can finally be forged this time...

everytime we shoot for it we are always snubbed by two other kd's before we can make a move...

this time it wont happen though...

our players have gotten the experience they need i believe...

i know i have....

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