Forums / In game politics / Zone Agreements

Zone Agreements
15:14:28 May 12th 10 - Mr. Theophilus XIX:

Has there ever been between KDs agreements based on Zones of the Map?

For instance, we shall not attack one another within the bounds of between blocker x, y, and z?

This would allow KDs to keep their cores intact, and vie for mines and other areas of the map in 'friendly' skirmish and a test for different military tactics.

Has this ever been practiced or is every single world for every era basically imperialism?

15:59:59 May 12th 10 - Dr. Willie Hardigan:

tried a version once and were back stabbed by the other group.  so Id say imperialism

16:00:18 May 12th 10 - Mr. Churros:

Zey are all Imperialist dogzz Mr Theophilus!

Although your idea would make for great strategic play (and it is supposed to be a strategy game) unfortunately many players seem to think that strategy consists solely of hitting people over the head with big sticks, so that's what they do and those who might want to use a little more intelligence and ingenuity have to decend to their level.

Personally I think Zeta started this as a great big Social Science experiment and we'll all appear in his Doctoral thesis one day ;)

16:20:37 May 12th 10 - Mr. Theophilus XIX:

ha, would make for a good one.

I think it would be a cool idea. Tried it end of era one time because we were bored, forgot what kd, but it was too far past for any battles to happen.

18:00:42 May 12th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

basically a good idea, just have to be sure that the other kd is very friendly and honourable.

18:40:48 May 12th 10 - Mr. Path:

Kingdoms have made agreements over territory before, sure.  Especially with the connected worlds.  Usually it was "you stay off our home map, we will stay off yours".  Not a nap, because attacks could be made outside of the agreed upon area, but most kingdoms who make agreements like this generally try to avoid each other in order to not antagonize the other side.

23:47:51 May 12th 10 - Lord Cao Cao:

I managed to get something like this to work once. My kd was napped with Criss' kingdom and we had nothing else to do. We decided to make a game out of it, each side had two cities that were up for grabs, and it was basically a big game of capture the flag. First team to get all 4 cities wins, it was a fun way to finish out the era without having to sit there and farm, and without breaking any agreements

23:49:46 May 12th 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

Mr. Churros


16:00:18 May 12th 10
Personally I think Zeta started this as a great big Social Science experiment and we'll all appear in his Doctoral thesis one day ;)

From what I've heard, there may just be more truth in that than you think..

22:38:30 May 16th 10 - Mr. Jackdaniels The Short:

yeah then justins kd decided to back stab us cao but it was all good there was only like a day left when they decided to attack us but that was fun our giant merge vs there giant merge was bad ass

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