Forums / In game politics / arma in matrax...

arma in matrax...
02:24:24 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Thore:

Darn i was gona cast arma in matrax for the very first time!

I had one more mage lvl to go it would of took me just 3 more days!

02:41:41 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Thore:

But someone beat me to it!

(sry would of added it to my other post but i didnt have the edit button)

02:49:36 Apr 10th 07 - Lord Senturu:

hehehehahahahaha. u losed didnt ya

02:53:41 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Amunra:

all that guy did was destroying mantrax, no other world will suffer arma!

02:53:50 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Rock:


02:54:32 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Manuel Marulanda Velez:

Oh really... What KD are you in and why did you want to cast arma. And how many MU's do you have?

03:06:33 Apr 10th 07 - Lord Senturu:

last i remember. arma destroys ALL WORLDS

03:06:51 Apr 10th 07 - Sir Falazar:

Then why does it say we are all going to die?

03:07:44 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Atreides:

Not if it's cast from Mantrax.

03:14:26 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Thanks:

i wish the creators would clarify

03:42:55 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Aloy:

Thore sorry to burst your bubble, but arma in mantrax has been casted atleast 5 times before you wouldn't of been the first one.

04:09:10 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Boogey:

Its the first one since Zeta changed it to be arma cast on any world but fantasia only affects that world. Congrats.

04:13:39 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Firendash:




06:07:58 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Architect:

-An Armageddon that is cast in Mantrax will affect ONLY Mantrax and NO OTHER WORLD.  

-An Armageddon that is cast in Fantasia will affect every world present in the game and re-start us all.

-Any Armageddon that is cast in any world except Fantasia will affect only that world and none other.

There, I think I covered all my bases.

07:39:26 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Draven:

bye bye mantrax :)

08:44:42 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Basch:

god damn it why couldn't it be casted in fant?

09:52:09 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Crissxcross:

because the people in fant like their world and don't want to burn it :) (at least atm :))

11:03:06 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Manuel Marulanda Velez:

Basch, stop crying and carry on playing. I'm having a horrible era too. Don't see me complaining.

13:50:54 Apr 10th 07 - Lady Spooky:

Many of us in Mantrax don't want our world to end either.  The Arma city has only one building... so what about it Bones, are you serious?  You weren't top Mantrax KD when it was cast....

13:59:01 Apr 10th 07 - Ms. Bored:

It's a wall, and they placed it far away from anyone so I doubt it's an "arma block".

14:10:24 Apr 10th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat:

Spooky, you know better than to pray on them to stop Arma, what the *beep*, aren't 20 RL days enough to kill em?

14:20:32 Apr 10th 07 - Lady Spooky:

Bored - I don't see how that follows.  If it's a block you still want to be able to defend it until the time of your choosing.

Weird - you'll just have to wait and see.  Maybe we don't want to?  I'm not asking them to stop it, just asking if they're serious...

16:14:18 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Thore:

Lol its a wall city that cast it, wonder how they fit enough mage towers in there


Yes i know i repeated what Ms. Bord sayed but its funny

19:16:07 Apr 10th 07 - Ms. Bored:

They just use a lot of MUs...

19:52:02 Apr 10th 07 - Lord Osiris:

you can cast arma on other cities you know :) it was probably cast from a mage town onto the wall. Afaik Kd members can cast it onto another kd member :)

20:00:44 Apr 10th 07 - Ms. Bored:

True, the wall is also infront of another city if I'm correct.

20:01:28 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Manuel Marulanda Velez:

Lord Weirdgrivi The Diplomat We still have to fight through a whole KD core, one that takes up 1/4 of the world i'll add.

Note how they have over 4x the amount of players we do.

20:03:47 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Architect:

Either way, you guys have 20 RL days, I guess maybe 19 now.  That is more then enough time to take anybody out.

20:06:25 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Manuel Marulanda Velez:

I don't know Architect i am not posting our politics here but we have a few enemies.

21:37:06 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Razios:

I have set up a search and destroy mission with two other kingdoms. If only if I could specify the location it would be way easier. I need directions!

21:38:47 Apr 10th 07 - Lord Osiris:

you should be able to see it


22:54:17 Apr 10th 07 - Lady Spooky:

Razios - click anywhere in the map then do Ctrl-F and type in Armageddon - you'll find it.  If that fails. scroll right to the top NE corner of the map and the move about a third of the way west along the top and you'll see it.

A LONG way from you as it is from us.  Pity that Yuran and Hyperion wiped out most of our western players or we might have joined your crusade.

23:24:28 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Thore:

In the begining the universe was made...





This made alot of people unhappy and was to be considered a bad move...


Ya the armageddon reminded me of it

23:33:46 Apr 10th 07 - Mr. Razios:

being as its only 1 building and a whole lotta 0/0 people, i'll send in scouts to do my work. Open ur gates! I have 22 hours left in protection and maybe i'll get there without dying!

17:25:44 Apr 12th 07 - Guildmaster Drenthinio:

arma will be stopped ;)

22:59:38 Apr 12th 07 - Mr. Excelsior:

I second that motion Drenthinio.

23:16:30 Apr 12th 07 - Mr. Rock:

go go go drenth.

23:27:09 Apr 12th 07 - Sir Disdyakis Hexakis:

Bones, meet Diamonds.  We're not happy about arma and we're here to let you know.

23:47:49 Apr 12th 07 - Lady Spooky:

Wait for me Drenth - I'm right behind you....

23:49:03 Apr 12th 07 - Mr. Rock:

shouldnt it be the other way around? ;P

00:35:13 Apr 13th 07 - Lady Spooky:

No, he runs faster than I do...

12:28:31 Apr 13th 07 - Mr. Manuel Marulanda Velez:

Thats because hes got his ikkle lonesome army spooky, we however are in a merge :P

14:25:17 Apr 13th 07 - Lady Spooky:

You and me MMV - let's give 'em hell.

15:29:20 Apr 13th 07 - Mr. Thore:

I am gona give them hell with my high level archmages 27/27 Cant get to their main base but i can cut of their resources and wast their men at the colonys they have near me.

15:46:44 Apr 13th 07 - Lord Oya:

taps fingers on table in frustration....

this damn arma is ruining my beautiful news page!!!

19:32:58 Apr 13th 07 - Mr. Manuel Marulanda Velez:

DW Oya, we have forced out way into their core... now to get to the back of it...

Thore, I don't care whether you have level 1000 magic, or your secretly jesus, ZeTa or my multi. You cast arma we will come for you too :P

18:14:37 Apr 14th 07 - Mr. Thore:

what if i am jesus =0

18:16:16 Apr 14th 07 - Mr. Ignis The Scholar:

Dude if he has lvl 1000 magic it'll only take him 10k mu's to ownage/rof/slow all you're armies :P.

And It'll only take him 10k archmages spread out in 100 armies to own the map.
(unless there's a cap.)

23:55:00 Apr 14th 07 - Archduke Joker:

Crack on chaps..


Through the eye we can see this information about Armageddon, owned by Mr. Shadow Dragon[BN]:
Magic Towers:0

Armies in the city: 0(Total of 0 men)

You lost 18 Spellweavers and 11 of your magic towers got destroyed in explosions.

23:58:31 Apr 14th 07 - Lord Oya:

now make it disappear!!

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