Forums / In game politics / end era HoH scores

end era HoH scores
19:15:58 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Caradoc III:

im not sure if im going to be on last minute before the tick turn but here is the scores of all armies, cities, players, and kingdoms *since you wont see it after end era other than players*


Fantasia | Mantrax | Zetamania | Starta | Nirvana | Valhalla | Armageddon| Talents
Most Powerful Armies Most Powerful Cities

Btk IV
owned by Mr. Bill Thomas Killman

Size Matters
owned by The Gragnar

owned by Mr. Clayface

owned by Mr. Fordius

owned by Mr. Von Darkmoor

Daftpunk III
owned by Mr. Birdhows

owned by Mr. Elsin

owned by Mr. Caradoc III

The Genova Project
owned by Mr. Sephiroth

owned by Mr. Ignis The Virus

owned by Mr. Caradoc III

Isaac Blocks
owned by Mr. Isaac

owned by Sir Surviver

Sko I Rumpan
owned by Sir Drunken

Love The Air
owned by Duke Darkfaith

owned by Duke Darkfaith

owned by Duke Darkfaith

The Bigload
owned by Duke Darkfaith

owned by Duke Darkfaith

owned by Lord Protector Nimonic

Most Powerful Groups Most Powerful Rulers

[Havoc] Carnage
With Lord Marche as leader.

[LGC] Legacy
With Mr. Roxbury as leader.

[SHEOL] Sheolic Empire
With Mr. Diomedes as leader.

[Music] Music
With Mr. Gothrim as leader.

[PKS] Peacekeepers
With Mr. Hagar as leader.

[WoL] Wolves of Lithuania
With Duke Vytautas Didysis as leader.

[Solo] Solo Guys
With Mr. Fordius as leader.

[DB] Dark Blood
With Sir Oya as leader.

[Trio] The Musketeers
With Mr. Squiddy as leader.

[BLS] Black Label Society
With Mr. Zakk as leader.

Mr. Bill Thomas Killman
Member of: Legacy.

The Gragnar
Member of: Legacy.

General Ezatious
Member of: Legacy.

Mr. Ocool
Member of: Sheolic Empire.

Swedish Chef Brashen
Member of: Legacy.

Mr. Isaac
Member of: Carnage.

Mr. Skullz
Member of: Music.

Mr. Raptor
Member of: Legacy.

Mr. Birdhows
Member of: Sheolic Empire.

Mr. Ignis The Virus
Member of: Sheolic Empire.

19:31:31 Jul 4th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:


Fantasia | Mantrax | Zetamania | Starta | Nirvana | Valhalla | Armageddon| Talents
Most Powerful Armies Most Powerful Cities

owned by Sir Evans The Awaited

Angry Wet Kittens
owned by Princess Sum Yun Hoo

owned by Ms. Nemesis

owned by Lord Azaruc

owned by Ms. Nemesis

The Septim Fourth Army
owned by Prince Bertilius Septim II

owned by Mr. Massivedestroyer

owned by Mr. Wywernus

owned by Ms. Kiwi

Bloated Scout
owned by Mr. Midnight

owned by Sir Evans The Awaited

owned by Mr. Massivedestroyer

Sonix Armor
owned by Mr. Sonicx

Exam Week
owned by Mr. Midnight

owned by Mr. Massivedestroyer

owned by Lord Erunion Telcontar

owned by Mr. Wywernus

owned by Sir Evans The Awaited

Production Line
owned by Lord Mac

Orcs Bar
owned by Mr. Midnight

Most Powerful Groups Most Powerful Rulers

[FF] Freedom Fighter
With Lord Scientist as leader.

[Ghost] Phantom
With Sir Ilia as leader.

[LRS] Love Rules Supreme
With Mr. Love as leader.

[Cutter] Emos
With Mr. Snuffy as leader.

[TGH] The Golden Horde
With Mr. Archal as leader.

[KOTGC] Knights Of The Golden Crown
With Mr. Elrend as leader.

[M] Manowar
With Mr. Bort as leader.

[Doma] Domination
With Mr. Mac Doma as leader.

[Hell] Hells Angels
With Mr. Bears as leader.

[REAP] Death List
With Mr. Dragons Chain as leader.

Mr. Midnight
Member of: Freedom Fighter.

Sir Evans The Awaited
Member of: Not a member of a group.

Ms. Nemesis
Member of: Freedom Fighter.

Mr. Massivedestroyer
Member of: Freedom Fighter.

Mr. Wywernus
Member of: Freedom Fighter.

Princess Sum Yun Hoo
Member of: Freedom Fighter.

Mr. Sonicx
Member of: Freedom Fighter.

Prince Bertilius Septim II
Member of: Freedom Fighter.

Lord Scientist
Member of: Freedom Fighter.

Mr. Atreides
Member of: Freedom Fighter.

19:57:57 Jul 4th 08 - Sir Alban:


Fantasia | Mantrax | Zetamania | Starta | Nirvana | Valhalla | Armageddon| Talents
Most Powerful Armies Most Powerful Cities

Spook Hoh
owned by Mr. Spook

Army III
owned by Sir Alban

Handling Spook
owned by Mr. Spook

Ebil Army
owned by Mr. Zorbak

Spook Mine Time
owned by Mr. Spook

owned by Duke Schneizel

Get Out
owned by Mr. Spook

Calibus lifeguards
owned by Mr. Calibus

One Says
owned by Mr. Waver

Royal Knights
owned by Mr. Legendary Warrior

owned by Mr. Hannibal

New Suffolk
owned by Mr. Lazyboy

owned by Mr. Ether

owned by Mr. Calibus

owned by Mr. Spook

owned by Mr. Byst

Another City
owned by Sir Alban

owned by Mr. Lazyboy

Fighters Arm
owned by Mr. Randomart

owned by Mr. Muthar

Most Powerful Groups Most Powerful Rulers

[B] Boo
With Mr. Spook as leader.

[POFF] Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame
With Mr. Jonny Bacardi II as leader.

[SE] The Sith Empire
With Mr. Darth Bane as leader.

[DF] Dark Fires
With Mr. Pesterd as leader.

[Myth] Myth
With Mr. Angel as leader.

[F] Fusion
With Mr. Bartimaeus as leader.

[ESE] Elemental Shinobi Empire
With Mr. Denko as leader.

[CR] Cricket rules
With Mr. Cricket as leader.

[NM] New Millenium
With Mr. Millenium as leader.

[Rebels] The Rebel Alliance
With Mr. Rodonna as leader.

Mr. Mountainman
Member of: Not a member of a group.

Mr. Spook
Member of: Boo.

Mr. Smileyface
Member of: Royal Order of Claidhmore.

Mr. Little Brain
Member of: Sarafan Knights.

Sir Alban
Member of: Not a member of a group.

Mr. Vader
Member of: Not a member of a group.

Mr. Lpsmash
Member of: Dark Fires.

Mr. Tinner Skullcrush
Member of: Royal Order of Claidhmore.

Mr. Legendary Warrior
Member of: Boo.

Mr. Dyrness
Member of: Royal Order of Claidhmore.

red= me

in case you hadnt realised...


20:00:53 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:


Fantasia | Mantrax | Zetamania | Starta | Nirvana | Valhalla | Armageddon| Talents
Most Powerful Armies Most Powerful Cities

Imperial Guard
owned by Mr. Astharot

owned by Sir Darkmarsbar

Defense I
owned by Mr. Ocastra

Fruar Defenders
owned by Sir Spud

Stop The Music
owned by Mr. The Don

You Are Not The Father
owned by Mr. Thebornloser

owned by Mr. Wolverine

owned by Mr. Pyrofire

owned by Mr. Ice Cube

owned by Mr. Bloody Sabbath III

owned by Mr. Gothir

owned by Mr. Atomsk

owned by Mr. Elazul Keeper of Seraphs

owned by Mr. Duca II

owned by Mr. Mlife

owned by Sir Spud

owned by Mr. Duca II

owned by Mr. Bloody Sabbath III

owned by Mr. Duca II

Chilled Stiens
owned by Mr. Dartimos

Most Powerful Groups Most Powerful Rulers

[Preds] Predators
With Sir Darkmarsbar as leader.

[Angels] Angels
With Sir Engel Van Dood as leader.

[Dacii] The Dacians
With Mr. The Gladiator as leader.

[THC] Cannabis
With Mr. Creepin as leader.

[*beep*] Elements
With Mr. Earth as leader.

[TDS] The Devastators
With Mr. Bloody Sabbath III as leader.

[SPQR] Frumentarii
With Sir Trogdar Liech as leader.

With Mr. Hamish as leader.

[BLKWTR] Black Waters
With Mr. Haskizzle as leader.

[IPF] Internal Primates Forever
With Lord Primate Meltyface as leader.

Mr. Pathson
Member of: Angels.

Mr. Fingdor
Member of: Predators.

Mr. Astharot
Member of: The Dacians.

Mr. Thebornloser
Member of: Angels.

Mr. Sound
Member of: Elements.

Sir Spud
Member of: Predators.

Mr. Bling Bob
Member of: Predators.

Mr. Duca II
Member of: Predators.

Mr. Ocastra
Member of: Angels.

Prince Sprout
Member of: Predators.

20:00:56 Jul 4th 08 - Mr. Bling Bob:


20:05:26 Jul 4th 08 - Sir Alban:

1. Mr. Spook Boo Halfling 431421
2. Sir Alban Human 285555
3. Mr. Legendary Warrior Boo Elf 240785
4. Mr. Zorbak Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame Troll 222115
5. Mr. Calibus Boo Human 151974
6. Mr. Ether Boo Elf 123522
7. Mr. Lazyboy Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame Dwarf 114058
8. Mr. Angel Myth Halfling 108445
9. Mr. Waver Boo Human 86117
10. Mr. Hannibal The Sith Empire Orc 82947


I made a last minute leap up the highscores...


14:10:22 Jul 6th 08 - Sir Evans The Awaited:

Most Powerful Armies Most Powerful Cities

owned by Sir Evans The Awaited

owned by Sir Evans The Awaited

woooo :P considering i cant emrge armies :P and they are opposite sides fo the map :D

17:05:40 Jul 6th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

I'm a little disappointed, that the score from Zetamania when Armageddon hit that world 2 weeks ago isn't available.

Of course "one" can argue with the fact, that Armageddon destroys all cities and armies - therefore there are none. The world is destroyed. The scores are gone-away-lost- - - (feel free to add you own words).

But Was Armageddon casted on Fant, then the situation would be somewhat different. There would be scores - there would be winners of the worlds. At least that's what I have read - I have not been playing an age, where that happend.

That difference was a surprise (I think) -  I have wrote about it in the thread for bugs/errors - but no reply from Zeta. Therefore we do not know if that is how it is in the future or it's an error, that would be taken care of.

This we (ALL) now have to take that into consideration if/when some in the future cast Armageddon again (and if it's not on Fant). Should that player be protected or hunted down?!?! That question could be vital even for the kingdom-mates of that player!!

And as a last "Sh.t Man". When a world is destroyed, it should CONTINUE to be destroyed for the rest of that age. It should not be able to be restarted with some "odd low" scores.

17:16:29 Jul 6th 08 - Dark Lord Sun Yun Huu:

the Era only ends when arma is on fant or the timer ends. arma on lower worlds only resets it thus no end scores because the era isnt over

18:05:24 Jul 6th 08 - Mr. Knight of The Golden Crown:

I have a question.did carnage ever actually win or dfid legacy.

18:12:13 Jul 6th 08 - Mr. Aligreat:

Depends what your opinion of is a winner.

Carnage won by a very small amount of points as a KD, but given their larger size and the fact legacy had 5/10 of the top 10, including #1 and Carnage had only 1 postion in the top 10, and that was 6th place.

Personally i feel that means Legacy won the era. But i guess everyone will have an opinion on it.

23:55:56 Jul 6th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

Every fact Ali says just revoles around his anger for carnage.
Ali stop forming facts from your opinions its supposed to work the other way around.
Stop trying to ruin peoples fun who won the era.

00:57:39 Jul 7th 08 - Mr. Aligreat:

shush whiner. like i said, everyone has an opinion on it.

My opinion is the KD with the #1 player, then having 5 of the top 10 puts them as winners.

Your opinion is that carnage won. As it is a number of carnage members. Your entitled to that opinion, as i am entitled to mine.

01:37:43 Jul 7th 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

Well there is only one person who can decide who is the winner and it wont matter what anyone of us other say.

So use this following link and ask the native people who God is.

Once you have learned who your god is bow to his will and higher knowledge and lets all accept who he think are the winner.

01:40:12 Jul 7th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

VUbot, Who won the era of Dark Blood?

An article of the English language.

legacy *beep*es

lol i wonder who put that in -.-?

01:42:52 Jul 7th 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

lol I did not know you could search for this era winners.

08:30:41 Jul 7th 08 - Mr. Random:

VUbot, who is Random??

OMFG best guy

lol =P

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