Forums / In game politics / era starts tonight?

era starts tonight?
18:39:55 Feb 1st 09 - Mr. Apocalypse:

12 pm tonight?

18:42:10 Feb 1st 09 - Ms. Acaviser:

is it 12am GMT?

18:51:02 Feb 1st 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

its around 12-2 sometime :)

19:05:28 Feb 1st 09 - Mr. Weston:

And thats only the really long tick, 12 hours after that is when the era really starts.

19:10:19 Feb 1st 09 - Mr. Seloc:

Wasn't this era 3am? well last era... that one we just played.

19:22:20 Feb 1st 09 - Mr. Remus Lupus:

Well, the era actually started after the long tic at 6am I believe.

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