Forums / In game politics / excalibur!!!

22:40:13 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Revengicus V:

this conversation shows the untrustworthness of excalibur!


You (3/2/2008 2:53:47 PM)
dont we have a nap???
Dark Cruelity [Excal] (3/2/2008 3:54:02 PM) GOOD BAD
You (3/3/2008 7:25:25 AM)
then jeremy is a dishonest person!!! we told me we had a NAP so i wouldnt attack him!
Dark Cruelity [Excal] (3/3/2008 9:12:43 PM) GOOD BAD
Maybe a personal nap.
You (3/3/2008 9:19:27 PM)
he didnt say that!
Dark Cruelity [Excal] (3/3/2008 9:22:39 PM) GOOD BAD
Owell. not my problem
You (3/3/2008 9:26:00 PM)
well that sort of talk makes you a decitful b******d
Dark Cruelity [Excal] (3/3/2008 9:26:53 PM) GOOD BAD
No makes me a leader.
You (3/3/2008 9:27:32 PM)
and a horrible one at that
Dark Cruelity [Excal] (3/3/2008 9:28:52 PM) GOOD BAD
lol, we all run re kingdom different your a horrible king for not respecting that.
You (3/3/2008 9:30:53 PM)
so ur tellin me that saying that upholoding honour is not ur concern makes a good leader!
Dark Cruelity [Excal] (3/3/2008 9:34:38 PM) GOOD BAD
I never was made aware of a Nap nor make a nap with angel or have intentiosn of making a nap with angels. so it isnt an issue of honor its a more of a YOU FAILED TO COMMUCIATE WITH THE LEADER.
You (3/3/2008 9:36:00 PM)
Dark Cruelity [Excal] (3/3/2008 9:37:52 PM) GOOD BAD
1st you should know not to talk to vassals about relations
2nd, Wars have been fought with tricks. YOU JUST GOT TRICKED.
and u fell for it lol *beep*.
You (3/3/2008 9:38:43 PM)
then on the forum you shall be known as UNTRUSTWORTHY

22:41:50 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Revengicus V:

the key sentence is this

2nd, Wars have been fought with tricks. YOU JUST GOT TRICKED.
and u fell for it lol *beep*.

22:42:09 Mar 3rd 08 - Dark Cruelity:

you forgot, the ending

Mr. Revengicus V [LF] (3/3/2008 4:38:43 PM) GOOD BAD
then on the forum you shall be known as UNTRUSTWORTHY
You (3/3/2008 4:39:16 PM)
Lol. a nap was never offical but go ahead.

22:47:14 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Razorfire:

post the part in which the NAP was made with the other person?

22:50:04 Mar 3rd 08 - Dark Cruelity:

i dont have it so its all up to u Revengicus V but i never oked any nap with LF. hes just complaining cause were conquering them.

22:50:12 Mar 3rd 08 - Mr. Revengicus V:

deleted that ages ago! but it said something like this....

ass:  plese turn ur army around we have a NAP

me:  do we? since when?

ass: ages...dont worry we wont attack you

(2 days later 8 excalibur armies infiltrate LF core)

22:51:13 Mar 3rd 08 - Dark Cruelity:

This is where u contact Me to confirm, u failed to do so.

23:01:16 Mar 3rd 08 - Lord Seloc:

Lol revengicus for one this happened on Nirvana, nobody cares.
and for two if you had done some reasearch on Cruel you'll would of discovered he's not someone you should trust so easily.

23:05:37 Mar 3rd 08 - Dark Cruelity:

I hold my owrd, i never made a Nap with his kingdom, Not my fault he cnt take 3 second to ask if this was true

23:08:18 Mar 3rd 08 - Sir Plague:

hey i'm going to kill what ever kd i see from now on, except the kd i have said something to. so LF be quiet and take it like a man. Never give up, fight till the end.  I'll see you soon LF. Excalibur please don't damage them to much. i want a challenge, not like how Phantom was.

23:09:30 Mar 3rd 08 - Dark Cruelity:

im sry plague but they just keep giving us cutys, idk whats up with that.

11:16:00 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Revengicus VI:

well maybe that was because we had only just escaped evans....

12:23:41 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Malakas:

Excal should not be trusted. They are attacking our new recruits when there is still ongoing discussion for a possible NAP relation.

12:40:58 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Norris:

well if discussions are ongoing how are you suprised that theyre attacking?!

15:11:45 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Revengicus VI:

just dont NAP with them then....cowardly bastards

15:46:23 Mar 4th 08 - Dark Cruelity:

wtf u talking about there is NO and never has been any discussion on getting a nap with you. Don't Be Jealous.

15:50:16 Mar 4th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

"Anybody want a roasted flamingo?"

*Everybody notices Septim standing in the corner.

18:09:38 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Jermeytheholy:

um i said i thought we had nap because it was weird in forum but at the end joker i think  setted it good we had nap with other kingdom  sorry if you think that way about me but np for me

18:33:01 Mar 4th 08 - Sir Evans:

woot excal fighitng PHI, just fight it out...

19:33:02 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Revengicus VI:

Jeremy....i wish i had sent those 40 nazs to slaughter ur cowardly ass!!!!


21:22:11 Mar 4th 08 - Dark Cruelity:

... 40 nazguls, what do u hope to conquer with that. ill send my children to sling shot those play beasts down.

21:32:25 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Jermeytheholy:

um were you sending those i did not see those realy mean it and 30 nazi i had 50%wal + 2k troops lvl1 already at that time

21:40:06 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Trendkill:

Dark Cruelity wtf you mentioned Angels for? We have never offered or wanted NAP whit your kingdom, so your words insulted me!!!

Dark Cruelity [Excal] (3/3/2008 9:34:38 PM) GOOD BAD
I never was made aware of a Nap nor make a nap with angel or have intentiosn of making a nap with angels. so it isnt an issue of honor its a more of a YOU FAILED TO COMMUCIATE WITH THE LEADER.

I mean theres nothing big in here, and still, look who you talk to, before you involve Angels....

21:45:21 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Ator:




.... your next

21:46:03 Mar 4th 08 - Dark Cruelity:

*beep* ima stick my foot so far up your ass the water on my knee will qench your thirst.

21:52:16 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Jermeytheholy:

angels listen to ator he is  very good at explaining what is gonna happen with you guys

21:54:52 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Trendkill:

Shut up Ator!

Am not here to blame Exalibur or whine about anything, am just reminding Dark Cruelity to watch before say......

By the way Dark Cruelity as i got reported we are at war, so i am really confused of you mentioning Angels as NAP or something...

Good luck at war :)

21:59:55 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Joker:

1) We will win the war

2) Mr. Joker has spoken

22:33:56 Mar 4th 08 - Dark Cruelity:

Trendkill, mabe u hav difaculty understaning mi englich pleze re-reed wat i say to rev, i nevar wanted a NAP wit ur kingdum evar at all

22:58:16 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Revengicus VI:

Cruelty how bout understand this:





SHUT THE *beep* UP!

22:58:37 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Revengicus VI:

soz i meant to say FUK

22:59:33 Mar 4th 08 - Mr. Revengicus VI:

ANGELS.....kick their untrustworthy butts

23:56:38 Mar 4th 08 - Dark Cruelity:

... ... ... ... = ssss whats 4 dots mean in morris code? :S:S

00:01:20 Mar 5th 08 - Sir Plague:

How about you just leave Excalibur alone.  Its not Darks fault one of his members made a deal. if you people were smart you would talk directly with the leader or talk with the diplomacy person the leader has put in charge.

02:30:42 Mar 5th 08 - Mr. Malakas:

i have nothing against Excalibur, but the way they handle relations are not honorable.... this is my convo with Sir Cruelity. On this situation, one of Excal members are preparing on one of the new recruits city. I made it clear that we are accepting their offer.. and Im trying to negotiate for a city swap since they want no foreign city inside their area.

You (2/29/2008 9:27:29 AM)

are we nap or not? someone from your kingdom request it. if it is, then we ask that your members be informed of our peaceful relations.

-malakas, vice of PHI
Dark Cruelity [Excal] (2/29/2008 9:50:03 AM) GOOD BAD
i beelive a member of mine sent a request to your kingdom.
You (2/29/2008 10:03:35 AM)
we are accepting it. then. :)
Dark Cruelity [Excal] (2/29/2008 10:04:17 AM) GOOD BAD
Theres only 1 requirement, we need the city Backbone to secure ourselfs.
You (2/29/2008 10:06:39 AM)
no we cant allow that. the guys who owns it are relatively new to this game, it will be bad for him to lose a city.
Dark Cruelity [Excal] (2/29/2008 10:07:46 AM) GOOD BAD
He already has a city made on the other side of Stopage.
You (2/29/2008 10:40:37 AM)
no i still cant. but if thats a big deal... i ask your kingdom to make the same exact size of the city on the other side of the river in replacement of your demand.
Dark Cruelity [Excal] (2/29/2008 11:59:00 AM) GOOD BAD
1301 is the current size of the city, i imagine its a rainbo so il lmake a rainbow city for him when i get cash.

Sir, Your last message indicates you are considering our deal. but you never informed your members to stop attacking our new players. Such very low reputation, leaders like you will not live long in Fant.

03:05:33 Mar 5th 08 - Sir Plague:

Hey, didn't everybody make mistakes when they became leader for their first time. everybody in the world forgets to do something once in a while. when he gets more exp. as a leader he will be pretty good.

03:18:36 Mar 5th 08 - Dark Cruelity:

liek you said CONSIDERED i never said yes or no. Plz dont be jealous. Plus u were given the requirements u refused i refused and now we fight.

05:04:04 Mar 5th 08 - Mr. Justin:

Dark Cruelity


3/4/2008 1:46:03 PM

*beep* ima stick my foot so far up your ass the water on my knee will qench your thirst.

1st-get ur own fuking quotes and not major paynes.

2nd-trendkill, kick there asses

05:47:55 Mar 5th 08 - Mr. Ator:

Its all good, I love you all!

08:52:14 Mar 5th 08 - Mr. Revengicus VI:

i like ur thinking justin, Trendkill cut there heads off and *beep* down there necks!

12:18:25 Mar 5th 08 - Dark Cruelity:

@justin,  make me.

14:12:45 Mar 5th 08 - Mr. Revengicus VI:

justin doesnt make trashm, he burns it :)

15:38:31 Mar 5th 08 - Mr. Justin:

well that statements not completely true, i made dark cruelity :)

16:35:48 Mar 6th 08 - Mr. Revengicus VII:

lol u show him dude

01:15:34 Mar 7th 08 - Mr. Justin:

so dark cruelity, is ur birth certifacate an apology letter from the condom factory?

01:50:18 Mar 7th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

THAT'S ONE UGLY MUTHA *the actual word is replaced with chicken wing*

05:23:42 Mar 7th 08 - Dark Cruelity:


Where did u find that on google ?

05:25:45 Mar 7th 08 - Mr. Justin:

no, i cant remember where i got it from

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