Forums / In game politics / fantasia 21

fantasia 21
21:23:31 Aug 25th 13 - SFD (Lord Strike Fantasia Down):

have fun everyone (except Zond)

Kingdoms in Fantasia
Pink Legacy18Mr. Binh The Watcher218
Poodles From Hell20Mr. Paper Thick164
Mirror18Lord Azaruc139
The Immortals16Duke Leviathan135
Subliminal Strke Force9Mr. Hanky Panky100
Mad and Dangerous9Sir Aloysius32
Fecking Fecker9Mr. Bling29
Relentless9Mr. Xxpumpxx9

00:02:32 Aug 26th 13 - Zond (The Bohning):

yeah i agree. farming is fun, right. guess thats why im not having fun :/ 

05:02:58 Aug 26th 13 - Timur (Sheriff Timmur):

Legacy ended up somewhat isolated and thus we might have a replay of last era.  

Poodles is an oop war with Feckers, and then against Mirror (Mirror got out of protection a little later).  Mirror is doing slightly better at this point in the war, having taken a few cities on the edges, but we almost have shut down their orcs in our core.

I have no idea what is going on with the other kingdoms.

To prevent a replay of last era, I encourage Legacy to limit themselves to L3 troops and below.  If they won with that handicap, I would be truly and eternally impressed.    

05:10:30 Aug 26th 13 - Zond (The Bohning):

I see Immortals engaging Hankys kd (to lazy look up that long ass name).

14:07:59 Aug 26th 13 - SunWarriorKing (Mr. Moon Warrior of Luna):

really zond? Its two comments up! I think those four kingdoms below immortals should merge and be called The Subliminal Mad and Relentless Fecking Feckers. How wicked awesome would that be?

00:31:01 Aug 27th 13 - Xerxes The Great (Sir Xerxes The Halfer):

So, how's Fantasia going?

00:32:44 Aug 27th 13 - Zond (The Bohning):

Well we got Beo (plgc, called em beo cuz all the stuff they use hell at beo about. they are doing) farming in one corner.

Immortals fighting Hankys kd, not sure if fighting MAD as well. But MAD and Immortals are close. No LOS there yet.

Mirror is fighting Poodles in a nice oop war. It keeps flip flopping.. annoying. but better than farming away ;) 

00:39:29 Aug 27th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

The Bohning


23:32:44 Aug 26th 13
Well we got Beo (plgc, called em beo cuz all the stuff they use hell at beo about. they are doing) farming in one corner

10/10 would read again.

00:42:20 Aug 27th 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

Mr. Bad Bell Mate

Edit post

23:39:29 Aug 26th 13
The Bohning


23:32:44 Aug 26th 13
Well we got Beo (plgc, called em beo cuz all the stuff they use hell at beo about. they are doing) farming in one corner

10/10 would read again.

Okay, I just did again. As good as first time around. 10/10

00:46:17 Aug 27th 13 - SFD (Lord Strike Fantasia Down):

lol unexpected bad bell :P

00:48:50 Aug 27th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

Lol good one zondy :P

21:32:28 Aug 28th 13 - SFD (Lord Strike Fantasia Down):

Subliminal Strke ForceThe Immortals

Battles won: 7
Battles lost: 9

Players: 9
Sir Stormcrowe
Lord Strike Fantasia Down
Mr. Arkantos
Prince Stewie Griffin
Mr. Aussie
Mr. Hanky Panky
Mr. Uruk Hai
Mr. Moon Warrior of Luna
Mr. Osiris

Battles won: 9
Battles lost: 7

Players: 15
Sir Tyrgalon
Duke Leviathan
Lord Dragon
Mr. Millman XXXIX
Princess Aisha
Prince Chade
Mr. Anonymous The Death Dealer
Sir Justanius Fontainius
General Gokken The Evil
Sir Skinnyv
Mr. Night Stalker
Mr. Satanclausas
Mr. Looser
Mr. Arthur Dent
Mr. Elite I

Go strke force GO!!!

22:08:19 Aug 28th 13 - Tyr (Sir Tyrgalon):

You shall rue the day you edclared war on us! ;)

00:54:42 Aug 29th 13 - SFD (Lord Strike Fantasia Down):

I will edclare war on anyone I want >:)

05:30:22 Aug 29th 13 - Mr. Edd:

Ah now I remember you strike fantasia down.

16:32:26 Sep 1st 13 - Zond (The Bohning):


Beo (PLGC) prepping some Mirror cities with small armies. 
Also prepped a Fecker city. 

Otherwise still farming.

Subliminal lost to Immortals.. yes you read that right. 
Reasons from my understanding were, shit mage, no gts, no mus.

MAD... no idea. Possibly fighting some PLGC.. but doubt it. 

Mirror still fighting Poodles.. and losing ground. They got to many damn halfers :( 
Which is good for every other kd on the map with trolls and such. Will be their downfall.

Feckers also fighting Poodles with the low members they have, mainly just 1 or 2 fighting. 

Outlook: Immortals attacks Mirror, while Poodles pressure Mirror. Beo (PLGC) attacks MAD mean while. Mirror dies, Feckers die but rebuild like always and annoy everyone.
While Poodles and Immortals fight (or nap) Beo (PLGC) come sin and kills them all.

16:36:33 Sep 1st 13 - Mr. Ignis Klhails:

I didnt know u could tel the future :)

16:39:41 Sep 1st 13 - Zond (The Bohning):

I cant tell the future, i control the future. 

16:40:00 Sep 1st 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

aisha deleted her account yet?

16:42:02 Sep 1st 13 - Mr. Ignis Klhails:

oooh plz ooh great zond let me win  this era :)

16:52:17 Sep 1st 13 - Zond (The Bohning):

I will think about it..

Im more worried about why Poodles arent commenting..

Maybe this will get them too.

I see you kicked a dwarf, who doesnt have the "havent heard from this ruler in long time". And you also got rid of an elf who was about to die. So thats a lot of land being swapped in hands. Comments? 

17:14:12 Sep 1st 13 - Ms. Alith:

Zond, stop using TBL tactics to diplomicize your enemy into doing what you want :)

17:23:26 Sep 1st 13 - Timur (Sheriff Timur):

Zond's prediction seems accurate to me.  Which is why I challenge Legacy to try to win with L3 troops and below....well....I guess it would be ok if they build some L4 troops, but that would make it way easier.

Poodles have recovered a little ground but still have not retaken all the cities Mirror initially took on our southern boundary.   We do have a bit too many halfers for end game, but given how close the oop fight is, I suspect we would not survive to endgame if we had a more balanced kd.

We have actually kicked 5 or 6 players.   All but one were inactive for more than 6 days and relatively new to Fantasia.  If they want to rejoin next era, we would welcome them, but our leadership expects to be notified if you are unavailable.   Leaving inactive players cities undefended in your core, while fighting oop is a recipe for disaster.

 I don't know how long it takes to get the "we have not heard from this ruler in a long time" message.  

The elf who was about to die I think restarted, but am not sure...I didn't pay attention to that part.  There may even have been more than one restart.

17:27:41 Sep 1st 13 - Mr. Smallfry:

I love how "if Beo does it, thumbs up everyone." Screw LGC, right? 

The way all the Kingdoms jumped LGC a couple eras back seems a good enough excuse to farm right back at them. 

18:30:28 Sep 1st 13 - NazT (Mr. Dvsklown):

Notice how Zond's posts get more cranky if he is losing. So much pointing out what other people aren't doing right. Bohning maybe you should pay closer attention to what you are doing wrong? eh? 

Anyways....the elf was a new recruit who quit when he lost his first city. the dwarf was an old friend who didn't quite make a come back. should we have left him for a few more days to build up plunder? should we just leave him alone until one of you in mirror runs up here and plunders it? it was two 16K cities. Not a game changer.

Outlook: Farmers will farm, Warriors will war, Battles will be lost, People will get upset, Whining will follow. Just call me Nostradamas!

19:04:34 Sep 1st 13 - Zond (The Bohning):

You know your post is a success when someone who doesnt like you whines and claims you are cranky ;)

I didnt point out what others are doing wrong, i simply pointed out stated facts. 

If you dont like said facts, then by all means change them. 

And if you couldnt tell i posted that about Poodles just to keep them to talk (even though i clearly stated it), then... well sucks to be you :)

And i know what we are doing wrong, but you fail to realize we have a lot of new players. Few halfers. Some afks. And 3 didnt even play this era. Not to mention we are new kd. But hey, please whine more about how i whine when im losing. 

Oh wait! Clearly Timur said you guys havent reclaimed all lost cities! Does that we are actually winning despite our mistakes? Or does the kd %P show better the progress of each our kds? Despite the fact you have so many more halfers.. yet we still passed you by a lot when you were over 20 %P ahead of us? 

@Smallfries (how are your small fries btw. i like mine crispy and baked, not fried) Its not really "if beo does it, its okay" its more "when beo does it, lgc bitched non stop. now that lgc does it, and beo isnt around. they expect no one to say anything. but there is a guy named zond, who some like and some hate, who picks on lgc because wilb is there"

Edit: was just informed via my spies (aka my multies), that in fact MAD is warring Beo (PLGC). AND GET THIS! MAD has taken cities and gaining ground. Mr. Aloy the wonderful is in fact taking cities from the wonderful once upon a time mage Mel. 

19:12:29 Sep 1st 13 - Mr. Fmworst:

00:27:41 Sep 2nd 13 - Mr. Smallfry:

I love how "if Beo does it, thumbs up everyone." Screw LGC, right? 

The way all the Kingdoms jumped LGC a couple eras back seems a good enough excuse to farm right back at them. 

Oh please, shut your yap, Salazar. You and your kingdom are in no position to comment about this shit. Go back to the old Fantasia threads when Beothuk was playing. Go and read about how you guys bitched, groaned and moaned left, right and center about Beo not warring OOP or farming. In a deleted thread, one of your senior members said that you guys play the game for the OOP warring. Fools like Warlock and Wilber were coming out with rubbish about Beothuk not playing in the spirit of the game for a big kingdom by sitting back and farming while other major kingdoms were swatting and destroying each other OOP.

And now you come out to say that: "Hey, farming and letting you guys kill each other is a legitimate tactic, WTH are you all whining about?"

I'll tell you what them folks are whining about. They are whining about your kingdom's double standards. They are whining about how you guys twist your words around when the situation suits you. When Beo does it - they are the scum of the earth. When Legacy does it - leet tactics done by everyone anyway yo, so suck it up and accept it. WTF kind of logic is this?

I do not need to create ammunition to make Legacy look bad on the forums. When you (and some of your kingdomates) make your posts on the forums. you guys give me AMPLE ammunition and firepower to make a mockery of your nonsense. Want a suggestion? STFU, stay out of the forums and let someone smarter or more trustworthy (like Binh) do the talking. You will just end up making yourself and your kingdom look bad and stupid.

Wilber's stupidity is seriously an infectious disease *shakes head*

19:27:18 Sep 1st 13 - Zond (The Bohning):

Fight.... fight... fight.. fight. fight fight! 

Also, Binh is a nub who starts stuff. Then forgets about them. Reason he may post once and never again. 

Prime examples: He started playing lotro, never see him anymore. He started minecraft, never see him anymore. And then i stopped bothering with games with him :P

Also, yes i agree with the wise and terrible tbl. Warlock sucks (unless you are talking about dota, then hes OP with scepter + refresher). And wilb.. name says enough! 

So what about rest of LGC. We all know some opinions. What about the rest of you. Like, Legend. Whats your opinion? (we all know kob is old, what else do you have to say).

20:47:47 Sep 1st 13 - NazT (Mr. Dvsklown):

That's right Zondy, put that Bohning shine on it. Everyone sees you for what you are. Doesn't matter who, or what kingdom, none of them do anything right. Zondervan disapproves of all, and would have done it better himself. the only way I see Bohnner here ever being happy is if everyone at oop attacks Zond and losses. Then and only then will Bohnner ever truly be happy. He gets to win and then he will be able to tell you all what you did wrong.

did I forget anything? im sure Zond will let me know.


oh wait yeah I forgot Bohnner will definitely cast plague.

21:01:54 Sep 1st 13 - Zond (The Bohning):

lol its funny. you claim this, yet in skype everyone is laughing at you :D

21:13:23 Sep 1st 13 - Zond (The Bohning):


If you cant spot a forum troll post. By all means, keep posting. Gives the rest of us a laugh.

And you saying im pointing out what people do wrong.. call it what you will. Im simply posting for everyone to see. And its all stuff ive been told/seen :) 

Thus its facts, whether its bad about them or not. I give praises just as much as I dont.

You just cant seem to get over the past, and living in it means you will have a shitty vu experience if you must constantly post say shit over and over ;) 
Ive not bothered, nor said anything about you as a friend asked me to let it go. But you just seem to be that typical 12 year old we all have been.. and if you arent 12. Maybe one day u will grow up :D

At least tbl, grew up and uses big words ;) (jk, <3 tbl) 

22:26:29 Sep 1st 13 - NazT (Mr. Dvsklown):

I replied to your statement, simple remarks. seems my statement has gotten under your skin. i didn't bring up our past, you did. nor did i start insulting you. so keep twisting till it sounds good in your head buddy boy.

23:08:25 Sep 1st 13 - Penguin (Clown Thebornloser):

fak u

23:12:07 Sep 1st 13 - NazT (Mr. Dvsklown):

Clown Homo Baggins was way better! Penguin you slippin? come on you barely trying anymore.

23:18:15 Sep 1st 13 - Penguin (Clown Thebornloser):


23:26:41 Sep 1st 13 - Mr. Salazar:

The most enjoyable posts are usually written by the loneliest little trolls VU could ask for.  Accolades belong to Fmworst, not for his parody of an eloquent display, but his butt-hurt rage over an MO. It’s a travesty that we can’t find much in terms of intelligence from our troll under the bridge, but I do have my popcorn, and by Zeta, I will eat it and laugh at him. In fact, I have so much joy when listening to Fmworst’s jester-like speech, that I can’t help but want more and therefore find plenteous motivation to continue playing VU.

I will say your comprehension skills could use some work, Fmworst. I mean, the high degree of misunderstanding is incredible. I wish you could distinguish between statements revealing inner sanctum intentions versus a public statement of what LGC will or will not do. A perfect example is the era Beo beat LGC when a No-NAP era was insisted upon. You totally missed the point when this happened, by taking words far too technically. You also make a habit of assuming the statement of one or two players applies to every member of the Kingdom. LGC says their goal is to avoid farming, and you assume that it is a public statement declaring law. If LGC says their goal is to avoid NAPs, you assume that it is a public statement declaring yet another law.

I hate to break it to you, but LGC doesn’t need TBL morality imposed on them. They fell prey to your lures, wherein which you got them into the NoNAP era. I hope it never happens again. At the end of the day, you’re the enemy of LGC. LGC can do and play however it wants to in order to kill you off. It’s that simple.

Don’t complain about LGC whining if you’re going to lure them into it. That’s your fault. Most of the complaints, given their proper contexts, made sense anyways.


23:36:36 Sep 1st 13 - Mr. Salazar:


Will you STOP with the cannibalism jokes. I don’t eat fries, JEEZ. ^ ^

Comparing LGC to Beo is silly. Very silly.

I hereby admit that MAD did in fact capture a teeny little city in the north, but to no avail! His takings lasted but a short amount of time.

You know, someone in the KD made an excellent point (a private point that I will now disclose). We have MAD all over us and we are fighting Feckers. Btw, it’s not OOP fighters we’re fighting - but people who had an equal amount of preparation time. If you’ll notice, we haven’t attacked all of those hardly defended Poodles cities sitting on our front door. I took the honorable route by attacking Feckers and pretending Poodles doesn’t exist, even though they are our technical foes.

LGC has 3 players who haven’t landed, one who hasn’t landed, and if you ratio things properly, then Mirror is our exact size Per Capita. I can’t say the farming accusations are as impressive as they could be, or even relatable to those of Beo. A healthy Beo tactic would be to capture those gorgeous, undefended Poodle Halflings.

23:43:01 Sep 1st 13 - Zond (The Bohning):

15:26:29 Sep 1st 13 - NazT (Mr. Dvsklown):

I replied to your statement, simple remarks. seems my statement has gotten under your skin. i didn't bring up our past, you did. nor did i start insulting you. so keep twisting till it sounds good in your head buddy boy.

Called me Bohnner. Nuff Said. Need not say more and point out your logic. But please, if anything, do not lie in public forums. Only helps me ;) 

23:45:48 Sep 1st 13 - Penguin (Clown Thebornloser):

who is this salamander guy?

08:19:28 Sep 2nd 13 - Mr. Bad Bell Mate:

charmanders nemesis

aisha deleted her account yet?

19:32:34 Sep 2nd 13 - Mr. Fmworst:


It seems we are witnessing the emergence of another Wilberforce before our very eyes. Salazar is starting to display all the various traits that Wilberforce is the BENCHMARK for - lack of logic, irrationality, lack of substance, lack of basis, poorly thought out arguments and just sheer unbelievable silliness. Perhaps Wilber has been training a successor to his own personal brand of stupidity. That would really be a tragedy :(

06:26:41 Sep 2nd 13 - Mr. Salazar:

The most enjoyable posts are usually written by the loneliest little trolls VU could ask for.  

Honestly, I'd rather be a lonely little troll then be a two-faced, forked-tongued, devious and malicious wannabe manipulator like yourself and some of your kingdomates. Some of the ways you try to spin the facts and arguments around to your side make my skin crawl :(

06:26:41 Sep 2nd 13 - Mr. Salazar:

I will say your comprehension skills could use some work, Fmworst.

Actually, Salazar, it is your comprehension that has... issues. You and various members of your crew were happy to bash Beo (and other kingdoms) for sitting back and farming while you fought OOP. The way you guys rushed to claim the moral high ground back then was so rabid, I wonder which animal did Wilber get bitten by.

However, this era, when folks bashed you guys for farming in return (your second straight era of farming BTW), you now turn around and say that it is a legitimate tactic and that these folks should suck it up and deal with it.

And there's where it seems your education in an English speaking country seems to have let you down. No one's bashing you guys for farming. They are bashing you guys for a being Grade A hypocrites with spectacular double standards. The way you came out to defend for your kingdom adds even more fuel to their argument.

I have always stated the belief that Legacy had plenty of hypocritical folks ready to twist or falsify the situation when it is advantageous to them. You have given me nothing more then ample confirmation of that belief with your statements this era.

06:26:41 Sep 2nd 13 - Mr. Salazar:

I hate to break it to you, but LGC doesn’t need TBL morality imposed on them. They fell prey to your lures, wherein which you got them into the NoNAP era. I hope it never happens again. At the end of the day, you’re the enemy of LGC. LGC can do and play however it wants to in order to kill you off. It’s that simple. 

And in this paragraph, not only have you proven to us that you have a warped sense of comprehension, you also show your distorted sense of history and reflection. And pile on to it with a very disturbing way of trying to spin the actual facts around.

I never got Legacy into a no NAP era. It was they who got Beothuk into it. Their strategy backfired spectacularly and came back to bite them back in the ass. Hard. With Goliath Tigerfish type marks.

Where me being an enemy of Legacy is concerned, you do not have to worry about it. There are a significant number of morons in your kingdom that I am happy to stomp every time I play Fantasia.

BUT.... I am still waiting to be killed off by Legacy :) Ever since the multi-character split, I have played Fantasia 5 times. All 5 times my kingdom has won the era. All 5 times, my kingdom (and I) have participated in the butchering of Legacy.

Word of advice to you before there is really no turning back.... do not become like Wilberforce. He talks very big, but always fails to back up his words where I am concerned. You are showing every sign of becoming like him - someone who talks big and cocky, but can't back up his shit. I suggest you snap out of it - such a trait will not bode well for you.

After all, when Legacy was getting pummeled for 5 - 6 eras straight, you never showed up with a "Legacy history" thread. However, after one win, you let your head get so big and expansive, you made a thread asking folks to give their take about Legacy's history - an indirect way of asking for ego strokes. Really disgusting behaviour.

With absolute sincerity... please do not turn out to be the next Wilberforce. You should aim to be the next Binh - intellect, personality and capability all rolled into one. Why would you want to emulate one of VU's (and the world's) greatest ever buffoons when you have one of the best role models ever in the kingdom instead?

SMH... seriously, this world is full of various kinds of funny characters.....

19:43:36 Sep 2nd 13 - Mr. Salazar:

Paragraph one isn't worth replying to, as it's meritless. 

Paragraph two is where you're projecting your own character on someone else. 
Paragraph three has been amply addressed already.

There is nothing wrong with a Legacy history thread. Get over it. If you're interested in the truth, why don't you message some folks and dig it up. Besides, it can't be about ego - I never belonged to old LGC. Asking questions about Rambo, how can that be a boost for LGC? Think about it. Rambo is known for his cheating. I ask questions about Rambo. Yet i'm asking this to make LGC look good? Get real. 

We've already discussed the Beo and LGC issues. I'm not going to talk about it any more. Been there, done that. Topics covered. Besides, if some players have been hypocrites, oh well. A few players don't necessarily represent an entire KD. 

My response is short because you aren't worth THAT much time. Happy hunting, little troll. Who will cross your bridge next I wonder?

19:44:56 Sep 2nd 13 - Mr. Fmworst:

04:13:23 Sep 2nd 13 - Zond (The Bohning):

At least tbl, grew up and uses big words ;) (jk, <3 tbl) 

I do not know why, Zondy, but every time I log into VU, I start behaving like a little boy all over again instead of a level-headed 32 year old. Must be something in the air or water here.... or could it be the people...? :(

19:51:10 Sep 2nd 13 - Mr. Fmworst:

02:43:36 Sep 3rd 13 - Mr. Salazar:

*Yada yada yada.*

There you have it folks, the typical scared, butt-hurt Legacy response to an argument they cannot win - avoid the issue completely.

If they can't even respond to me adequately and logically, fat chance in hell are they going to convince anyone that they are NOT Grade A hypocrites.

End of story.

(P.S. I qualify my statements above by saying that Legacy has a couple of decent, honourable folks that do not try to do fucked up attempts at beautifying their image and dirtying others. You chaps know who you are :) <3)

(P.S.S. All the merit I need to conclude that Salazar is a Wilberforce-in-the-making comes from his own various forum posts. As I said, I don't have to go around looking for ammo.... he freely and liberally gives me plenty of them on his own.)

19:54:29 Sep 2nd 13 - Mr. Salazar:

Isn't there a reason you were banned, TBL? You know, I wonder why the guides are openly allowing you to cheat by commenting on a forum you're banned from. :)

20:00:41 Sep 2nd 13 - Mr. Fmworst:

Of course there's a reason why I was banned, Salazar :) I made some folks (especially some Legacians) look very stupid, which seems to be a no-no in VU ;)

The guides are openly "allowing" me to "cheat" because I am following a precedent set by mighty Wilberforce - have one account for playing, and have one account for forum commenting. Can't you use whatever limited brain cells your head has and put two and two together? :P

20:02:47 Sep 2nd 13 - Mr. Salazar:

There you go again, little guy. *Pats head*

20:06:45 Sep 2nd 13 - Mr. Fmworst:

03:02:47 Sep 3rd 13 - Mr. Salazar:

There you go again, little guy. *Pats head*

Thanks, my Daddy :)

And on that note, I wish you good night with the little prayer that you do not turn out to be like Wilber in the future <3

20:08:47 Sep 2nd 13 - DVSklown (Mr. The Gunslinger Roland Deschain):

Ohhh sweet i didn't know we could use another account to post even though we are banned. why didn't i think of that? sheesh i could have replied to Zond banning me yesterday. ******* ******* zond whats that say buddy??

20:49:46 Sep 2nd 13 - Penguin (Clown Thebornloser):

why dont you both just get a room? 

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