Forums / In game politics / fantasia era 67 awards

fantasia era 67 awards
19:41:20 Feb 4th 20 - Penguin (Clown Water):

well, since its pretty much the end, we should get to awards!


The Bushido Award for most Honorable:

The WMD Award for most Destructive:

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD:

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD:

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless:

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful:


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics:

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User:

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike:

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer:

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era:

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat:

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor:

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around:

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway":

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying:

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames:

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner:

Sexiest Banner:

Oddest Ruler Name:

The Best Sp@mmer:

16:37:43 Feb 5th 20 - Penguin (Clown Water):


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: Albatross (water bender esp)

The WMD Award for most Destructive: Elements 

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: Horde

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: Elements

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: Bronny

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: MAD n CE (buttbudies)


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Surprise (feeder)

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: the guy who SS'ed surprise

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Penguin 

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Kobuskan

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: everyone in MAD and CE kingdoms

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: MAD and CE for buttsesking 

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: vvvv for going hardcore inactive

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: ofcourse myself

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": another for me

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying:

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: TBL

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: Elements

Sexiest Banner: Elements

Oddest Ruler Name: Element

The Best Sp@mmer: Plutonium 

17:52:32 Feb 5th 20 - McMax (Battlemage Mcmax The Knight):

Reward for being a farmer??? Well I'm in for that price too.

Message from Duke Cao Cao

AOTD for (xxxxxxx (deleted /McMax))

Duke Cao Cao (1/30/2020 4:33:50 PM) GOOD BAD
Anyone who has AOTD capabilities respond on the forum. One of our (xxxxxxx (deleted /McMax)) needs help in the front line
You (1/30/2020 8:16:20 PM)
I have 100K mages in training now and forwarded some to establish a poorly defended "hot-spot" for AotD in the (xxxxxxx (deleted /McMax)).

I think that's the least thing I can do to repay, that I have been allowed to farm for 6 weeks or so (except being active during the visit of a Penguin).
Duke Cao Cao (1/30/2020 10:23:36 PM) GOOD BAD
Great! Let (xxxxxxx (deleted /McMax)) know

Make a reply regarding AOTD for (xxxxxxx (deleted /McMax))

Send a new letter to Cao Cao

17:58:52 Feb 5th 20 - Mr. Pebble Blue:

Pff I've fully defeated the Suprise army with 300k+ am's. Have told about the ownage on the scout. Defeat that 100k zerk army.

Pretty much all elements threw at us.
Where is my award.

09:03:00 Feb 6th 20 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Thorium):

Er, I didn't flame anyone this era.... *sweat*

09:59:40 Feb 6th 20 - Penguin (Clown Water):

for your love towards master wilbernub

15:36:42 Feb 6th 20 - Emperor Plutonium:

Mr. Pebble Blue:thor">11:58:52 Feb 5th 20 - Mr. Pebble Blue:

Pff I've fully defeated the Suprise army with 300k+ am's. Have told about the ownage on the scout. Defeat that 100k zerk army.

Pretty much all elements threw at us.
Where is my award.

After he got SS'd? You want an award for killing an army half its stength..

15:58:29 Feb 6th 20 - Ryan the Archion (Duke Ryan The Archion XXXV):

Pppp from Mr. Please Dont Cry
Pony riders:582084

Less around 100k ponies as he split it to smaller armies.


We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Your Grace. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 992532 troops and 0 peasants.

18:38:13 Feb 6th 20 - Mr. Pebble Blue:

Half an army strenght.

He lost only 3 magic and some mil science he had gotten back already as he went from steel to magic. 

So all he basicly lost was 3 magic lvl. So how's that half the strenght. But sure make up excuses ur feeding army got their ass kicked fair and square. The ss was indeed very welcoming. But it was nowhere as bad as you make it sound.

Mil he lost he had gotten back.
3 lvls magic lost which he prolly didn't get back.

But what is ur excuse for vs ur 100k zerks army? Or against that halfer army that lost 100 vs Ryan. All ur armies got owned. Soon that 26k nazguls + 200k ogres will follow. 

19:33:24 Feb 6th 20 - Ms. Oxygen:

Mr. Pebble Blue:

Half an army strenght.

He lost only 3 magic and some mil science he had gotten back already as he went from steel to magic. 

So all he basicly lost was 3 magic lvl. So how's that half the strenght. But sure make up excuses ur feeding army got their ass kicked fair and square. The ss was indeed very welcoming. But it was nowhere as bad as you make it sound.

Mil he lost he had gotten back.
3 lvls magic lost which he prolly didn't get back.

But what is ur excuse for vs ur 100k zerks army? Or against that halfer army that lost 100 vs Ryan. All ur armies got owned. Soon that 26k nazguls + 200k ogres will follow. 

Maybe next time don't nap the entire map and you will get respect. 

20:21:38 Feb 6th 20 - Penguin (Clown Water):

you are boasting about what? killing something after you farmed up? did you overtook entire kingdoms by yourself? so i should start boasting how in mantrax im owning whole map with like 70k nazz in total roaming around? even though FW has no relations ? thats at least something to brag about.

Mad + CE won, what you want more? respect? you wont get that since you kinda gangbanged on us, thats all you will get - era win and thats it. its not the first time elf gets SS'ed, and not the last one, some people just never ask about it and thats how it goes. Just check on your leaders, they aint new players and they understand that this win isnt something to brag about and keep asking for praise on killing someone. 

20:22:30 Feb 6th 20 - Emperor Plutonium:

Mr. Pebble Blue:thor">12:38:13 Feb 6th 20 - Mr. Pebble Blue:

Half an army strenght.

He lost only 3 magic and some mil science he had gotten back already as he went from steel to magic. 

So all he basicly lost was 3 magic lvl. So how's that half the strenght. But sure make up excuses ur feeding army got their ass kicked fair and square. The ss was indeed very welcoming. But it was nowhere as bad as you make it sound.

Mil he lost he had gotten back.
3 lvls magic lost which he prolly didn't get back.

But what is ur excuse for vs ur 100k zerks army? Or against that halfer army that lost 100 vs Ryan. All ur armies got owned. Soon that 26k nazguls + 200k ogres will follow. 

Lmao, im not gonna argue with Nap the whole map pansies. Yes you guys won by simply having more people. Also CE was a buffer so your core was never in danger.

20:26:20 Feb 6th 20 - Stormy (Ms. Titanium):

But what is ur excuse for vs ur 100k zerks army? 

That was my zerk army and you make it sound like you slaughtered me when I took several low % shots on you and lost all of them. 

21:21:11 Feb 6th 20 - Mr. Pebble Blue:

 You would had died regardless.
Explains ur low % hits. Lol what is different you got slaughtered that's facts.

Haha nap the whole map. We napped CE cause we had fought them all era long last era and didn't want the same problem as previous era where we got steamrolled cause we fought an equal kingdom again.

You guys fed ur own guys. But keep complaining about the nap.
Suprise would never had those number of AM's at that time if he had not fed from ur own member.

Owh you going to bring in he was inactive.
Wanna see how long aloy was inactive at times? Did we ever consider farming or kicking him for the era as he couldn't be as active? Nope.

So before you start bitching about we napping CE.
Think about ur own actions a bit more than start complaining about it.

Red aswell he's pretty inactive most of the era we could had fed of him.
But guess we have different standards.

22:00:12 Feb 6th 20 - Sir Surprise:

I lost 3 lvls magic and 4 lvls military. Scienced up 2 lvls military before I got beaten. 3 lvls magic = 33% lost, 2 lvls military = 1.6/1.8=0.88 = 12%. So I had lost 45% of my power. Not exactly half... but close =)

22:02:36 Feb 6th 20 - Sir Surprise:

There is a difference between being "pretty inactive" and dissapearing for a week without a warning.

Either way, Elements did a good era. We fought from day one and we beat back your farmed up armies with our farmed up armies. In the end though we didn't have the numbers.

22:05:33 Feb 6th 20 - Konspyre (Captain Konspyre):

As a former Zeon member I can confirm that Elements did great.
Even if I didn't see the first month of the era.

Also, thanks to the people who let me farm in peace for a while <3

22:20:20 Feb 6th 20 - Mr. Pebble Blue:

Konspyre how can you judge about something when you weren't around.

Lol look at Thorium Node and aloy's army it's been standing there 3 days already.

We didn't know he was going to be this inactive we msg-ed him a few times ingame.
He just pumped mages and didn't do much he msg-ed that he was going to be inactive this era half way into the era maybe. 

So we could had fed ourselfs with him for the era as he barely logs in.
So in the start we had 0 clue where he was and why he was inactive. 

Lol you beaten back what army? Can't recall. 
We'll see when the era ends who has the most killed troops. Than we'll know who did most of the fighting. 

@ Suprise when you were inside ur town with 250k+ you had magic weapons.
When you were prepping the blocker you had steel. So don't give me that bs.
Moment Koopa got ownaged you were at lvl 5 or above and you still had ur army at that moment. You were steel only after the ownage and when prepping the town. Just let's be honest. 

Element did nice, but MAD & CE did better. 
Just the facts nothing more than that. Don't be bad losers and make excuses. Just accept you lost and move on. Next era new round new chances. 
If Suprise didn't feed from his "inactive" he would be equal strong or less strong at that time. It's only after he attacked the inactive his army majorly grew fast. 

Yeah  than it's nothing weird about getting a strong army or brag about is it. 
Yuh we farmed most of era, but let's be honest you guys did aswell.
Only person you majorly attacked was that dragon dude in the south. And a few skirmish with CE on the east. But nothing really major happend this era fighting wise.

after Suprise & that troll got beaten it steamrolled fast.

22:31:51 Feb 6th 20 - Stormy (Lord Stormycrow):

Lol “that troll” will be my nick for next era...

22:51:57 Feb 6th 20 - Mr. Pebble Blue:

Haha yeah didn't remember the name.

Well to be fair "that troll" ain't that bad of a name haha.

23:03:33 Feb 6th 20 - Konspyre (Captain Konspyre):

I had so many GT's, it gave me enough LoS to look into the past. That's how :D

23:06:18 Feb 6th 20 - Mr. Pebble Blue:

Lol you had alot of food that much I can say.

At first that was pretty much what I actually wanted to go for than I got bit greedy haha. But why didn't you sell that amount of food was insane. 

You could had fed entire vu and still builded a castle with all those hamburgers.

02:22:02 Feb 7th 20 - Mr. Phinfant:


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: MAD/Cease for keeping the <3

The WMD Award for most Destructive: *ahem*

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: Venomz KD (if it did spawn or was just eaten away)

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: Order of Dragon/Brony army

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: *ahem*

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: This has been a warring era *waits for Elements tt*


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: Suprise for feeding (dat 200k+ AM)

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: Aloy (for casting SS, basically the only thing he contributed this era =p)

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: Pengu/DontCry/Kob/Fred

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: Lol Caocao

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era: Multi god Mr. Seaweed Capn Salaajar

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat: --

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor: Mr. Seaweed Capn Salaajar

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: *ahem*

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": Any real lady still playing Vu (Q? lew? Pengu?)

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying: -- 

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames: --

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner: --

Sexiest Banner: --

Oddest Ruler Name: --

The Best Sp@mmer: --

This is how I see this era,

MAD/Cease VS Albatross/Elements/Brony VS Horde VS Dragon

Overall there seems to be a balance in the force seeing Elements recruited mostly the veterans and active players in VU and even though MAD and CE had the numbers, it didn't reflect the active players (MAD 6-8/ 13 depending on the day) it was enough to push Albatros/Horde/Brony but not enough to take on Elements which is why MAD got pushed back on their first invasion, Elements had the advantage, MAD was losing ground faster than they can come up with a plan against Elements forces (200k+ AM/400k Axe/100k Zerk) while Fred got stucked with Albatross (eventually slaughtered by the 100k zerks), Kobs/Phi/Kerp armies slaughtered, Pebble Ams ran. Luckily, Elements stopped their advance just as they were almost a blocker away from MAD/Cease open core then finally MAD was able to setup their killbox. The only decent army MAD was left with was Ryan and Pebble Ams (rest was literally trash). Now the counter attack begins, initially MAD decided was just to hit both Elements armies (200k+ AM/400k Axe) with low % and hopefully get some AOTD in seeing there was no way MAD could have match those armies but then Aloy comes online.. 

The rest is what you see now. 

02:43:39 Feb 7th 20 - Cao Cao (Duke Cao Cao):

Most of the criticism from elements seems fair, but calling me a farmer seems unfair:

Your character Duke Cao Cao has won 41 battles, captured 26 cities and killed a total of 775251 men and women

And that doesn't count the many battles i lost =P

03:08:47 Feb 7th 20 - Penguin (Clown Water):

well cao you are #1 hoh , and most towns you took was after gangbang started! so you farmed ! while we still used hands, you had tractors...

@mavich - well the main problem was that elements were all around map. while ce fought kinda just us. fred went towards alba, kobu after bronny. it was like Elements vs horde/dragon/ce/mad
alba vs fred
Mad vs elements/alba and now just picking off horde leftovers

elements are mainly made of vets, but that doesnt say anything about activity, mainly me and cry are the active ones, others are 50/50. 

it was a good era, many battles happened, but it wasnt that balanced from our side of perspective. well there is always the nexr one, and congrats on the win.  

03:21:30 Feb 7th 20 - Penguin (Clown Water):

@pebble Only person you majorly attacked was that dragon dude in the south. And a few skirmish with CE on the east. But nothing really major happend this era fighting wise.

if you werent around, or didnt have LoS, that doesnt mean other sides of the map stood still and just waited around

03:55:24 Feb 7th 20 - Mr. Phinfant:

@cao - I'll gladly take the farmer title for your hoh1 =) but yes, any halfling in hoh1 deserves to be the farming god! =)

@pengu - I agree, you guys were spread thin, if more of you made a follow up with Suprise and Oxygen, the zerks was a bit too late thanks to Fred, the era would have been over there. But again, this is Vu and diplomacy should always be taken to account. Imagine if MAD and Cease was fighting OOP, MAD and Cease would still be fighting and Suprise/Oxygen/Zerks would still have their 200k Ams, 400k Axe, 100k Zerk to steamroll us and it would have been MAD/Cease crying over how Elements ruined a good OOP war. Overall it may not have been the 50-50 power balance between the KDs but it isn't over 75-25 either. Both sides (MAD/Cease vs Elements) had good % of winning. Just happened that MAD/Cease won thanks to that SS.

05:01:01 Feb 7th 20 - Emperor Plutonium:

Konspyre:thor">16:05:33 Feb 6th 20 - Konspyre (Captain Konspyre):

As a former Zeon member I can confirm that Elements did great.
Even if I didn't see the first month of the era.

Also, thanks to the people who let me farm in peace for a while <3

I was waiting for that 90k to be finished tbh

06:01:33 Feb 7th 20 - Mr. Bruce Willis:

shut up bitchin bitches

06:01:42 Feb 7th 20 - Mr. Pebble Blue:

Haha had my fair bit of killing this era.

Can't complain. Only reason I ran was cause There was no point in losing the army which was 1 of the few decent armies we had left.
So i ran vloser to core where me and ryan could tag team upon suprise and aloy saying cause of his inactivity he pumped alot of mages. So we wanted to use that.

Luckily he managed to cast ss. And it worked out. You can't deny that I did my fair share of fighting as I took out atleast 3 strong armies from elements. That was the elf,troll and the orc. And was sneaky enough to catch that koopa scout and said it to be ownaged. But my kill count so far :

Your character Mr. Pebble Blue has won 29 battles, captured 19cities and killed a total of 1780307 men and women

06:18:25 Feb 7th 20 - Stormy (Lord Stormycrow):

Jesus Christ why the hell am I still referred to as “zerks”? :p blingy kick everyone’s asses for meh

06:35:00 Feb 7th 20 - Mr. Bruce Willis:

fck off fekcing foolish fcks for zerking stormy when he stormy not fcking zerkoid, fckrs

06:38:53 Feb 7th 20 - Mr. Pebble Blue:

Haha funny how nobody mentions the namr of the troll himself. Everyone called by name but he gets called zerks or the troll by the rest.

11:36:52 Feb 7th 20 - TheBornLoser (Mr. Thorium):

I wish Wilber or Quiet One or Cobra or even Raistlin was back here to flame. I would happily participate in the forums again then.

Actually, scratch that... why am I even back in the game?!?! *facepalm*

19:18:49 Feb 7th 20 - Dragon Prophet Theophilus:

Ive tried to not complain this era.

After Albatross NAPd Elements it left about 4 players and a mage on their front line against me. I enjoyed more war this era than I usually do.

I got ganked out of protection but held my own for a few weeka. Another guy that landed near joined up but I don't blame him for leaving.

I had 20 victories against Elements at a time when it was basically 4 on 1 with at leasts two people casting on me.

Numerically it wouldn't last. I retreated North to regroup but for whatever reason Cease sent people straight at me. A solid 15 or 20 cities over two seperate restarts did contribute to some of their players seemingly larger counts. The cities had some garrisons.

If previous behavior is an indication, I expect them to try to gun for me again in the small window until Arma. 

I enjoy building more than warring in general. I did not role play this era but will resume next era.

Chaotic Neutral. With the one caveat that I lawfully will never tell a lie.

23:54:13 Feb 7th 20 - Emperor Plutonium:

Join a larger kingdom.. if you attempt to solo regardless of how good you are (horus) as an example you will be overwhelmed by sheer force 

23:59:03 Feb 7th 20 - Mr. Bruce Willis:

SHHHH... im trying to concentrate on sleeping. now shhh

00:20:27 Feb 8th 20 - Konspyre (Captain Konspyre):

I have to admit that "oh no they had more ppl than me" isn't really an argument when you're the one choosing to solo in the first place.

08:23:26 Feb 8th 20 - Dragon Prophet Theophilus:

Again, I was attempting to role play, which is still a stated function and more of playing this game.

I will continue next era, likely solo, unless any other is willing to roleplay. 

It is a predictable element of the role, but as a rule, my Kingdom will only ever retaliate in combat. 

Utilize that information as you see fit. I'm not aiming to 'win in the traditional sense, so it no longer bothers me to restart several times.

I personally like that I had claimed 20% of the top kingdom's losses at a time when all major kingdoms were either farming or NAPing. No argument being made, and again if kingdoms wish to seek me out to spite the character I will be playing that is up to them.

I suppose that puts Theophilus more a lawful Neutral but there would be some triggers that would define him as chaotic Neutral in the right circumstance.

08:54:55 Feb 8th 20 - Emperor Zeets Dutz:

Dragon Prophet Theophilus:thor">02:23:26 Feb 8th 20 - Dragon Prophet Theophilus:

Again, I was attempting to role play, which is still a stated function and more of playing this game.

I will continue next era, likely solo, unless any other is willing to roleplay. 

It is a predictable element of the role, but as a rule, my Kingdom will only ever retaliate in combat. 

Utilize that information as you see fit. I'm not aiming to 'win in the traditional sense, so it no longer bothers me to restart several times.

I personally like that I had claimed 20% of the top kingdom's losses at a time when all major kingdoms were either farming or NAPing. No argument being made, and again if kingdoms wish to seek me out to spite the character I will be playing that is up to them.

I suppose that puts Theophilus more a lawful Neutral but there would be some triggers that would define him as chaotic Neutral in the right circumstance.

Is it part of your role play to die every era?

20:18:12 Feb 8th 20 - Dragon Prophet Theophilus:

If kingdoms continue to prioritize me as a threat, sure.

15:53:49 Feb 9th 20 - Mr. Cybertruck Santa:

From The Horde's perspective, we decided the era by getting beat up for two months straight :p

Elements spent 2-3 orcs gaia spamming our OOP. If those orcs had been spent on MAD or CE's core they could have done significant damage.

Mid to late era, Elements spent three of their biggest armies fighting the Horde in our corner, tying up 3 out of 10 players away from the main battle. If those three players had been spent opening up a new front on MAD or CE or at least denying them farming time, the era could have looked very differently.

So from the Hordes perspective, Elements choice of picking the easier fight, ie fighting small kingdoms rather than big ones.. effectively lost them the era.

17:18:37 Feb 9th 20 - Emperor Zeets Dutz:

You were never the easier kingdom; CE like never really attacked us until the end, horde on the other hand was a constant battle. Give yourself more credit.

17:47:37 Feb 9th 20 - Penguin (Ms. Elizabeth Patton):

Rox, horde was under attack as the first spot kingdom. PDC saw us and joined later on, so the plan was me + Mielo as orcs in your core, to take over. We didn't know until later on that mad and CE had made an alliance, after pretty much cleaning you out of your core. I went towards CE core, but they killed my army after some time. PDC later on went with his hoh army after you, me and Mielo sat in your lost core fighting of CE armies ( if we moved they would have ability to go straight to our core while my kd mates farmed ) PDC lost, after that jlt spawned his arms close to us to help out, since PDC lost it made you a threat that could invade us through east side, he moved towards you with a superior army, but you had already gained magic and could aotd so he lost, me and mielo kept on sitting, since ce kept on sending armies ( sprout lost his, not done was bounced and ran, same as cao) at that time our mage went on crusade to take over theo, to gain easy income, but as a mage it was harder for him since he had to build up proper magic around, tbl as a half mage joined in that crusade to gain exp on his adventures and kept on playing with theo. Stormy was sent out to clean up the area and help alba fight fred so he wouldnt take over all of alba. But had problems with catching him, even later on getting his army bounced by our own allies. Bronny who had farmed up a few proper 90ks got taken over by kobu, so augh went after them, with lew. Shitty Josh went after you guys, but was easily beaten, so in that situation I had to abandon middle part of map and go after you, so that you guys wouldn't invade our core, jlt joined me with his new army. Augh got ss'ed, and everything just came down to us losing all the ground we gained. We lost cause we couldn't properly secure our positions and where spread out around map trying to hold people down while others came to help, but it didn't work out. As 10 players it was a bit too hard to hold all of the sides of the map trying not to lose ground. We fought all Era, we took on too many fronts, and now that's history. We lost.

18:15:31 Feb 9th 20 - Rajkumar Bala (Mr. Bala Dev Singh):

Win and loosing, just part of the game. But seems, was hell of a competition! 

Might as well join in next era fant. 

19:25:24 Feb 9th 20 - Konspyre (Captain Konspyre):

i'm a bit sad that the topic is literally called "fantasia era 67 awards" yet nobody but penguin has filled it out.

00:15:18 Feb 10th 20 - Penguin (Clown Water):

00:56:14 Feb 10th 20 - Captain Joebob The Halfsize:

Be careful sending pengy your tits. Not hairy enough he’s gonna be upset 😂

04:05:21 Feb 13th 20 - HorusPanic (Sir Hornic):


The Bushido Award for most Honorable: elements, to me at least

The WMD Award for most Destructive: MAD

The Field Mouse award for least heard from KD: Alba

The 'Say Hello to my Little Friend' award for most effective new player KD: n/a

The Stalin Award for Most Ruthless: that first 60k AM army

The Hippie Award for the Most Peaceful: idk


The Rommel Award for Best Tactics: AMs

The Merlin Award for Best Magic User: idk

The Four Horsemen award for Most Warlike: idk

The Hobbit award for the Best Farmer: 

The 'That's MISTER @$$ to you' award for most likely to get slaughtered next era:

The Condoleeza Rice award for best Diplomat:

The Benedict Arnold award for biggest traitor:

The Jack of All Trades award for best all around: me

The "I'm Too Sexy for this Game, but I play it anyway": me

The "I Love to Do the Dew" Award for best roleplaying:

The "I'm So Hot I'm on Fire" Award for best and funniest flames:

Fun Awards:

Most Artistic Banner:

Sexiest Banner: obv

Oddest Ruler Name:

The Best Sp@mmer:

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