Forums / In game politics / fordius is dog poo

fordius is dog poo
22:51:41 Jul 10th 09 - Duke Insane VIII:

just another kingdom with no self respect or respect in the game, just to many of those now, but any kd with fordius cannot be trusted anyway and everyone already knows that!!!

22:53:34 Jul 10th 09 - Mr. Camel Rider:

yeah they never had respect, always think they are above everyone. from before they were like bitchs and wouldnt even attack us because they knew we would own them, but after we get gang banged they decide to join. like i said a bunch of ho's is all they are



should be ur slogan

23:01:46 Jul 10th 09 - Mr. Barny:

So, you guys basically just got wrecked by RVL and took it upon yourselves to try to... hurt their feelings... because as players you are far to inferior to hurt their armies?

23:18:16 Jul 10th 09 - Mr. Sunsual Seductionator:

"from before they were like bitchs and wouldnt even attack us because they knew we would own them,"


you made me smile :)

23:46:35 Jul 10th 09 - Mr. Fordius:

Allright ,

Now im here I really wonder.
1. do we have any relations ? so far as im aware of we have none.
2. your talking about a gangbang I see nobody attacking you but I have the idea PHI is in a war with you guys and thats all I actually see wow what a gangbang you seen our wars ?
3. Dishonerable in what way? you guys just happened to be in my way or do we have to talk first about when we will war eachother?

4. I agree we were scared to war you 1 on 1.
get real dude and stop your medicine :)

23:51:41 Jul 10th 09 - Duke Insane VIII:

just pawning vunerable cities at the end to boost your score, very both suck and Sunsual- bring it biatch anytime....!

23:57:12 Jul 10th 09 - Mr. Fordius:

Lol if you would see my stuff you would know
I dont have to use your filty towns for extra score :)

Im just here to visit and I think its a war game if Im not mistaken ?
so what am I doing wrong than ? I think your makeing yourself
look funny really.

00:00:04 Jul 11th 09 - Mr. Ignis:

Mr. Fordius


17:46:35 Jul 10th 09 Allright ,

Now im here I really wonder.
1. do we have any relations ? so far as im aware of we have none.
2. your talking about a gangbang I see nobody attacking you but I have the idea PHI is in a war with you guys and thats all I actually see wow what a gangbang you seen our wars ?
3. Dishonerable in what way? you guys just happened to be in my way or do we have to talk first about when we will war eachother?

4. I agree we were scared to war you 1 on 1.
get real dude and stop your medicine :)

Yes, we're warring them now. I'm not sure if it's considered a gangbang though, because we're also warring LD, crazy, and Godlike (although we're done with Godlike...). We're just here to take back our old core and maybe some more.

01:18:00 Jul 11th 09 - Demonslayer The Confused Demon Farmer:

Mr. Camel Rider


20:14:06 Jul 10th 09

hey demon how did barnys cum taste? you done suckin him off?

Nice comment...grow up yet? I still hear prepubescence in your insult.

01:21:51 Jul 11th 09 - Mr. Camel Rider:

Mr. Ignis


18:00:04 Jul 10th 09

Mr. Fordius


17:46:35 Jul 10th 09 Allright ,

Now im here I really wonder.
1. do we have any relations ? so far as im aware of we have none.
2. your talking about a gangbang I see nobody attacking you but I have the idea PHI is in a war with you guys and thats all I actually see wow what a gangbang you seen our wars ?
3. Dishonerable in what way? you guys just happened to be in my way or do we have to talk first about when we will war eachother?

4. I agree we were scared to war you 1 on 1.
get real dude and stop your medicine :)

Yes, we're warring them now. I'm not sure if it's considered a gangbang though, because we're also warring LD, crazy, and Godlike (although we're done with Godlike...). We're just here to take back our old core and maybe some more.


so MAD, DE, CHOCO, PHI and  REV is not a gang bang? we finished with de and choco and few days ago but still i consider that a gangbang on an 11 member kd.... and not only that 3 of our members landed on other worlds so its really all aginst 8 members... SAD SAD SAD


and barny HO HO HO ;)

01:32:50 Jul 11th 09 - Mr. Crazycrissxcross:



I just read that the kingdom who wanted to gather nirvana kingdoms to gangbang fantasia kingdoms is now complaining because one player from Rv is attacking their unprotected flank while they are busy somewhere else...

OMG, isn't it exactly that thingy what Drendari did all time this era with other kingdoms ???

01:40:23 Jul 11th 09 - Duke Insane VIII:

we fought phi all era cause map with boom and the fact we have 5 people who log in. lol. we fought juicy cause they attacked us several times.  we fought Bran cause he sent this message...

Mr. Brannigans Law [Choc] (6/27/2009 8:42:45 AM) GOOD BAD
ill offer you a nap in exchange for your cities


and it was fun killing his 200k ogres.  At the same time De sent this message.

Sir Santa [DE] (6/27/2009 3:43:18 PM) GOOD BAD
To make things official, we declare war upon you and your kingdom :)


after three of us two attackers and one mage, killed brans armies, killed santas armies and some other members of DE that i cannot recall mad decided to take our cities in greed to win the era, and now fighting phi again cause our allies decided to team up with the kingdom we helped them defeat earlier and screw us over.  so thats the wars for Dendarii Crisscross.  say what you want.

01:51:00 Jul 11th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

lol you could hardly call choc a war on your part, it was only bran who managed to get as far as you... the rest of em got their asses kicked by fate/mad....

i can come give the choc participation in the gangbang if you like :)

01:57:26 Jul 11th 09 - Duke Insane VIII:

i didnt say i killed choco or de, they tried to tag team us, three of us killed there armies and they few survived ran home i suspect they had other problems. bran was the choco member i mentioned cause he was the only one with any real armies.  but it was only three or four member from each of the kingdoms max,  and i dont think i implied otherwise.  but now mad is attacking with many armies, phi is attacking and rvl is attacking.  which makes sense cause it usually take at least three kingdoms to beat dendarii.  and i dont consider choco a war you guys fought very poorly.

02:17:48 Jul 11th 09 - Lord Bishop:

Mr. Camel Rider


03:21:51 Jul 11th 09

Mr. Ignis


18:00:04 Jul 10th 09

Mr. Fordius


17:46:35 Jul 10th 09 Allright ,

Now im here I really wonder.
1. do we have any relations ? so far as im aware of we have none.
2. your talking about a gangbang I see nobody attacking you but I have the idea PHI is in a war with you guys and thats all I actually see wow what a gangbang you seen our wars ?
3. Dishonerable in what way? you guys just happened to be in my way or do we have to talk first about when we will war eachother?

4. I agree we were scared to war you 1 on 1.
get real dude and stop your medicine :)

Yes, we're warring them now. I'm not sure if it's considered a gangbang though, because we're also warring LD, crazy, and Godlike (although we're done with Godlike...). We're just here to take back our old core and maybe some more.


so MAD, DE, CHOCO, PHI and  REV is not a gang bang?


No i consider that bad luck, a gang bang is what happen to Juicy, So stop b!tching and take it like a man/women/things what ever you people are. But i must say the funniest think about this is that Insane is saying RVL is dishonourable for attacking you and helping the "Gang bang" crush you. How is that Dishonourable? We had no relations as ford said and i thought that you were only fighting Phi so not our fault people dont like you and wanna gang up on you, you were in the way so RVl went thought you :). So get over it

*I wrote this before alot of those other post, so if it out of place i am sorry, i forgot to hit the post button before going to the toilet :/*

02:23:51 Jul 11th 09 - Mr. Ignis:

Yah, we didn't know you were fighting any of those kingdoms either, and warring multiple kingdoms at the same time is part of the game, as long as all those kingdoms aren't all focusing on you...

02:23:56 Jul 11th 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

note* when people say rvl it really means ford, hes the only one attacking them

03:33:00 Jul 11th 09 - The Architect:

I've personally always had the utmost respect for Fordius.  He's an awesome guy, even though I don't really know him that well.  He plays the game like none other, and from what I can see is an awesome leader.  Can you give any evidence to the latter?  Until you can, get over it and fight back.  Stop complaining about loosing armies...

And in response to the post above me...

Carnage Freaking Rocks...

The End.

This message has been paid for in part by the Stormcrow Center for Internet addicts with social learning disabilities.

09:00:21 Jul 11th 09 - Duke Death Proof:

"after three of us two attackers and one mage, killed brans armies, killed santas armies and some other members of DE that i cannot recall mad decided to take our cities in greed to win the era, and now fighting phi again cause our allies decided to team up with the kingdom we helped them defeat earlier and screw us over.  so thats the wars for Dendarii Crisscross.  say what you want."


I like you Insane, I do..and I like most in your KD (slowly starting to slip on Camel Toe though) But you ARE our allies too..and where were you guys when we could have used some assistance? You were off fighting somewhere else. You know very well that your NAP with Crazy had a clause that said MAPs override NAPs so you had every right to break it and attack with us as ALLIES. You didn't you wanted to go out and show your stuff on Fantasia. I will give credit where credit is guys fared pretty well over there. We were fighting Phi, but both KD realized that we could be in a position to help each other out. So, thats what happened. We helped them gain access to Godlike and Crazies..and the rest they did on their own. We needed a mage and our allies weren't around...Phi offered to help and we took it...As for screwing you over..the whole issue with the blocker was sqashed right away.

09:26:22 Jul 11th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic:

Death Proof

Boom broke the NAP crazies did not

we were attacked without warning by our NAP BOOM

so why should they help you

09:58:03 Jul 11th 09 - Mr. Zerocool:

@lunatic : now look whos guys also attacked us and broke our nap....

and @ dendarii.. WHAT DO YOU CALL THE OOP WAR PHI VS + GODLIKE, DENDARI +BOOM??? isnt that what you call gang bang??

10:04:09 Jul 11th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic:


we notified the leadership that we were MAP with GODLIKE

and would thus have to defend them even if it meant we lost

11:13:53 Jul 11th 09 - Mr. Explorer:

Oh my God, one of Juicy's enemies is complaining about a gang-bang?


@ Death Proof

They fared well on Fant??? Mmmmkay

12:12:01 Jul 11th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

I have seen a few times now, KDs breaking NAPs because of MAPs; sometimes with the intention - sometimes without; I guess VU admin can solve this issue very simply. If the game doesn't allow us attack an era long NAP partner, even if we want to, we won't (the same way we cannot attack a KD mate); by the same logic - we shall not be able to attack a MAP partner of our NAP partner, assuming the MAP deal was done before our NAP deal; and again, the system shall not allow KD - 1- signing on a MAP deal with KD -2 - , when KD -2- is warring KD - 3 -, and KD -3- has already a NAP with KD -1- in place.

12:25:32 Jul 11th 09 - Mr. Fordius:

Again there is no nap break here.

anyways when you make naps ( and you have map ) its not hard
to involve that same issue there.

DE wanted to nap us but we told em that if they had warplans with fate we wouldnt nap cause we are mapped with em.

so they than withdraw there offer.
also I think in every war if its game or real life.
there is always someone backstabbing and I think you need to think of a possible backstabbing too.

I mean Im totally satisfied with Fates map this era.
and I hope they are with ours.
cause we would work for eachother ( keeping your ally happy )
might be the key to not being backstabbed.

I dont think zeta should make it backstab proof cause how lame would that be :P

12:25:49 Jul 11th 09 - Mr. Crazycrissxcross:

too complicated Gladi :)

I lie it the way it is, because this makes the game so interested, because you never can be sure when and where a player like Ford is showing up and caising trouble when you least expect it :D

12:42:26 Jul 11th 09 - Mr. Barny:

I like how NAP's can be broken, it's a part of the game.

13:30:22 Jul 11th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

lol you really can't call fighting us a part of the gangbang at all.... because we haven't had a single battle, a single army within your reach for atleast a week.

Its like saying oh no! we're getting gangbanged and including all previous oop wars. because if we did we'd sure as hell be getting gangbanged!

Natives, Tupac, Super Noobs, Dorian Empire, Juicy, Fate, MAD, Rvl, Dendarii..

waaaa loook how big our gangbang is :'(

14:25:27 Jul 11th 09 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

random that wasnt a gangbang i took that challenge, i think they all asked for a nap nearly

14:35:52 Jul 11th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

oh i know, but im just saying..... he can't call our participation a gangbang, its like calling previous wars into your waaa.

00:27:47 Jul 12th 09 - Mr. Alfred Nobel:

for the record we didnt break any nap with crazy.

01:43:12 Jul 12th 09 - Sir Struddle:

not really sure why people are complaining.... considering that fact that a MAP meaning Mutual Assistance Pact and a NAP Non Aggression Pact are two totally different things.........

An era long NAP becomes null and void when a MAP partner is attacked by the kingdom you signed the NAP with because if the kingdom with the MAP asks for aid and you say no you'd basically be breaking the MAP on the spot......

if you guys would like an order for the way relations are looked at here ya go:

1. Your Kingdom
2. MAP Partner
3. NAP Partner (be it era long or not)
4. Neutral Kingdoms
5. Warring Kingdoms

Your a fool if you believe that being attacked by a kingdom you have a NAP with is backstabbing if they are aiding their MAP partner......

02:10:31 Jul 12th 09 - Mr. Ignis:

Struddle, many of us also do NAPs with a "MAP does not override NAP" clause. It goes both ways.

Edit: And since it's a war game, many of us hate it when we NAP someone without them telling us while we NAP that they have multiple MAPs with other kingdoms...

Just showing the other point of view.

02:12:02 Jul 12th 09 - Mr. Camel Rider:

it should be made clear that a map is the reason for the attack, because noone knows who has relations with who. there should be a message sent saying that our nap is broken due to our map obligations with kd X

03:01:51 Jul 12th 09 - Mr. Gladiatorul:

signing a NAP without mentioning (agreeing) about MAPs in place is a weekness of the MAPed KD's leader - I'd say, Struddle

03:20:21 Jul 12th 09 - Sir Grim Darkhammer:

It is all in the wording of the agreement between the kingdoms. This is the NAP agreement PKS developed over many era and it always worked well for all involved.

Peacekeepers Standard NAP Terms

1. The forces of the two kingdoms will not engage in battle or attempt to capture each others cities. Nor will any magic be cast between the two kingdoms.

2. The member of a kingdom does initiate an attack on a member of the other kingdoms’ army they forfeit one city of the offended members choosing as agreed to by the Kings or their Viceroy Representatives.

3. Taking a city of the other kingdom requires the forfeiture of the city and one city as agreed to by the Kings or their Viceroy Representatives.

4. If the member continues their assault they will be removed from the kingdom and shown no support.

5. Any scout or army landing on a city can be killed without reproach but will normally be given 2 ticks to move. A report showing the offense is required.

6. During the term of the NAP, if either of the Kingdoms become NAP'd or MAP'd with one of the other kingdoms enemies, the kingdom whom is NAP'd with the enemy agrees to stay neutral in any battle which involves the second kingdom. Any blockers allowing access are to be closed.

7. Neither kingdom will accept war refugees unless agreed upon by the kingdom the player was fighting.

8. This NAP is to last the entire length of the era and cannot be honorably ended unless agreed upon by both ruling parties.

9. Either kingdom is allowed to have relations or make war with anyone outside the agreement without notification or repercussions from either party within the agreement.

10. Neither kingdom will move armies through core areas of the other kingdom without notification and permission.

Once these terms are acceptable, please send me a message stating your acceptance and I will reply in kind. The terms we come to agree upon must be mass-messaged to your kingdom. We will do the same, and the NAP must be posted on both kingdoms’ forum.
Strength, Honor, & Glory for the Peacekeepers!!!

BTW Fordius is one of the most honorable but ruthless players in VU. If you have an agreement with him he will hold to it. But until he agrees all bets are off. I see no problem with that.

05:59:27 Jul 12th 09 - Sir Struddle:

Unless defined in the terms of the NAP that you must be informed of all other relations why should i bother telling you what I'm up too? NAP just basically means you leave me alone i'll leave you alone nothing more and should not be taken as anything more. This is where people tend to screw up considering the fact that NAP's in the basic terms of the words they signify dont actually mean you have to remain allied to them at all. A NAP is a simple agreement saying you leave me alone and I'll do the same until the time comes that our paths' part and then who knows what will happen. All era NAP's are crap if you want an all era NAP just get a MAP/Alliance which if then broken would be considered dishonorable.

NAP = im not gonna kill you now but im thinkin about it and later on I might do it if the time is right considering that i have much stronger enemies to deal with.
MAP = i trust you to get my back and unless for an extremely good reason this is unbreakable.

The terms of NAP conditions have become fairly dumb and downright stupid if you want my honest opinion. NAP's were never meant to be longstanding just a way for two factions to call a Ceasefire to deal with a much greater enemy.

06:32:23 Jul 12th 09 - Mr. Duran Dark Elf:

struddle you are mostly correct

essentially a NAP in ANY game as defined as Non Agression Pact is really a courteous gesture between two alliances. this could be two alliances in a similar area without the desire to war, or even to make sure members of such alliances behave and dont just go killing everything in sight randomly. they also allow ceasefire and in the strength of this may lead to MAP later on or in following eras.

era long Naps i think are ok, but you are not allies and MAP overides everything. if a MAP can be overidden for the sake of NAP then it aint a MAP. MAP is precious, this is your ally, this is the person you trust and a true friend. they have your back.

the NAP doesnt have this relationship and thus of course the MAP overides it. i see both sides of the argument on keeping MAPs secret or not but i would suggest that if you had a NAP with a kingdom that attacked your MAP and they didnt know it(ie you didn tell them) then you should give them notice and time to withdraw and the NAP be upheld. If they attacked your MAP , knowing they are MAP with you, then really this is bad faith conduct by putting you in such position and you would war them instantly in defence of your friends.

06:52:12 Jul 12th 09 - Mr. Ignis:

Who says you're correct? It's all a matter of opinion, and in VU many people believe that when you NAP someone they should be informed of your MAPs, etc. In my opinion, the easiest way to solve MAP/NAP agreements is by stating specifically in the terms how it'll be handled. Otherwise, you have kingdoms MAPing their NAP partners enemies, which is a real headache.

Anyway, whatever works for you.

08:10:43 Jul 12th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic:

Mr. Alfred Nobel

15:27:47 Jul 11th 09 for the record we didnt break any nap with crazy.


Yes you did. I even contacted you and you had no idea what was going on as you thought the NAP was still in effect.

Water is your officer and when he attacked us without warning because he was afraid we were going to attack you all rather than contacting me to find out what the hex was going on when Mzzery sent him parts of a conversation she had with Loony he broke the NAP.

08:19:11 Jul 12th 09 - Pirate Lewatha:

Struddle, I don't agree.

If kingdom A signs a MAP with kingdom B. And than, kingdom C wants to permanently NAP kingdom A but not kingdom B. The NAP should ONLY be agreed upon by kingdom A with consultation of kingdom B. So kingdom B gets to say if it's okay that you NAP kingdom C or not.

How is a NAP supposed to be permanent if you break it when the NAP partner attacks the MAP partner?

Unless ofcourse, if the NAP holds the term:
if you attack any MAP partners of us, you shall automatically be at war with us.

09:22:23 Jul 12th 09 - Sir Belmont The Avenger:

Pirate Lewatha


02:19:11 Jul 12th 09
Struddle, I don't agree.

If kingdom A signs a MAP with kingdom B. And than, kingdom C wants to permanently NAP kingdom A but not kingdom B. The NAP should ONLY be agreed upon by kingdom A with consultation of kingdom B. So kingdom B gets to say if it's okay that you NAP kingdom C or not.

How is a NAP supposed to be permanent if you break it when the NAP partner attacks the MAP partner?

Unless ofcourse, if the NAP holds the term:
if you attack any MAP partners of us, you shall automatically be at war with us.


lol lew wtf?

this is the 2nd time this happens this happened already with Pred,Ret,BoW do u remind lew?

10:11:21 Jul 12th 09 - Mr. Crazycrissxcross:

come on guys stay on topic the last 15 posts do not concern Fordius nor any dog poo inside, so pls stop arguing and continue to flame =D

10:22:05 Jul 12th 09 - Mr. Fordius:

The poor attempt on flame :)

Im suprised the thread didnt get deleted.
as its against the forum rules ( personally attacked ).

but it must be cause it contains my name :P
ah well dendarii made themselfs look foolish cause I still dont see
what they bitching on our why they even bothered calling me poo and stuff :)

but let the flame continue :P

10:50:08 Jul 12th 09 - Sir Water:

Dr. Raving Lunatic


09:10:43 Jul 12th 09 Mr. Alfred Nobel

15:27:47 Jul 11th 09 for the record we didnt break any nap with crazy.


Yes you did. I even contacted you and you had no idea what was going on as you thought the NAP was still in effect.

Water is your officer and when he attacked us without warning because he was afraid we were going to attack you all rather than contacting me to find out what the hex was going on when Mzzery sent him parts of a conversation she had with Loony he broke the NAP.

What NAP? THERE WASNT NO NAP... CF okay? get the deal?
Water is a frackin badąss guy, i informed you about the stuff... you were opening gates to everyone that they could attack us so why the fack we need a cf while you arent doing anything that would atleast benefit us (boom) so we cancelled the cf and started war ;) how long can you moan about it....

Mr. Screaming Murder [CRAZY] (7/11/2009 9:09:18 AM) GOOD BAD
awww, check the loser who's main vocabulary consists of the words penguin, water and loser. how totally pathetic.

tell me, sir wanker, how does it feel to be the main nerd in a game no one really plays? how much of daddy's money do you spend on this game in a month/week/day?

my sympathy.

ROFL look at this newbs .. for your information i was near the sea (vacation) for 8 days, logging in sometimes through phone :) im lith, liths dont have money to spend on games, we are poor ;)

11:11:40 Jul 12th 09 - Mr. Explorer:

Struddles, your wrong. Your talking about a Cease Fire buddy.

Lew (as always) is right.

11:28:54 Jul 12th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic:


We missd you

glad you could come on out

We have another song for you

Crazy for feeling so lonely
Im crazy
Crazy for feeling so blue

I knew
Youd love me as long as you wanted
And then someday
Youd leave me for somebody new

Why do I let myself worry
What in the world did I do

For thinking that my love could hold you
Im crazy for tryin
Crazy for cryin
And Im crazy
For lovin you

16:13:55 Jul 12th 09 - Sir Struddle:

Mr. Explorer

"05:11:40 Jul 12th 09 Struddles, your wrong. Your talking about a Cease Fire buddy.

Lew (as always) is right."

A NAP is a beefed up Cease Fire and I'm not arguing with lew or anyone over the fact of what is right or wron in the situation was just explaining my thoughts on what should be held most important out of everything. Honestly I believe lew is right that you should inform someone you NAP of what's going on and also talk to the MAP partner about it prior to signing the NAP but I dont think unless asked that you need to tell them. I think you could add a simple line to any NAP by saying if the MAP partner is attacked it automatically voids the NAP. But again just my opinion not arguing with anyone.

(and ford is dog poo from a poodle said it just to stay on topic :P)

17:32:27 Jul 12th 09 - Mr. Explorer:

I'm not arguing about the fact a NAP should state that if they should attack your MAP, the NAP will be void...

I disagree with you saying a NAP is just a pact that means we leave each other alone. I'd say that is a CF and that there is more to a NAP, such as informing your NAP partner about your progress and such.

18:58:58 Jul 12th 09 - Mr. Duran Dark Elf:

NAP=Non Aggression PACT

Purely means what it says. Anything else is outside the general consensus of the majority of online games.

It just means you agree to not act AGGRESSIVELY, or hostile or provacatively towards each other....the most obvious of this is no attacking.

others about not marching in cores, prepping on cities and such like are convenient additions people include so everything is in spirit with the aim.

a NAP is not Allied to you in may even dislike them immensely but do a NAP for mutual benefit of both kingdoms.

a MAP/MPP is your dearest friend who you will fight alongside even against the odds.


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