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funny story
18:49:55 Sep 27th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

has VU lost all honor nowadays? or is it just these lower worlds?

I currently run a kingdom that has three players with armies and oop. first, SK broke their NAP (without a 48 hour CF previously agreed upon). They are dishonorable.

Now, FU broke their CF we had agreed upon. it seems SK needed help against 2 players fighting them.

is anyone else seeing such lack of honor in VU? i remember a time this was actually looked down upon....

18:57:00 Sep 27th 08 - Sir Gallyon:

I must seriously agree with you Sir Soccer ;)

I have played in days that breaking NAPS and switching kingdoms during the era was the most disgusting thing u could do. though, in those days there were not as many people playing VU as there are now. So, if anyone did this, his reputation got really bad. and everyone would dislike him for doing that one thing.

in these days I have seen People acting dishonourable in many worlds. When I once told someone it was dishonourable to do, he answered me and said.. 'Everyone does it, so why shouldn't I??'

19:16:58 Sep 27th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

sad day indeed. Us older guys need to eradicate these infidels!


19:18:02 Sep 27th 08 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius XV:

and it happens this era on the biggest stage (fantasia) by rumpnissen i havent seen a single forum made in discust what the hell and he is now wat 4rd strongst because of his exploits

19:21:57 Sep 27th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

thats because everyone knows what survior is like and everyone expected it

19:22:17 Sep 27th 08 - Mr. Ibis The Invincible:

Rump does that every era, normal behavior for him

19:42:15 Sep 27th 08 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius XV:

y do ppl still accept him then shudnt he be shunned

19:48:23 Sep 27th 08 - Mr. Dakarius:

shun the non believer shun!

seriously though, traitors need to be hunted down.

19:58:34 Sep 27th 08 - Mr. Augusto Maralunda Velez:

Yes, the lack of honour is truly getting to be a bad thing. I say that in order to solve this problem we should do PCP.

20:04:09 Sep 27th 08 - Lord Incognito:


20:09:36 Sep 27th 08 - Duke Arzun:

I don't drugs is the way to solve this...

20:20:16 Sep 27th 08 - Lady Jasmina:

I would not be that critical...

When I started 3 eras ago in Starta (!) there was a member that betrayed our KD, he was vice and he kicked all out and created another KD. Then we managed to regroup, create the KD again and get everyone in. And after we said that on public forum, every KD in Starta declared war on them, and everyone started hunting them down.

The next era we also found them and we contacted the KD that took him, and they kicked him out. He did not get a good era again, so I guess now he just changed his name.

Now in Zeta when we do a NAP we respect it and I actually think that it will matter if someone breaks it, we just inform on forum and that would make them dishonorable KD. But then again, I dont know would that affect them at all. Well we are happy to say that so far NAPs have been ok, and I believe a 72h notification of breaking the NAP with a good reason also is honorable.

20:26:00 Sep 27th 08 - Mr. Death Proof:

Jasmina i remember that...that was pretty shady.

I even messaged FU first and asked what his intentions were and why he killed my armies...but all i got back was, "i have a secret for you"

anyway....this makes the game less fun. almost makes you not want to play...almost! :)

20:26:00 Sep 27th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

its not that critical :D i understand the wishes of newer players to play against newer players the problem is that you should strive to get to mant and fant as often new players are more likley to break naps and betray as they see nothing wrong with it and dont know the general opinions of vu players

20:27:45 Sep 27th 08 - Mr. Death Proof:

DLO, i understand what you are saying. and it does happen that new players do this BUT, then (usually) the leader of a KD will message, apologize and then reprimand the new kid. Make him learn that's the reason for a LEADER

20:29:55 Sep 27th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

yes but you would find most leaders on the lowest worlds havnet been around much longer if at all then the new kids :p

20:43:08 Sep 27th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

hey! i've been around for awhile! :P  but arzun, that kid is a nuuuuuuuub! who let him create a kingdom!?!?!? :P   (luv u baby!)

osi, all i am saying is that posting on public forums is simply not enough. i could try to gather all the kingdoms against them, but i would rather fight those kingdoms as well myself.

I simply am just saying it's a sad day indeed.


there, does that work?

20:47:04 Sep 27th 08 - Lady Jasmina:

Indeed, newer players are the problematic ones.
For example there was a guy that was insulting other KD member, and I had to send messages to other KD leader that we are sorry for our member behavious. Because when someone from your KD insults people, he kinda represents the KD. So that is a problem for the whole KD.

21:20:57 Sep 27th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

well anyone who trusts nubs like slade deserves it :P

21:40:41 Sep 27th 08 - Duke Arzun:

<3 Osi

02:00:20 Sep 28th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

well,  guess i learned that lesson! y didn't u tell me sooner osi!

02:29:48 Sep 28th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Sir Soccermunches


9/27/2008 2:16:58 PM

sad day indeed. Us older guys need to eradicate these infidels!


Shezmu is currently killing infidels...just wait for the next coming...

Lady Jasmina


9/27/2008 3:47:04 PM
Indeed, newer players are the problematic ones.
For example there was a guy that was insulting other KD member, and I had to send messages to other KD leader that we are sorry for our member behavious. Because when someone from your KD insults people, he kinda represents the KD. So that is a problem for the whole KD.
Yeah that was kind of stupid on his part...I kept telling him he made ODC look bad with his behavior...but I kept my respect with the leadership...and then we killed those stupid members...they did apoligize btw right as we killed them >_>
Dark Lord Osiris


9/27/2008 4:20:57 PM
well anyone who trusts nubs like slade deserves it :P

Sir Soccermunches


9/27/2008 9:00:20 PM
well,  guess i learned that lesson! y didn't u tell me sooner osi!
I thought it was common knowledge...

02:57:32 Sep 28th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

i don't pay attention to lower worlds charley.......until now that im on there.

03:16:23 Sep 28th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Oh, I thought you were respondin to Osi's comment about nubs...

03:34:45 Sep 28th 08 - General Manna:

Mr. Death Proof


9/27/2008 2:26:00 PM

Jasmina i remember that...that was pretty shady.

I even messaged FU first and asked what his intentions were and why he killed my armies...but all i got back was, "i have a secret for you"

anyway....this makes the game less fun. almost makes you not want to play...almost! :)


i hope that secret part was not referring to me. because if so i have the mail.


also it seems more and more are disliking me this era, but eh what can i say i like to kill, you got a better offer i am yours.


but yet i always eem to find great players to gifht with me, eh. i guess i always will huh.

03:36:02 Sep 28th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

not go back on ur word? and still kill? seems the best route...

05:23:54 Sep 28th 08 - Mr. Kakanas:

Sir Soccermunches


9/27/2008 10:49:55 AM

has VU lost all honor nowadays? or is it just these lower worlds?

I currently run a kingdom that has three players with armies and oop. first, SK broke their NAP (without a 48 hour CF previously agreed upon). They are dishonorable.

Now, FU broke their CF we had agreed upon. it seems SK needed help against 2 players fighting them.

is anyone else seeing such lack of honor in VU? i remember a time this was actually looked down upon....


>.< i gave you your fuking waring tosser and if you had of attack while i was awake you wouldnt have gotten very far

05:41:27 Sep 28th 08 - Mr. Sorra:

Mr. Kakanas


9/28/2008 12:23:54 AM
Sir Soccermunches


9/27/2008 10:49:55 AM

has VU lost all honor nowadays? or is it just these lower worlds?

I currently run a kingdom that has three players with armies and oop. first, SK broke their NAP (without a 48 hour CF previously agreed upon). They are dishonorable.

Now, FU broke their CF we had agreed upon. it seems SK needed help against 2 players fighting them.

is anyone else seeing such lack of honor in VU? i remember a time this was actually looked down upon....


>.< i gave you your fuking waring tosser and if you had of attack while i was awake you wouldnt have gotten very far



  No Kakanas (other wise known as Knockmyass) your the type of tosser who likes C ocks rammed up there A SS so far and hard, again and again that by the time it's all done, they begin to have memory problems.

  You never gave us a warning at all, SK and you are trying to twist this as much as possible but the fact is that you attacked befor giving us our warnning. SK dident kick you cause they thought you were to powerful and that they needed you and if you got kicked it would be a huge blow to teh KD. Well, we warred you and SK unprepared and guess what, on teh battlefield, you ended up a tosser, just like you are in RL. MUNCHS armies  went into your cities, turned you around, pulled down your pants, RAPED YOU, then threw you out and took your bounty.

  You were knockd of the HoH list from first to 10th (in 2 days) and soon to be right off. You turned out to be horrible on the battle field. And at first, SK throught they could rely on you when you warred with us and thats why they dident kick you, but when the war started, like a tosser, you had to rely on everyone in SK so you wouldent be RAPED again and knocked of nirvana with your ever increasing memory problems that occur because of the consistency that you allow LARGE *beep*s to be rammed up your A SS  repeaditly by many men and the latest just happened to be by MUNCHS soliders.


In like to toss salads

06:18:37 Sep 28th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Oh damn...this just jumped into my top 5 favorite threads list

06:51:48 Sep 28th 08 - Mr. Homanil III:

Honour, yes it's a hard thing to find nowadays. If anyone joins a kingdom then he should follow it to the ends of the earth even if it means his death. I certainly do detest unhonourable play.

07:15:54 Sep 28th 08 - Lord Incognito:

Sorra, I <3 your post! Beat SK into the ground :) I remember an era when I halted all wars with my enemy just to help them take care of a traitor... Just wish there weren't so many nowadays

12:44:13 Sep 28th 08 - Mr. Wye:

Mr. Justanius Fontainius XV


9/28/2008 2:18:02 AM
and it happens this era on the biggest stage (fantasia) by rumpnissen i havent seen a single forum made in discust what the hell and he is now wat 4rd strongst because of his exploits
Dark Lord Osiris


9/28/2008 2:21:57 AM
thats because everyone knows what survior is like and everyone expected it

What he done this time?

18:03:15 Sep 28th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

it would seem thier are multiple people up for the biggest traitor award this era. remember this you will be hunted down.

18:17:59 Sep 28th 08 - Mr. Wye:

Anyone care to tell what he did this time? =)

18:36:54 Sep 28th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

wye he left the kd and attacked us apparantly allying himself with the enemy who apparantly are leaving him totally alone. go figure. Mafia just left and joined him. wether he planned it or is just a coward who knows.


Soccer it is just how vu is these days. no longer are multis and nap breakers looked down upon with scorn. Multing is rampent and people even complain when they are deleted. you cant trust anyone to keep a nap these days and most of the time you have to be wary of your own kd. it is a shame yes but its just the way it is now.

18:37:17 Sep 28th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

right osi, thanks for reminding them! traitors will die!

23:40:09 Sep 28th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

@ osi's second comment,

THAT SHOULD CHANGE! you are so right, and i wish we could get it back to the way it used to be. I know I won't ever have peace with slade or the f*ck em crew.

23:50:04 Sep 28th 08 - Mr. Pimp:

Pimp looks around for Ice Cream

23:53:29 Sep 28th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

*Suddenly rolls out a cart of fresh, FREE, ice cream*

"Get your ice cream here!"

02:03:58 Sep 29th 08 - Mr. Wye:

Lol, Rumplestilksin, Survivor FTW!!

02:41:52 Sep 29th 08 - Mr. Death Proof:

LOL...Sorra you're my HERO! toss salads...ha ha.

02:42:15 Sep 29th 08 - Mr. Death Proof:

he he .....Knockmyass...ha ha ha

03:18:27 Sep 29th 08 - Mr. Pimp:

Pimp kills Charley, steals his Ice Cream, flashes the one fingered salute to the forum and pisses off to Zeta

05:40:03 Oct 7th 08 - Mr. Brisingrblodh:

i hate traitors and oathbreakers; they are filth from the gutters! we must make an example of the traitors by hunting them down no matter what and showing their humiliation all over the worlds. if we can kill enough of them, hopefully people will be dicouraged from doing dishonorable things and will be honorable.


ok, although i HATE oathbreakers with a passion, you have to be careful. many times, i have been forced to either break my word or leave my kingdom and be killed, which presents a large problem. though i don't want to break my word, i also don't want to die. so when you're killing a dishonorable kingdom, make sure you deal with the leaders first, because half the time you're betrayed by a KD, its probably the leaders fault.

12:27:52 Oct 7th 08 - General Manna:

yes it wqs my fault, i take the blame, and i talked to soccer and explained everything, hopfully he did see it has a misunderstanding.

18:33:31 Oct 7th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

right. alas, what is done is done, and we both must move on :)


12:01:06 Oct 8th 08 - Sir Odissius:

warms my heart to so to see justice being served. There are 3 things i despise...

1. Traitors.

2. Ignorance

3. spinach

make the traitor till he can no longer run anywhere!

15:15:48 Oct 8th 08 - Prince Tiber Septim IV:

*Septim feels that Charley needs somebody to compete with him, so he rolls out a Septim's Exotic Eats food cart.

"Get yer flamingos, squirells, and tasmanian devils!"

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