Forums / In game politics / got enough players?

got enough players?
11:18:10 Jul 29th 08 - Sir Chucky:

GhostMystical40Mr. Mystery19

well? do you?

12:39:56 Jul 29th 08 - Lord Slade:

LMAO just like silicon Knights they had like 45 or somthing

12:45:52 Jul 29th 08 - Sir Chucky:

its crazy, and they still arent owning
thats funny

13:30:32 Jul 29th 08 - Mr. Harry The Crazy:

A year os so ago.
DARK The Dark Riders 69 Mr. Justin Fontain 79

13:48:17 Jul 29th 08 - Lord Slade:

OMFG tha would be hell trying to find a spot to build


@PJ and if they have that many ppl in there KD and there still not winning then Wraith or Charley must be in there

15:27:03 Jul 29th 08 - Mr. Pathomatic:

This kd had 46 yesterday when I looked.

A few days ago the #1 kingdom on that world also had at least 25...may have been around 30.  Apparently they got rid of a lot of people lately.  I remember seeing those 2 top kingdoms and laughing ...while normal kingdoms send scouts out to find people to kill...these two kingdoms apparently sent them out to find people to send invitations.

15:35:00 Jul 29th 08 - Lord Random:

hehe we're moving between #2 & #3 on zeta with 12 members =P

15:35:48 Jul 29th 08 - Lord Slade:


you never know they might be trying to get as many players as they can to be a scapgoat for a Fant kingdom next era 8-)

or maybe they think your cooler then everyone else by have HEAPS of members

you pick which 1 makes more sence

15:44:06 Jul 29th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Lord Slade


7/29/2008 8:48:17 AM

OMFG tha would be hell trying to find a spot to build


@PJ and if they have that many ppl in there KD and there still not winning then Wraith or Charley must be in there

Keep in mind we WON with 40 members(which we got because YOU went on some fuking trip to gheyland and left the leadership HEADLESS) -_- but less than half of that did anything......most other KDs had over 30 members anyways...but it was the largest and strongest KD in VU until arma went off......Wraith blew up Zeta for the first time in VU history....and I was just wanting to play in a KD that didnt complain and ignore orders so much....

16:25:00 Jul 29th 08 - Lord Slade:


Holiday i moved fool

and i didnt leave it headless i left a tool in charge not saying any names PJ

and you left then attack the people that didnt join RoC

i logged on a few days later and i had 1 scout caz some tool attack my city that i was told some bull*beep* reason that my citys were taken to protect them


you could of just taken charge but no you went to RoC and So what they were the biggest and the strongest

i would like to see you fight in Fant and then see how big and tough you guys are you will most likly die 24 hours OOP

16:28:51 Jul 29th 08 - Mr. Killstone:

Lord Random


7/29/2008 9:35:00 AM
hehe we're moving between #2 & #3 on zeta with 12 members =P


im moving up on zeta currenly 12th with only 1 member ^_^ and stil lraising too

16:42:06 Jul 29th 08 - Mr. Khalifa:

slade roc is dead on mant now :) they dont need to go to fant to die.

00:20:34 Jul 30th 08 - Lord Weirdgrivi:

Didn't Luna Wolves get over 90?

Around 9-10 eras ago?

01:20:51 Jul 30th 08 - Sir Charley Statler:

Lord Slade


7/29/2008 11:25:00 AM


Holiday i moved fool

and i didnt leave it headless i left a tool in charge not saying any names PJ

and you left then attack the people that didnt join RoC

i logged on a few days later and i had 1 scout caz some tool attack my city that i was told some bull*beep* reason that my citys were taken to protect them


you could of just taken charge but no you went to RoC and So what they were the biggest and the strongest

i would like to see you fight in Fant and then see how big and tough you guys are you will most likly die 24 hours OOP

Umm....I TOOK charge but I couldnt do anything and people were being crazy!  I left because everyone else was planning on it(Rott encouraged me) and we did NOT attack SK members......Trog told them all that we were traitors and to attack us so SK started the fight.  It would have been a nice peaceful thing except for Trog of course.  Then Havoc started moving armies around in the center of the map and WOULD have taken your cities.  We took them so THEY wouldnt get them.  We did not want our possible war enemy to be IN our area.  Funny thing also....RoC WAS like....half the strength of Havoc but when we joined we like...tripled its dont say we joined them because it was the biggest and strongest....if we did that we would have joined BP or Havoc.

Mr. Khalifa


7/29/2008 11:42:06 AM
slade roc is dead on mant now :) they dont need to go to fant to die.
And we are NOT dead -_- I wont say more to ruin the fun...we just need to "lighten the load"

12:07:55 Aug 1st 08 - Lord Slade:

Mr. Khalifa


7/29/2008 6:42:06 PM
slade roc is dead on mant now :) they dont need to go



im glad to here that

hahaha Newbs! XD

12:27:46 Aug 1st 08 - Mr. Knigh:

lol slade, charley tried to take command, but that newb PJ wouldnt give him leadership, people weren't listening and were doing as they liked, u can not comment on wat u did not see, all u know is wat the bitter players like trog have told u.

12:57:44 Aug 1st 08 - Lord Slade:


i was calling RoC a Newbe

but i thank charley for atleast trying to save SK :P

and yes i know just as much as the next person Trog can start trouble

but i dont care anymore its the past man

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