Forums / In game politics / kd power at end

kd power at end
21:07:13 May 22nd 09 - Mr. Ajwasdere:

IMG TAG Kingdom Name Members Leader %P
Kingdoms in Fantasia
Veggie Fruits and Vegetables 25 Mr. Garlic 94
Fate Foundation 27 Sir Feanor 28
Yum Spaghetti 20 Sir Spoon 19
Choc Chocolate 17 Mr. Bran 19
Kingdoms in Mantrax
JUICY JUICY 23 Commander Aligreat 79
MAD Mad Against Drugs 22 Mr. Aloysius 12
DSY Dynasty 6 Sir Struddle 4
Kingdoms in Zetamania
Soul Rebirth 25 Mr. Overcome 100
LDK Lietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste 2 Mr. Don Kichotas 4
sexy Sexy as Fcuk 1 Mr. Blackberry Bling 1
Kingdoms in Starta
RVL Revelation 29 Mr. Fordius 94
DE Dorian Empire 22 Sir Evans 67
BEAR Bear Machines 5 Mr. Bear Banger 0
Kingdoms in Nirvana
BIO BioHazard 15 Mr. Nice 0
Kingdoms in Valhalla
Hell G O D L I K E 5 Mr. Lord V 5
Native The Native People 10 Ms. Antianara 2
H Heaven 19 Archangel Argyle 1
DMC Dendarii Mercenary Corps 3 Duke Yomrath Stardreamer 0
AN The Allies 1 Mr. Runario 0
bsk berserkers 1 Mr. Bryant 0
sdasd asdasda 1 Mr. Dynamic 0
Kingdoms in Armageddon
CRAZY Insane Asylum 15 Dr. Raving Lunatic 10
LD Lightning Dust 35 General Zondervan 8
PHI Phi Factor 4 Mr. Mavich 2
VoW Vengeful Ornery Wolves 7 Wolflord Karac 1
TAT The A Team 2 Mr. One 0
TC Templar Crusaders 4 Mr. Arkantos 0
Rome Romanum Imperium 5 Mr. Giorgio 0
A Anarchy 2 Mr. Midge 0
TDE The Dark Empire 3 Divine Grandmaster Corollin 0
TL The Legion 2 Mr. Paracelzus 0
Kingdoms in Talents
Abydos Abydos 19 Pirate Lewatha 5
Mayhem Project Mayhem 16 Sir Mayhem 4
Red Blood Lust 6 Mr. Grimdeath 2
GOTF Guild Of The Fallen 9 Mr. Shmehss 1
EVO EVOLUTION 3 Ms. Evolution 1
*beep*y Super *beep*s 15 Mr. Filthy Mess 1
DG The DemonGods 1 Mr. Xane 0
Kingdoms in Midgard
Thugs Thugs 2 Mr. Supernova 0
TE The Elders 2 Mr. Centurion 0

21:10:31 May 22nd 09 - Divine Grandmaster Corollin:

this list is wrong.....

IMG TAG Kingdom Name Members Leader %P
Kingdoms in Armageddon
CRAZYInsane Asylum15Dr. Raving Lunatic4040
LDLightning Dust35General Zondervan3301
PHIPhi Factor4Mr. Mavich643
VoWVengeful Ornery Wolves7Wolflord Karac534
TCTemplar Crusaders4Mr. Arkantos116
TLThe Legion2Mr. Paracelzus111
TDEThe Dark Empire3Divine Grandmaster Corollin100
RomeRomanum Imperium5Mr. Giorgio14
AAnarchy2Mr. Midge14
TATThe A Team2Mr. One9

check my arma against yours and KD's are in different orders :S:S

21:22:23 May 22nd 09 - Mr. Ajwasdere:

there the same but look at all these powers thats y

TAT The A Team 2 Mr. One 0
TC Templar Crusaders 4 Mr. Arkantos 0
Rome Romanum Imperium 5 Mr. Giorgio 0
A Anarchy 2 Mr. Midge 0
TDE The Dark Empire 3 Divine Grandmaster Corollin 0
TL The Legion 2 Mr. Paracelzus 0

21:23:50 May 22nd 09 - Mr. Ajwasdere:

i clicked it at last sec so ik mines right

21:25:23 May 22nd 09 - Sir Bob The Builder Smurf:

lol, I have a different order than either of ya =P

Kingdoms in Armageddon
CRAZYInsane Asylum15Dr. Raving Lunatic36
LDLightning Dust35General Zondervan29
PHIPhi Factor4Mr. Mavich6
VoWVengeful Ornery Wolves7Wolflord Karac5
TDEThe Dark Empire3Divine Grandmaster Corollin1
TLThe Legion2Mr. Paracelzus1
TCTemplar Crusaders4Mr. Arkantos1
TATThe A Team2Mr. One0
RomeRomanum Imperium5Mr. Giorgio0
AAnarchy2Mr. Midge0

21:28:23 May 22nd 09 - Mr. Ajwasdere:

milti # improvements it all

21:50:11 May 22nd 09 - Divine Grandmaster Corollin:

mine is from after era end ajwasdere....

22:02:43 May 22nd 09 - Mr. Ajwasdere:

mine to look at all the zeros tho milti # improvements all

22:06:08 May 22nd 09 - Mr. Ajwasdere:

proves wow

22:22:36 May 22nd 09 - Mr. Eirian Draconis III:

All of you are wrong!

your comparing kingdoms >:[

22:29:03 May 22nd 09 - Mr. Ajwasdere:


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