Forums / In game politics / lenard the knight II

lenard the knight II
13:49:56 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas The Black Prince:

i'v been playing this game for 4 era's and this is my fifth . and i never seen such a behvior in VU like this

why you people flame about lenard too much ?

all what he did is playing , so what if he farmed (tho he didn't) ?

so what if he won with halfing ? so what this is his second era ?

  1. like nobody farmed in last era
  2. like nobody won with other race than dwarf
  3. rambo have 4 era's in his name

and ther a stupid MS. monday , wana know why all his folks don't have history . he left PHI to play with his real friends or old friends...

and ther's the people who jeoulesed ? so what he farmed ? ther is no rule say no to farming ( the big problem that i kno he didn't farm )

just saying come on , we are coming OOP and you still talking bad to him .

(people are entering halfing cuz he won with that race)

just greet him ! what's wrong , every one won an era we greet him .

so you who say bad things about him , will be on my hitlist . and i will leave PHI if i had just to kick your @$$

13:57:27 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith:

im not gonna flame him, but i want to go on your hitlist. Where are you on the map and ill come fight you. =P

14:05:49 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith:

wow, crap english and terrible immature jokes.

Was worth a pop to see if u were thick enough to confess it.

Quit *beep*in about how people are flaming him. It was a crap era, even lenard knows that it wont be as well recognised as other eras.

Most of us are trying to forget last era ever happened. Just let it die will you.

14:07:55 Dec 13th 07 - Lord Argyle:

"so what this is his second era ?"

it wasn't.

14:08:57 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith:

he probly means his second era win.

14:15:43 Dec 13th 07 - Lord Argyle:


15:36:39 Dec 13th 07 - Sir XelNaga:

like nobody won with other race than dwarf

i think you missed a nameless wandering terran siege tank (cata) commander who should've been #2 HoH if not for the stupid scoring system.

unfortunately, the brave terran commander is infested and has become a zerg entity. Now "FOR THE HORDE" of ultra-lings!!!! (axemens lol)

15:39:27 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Crissxcross:

not so long ago an elf has won.. :rolleyes:

15:44:47 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas The Black Prince:

i know , i was answering the questions i wrote b4 i write the numbers

15:49:51 Dec 13th 07 - Lord of The Morning:

mbeidas, PLEASE, quit defending lenard/auspice/smiths leader - HE CAN DO IT HIMSELF IF HE WANTS TO.

Lenard DID farm. Do you know what farming is?

Please leave PHI and kick my @$$ (but I will kick your ASS), just like you did every era! (Wait.... you got killed even before we could meet? oh shizzles!)

15:57:28 Dec 13th 07 - Mr. Soc:

Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith


12/13/2007 6:08:57 AM
he probly means his second era win.


still wrong. 3

02:26:43 Dec 14th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Epyon:

Maybe last era wouldn't have been such a big disaster as you portray it if Phi would have been allowed to fight instead of having to defend a three way attack and fear a NAP partner.

02:31:04 Dec 14th 07 - Duke Clone Xixlv:

Hey Carnage is ALWAYS good on its word and it has been proved era after era, no fear should have been needed. Hey Mbeidas come and kick my @SS..........I dare ya ;-)

02:32:43 Dec 14th 07 - Mr. Killstone The Exploiter:

ha ya and we only farmed as mcu has we needed we needed to defend if we farmed teh whole time we would not be able to have about 10 people defend agaisnt nearly all if not all of legacy with their 13 mil merger and then the other part of phi defending agaisnt DB (not taht ahrd if you ask me no offense but we probobly could have done it with half of our numbers over there)

02:48:19 Dec 14th 07 - Mr. Zerocool The Napbreaker:

pretty hard to distinguish you guys with the clone thing.. i bet my ass you're architect last era.

03:00:06 Dec 14th 07 - Mr. Ignis The Ceo of Madmulti Inc:

I doubt to duke title in 1 era? and not enough flaming...

Oh and stop defending Lenard in bad it has been a trend since at least era 15 (I wouldn't know before that) for people to flame the winner of an era...

I think it only seems like Lenard is getting flamed extra (to you) because Phi (you were in it) won the era. He is not getting flamed extra because the era was boring...but that does take away from the win.
This is unbiased...(I'm a member of Phi)

03:00:32 Dec 14th 07 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Epyon:

He's clone number -19+55=36

03:13:24 Dec 14th 07 - Sir Agent Brown:

"I doubt to duke title in 1 era? and not enough flaming..."

I happen to know someone that got to Prince in one era so it isn't that hard to believe.

03:56:57 Dec 14th 07 - Duke Clone Xixlv:

No I got my Duke title in one era........just havn't bothered to go for Prince because I think it sort of sounds dumb and no I'm not Architect or am I ;-)

04:02:07 Dec 14th 07 - Mr. Agent Fish:

i like Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith, funny thinking with a name he can beat us

07:08:09 Dec 14th 07 - Mr. Mbeidas The Black Prince:

  1. Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith ,np
  2. Lord of The Morning

    naerey , that was my first era , i was fighting you 5 kd myself , i only lost in the last 20 hour, rock stopped you . preds attacked me from behind , i didn't have an armoury . and still i succed to get 42 city alone
  3. Duke Clone Xixlv , np

anybody else ?

07:34:30 Dec 14th 07 - Mr. Soc:

i love fighting!

09:40:36 Dec 14th 07 - Mr. Random:

i don't...
My KD just got wiped from Mantrax by freedom, Eternity and Destiny =[

17:49:16 Dec 14th 07 - Mr. Neo Destroyer of Agent Smith:

Fear me Agent Smith. Once i find a way over to Mantrax with these armies ill get you.

Pff. Why cant u change your name once u realise u made a mistake :(

18:10:24 Dec 14th 07 - Duke Luta Mor:

I have no problem with Lenard, but can you put me on your hit list too?

I'm actually halfling this era becase I'm trying ALL the races, and the only other race I haven't played yet, humans, sound boring to me.

18:16:41 Dec 14th 07 - Mr. Willem II:

can i be on your Hitlist please?

19:04:56 Dec 14th 07 - Mr. Agent Johnson:

Mbeidas, it wasn't my second era or my second era win (it was #3). I've played about 15 eras, though probably only half those on Fantasia.

And yes LGC says every era was horrible that they didn't win, that's just their way of saving face.

19:25:39 Dec 14th 07 - Mr. Willem II:

well, last era really was Horrible... even in my opinion

20:33:12 Dec 14th 07 - Mr. Soc:

Duke Luta Mor


12/14/2007 10:10:24 AM

I have no problem with Lenard, but can you put me on your hit list too?

I'm actually halfling this era becase I'm trying ALL the races, and the only other race I haven't played yet, humans, sound boring to me.


u have no idea!!!!! human roxxers!

22:23:45 Dec 14th 07 - Mr. Dolfyn:

well, humans are just the pest behind everything.

did u know that ZeTa is a human also!? that cheater .... how could he?

22:27:17 Dec 14th 07 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

Duke Clone Xixlv


12/14/2007 9:31:04 AMHey Carnage is ALWAYS good on its word and it has been proved era after era, no fear should have been needed. Hey Mbeidas come and kick my @SS..........I dare ya ;-)


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