Forums / In game politics / lol at nubs nowerdays

lol at nubs nowerdays
16:17:23 May 11th 11 - Ms. Britney Spears:

Us in NSYNC are doing a themed name era. Within a couple hours of spawning. Message between our leader and nub:

Mr. Freakiest Guy (5/11/2011 8:31:19 AM) 
wow beggining of era and alrdy doing multi accounting. that's a real cheap way of fighting. you better shutdown 5 of those accounts, because if they are still open in 5 hours i'm going to send a letter to the VU admin
You (5/11/2011 8:34:39 AM)
What the hell is up with people thinking I'm multying? lol

Seriously, second message I've been sent recently, please tell me.
Mr. Freakiest Guy (5/11/2011 8:39:37 AM) 
rofl it is obviuos that you are a multi, and im not gonno explain it. YOU know it, and I know it (and soon admin will know too). I gave you a waring, and you didnt accept the truth and spit it to my face, so im going to send a message to admin in 20 min unless you close those accounts
You (5/11/2011 8:49:01 AM)
It's called a theme kingdom. Chatted on Skype and then picked names before dropping.

Google the band, realize it was for us to get some kicks and giggles as we warred, and pull up some goofy themes for your kingdom every once and awhile. :P
Mr. Freakiest Guy (5/11/2011 9:02:24 AM) 
lol ok, so you have no problem if i send all this to admin right? i got no time to waste on you, so ill give u 5 min before i send my message. dont waste my time, cuz your getting on my nerves.

Either say ur gonno stop it, or say you can send all this to admin


I then trolled the guy by copying and pasting what our leader said to him and sending it in a new message. Messages between me and nub:

You (5/11/2011 2:39:31 PM)
What the hell is up with people thinking I'm multying? lol

Seriously, second message I've been sent recently, please tell me.
Mr. Freakiest Guy (5/11/2011 2:46:09 PM) GOOD BAD
lol you just proved it. your ""clan leader "" timberlake just send the exact words to me 5 minutes ago. i didnt even talk to this second account of yours, and you just sent me a letter from this account saying exact words from the other account. your not as dumb as i think right? just put the two and two together and it proves your a multi. btw, change to your Mr. Justing account and read the message i sent

You (5/11/2011 8:31:19 AM)
wow beggining of era and alrdy doing multi accounting. that's a real cheap way of fighting. you better shutdown 5 of those accounts, because if they are still open in 5 hours i'm going to send a letter to the VU admin

Mr. Justin Timberlake (5/11/2011 8:34:39 AM)
What the hell is up with people thinking I'm multying? lol

Seriously, second message I've been sent recently, please tell me.

see this? exact words as what you just wrote on your other account


Another noob, messages between  our leader and Legendary Morgawr:

[15:08:18] XXXX: Mr. Legendary Morgawr (5/11/2011 7:49:47 AM) 
nice multi accounting
You (5/11/2011 8:17:01 AM)
LOL what makes you think I'm multying?
Mr. Legendary Morgawr (5/11/2011 8:19:21 AM) 
lol your kidding right? its the most obvious thing ever, i aint even gonno explain it. you better stop it or ill post it in the admin forum, which will get you banned.
You (5/11/2011 8:28:21 AM)
LOL - go for it. I'm not multying, so you have fun.


The same guy who sent this to another of our members:

Mr. Morgawr (5/7/2011 4:22:17 PM)  
lol thats the dirtiest way of winning a battle (making gia's), and there is no honor in it. but.. whatever, if it makes you feel good by the end of the day, by all means do it

16:19:49 May 11th 11 - Mr. Jakee:


16:24:31 May 11th 11 - Ms. Serena Willia:

Obviously that guy accusing you is multi-ing ...

2 guys whining about the same thing. He's just covering his own misfits!

16:28:00 May 11th 11 - Mr. Justin Timberlake:

Britney! You whore, get back in your cage and dance for me!

16:36:19 May 11th 11 - Mr. Joey Fat One:

Its really the best idea for a theme ever though.

Think about it. If we lose, so what? They beat up a boy band.
If we win, it adds that much more insult to injury XD

17:23:26 May 11th 11 - Mr. Morgawr:

lol let me clear this:

Mr. Morgawr is my character playing in Starta, and Mr. Legendary Morgawr is my character playing in Zatamania

 I dont know who Mr. Freakiest guy is.

If you didnt know, you can have THREE characters with same account in different worlds, and Morgawr is in Starta while Legendary Morgawr is in Zatamania.

The only thing that cuased this misunderstanding about me being Multi is that i accidentaly sent messages from different characters (probably because the page didnt reload completely while i switched between my characters of the same account). And dont dare call me a multi cuze ive played this game over 3 years with honesty in so many Kds such as BoW, Carnage, Abydose, Zeon, etc.


I know who You are: Jakee in in AT playing agaist us Leather Rebels (and probably Phin as well). i sent the message about making hordes Gia's to Phin and only Phin (accidentaly through my accout playing in Midgard and now playing Zatamania). i dont think message was so important that he would send it to Jakee, so Maybe Phinn and Jakee are same guys... (i always wondered how AT culd have such a good teamwork, ive never seen anything CLOSE to it. Also, Mr. Jakee is always defending while Phinn gets all the cities, i wouldnt do that even if it was me and my mother playing in the same KD..).

i defenitly know you are the same as Jakee, cuz my message about Gia's was sent to you in Starta. lol if your a multi in Zatamania then ur a multi in Starta in AT too. and dont give me nonsense about making "theme KDs" and "trolling". From what i read about the messages between you and Mr. Freaky, it is OBVIOUS ur a multi. The only thing you would achieve by supposedly "trolling" (which not so, and was a mistake done by u that proved ur a multi) is to make urself seem like a multi, and there is no reason for u to do that. You DID prove ur a multi.


PS: dont post replies from your different accounts here pretending to be different people. All the people who posted until now are the Same people under different names.

17:29:40 May 11th 11 - Mr. Mielo:

You are sure defending yourself quite a lot ... Almost seems like you have something to hide!

17:30:28 May 11th 11 - Mr. Dildozer:

yep obviously a multi!

17:31:17 May 11th 11 - Ms. Serena Willia:

mmmmmmm-hmmmmmm .... Told ya so!

17:53:52 May 11th 11 - Mr. Morgawr:

ok, next time i wont defend myself and say im a multi? You kidding me? i know i am right, and i WILL defend myself against accusations. I KNOW NYSC is the same people. At the beggining i was just taking a guess, but after i saw a post from me to KD Adventure time getting to Brittney to NYSC, my doubts were turned to stone. Im going to be able to play this summer before going back to university, and i aint gonno let multis ruin the whole Zatamania world. I dont care weather you think i am a multi or not, cuz i know i aint a multi. I can also prove that Mr. Morgawr and Legendary Morgawr are the same account different worlds, which shows i aint a multi. Heres the proof that is my characters are the same account:


You have 0 sponsored turns that you can transfer to any character.
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Ruler name





Mr. Legendary Slawter





* Mr. Morgawr

Leather Rebels




Mr. Legendary Morgawr

Show No Mercy






Anything else that makes you gys think im multi?? Rofl the dude completely changed the whole subject of HIM/HER being a multi by accusing ME of being one. I just proved my innocence, now its your turn

18:01:04 May 11th 11 - Mr. Phinn:

"I know who You are: Jakee in in AT playing agaist us Leather Rebels (and probably Phin as well). i sent the message about making hordes Gia's to Phin and only Phin (accidentaly through my accout playing in Midgard and now playing Zatamania). i dont think message was so important that he would send it to Jakee, so Maybe Phinn and Jakee are same guys... (i always wondered how AT culd have such a good teamwork, ive never seen anything CLOSE to it. Also, Mr. Jakee is always defending while Phinn gets all the cities, i wouldnt do that even if it was me and my mother playing in the same KD..)."

Bro, if our teamwork is so good, dont you think I would send ANY message, important or not, to Jakee? Especially one so damn funny that it was also post in the Starta Politics forums for all to see? 

Youve seriously been Playing 3 years without being in a theme kd? Ive been playing for less then a year and thats almost all I have been.

 He likes to mage. He cant attack effectively and it would be silly for him to try to do so. I suck with magic and much much much prefer spamming in my enemies core. Just because your a selfish player who must be a mindless drone attacker doesnt mean everyone is. 

Can anyone tell me how to report harassment? I know my kd mate up there started the thread, but I dont find this nearly as funny as he does.

Ive got nothing to hide. If Zeta would like to arrange a video chat via skype with Jakee and I or whatever form of proof he would like, I would be more then happy to, and I highly doubt Jakee would disagree. :P Having friends is awesome, you should try it sometime.

18:13:26 May 11th 11 - Mr. Jakee:

@ Morgwarh

Skype; enjoy the features of an out-of-game IM'ing service. :P

18:16:15 May 11th 11 - Mr. Legendary Slawter:

as i said earlier, i quit the game for a year to go to university, and ive never seen a theme KD before. i still find it odd that NYSC got 6 members (all vices) in only 2 days after it was formed.. maybe its cuz its a theme KD and attracted lotto ppl. whatever i guess. i just hope ur KD doesnt "fall apat" in mid era, and 1 of them doesnt take all the cities, cuz in past 3 years ive seen it happening. I doesnt make much of a difference if theres 1 or 10 characters with same guy as long as 1 guy dosent  take all the cities and becomes most powerful player.

i wont forget your accusations against me, and ill show you in Zatamania soon. as long as all the NYSC players are in same KD (or napped KD) i dont care whose who. i just proved my innocence, so whatever. see u in Zatamania.


You say u aint a multi, so i believe u Phinn. ur the only 1 i respect here cuz i know ur good at VU (never saw spamming like that bfore XD). The others in NYSC are just a waste of space in map, so i wont even bother talking about them.

PS: if u got any messages send them to my Starta account.

18:18:08 May 11th 11 - Mr. Legendary Slawter:

i dont got skype, so no need for it. i just said i believe u as long as NYSC doesnt attack its own membes in Zatamania. i got lotto stuff to do so message me in Starta

18:27:18 May 11th 11 - Mr. Phinn:

lol, Thanks I think, but that tactic I have to completely admit was ripped off from watching Binh do it (much more effectively) to the smurfs XD

I can understand your speculation, as I have too seen such things. But to simply point fingers  like that, is. . . . . . yeah, I wont go there.

And I can assure you, they are not a waste of space. Some may have odd sense's of humor (damn you Britney), but pretty much everyone in the kd is both more experienced and superior at playing then me rofl. Im just the fat one :'( 

18:29:44 May 11th 11 - Mr. Jakee:

No one can compare to me.... I have some actual talent and I think I might go solo one day! 8-)

18:31:52 May 11th 11 - Mr. Justin Timberlake:

Errm, wrong Character. lol

No one can compare to me.... I have some actual talent and I think I might go solo one day! 8-)


18:43:16 May 11th 11 - Mr. Eddo:

whoa whoa justing is that u? then join the kd man in starta! we are all waiting for you oh wait you cant =(

20:24:35 May 11th 11 - Mr. Mad Max:

My main character is in a theamed KD btw. So yes, they are around. Also, Morgawr, showing everyone your 3 characters doesn't really have anything to do with multing, if your multing then you would have a whole nother account with 3 characters. I'm not saying that I think you are, just that showing your 3 characters doesn't prove much. However, from being in a KD with him I can tell everone that I'm 99% sure he's not multing.

22:49:55 May 11th 11 - Sun Warrior King Liu Bei of Shu:

I could not help noticing that the vocabulary Morgawr has is far different from Freakest Guy. I also feel like the conversation between Morgawr and your leader has been tampered with but thats what I see.

02:10:47 May 12th 11 - Lady Venus Willia:

Myself being Britney Spears.

Legendary Slawter:

The others in NYSC are just a waste of space in map, so i wont even bother talking about them.

You obviously know nothing. Half of our players are some of the most successful players on Fant. The others are lesser known very good players. But then again, you're just a random unknown newbie who has probably not played longer than 2 eras and lieing about you're experience to cover your tracks. I've played for over 3 years and have never heard your name before.

Sun Warrior King Liu Bei of Shu

I could not help noticing that the vocabulary Morgawr has is far different from Freakest Guy.

Whoever said they were one and the same?

I also feel like the conversation between Morgawr and your leader has been tampered with but thats what I see.

How so? How does it look tampered in any way. Why would I even tamper it? Would I change it from the leaders real message admitting the "truth" to his multi'ing ways, to what it says above? I find it strange how you would even imagine that anyone would do that. I mean it's not even if I'm pasting someone elses message to me admitting xyz, it's us defending ourselves. Not that it is even needed, if I were messaging him I would of just poked fun at him/them. I still find it hard to believe anyone would be stupid enough to believe us to be multies. But thats just what I see.

This thread was intended to poke fun at noobs who believe due to having names from the same boy band, means we are the same person.

02:45:08 May 12th 11 - Mr. Pure The Archfiend:

Shit wrong account.

06:40:05 May 12th 11 - Mr. Sladen:

honesty in so many Kds such as BoW, Carnage, Abydose, Zeon, etc.

Please dont put those names in the same sentence as Carnage, Carange isnt good enough for that! :P


06:54:31 May 12th 11 - I am Johnny Wright:

Haters gonna hate...

08:11:40 May 12th 11 - Ms. Jennaside:

*Yawn* boring

12:44:40 May 12th 11 - Mr. Razios:

I like how they spell "gonna" and numerous other words the EXACT same way. tralalalla.

12:50:19 May 12th 11 - Lord Reddragon Cursed:

Wheres the nub party?.did i come later?.

13:33:50 May 12th 11 - Ms. Britney Spears:

Yeah I just spotted that Razios. They both say "gonno" and not "gunna" or whatever, the same way. I smell a multi!

14:27:49 May 12th 11 - Ms. Serena Willia:

lol I was just kidding about him being a multi, but I'm actually right! huzzah!

I'm better at this then I thought I would be...

23:39:12 May 12th 11 - Mr. Arigashi Anpu:

I agree with you, Morgawr (Although I am unsure weather or not that conversasion is over or not) Awhile ago, a kingdom that I was in decided to do the same thing and we all got blaimed for Multi-accounting. Scence then I have become an expert in catching multi-accounting people, and based on the evidence you have given, you are not multi-accounting. And I say doom on any noob who says other wise.


      ~ By order of Arigashi Anpu (Who has played on several 'worlds' over the course of 4 and a half years.[I have had many names.])

00:40:52 May 13th 11 - Mr. Donut:

I agree with you, are not multi-accounting. And I say doom on any noob who says other wise.

I'm a noob and I say Morgawr's a multi :P

01:33:03 May 13th 11 - Ms. Britney Spears:

Mr. Arigashi Anpu:

Obvious troll is obvious. Nobody is that noob.

05:00:18 May 13th 11 - Mr. Razios:

Troll Obvious is Troll. Noob is that Nobody.

06:20:01 May 13th 11 - Mr. Valkyros V:

I think that guy is multi-ing what are the chance both people spell gonna as gonno .. 

Mr. Freakiest Guy (5/11/2011 9:02:24 AM)  
lol ok, so you have no problem if i send all this to admin right? i got no time to waste on you, so ill give u 5 min before i send my message. dont waste my time, cuz your getting on my nerves. 

Either say ur gonno stop it, or say you can send all this to admin

Mr. Legendary Morgawr (5/11/2011 8:19:21 AM)  
lol your kidding right? its the most obvious thing ever, i aint even
gonno explain it. you better stop it or ill post it in the admin forum, which will get you banned.

18:50:15 May 13th 11 - Mr. Legendary Morgawr:

lol thats how you spell it, i donno what country ur from, but here in canada we spell it as gonno, no goonna, not gunnu, not gounna, or gunno, or whatever.

18:55:29 May 13th 11 - Mr. Valkyros V:

I am from Canada man.  And if you're going to "slang" it up, it's definitely spelt gonna.  Not like I was worrying about how the word was spelled incorrectly anyway, I was merely showing that the chances that two people would spell the word with the exact same incorrections, are slim to none.  Especially seeing that both characters have the same poor grammar, and spelling it just kind of makes sense that it would be the same person.

Click the link, I googled "gonno definition" and it came up as gonna..

19:19:59 May 13th 11 - I am Johnny Wright:

There just jealous... Always the same with people accusing other people of multing these days.

19:32:50 May 13th 11 - Mr. Legendary Morgawr:

lol let them. i dont understand why they would be jealous of a nub like me. Meet you guys in Zatamania, i got my hands full fending off Beothuk, so i wont waste time arguing with you here. If you think im a nub that is a multi, come get me, because im only 1 member, and got no one around me to back me out, so there is no point being multi. The only ones im attacking are Beothuk, and i think they have enough reputation and have been around longer than a nub like me who has played only an era (as you said)

21:57:32 May 13th 11 - Mr. Ender:

I think the best theme idea was Carnage way back when:

Doid 3184697

Everyone was pissed, I think Zeta made us change them...

17:38:27 Jul 5th 11 - Mr. Penguin Wants Smoosh Smoosh:

that is as gay as wilburs mouth :o

08:03:04 Jul 26th 11 - Mr. Teirdel of Chaos:

Mowrgar or w.e... name taken from Shannara series?


good read it was.

16:56:25 Jul 27th 11 - Ms. Xes Laro:

Ender: that must has been just as confusing for Carnage themselves as for us others... I remember getting pissed when names where changed as I had made a txt with a droid-guide - all for naught.

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