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maybe its just me
10:03:46 Feb 7th 12 - Mr. Exodus:

im not trying to start anything with this person so i blamked out their name but how would you react if your nap partner was like this?

Message From Mr. Yoda

Pew Pew

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You (2/5/2012 4:08:59 PM)
i intend to keep MY city so you cna move your army as soon as you read this thank you
Mr. ********** (2/6/2012 4:06:30 AM) GOOD BAD
if you weren't such a *beep*ing *beep* and kept your god damn core maybe we wouldn't have to be saving your asses. So really. It's none of your business WHERE my army sits especially since IT WASN'T YOUR CITY when I pathed there.

So either shut the *beep* up or I will seriously consider breaking the nap to kill your sorry ass.

Learn your place and show some respect or I daresay you won't make many friends in this game. Also check who you're taking to before getting an attitude.

thanks and *beep* off
You (2/7/2012 1:39:10 AM)
my friend you arent very reasonable and im sorry for having an attitude your kingdoms maze of walls to the east forced the strongest merge directly to our core so if we cna we will retake our cities if we cant then they are all yours but allow us to have the opportunity to retake our own cities before you decide to do so

10:11:07 Feb 7th 12 - Endless (Mr. Zaphod Beeblebrox):

considering you are making a personal message public I think it says more about you then him :p   btw, really bad "blanking" out, you missed the part where it shows who it's from and their army name lol

10:17:36 Feb 7th 12 - Princess Aisha:

"Learn your place" and "check who you are talking to"
Typical speach from a player who thinks he's better then others just because he's a "veteran"... Lame
But I guess you cant expect more from Random.

10:18:10 Feb 7th 12 - Mr. Nine Tails:

well balls whatever it doesnt really matter he knows who he is but the important thing is how the message was written

10:18:52 Feb 7th 12 - Endless (Mr. Zaphod Beeblebrox):

what about Seloc posting his message?  or is that not lame? :p

we're still chasing Palpy, so more walls for Seloc to get pissed off about :D

10:28:05 Feb 7th 12 - Princess Aisha:

Several things lame about this situation :)
But I dont want to get the wrath of many so I'll just say I <3 you all :)

10:39:10 Feb 7th 12 - Endless (Mr. Zaphod Beeblebrox):

lol ;)

10:52:17 Feb 7th 12 - Jesus Left Toe (Lord Heyzeus The Enlightened):

I think that is reason enough to break you NAP and kill his entire kingdom.

10:58:22 Feb 7th 12 - Mr. Palpy Zonds Multi:

i do love all the walls named in my honour....

and just remember folks-

Palpatine hates Yoda...

11:11:03 Feb 7th 12 - Mr. Jabba The Ugly Hutt:

Ohoho..... so Exodus is Seloc. This sure explains the rude, arrogant and presumptuous tone of the first letter, and the fact he (Seloc) decides to expose a private matter in public anyway. Typical characteristic of most scumbags of the Dorian Empire, including Evans and Santa.

Random did the right thing putting you in your place, Seloc. The message you sent him initially was extremely stupid and hostile in tone, and displays shallow awareness of the entire circumstance. See this line, Seloc?  It's none of your business WHERE my army sits especially since IT WASN'T YOUR CITY when I pathed there. - this line explains everything. 

And please... do note three things: i) this isn't Beothuk's strongest merge, ii) if your kingdom had adequate defence in the first place, they wouldn't have come to your core, and iii) if you had written to Random in a much more polite and civil tone, he wouldn't have treated you like the insignificant you are.

Oh, and iv): if you didn't post this in the public forums, we wouldn't have realised you were ACTUALLY the insignificant you REALLY ARE :)

11:24:20 Feb 7th 12 - Emperor Palpatine With Deathstar:

not the strongest merge by far-i blame the little ewoks in it-but good stormtroopers are so hard to find these days-still we try.


Author of the book "Zetamania, a lonely planet guide to the land endless mazes"

11:30:07 Feb 7th 12 - Mr. Exodus:

no im not seloc im koss

i see no logical reason why he couldnt have moved his army instead of leaving it to prep on my only remaining armory

12:00:01 Feb 7th 12 - Mr. Big Daddy Steak Jocks:

Maybe he was simply offline... 

12:25:50 Feb 7th 12 - Endless (Mr. Zaphod Beeblebrox):

my bad, I saw Selos on your history but typed Seloc

Koss eh?  wasn't that like Biohazard you were in?

Palpy <3
Let's trip the Light Fantastic, baby, just you and me. ;)
How could any world not honour your presence  ... but you're expensive pet so I may have to stop honouring you :p
Love and kisses Zaphod 

12:49:08 Feb 7th 12 - Emperor Palpatine With Deathstar:

these walls between us zaphod,
they are keeping us apart
love lost between us
it's breaking my heart

pursued by a green puppet,
a rubbish binh nearby,
the lith fag on my a**
i don't really want to die

what to do,where to go?
east and south a wall of maze
i will try my best with this mini merge
ultimately zaphod you will be my guide.


Author of the book "Random chance in closed and complex systems"

13:42:07 Feb 7th 12 - Mr. Master of Obsolete Technology:

Randoms right of reply.. Hes forum banned still for questioning Zetas coding skills or something.. :)

Exodus, I replied to you in PM, but I thought that seeing as you've made this a public response I might as well make a reply here as well.

I've sent about 6-8 PM's to various PKS members, only bidi and roc star being nice enough to respond.

I've tried many many times to open a line of communication with members of PKS and yet I don't get a reply.

I asked you to leave the cities so that I could persue the merge; not so I could take all your core cities and keep them for myself. I didn't specifty whether I'd keep them; but if you said you wanted to take them back, I would have let you return them after I used them to chase. You didn't reply. Which I then assume meant inactivity. What kind of nap partner won't respond to a direct question and then blatantly do the exact opposite of whats been asked? A pretty bad one IMO.

Instead I wake up to see that you've sent an incredibly rude message to me telling me to get off your city while I was offline (obviously, otherwise i'd have been moving the merge) When you went around with 5k armies behind the merge retaking everything that they'd previously taken making it impossible for me to even get close to catching them.

Now I don't know what you'd do in this situation; but I was incensed with anger. Not only did you completely screw over any chance that I'd had to catch up to the merge at that time, but you had the audacity to write in such an arrogant way about it.

THAT ASIDE from you being usless all era because apparently your armies are just sitting in your cities waiting to take back cities after a merge has been through instead of actually being productive and functioning as part of your kingdoms merge.

So really; I think I had every right to reply to your message in the way I did and my sentiment still stands in regards to learning your place. If you're being carried by someone; try not to make their back too sore in doing so.

14:39:16 Feb 7th 12 - Mr. Nine Tails:

my army was up north moving to merge with crowley when i saw that FLL had lost the blocker holding the bridge covering the bridge by both our KD's  i moved my army back to try and help hold The Old Roc Stars cities but i arrived to late and went immediately to take back my cities as would pretty much any player

and my armies hadnt been sitting in my cities for a while i was the only PKS member to even advance on Beo ive been trying to do it all era to no avail i havent been able to hold any solid ground even when i had a fully functional armory/ magic city

14:40:03 Feb 7th 12 - Mr. Nine Tails:

Koss eh?  wasn't that like Biohazard you were in? yeah i was the co founder of it

20:02:23 Feb 7th 12 - Penguin (Clown Osama Binh Laden):

im not trying to start anything with this person so i blamked out their name but how would you react if your nap partner was like this?

Message From Mr. Yoda

Pew Pew

Back to message list 

You (2/5/2012 4:08:59 PM)
i intend to keep MY city so you cna move your army as soon as you read this thank you
Mr. ********** (2/6/2012 4:06:30 AM)
Coles is a smartass!

22:13:07 Feb 7th 12 - Kobuskan (Mr. Kob The Stealer):

Its seems there is not much respect between both Nap partners

00:24:51 Feb 8th 12 - Endless (Mr. Zaphod Beeblebrox):

more like just two cranky dudes Kobu 

and one of whom does not appreciate my wall art :|

01:52:53 Feb 8th 12 - Electric Magneton:

I appreciate it endless :P

09:26:54 Feb 8th 12 - Mr. Barny:

It pretty much sounds like Seloc is in the wrong, but both Seloc and Random are kind of assholes. Excellent job censoring Random's name though, A- for effort.

10:18:02 Feb 8th 12 - Penguin (Clown Osama Binh Laden):

Barny? dafuq? first time a post which is not too long to read? 

14:38:15 Feb 9th 12 - Seloc (Mr. Milk And Cereal):

Wait whats going on here?

14:41:34 Feb 9th 12 - Seloc (Mr. Milk And Cereal):

10:30:07 Feb 7th 12 - Mr. Exodus:

no im not seloc im koss

i see no logical reason why he couldnt have moved his army instead of leaving it to prep on my only remaining armory


Guys please don't start bashing my name like that :P

14:58:13 Feb 9th 12 - Seloc (Mr. Milk And Cereal):

I don't even have a presence on Zeta I play on Fant as "Seloc of Troy", Mant as "Seloc" and Festeria as "Milk and Cereal" and in a previous eras I had "Ooh So Seloc". I've only just returned to the game :(

Penguin his name was Selos not Seloc :P Soles would be an aweful name don't you think.

Anyone know who Jabba is?

15:15:24 Feb 9th 12 - Mr. Jabba The Ugly Hutt:

My apologies, Seloc, for bashing you then. I didn't check further into the whole thing, so I put both my feet into my mouth here. (but I did have bad experiences with you and DE before, hence my bringing up of past history because I thought it was being repeated here)

However I will not bother bashing Koss.... truly insignificant punks do not carry any weight in my books.

15:31:16 Feb 9th 12 - Penguin (Mr. Arctic Devil):

jabba is TBL

17:40:29 Feb 9th 12 - Seloc (Mr. Milk And Cereal):

Well any kingdom like DE is bound to piss of a few people. I lose track of time but that was a year or more ago wasn't it? presumably you wouldn't carry a grudge that long in real life.

Still I don't blame you for getting mixed up. This whole three name system is very confusing, it was hard enough keeping track of people when you only had one changeable name.

18:13:11 Feb 9th 12 - Mr. Jabba The Ugly Hutt:

Actually, it was 4 years ago :)

No, I do not carry a grudge against you. The grudge was already settled decisively in my kingdom's favour back then. I only jumped in because I thought I saw a typical DE trick being repeated. Fortunately / unfortunately, this is not the case. 

18:54:58 Feb 9th 12 - Mr. Palpy Confused:

you think you're so mean

just coz you're green
you think you are
some jedi killer machine

you say "Palpy bad is"
but the Emperor still lives
while you rot in a cave
on Dagobah
you didn't get the memo
about our brand new
pimped up deathstar

The senate is mine
Jedi but a few
it won't be long
until you are hunted down too.


Author of the book "How to sprngclean your swamp and remove green scum" Now available on

03:53:14 Feb 10th 12 - Zond (Sir Ariolation):

Everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects.

08:58:03 Feb 10th 12 - Penguin (Mr. Pluto The Spacepussymonsta):

00:16:09 Feb 11th 12 - Sun Warrior King (Mr. Immalookatthefield):

09:31:16 Feb 9th 12 - Penguin (Mr. Arctic Devil):

jabba is TBL

*shocked face*
Holy crap 

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