Forums / In game politics / member count

member count
18:32:17 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

Aby went from 21 to 23 members in recent time.
DB 21 to 22.

18:43:03 Mar 16th 08 - Lord Oya:

and this means what?

18:45:23 Mar 16th 08 - Duke Indicated Undernourishment:


18:46:06 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Soulofdoom:

well stating the obvious it means both ABY and DB added a member or 2 to their kd. Does it matter? No cause if anything look at PKS and Carnage members.

18:47:51 Mar 16th 08 - Prince Mielo:

... oh the stupidity of this topic

18:50:56 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Ftw:

so what, were bringing in new players and teaching them how to play when were fighting Carnage + PKS before the era ends, best to let them learn now rather than start off from era start.

We are using Carnage as a do not example. We wouldnt want them to develop into the same type of players as them.

If they did then DB would turn into a kingdom that needs to ask half the map to finish off a kd that was basically dead to begin with.

18:52:50 Mar 16th 08 - Duke Indicated Undernourishment:

Congrats on the newly born members!

19:02:54 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Stormcrow:

Such an obvious flamebait. Dont really see the point in this thread other than that, and of course some rise to the bait....kind of a waste of server space imo...

bored dreadlord?:P

@Effie: how did you manage to get a pic of me and my sisters?O.o

19:16:39 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Vexsloth:

Dreadlord, are you mentally retarded?

19:18:29 Mar 16th 08 - Prince Mielo:

Duke Indicated Undernourishment = Effie?

lol, didn't knew that :o


20:28:52 Mar 16th 08 - Lord Abydonian Napbreaking Scum:

Mr. Dreadlord


3/16/2008 8:32:17 PM
Aby went from 21 to 23 members in recent time.
DB 21 to 22.

Abydos Abydos 22 Dark Lord Osiris 100
DB Dark Blood 23 Lord Oya 77

Go suck a cock please.

20:59:21 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Cobra:

Was there a reason for this thread?

21:59:11 Mar 16th 08 - Lord Abydonian Napbreaking Scum:


22:43:53 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

Lord Abydonian Napbreaking Scum


3/16/2008 10:28:52 PM
Mr. Dreadlord


3/16/2008 8:32:17 PM
Aby went from 21 to 23 members in recent time.
DB 21 to 22.

Abydos Abydos 22 Dark Lord Osiris 100
DB Dark Blood 23 Lord Oya 77

Go suck a cock please.

that is the piont the odd shift in people getting in and out of the KD and i should not judge people for what they did last era????

(and ofc is just bored flaming)

22:46:52 Mar 16th 08 - Duke Indicated Undernourishment:

Wooot!!  The car's still around, and good grace, Storm's still sitting in it, yihaa, lollypops for everyone!!

@Storm, I got it when we were out hiking last summer, remember that day when it was so hot we couldn't even move, just lay on our beds waiting for the sun to go down, oh God, those were the times.

22:47:42 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

AbydosAbydos22Dark Lord Osiris54
DBDark Blood22Lord Oya41

22:49:06 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Vexsloth:

that is the piont the odd shift in people getting in and out of the KD and i should not judge people for what they did last era????

So you are accusing us of townswapping or other cheats? And your proof that you present is that one or two members may or may not have left either Dark Blood or Abydos?

And you expect us not to believe you are indeed mentally retarded?

Give it up. And while you're at it, sign some more NAPs and do some more farming.

22:50:40 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

lol sry storm i know even if they are enemies  they will just keep complaining to you :(
specialy one of the two gues who :p

22:54:59 Mar 16th 08 - Prince Mielo:

news for you dreadlord, more then 2 people posted in here ... make yourself clear

22:58:54 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

well of all the people i dont have to make myself clear to those who ask since i assume u could see your own KD LOS last era with the ''HOH race''

23:00:15 Mar 16th 08 - Duke Indicated Undernourishment:

Such hostilites.


23:02:42 Mar 16th 08 - Mr. Vexsloth:

well of all the people i dont have to make myself clear to those who ask since i assume u could see your own KD LOS last era with the ''HOH race''

Thanks for your input. It is appreciated. Now, please return to your daycare, your diaper needs changing.

23:13:50 Mar 16th 08 - Duke Indicated Undernourishment:

"oh the stupidity of this topic"

"are you mentally retarded?"

"Go suck a cock please."

"And you expect us not to believe you are indeed mentally retarded?"

"Now, please return to your daycare, your diaper needs changing. "

Seriously, what's the problem? The importance of this thread might not be all-time high. So why are you even discussing about it. The  fact that you are complaining about this thread makes people believe it is an important thread, you don't want to make it important? Stop fecking post then.

For those of you who comes with the nice compliments about Dreadlords mental health and so on, better look up you're own mental health, clearly you lost it somewhere along the way.

23:20:56 Mar 16th 08 - Lord Abydonian Napbreaking Scum:

Effiezmore feteve :)

11:49:39 Mar 17th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Aby got me this era
That could be why....


14:26:01 Mar 17th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:


16:19:53 Mar 17th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:







if you actually think that because a member leaves or joins a kingdom, we

18:26:38 Mar 17th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

i think they fed like crazy last era.
there i said it ;)

i gues it was all bait to say this :S

and around 5 screenshots confirm it btw :P

18:40:50 Mar 17th 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

so......where are they?

18:51:31 Mar 17th 08 - Mr. Ambrosias Arilyonis:

They are in my bucket! see?

21:12:17 Mar 17th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

I think carnage are trying to start the flame war early before people realise just how retarded napping any kd they can to farm is :D whats that napped with like 100 players? i bet thats fun for you :)

05:21:06 Mar 18th 08 - Mr. Vexsloth:

Dreadlord, *beep* off and go suck a dockey's *beep* for all i *beep*ing care. enough said.

if you bring crap like this to the politics thread, you deserve what you get.

08:07:32 Mar 18th 08 - Mr. Peter Jackson:

this whole thread is pathetic, who cares about a kingdom going up to members?

i dont and i dont think anyone else here does :S

21:26:56 Mar 18th 08 - Mr. Dreadlord:

its about kicking members so that other take their cities and become HOH player

21:30:54 Mar 18th 08 - Mr. Ftw:

Do you see Abydos or DB on the HOH....whereas Carnage and Legacy are....OMG THEY ARE FEEDING FOR HOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!....and to prove it im just gonna post their numbers and hope someone believes me


LGC Legacy 21 Mr. Roxbury 323

Havoc Carnage 32 Mr. Stormcrow 292
PKS Peacekeepers 32 Sir Grim Darkhammer 230






I doubt Abydos or DB will make HOH, we cant feed, our entire cores are swarmed with armies, so if we feed it goes straight to the gang bang bunch

22:07:32 Mar 18th 08 - Sir Kassius The Brownie Bandito:

still waiting on these mystical screenshots dreadlord or have you "mislaid" them?

22:12:16 Mar 18th 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

Well sure the leader Yarling of the game is a total farmer who most likely never mustered a single army the whole era(exept all his cavemen armies that is) .

Dunno if some of my kd mates are feeding for end of era but the big boost in our size been because we conquered a huge bunch of LDK towns lately.

But why are you staring to flame again FTW whats the point?
Instead of pointing fingers against LGC in the threads wait until next era and lets settle this on the battlefields without any silly name callings and grudges.
Remember its just a game and the point of the game is to war so just let everyone finish the era without any backstabbing or name callings and we can have all the wars we want next era.

22:27:07 Mar 18th 08 - Lady Quietone:

Brashen you should lighten up a bit-- the guy was just posting a sarcastic remark to Dreadlord

wtf has got all LGC's panties in a bunch?  I swear to god someone tells you that you had an easy era and you know that it's true and you people go mad...

As far as settling things on the battle field is that a direct threat? are you bringing the 64 other members of your crew too?

22:28:18 Mar 18th 08 - Mr. Ftw:

OMG Brashen put it back in your pants.

I was taking the piss out of Dreadlord. He was saying that were trying to magically steal an era win when neither DB or Aby have a person on HOH by saying we took in a player, or kicked a player.

I was just showing how stupid it was, i was saying that its just like I had made a thread and posted what i did in my previous post.

I dunno if Legacy is feeding for an era win, and frankly i dont care. Im more concerned with preventing carnage and PKS taking over our core.

Do you see Abydos or DB on the HOH....whereas Carnage and Legacy are....OMG THEY ARE FEEDING FOR HOH!!!!!!!!!!!!!....and to prove it im just gonna post their numbers and hope someone believes me

Didnt catch the wiff of sarcasm and see the complete piss take there did you?


And BTW Brashen, if that is a threat to DB for next era. I hope you do it 1 vs 1 and dont bring any buddies along....but yeah, i would say you wouldnt risk taking us on 1 vs 1 and would manipulate somebody into fighting for you guys.

22:34:16 Mar 18th 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

Well I been sending armies without farming since day one so I dont call that to easy. (though all the towns I conquered early on from PHI were tiny = the downside on taking out someone to fast)

But I dont feel angry or anything I just answered to his post which due to his earlier posts in the forum I took as he wanted to flame us again.

And I dont think anyone seen me really flame ever. (exept every other era against any farmer who wins)
So I just thought he was starting to flame once more and in a way I thought was pretty polite asked him to stop that and play the game instead. I so hate all the anger around here when the flames are reaching high between the kd´s

22:36:40 Mar 18th 08 - Lady Quietone:

well i hate it to... especially coming from people i considered friends...

when i say easy it doesnt mean LGC didnt fight this era.... clearly you fought all over the map, however you had one war against phi- which has lost most membership.... and the rest of the era you tromped around the map beating up people bigger than you because well most everyone left on the map you were allied to in some form or fashion..... doesnt mean that you didnt fight all era nobody ever said that.   I also said that it's good now and then to have an easy era and nobody really faults you for that.... but just because someone calls it out doesnt mean it's deserving up a verbal lashing when it's simply the truth.

but that post was not a flame at lgc.....and everything that DB posts isnt a flame at legacy and somehow everytime anyone from DB posts it turns into a freaking flame battle...

22:38:58 Mar 18th 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

I was answering Quitone wile you wrote your post FTW.
So I noticed it just after.

And no I dont come with any threats just a request that instead of all this silly name callings we fight it out next era.(dunno if anyone thought you guys were really trying to steal the era like you say you have your hands full and are not even close)

And I so which there was a way to prevent alliances altogether.
Its sux would be much more fun if everyone were just fighting FFA

22:42:15 Mar 18th 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

Well thats the problem with fires they are easier to light then to put out and they tend to rekindle easily.

And my friendship is not gone I just want to war and have fun.
I do like it when alliances shift so I get to fight everyone every now and then.
Its nice with a different people to fight against since it get to boring and personal if you just fight the same kd´s all the time.

18:50:57 Mar 19th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

Brashen there are alliances and there there is Lets spend an entire era fighting no one with any considerable power and nap everyone that has :) that pretty much sums up your era Phi - weak, they were incredibly weak last era and this era. Zeon- pretty much dead before you even got close LDK - the new guys already warring and taking some considerable army losses against both Abydos and DB. Way to go team. what i ponder is will you do it all again next era.

19:42:13 Mar 19th 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

I really really want to join in. :P

19:57:08 Mar 19th 08 - Sir Binh The Assassin:

You can if you want Hanky :P

20:49:28 Mar 19th 08 - Sir Shyers From The Black Laggon:

wait wait wait.....did you count my member?

20:53:10 Mar 19th 08 - Prince Mielo:

not much to brag about eh, shyers ... your member is kinda ....

21:13:46 Mar 19th 08 - Swedish Chef Brashen:

Its so funny If we had started to war more kingdoms when we noticed we did not have enough to do everyone would lynch us for NAP breakers.

Sure we have problems getting a good balance when it come to NAPs either we have to many and get to little wars or we have to few and fight 24/7 all era against tons of enemies.

But honestly I never matters what we do people will flame us anyway.
Most people just seem to love flaming Legacy and always have no matter what we done a era we can be sure that someone will complain.

But its funny that its always against us people flame and not against the kingdoms who get their era winners from people who farm all era long.

21:17:19 Mar 19th 08 - Mr. Borazon:

probly because lgc is so predictable in how they will respond... and its funny

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