Forums / In game politics / midgard era 45

midgard era 45
05:23:48 Feb 22nd 10 - Mr. Crater:


06:37:24 Feb 22nd 10 - Clown Penguin The Yellow Eyed Demon:


08:36:03 Feb 22nd 10 - Lady Bookworm:

Midgard doesn't deserve a politics thread!

11:36:09 Feb 22nd 10 - Prince Mielo:

you don't deserve a kd!

23:05:16 Feb 22nd 10 - Mr. Chaos Legna:

Im here its all good now :P

19:41:16 Feb 23rd 10 - Mr. Chaos Legna:


07:34:46 Feb 24th 10 - Prince Mielo:


15:22:55 Feb 24th 10 - Grumpy old Hymen:

*flames the empty space repeatedly*

23:00:43 Feb 27th 10 - Mr. Coops:

Already bored... no1 around me to kill.. :(

04:28:54 Feb 28th 10 - Ice Prince Isis:


WTFFF is that you man from Preds era 36-37 when we the Preds split up onto two kds?

11:37:57 Feb 28th 10 - Mr. Yellow Bean:

we dont deserve a kd .... what the hell weve been around longer then your kd ....... and also do you think its cool

Hematolagnia23Lady Bookworm2502


Two Jelly Beans2Mr. Yellow Bean100

Looks a bit unfair to me :P

Cant you just let us have that haven ..... and also plz start replying to my letters, you leaders just ijnore me.

15:09:14 Feb 28th 10 - Mr. Nostalgic:

Cause we want to kill you and get you out of here, I hate Jellybeans!

You've been around so much longer than us I though it would be fair :(

15:48:10 Feb 28th 10 - Mr. Coops:

Ice Prince Isis


03:28:54 Feb 28th 10


WTFFF is that you man from Preds era 36-37 when we the Preds split up onto two kds?


err... not sure tbh.. i played VU ages ago and was in preds... but i think i was called like Random V or summin back then... but this was years ago...

22:13:56 Feb 28th 10 - Mr. Yellow Bean:


Mr. Yellow Bean.

The city of War Haven is now under our command!

They had 3227 gold, 0 stone, 0 tree, 0 food and 7 slaves in the city, that is now yours! We also took 176 of their peasants as slaves!

We killed all of the 2152 troops.

Our troops gained +1 extra experience.




lol 2k men died and i onlyt 8 men in that battle hehehehe

23:01:51 Feb 28th 10 - Mr. Yellow Bean:

lol and he bulit gaurd towers for me ... ty

01:36:48 Mar 1st 10 - Ice Prince Isis:

Mr. Coops


09:48:10 Feb 28th 10

Ice Prince Isis


03:28:54 Feb 28th 10


WTFFF is that you man from Preds era 36-37 when we the Preds split up onto two kds?


err... not sure tbh.. i played VU ages ago and was in preds... but i think i was called like Random V or summin back then... but this was years ago...


mate do you remember some random dude named Hel The Sunshine? =P

01:40:06 Mar 1st 10 - Grumpy old Hasbeen Bastard:

I think the ratio is about right. We *need* all the members we can get due to our nabishness... 2 jellybeans are always > 23 stupid-ugly-KDname-with-ugly-banner-that-is-hemat-hemhgra-hem-WARRRRGH-hemasomethingsomething-damn-you-Wilbur-goddamnit-you-should-be-banned-from-googling-stuff

*cough* got a bit carried away it seems... anyhooooo *whistles innocently*
How's the weather in jell-o land? :->

01:41:34 Mar 1st 10 - Grumpy old Hasbeen Bastard:

Hm. Seriously tho, whats our KD name again?

01:49:53 Mar 1st 10 - Dark Prince Hemagyname:


02:45:50 Mar 1st 10 - Mr. Nostalgic:

Silent K at the start though, innocent enough mistake... everyone forgets the K...

08:51:03 Mar 1st 10 - Mr. Yellow Bean:

Our names better .... also cant you just let us have that little haven we made ....

21:56:12 Mar 1st 10 - Mr. Coops:

@ ice prince... yeah sure i remember you :) welll.... sorta anyways :P any kds open for me to join... otherwise i'll just have to go all Rambo :P

00:48:34 Mar 2nd 10 - Ice Prince Isis:

joi Glads mate we always need expirience ppl.

15:41:27 Mar 2nd 10 - Lady Bookworm:

Grumpy old Hasbeen Bastard


00:40:06 Mar 1st 10 I think the ratio is about right. We *need* all the members we can get due to our nabishness... 2 jellybeans are always > 23 stupid-ugly-KDname-with-ugly-banner-that-is-hemat-hemhgra-hem-WARRRRGH-hemasomethingsomething-damn-you-Wilbur-goddamnit-you-should-be-banned-from-googling-stuff

*cough* got a bit carried away it seems... anyhooooo *whistles innocently*
How's the weather in jell-o land? :->

Don't make me put you in your cage again.

17:16:33 Mar 2nd 10 - Grumpy old Hasbeen Bastard:

*bares his teeth*

i dare ya :p

17:30:01 Mar 2nd 10 - Lady Bookworm:

*Gets his prodding stick out*

One of these days I'll put you down mister.

23:15:32 Mar 2nd 10 - Mr. Yellow Bean:

Two Jelly BeansHematolagnia

Battles won: 3
Battles lost: 13

Players: 2
Mr. Crater
Mr. Yellow Bean

Battles won: 52
Battles lost: 11

Players: 23
Mr. Demandred
Lord Bloodletter
Prince Mielo
Overlord Takes Two Tango
Lady Quietone
Mr. Xtard
Guildmaster Drenthiniotje
Lord Fuelled Byy Lsd
Clown Penguin The Yellow Eyed Demon
Mr. Kayn
Grumpy old Hasbeen Bastard
Mr. Observer
Mr. Nostalgic
Lady Bookworm
Mr. Chaos Legna
Mr. Iamandwhatisthis
Mr. Warlock
Mr. Rocknrolla
Ms. Cloud Strife
Sir Chompski
Mr. Sean Elderson
Mr. Salamon
Mr. Oya

23:45:47 Mar 19th 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

N Roc makes their entrance.

03:23:39 Mar 23rd 10 - Sir Sorra:

Yeah, and Hema may not be around for much longer

03:45:34 Mar 23rd 10 - Mr. Teirdel:

they are doing well for being ganged though. cant take that away from them.

03:58:13 Mar 23rd 10 - Mr. Edd:

well they r getting what they deserve

05:37:46 Mar 23rd 10 - Sir Sorra:

Yup, what edd says is true.

It's nice to see the fall of of a KD who had been selected by alot of people to be in th top three favourites to win the era.

Actually, they were still contenders for the position and strong contenders for era runner up winners just a few days ago.

However, by the way things are going rigth now, they will not make it into the top 5 KD's and there is a good chance that they will not make it to the top 10 KD's either.

This is a prime example of how quickly things can change in VU.

07:35:48 Mar 23rd 10 - Sir Mcmax The Troll:

Sir Sorra


05:37:46 Mar 23rd 10

Yup, what edd says is true.

It's nice to see the fall of of a KD who had been selected by alot of people to be in th top three favourites to win the era.

Actually, they were still contenders for the position and strong contenders for era runner up winners just a few days ago.

However, by the way things are going rigth now, they will not make it into the top 5 KD's and there is a good chance that they will not make it to the top 10 KD's either.

This is a prime example of how quickly things can change in VU.

We will do our utmost to get them off the list.

07:52:26 Mar 23rd 10 - Mr. Observer:

Sorry, I wont go down without a fight :P


We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Mr. Observer. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 87349 troops and 0 peasants.

 And thats another army dead ^_^

08:00:42 Mar 23rd 10 - Mr. Jackdaniels The Brewer:

not saying much to what i have done to you guys so far i have killed over 400k of hema's troops alone all from different people granted a majority of them was from one of your guys but hey whatever

09:05:15 Mar 23rd 10 - Sir Mcmax The Troll:

Mr. Observer


07:52:26 Mar 23rd 10
Sorry, I wont go down without a fight :P


We slaughtered them and left no one alive. Mr. Observer. We have won the battle!

We killed all of the 87349 troops and 0 peasants.

 And thats another army dead ^_^

Hmmm, some got the army-upkeep reduced I see.

14:33:18 Mar 23rd 10 - Grumpy old Hasbeen Bastard:


Who are you people, seriously now? :)

A bunch of anonymous upstarts talking about "victories" and "killing" whilst ripping through an unprotected core packed full with mines and... well... mines :D Tough job, but somebody has to do it, eh? ;)

C'mon, have the common decency to not brag about something that's not really an achievement, especially when the said KD is focused on entirely different things on another world... You just might get people irritated and thus make enemies, when you have a chance to keep relations friendly in spite of recent events... (yup, so far it has managed to put a smile on my face, but all this blabbering might get under my skin and then i tend to become... difficult)

Half of you here blabber about "getting what they deserve" yet you have no idea who "we" even are. Parroting half-truths does not earn you any bonus points in any eyes... So far you have actually not fought anyone, except a few armies who had peasants packed in them so you wouldnt get slaves, thats about it. If thats 400K troops then by all means, bathe in that, but this era killing twice that number comes in a semi-full swing of a flaccid *cough* considering the insanely silly income regime ZeTa has implemented.

So, can you can the crap? Or are the hormones too hard to keep under control girls? :p

14:49:52 Mar 23rd 10 - Mr. Aloysius:

I missed LGC.

15:12:33 Mar 23rd 10 - Mr. Zeus:

Aloysius LGC isn't around and comparing HEMA with LGC isn't a legim and nice thing to say.
Anyways besides that point I kinda agree with Grumpy here.
There is still a full war going on btween different kd's and you can't brag about a victory till the last army is dead.
That's like being in front 1 - 0 in a football match and claiming victory at 80th min.
You never know what happens in the coming 10 mins.
So we all should stop the bragging and just go on with the war till people have taken the kd out fully.

And I'm not even going to say anything about some diplomatic decissions some people have made.

15:27:52 Mar 23rd 10 - Lady Quietone:

Uhm...Aloy didnt compare Hema and LGC he simply mentioned it because Raistlin was in LGC-- and for such a new player only being your second era and all how would you really know about Legacy at all hmmm? =P

15:36:31 Mar 23rd 10 - Mr. Aloysius:

thanks my lady... :)

*I smell fish...

15:39:12 Mar 23rd 10 - Mr. Zeus:

Q I know enough about you.
like I stated in my post aswell I said people talk alot.
I hear enough stuff as I read enough stuff the forum has tons of things that are as old as my granny.
So that's how I know I mentioned in my other post that I read the forums alot just to learn alot.

hope this explain my situation instead of saying im someone that im not.

15:59:12 Mar 23rd 10 - Dark Prince Hemagyname:

Zeus is Fordius in case anyone didnt know

16:01:17 Mar 23rd 10 - Mr. Zeus:

That's what I mean.

16:04:08 Mar 23rd 10 - Mr. Fordius:

Haha stirlin you make me laugh :)
How can Zeus be me if I ain't even playing ?
Can you people please keep your false accusations in front of you ?

I really don't know how people keep saying that zeus is me or me is zeus.
Please concentrate on your own game instead of making false accusations all over the place :D

Thanks and have a good day :)


16:20:28 Mar 23rd 10 - Mr. Observer:

You do drop in here right on time ;)

Coincidence ^_^

16:25:18 Mar 23rd 10 - Dark Prince Hemagyname:

Ford your english is recognisable, you forget i know you :D

16:28:22 Mar 23rd 10 - Sir Binh The Adventurer:

You know, I can really see the pattern. Zeus and Fordius both write a sentence with a new line. Instead of grouping them all in paragraphs. He manage to hide his emotions smileys well enough though. :D

16:51:07 Mar 23rd 10 - Sir Mcmax The Troll:

Dark Prince Hemagyname


15:59:12 Mar 23rd 10
Zeus is Fordius in case anyone didnt know

Cant be. Fordius would never write like this:


Message From Mr. Zeus


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Mr. Zeus (3/7/2010 7:45:39 PM) GOOD BAD
What are your intentions here ?
You (3/7/2010 8:14:58 PM)

Mr. Zeus (3/7/2010 8:27:59 PM) GOOD BAD
On nirvana dont play stupid and answer my question.
You (3/7/2010 8:33:55 PM)
Well, a player asking in a rude way and not telling from which kingdom he/she is comming from or why.

............... try asking again.
Mr. Zeus (3/7/2010 8:55:47 PM) GOOD BAD
Tell me our Ill make sure your army dissapears.

Make a reply regarding Reinforce

Send a new letter to Zeus

16:54:03 Mar 23rd 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

lol :P

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