Forums / In game politics / most boring era ever

most boring era ever
20:09:25 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Soccerfreedom:

I (along with many others im sure) have had the most boring era ever! i think i have killed about 5000 troops, how sad is that!?!?!?!?

so, i propose a fight! since PHI has ALL their blockers filled, i do not have the power to break into their core.

so, i propose:

1. a PHI member who actually wants to do something this era to come out and fight!!!!! 1v1, 2v1, i dont care. i have never cared about dying, so bring some troops out and kill me!

2. a FRIENDLY fight with a Carnage/DB/LGC/PKS player. no honor lost due to NAP breaking, just a nice 1v1 fight to make this next week go faster.


*i do not speak for FF in this post, its solely a personal request.*

*all i want is to do something other than click build/train.  my attack button hasnt been used enough, i may have forgotten how!*


20:11:24 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Killstone:

ill refresh your memory

when you click on an enemy town/army that your army is near/camping on there wil lbe an attack option you click the option and if there is enough chance of winning you attack

Does that help?

20:11:37 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Lenard:

I love people who NAP the map and then claim they're bored.

20:12:32 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Surviver:

lol that is funny SIR from FF burnt down arma city becuase he acutally cares about losing same with lgc and darkblood,and how about lgc ff and db come out of thier holes and acutaly fight mybe it will get less boring?

20:17:45 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Sun:

you know what i am about to say.








No you dont! This is the most (holy smoke, the last letter of most and the first two letters of fun makes up a BEEP word...) fun era ever for me. I received the most # of in game messaged ever! You have 890 Private Messages.

20:19:01 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Killstone:

guys in phi dont let this turn into a flame fest! i believe he was only joking around and if he wasnt it takes two to fight either a war a 1vs 1 battle or a flame war (dont partake in teh flame war)

haha sun! You have 125 Private Messages.  thats like the least ive ever recieved and it ahs been very boring

20:21:19 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Soccerfreedom:

wow, i love this game........................ u guys are great!!!!! thread worked! entertainment + humor!

kill, just let them flame me! only a week left! plus, i have to make up for phi being gone last era, i didnt get to fight my usual foe! :)

20:22:47 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Killstone:

ya you had your chance soccer there has been flaming going on between phi and others (msotly carnage and LGC) for a while shoulda jumped in

trying to stop the flaming before it gets bad again

flame me all you want though idc ;)

20:27:34 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Binh:

2. a FRIENDLY fight with a Carnage/DB/LGC/PKS player. no honor lost due to NAP breaking, just a nice 1v1 fight to make this next week go faster.

I challenge you to a scout duel, may the best scout wins!!! ;)

20:31:48 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Killstone:

haha your on binh! let me position some zerker scouts on your 90ks first though ;) jk (incase you couldnt tell =D)

20:32:10 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Sun:

hell ya scout duel gogo!

20:33:43 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Killstone:

mabye i can get some orc to go in my place NAZZIE SCOUTS PWN! =P

also no magic unless its from a scout army =P

20:34:42 Nov 29th 07 - Lord Carnage:

You have 350 Private Messages.

like 100 in the last 2 days from PHI complaining on me breaking the NAP.. O_O

20:38:10 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Soccerfreedom:

yay! a PM war again! i think this era was much worse than last era, but decent nonetheless!

You have 1179 Private Messages.

kill, u eat rotten tomatos for breakfast! ah, take that flame!

also, on that note. i have fought phi for some 5 eras or so, we have NEVER had a flame war. i LOVE fighting them! woo hoo!

@binh:   scout war! where do u wanna meet?

20:39:16 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Killstone:

oh i love fighting you too!

you were in jester before FF right?

and i do not! i dont like tomatos let alone rotten ones!!!!!

20:39:27 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Homers Favourite:

If we hadn't agreed peace I'd fight you, Soccer.  Not like anyone else seems to be giving me real problems at the moment ;-)

20:40:07 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Killstone:

wow look at the threadof sp@m! I LOVE IT!

now if only sent was here to slap people!...

20:42:33 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Soccerfreedom:

homer, lets fight!

can PKS and carnage open all blockers in between me and homer? lets duke it out and have some fun!

soccer vs. homer yay!

20:44:36 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Might:

*Might slaps Killstone with a large plank*


20:45:05 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Killstone:


take screenshots for me on i and keep me updated i wanna see how it trns out!

sorry might its jsut not the same when you do it comapred to when sent does it =( =P

20:50:50 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Sun:

honestly all you need to do to duel it out is to post your total troops and compare. unless u want to take magic into play.

20:51:54 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Killstone:

yessun ill jsut post all my troops numbers in the public forums so all my enemies can see them! BRILLINT! =P

now il duel with you sun you psot first! ;) jk

20:52:47 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Soccerfreedom:

what if a lot of my troops are stuck in blockers?

or, if homer is sneaky and can get to my cities before i notice?

there is a lot more than just sheer numbers to decide a victor.......

20:53:38 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Homers Favourite:

Sadly, not sure I could trust some of them them not to take sides Mr S.  Which is a pity - I haven't kicked a football round for years :P

20:55:42 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

I haven't had a doughnut in a while.....

20:57:19 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Soccerfreedom:

could u trust me homer? no cheap shots!

20:58:00 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Killstone:

i havnt won a good battle ingame for a while ;)

21:11:45 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Soccerfreedom:

kill, come fight me!

1v1 lets have some fun! ;)

21:19:08 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Merchant:

i find this very amusing. i get tons of messages from people who cannot be bothered to use chat...

You have 2374 Private Messages.

most of these don't have anything to do with VU.

21:22:22 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Homers Favourite:

Without a doubt, Soccer.  You're named after our national sport, so there's something British about you.  That means you must be ok ;-)

21:22:36 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Killstone:

i would do it soccer but the blockers need me =D

i bet id pwn you though me and you had all our cities moved to our own little world and same with our armies id beat you =P

21:55:46 Nov 29th 07 - Sir Patton:

This is a dull era, I've been having more fun playing Travian. ;-)

21:55:47 Nov 29th 07 - Duke Epyon:


22:29:51 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Trogor:

Soccer sucks, football rules!!!

23:00:39 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Aben V:

Soccer is football, it depends on what country you are from, you Yankie nit.

23:07:06 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Trogor:

First off nit isnt a word. Second American football is awesome and requiers a lot of talent and physical ability to play. Soccer doesnt... there are some good soccer players out there though.

23:10:46 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Killstone:

american football is awesome!

23:11:26 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Aben V:

lol, i have played American Football, not nearly as hard as Rugby. :)

P.S Nit is a word.

23:19:25 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Soccerfreedom:

Mr. Homers Favourite


11/29/2007 1:22:22 PM
Without a doubt, Soccer.  You're named after our national sport, so there's something British about you.  That means you must be ok ;-)

well, as "soccer" is an american word, i can safely say there isn't much british about me. sorry to burst ur bubble. but, i believe everyone would stay out of it and let us duel! any objections?  only a week left, wouldn't put too much of a difference on era scores, so it couldnt really hurt anyone!

Mr. Killstone


11/29/2007 1:22:36 PM

i would do it soccer but the blockers need me =D

i bet id pwn you though me and you had all our cities moved to our own little world and same with our armies id beat you =P

tough words, yet im the one willing to put it all on the line. care to live up to ur boast?

Duke Epyon


11/29/2007 1:55:47 PM

serious bud? i would totally do that............... would be interesting, a mage vs. a fighter. im down to give it a try!

Mr. Trogor


11/29/2007 3:07:06 PM
First off nit isnt a word. Second American football is awesome and requiers a lot of talent and physical ability to play. Soccer doesnt... there are some good soccer players out there though

as much as i love american football, soccer requires more talent. i have played both sports throughout my life. in high school, i was all-conference in both sports as well, so i wasn't a bad player either. currently, soccer is the more challenging sport, which is why i continue to persue it throughout my college career. soccer is similar to football in necessary talent and athleticism, yet soccer doesn't have breaks to recoup. ;)

23:46:52 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Aligreat Owning Banehallow:

Ok we will settle this. Rugby is the #1 sport and always will be.


P.S. Aben is right. Nit is a word...Nits are them wee things that are about doing stuff.

00:20:52 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Moe Lester:

American football is boring.

All it comprises of is a bunch of sweaty, padded-out-to-the-extreme, homo-erotic, muscle bulging guys, mixed with some overweight lard asses, who run up to feel the opposing player, to buy some time in order to allow another guy to run a few yards before running out into the sidelines to avoid being tackled. Once he's out of play, you take a 5-10 minute break, switch the team around a few times depending on the "play", and then rinse and repeat for the next few dull hours.

Real football, and by that I mean what you might call "soccer" doesn't require pure physicality, I'll agree, but for those of us that aren't complete boneheads and don't rate a sport entirely on its physicality, how big a mans package is, or how their ass looks in tight pants, we look for other qualities in a sport. Football isn't meant to be a physical game. It has physical attributes, but it's also about speed, about skill, your control of the ball and your ability to do varying tasks. More importantly: it's a game of stamina, two halves of 45 constant playing minutes, and not the dire stop-and-start atmosphere which disinterests American Football for, well, everybody outside America. Which is why Football (and by that I mean "soccer") is the most popular sport inthe world, and American football is largely unheard of.

Of course, if you want a physical game, then Rugby > American "Masses of padding-for-pussies" Football.

(oh, and nit is a word)

00:36:51 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Aurelius:

Football (the one that is actually played with the feet and that some of you call soccer- which by the way doesn´t make any sense, since your football is played mostly with the hands) is by far the most important sport throughout the world, with the most fans, the greatest amounts of money spent and earned. It is by far  the most interesting one to follow. You just can compare it to an all idiot sport like the lame american-rugby. Touché!

00:42:00 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Donald Merwin Elbert:

football/soccer is so boring to watch, i feel like poking my eyeballs out with a fork to make sure i'm still alive. american football isn't any better IMO. two crappy sports.

00:44:27 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Moe Lester:

I take it you're a womens beach-volleyball man eh Sloth? ;)

00:44:43 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Football/Soccer is way better but what I've never understood is why American Football came to be known as that. I mean it's got the word Foot in it.

00:48:21 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Killstone:

i think i want to puke my brains out while watching soccer. ya a guy kciked the ball woo it happened again OMG A GUY WAS EHADBUTTED THAT NEVER HAPPENS! oh wait he was kicked out... =(

now while watching american football "oh man he was crushed ouch he broke an arm and the guy wasnt kicked from the game! man that is a whole heck of a lot better than soccer!" i think id prefer to watch womens lacrosse than soccer theres more contact in that no contact sport

00:49:26 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Allan:

Mr. Moe Lester


11/29/2007 6:20:52 PM
American football is boring.

All it comprises of is a bunch of sweaty, padded-out-to-the-extreme, homo-erotic, muscle bulging guys, mixed with some overweight lard asses, who run up to feel the opposing player, to buy some time in order to allow another guy to run a few yards before running out into the sidelines to avoid being tackled. Once he's out of play, you take a 5 minute break, switch the team around a few times depending on the play, and then rinse and repeat for the next few dull hours.

Real football, and by that I mean what you might call "soccer" doesn't require pure physicality, I'll agree, but for those of us that aren't complete boneheads and don't rate a sport entirely on its physicality, how big a mans package is, or how their ass looks in tight pants, we look for other qualities in a sport. Football isn't meant to be a physical game. It has physical attributes, but it's also about speed, about skill, your control of the ball and your ability to do varying tasks. More importantly: it's a game of stamina, two halves of 45 constant playing minutes, and not the dire stop-and-start atmosphere which disinterests American Football for, well, everybody outside America. Which is why Football (and by that I mean "soccer") is the most popular sport inthe world, and American football is largely unheard of.

Of course, if you want a physical game, then Rugby > American "Masses of padding-for-pussies" Football.

(oh, and nit is a word)


Moe, I disagree. I respect your opinion, but i beileve that American football is not what most other countries make it appear to be. There is no "5 min breaks between plays" is about 10-30 secs, and football isn't just brute strength, you have to use your head, to think. When playing football, its not just getting the ball and running to score a touchdown, real football is actually very complicated. You see, There are 11 players on the field, each player has his own "job". If one player doesn't do their job, the play falls apart. The Different Positions and their Jobs are:

 Offensive players

On offense, there are four types of players: linemen, backs, quarterbacks, and receivers. The above-mentioned considerations will determine what formations and plays the team will run. The basic offensive positions and those players' duties, vary from offensive scheme to offensive scheme.

The position name (as well as the initial abbreviations recognized by coaches, players, and fans alike, shown in quotes below) may vary from one team's playbook to another, but these are the ones most commonly used:


Center: The Center ("C") is the player who snaps the ball to the quarterback. Like the other four linemen, his job consists of both run blocking, which means pushing the defenders away from the ball carrier on a running play, and pass blocking, which means stopping the defenders from disrupting or tackling the passer. The center is also usually responsible for calling the blocking schemes on the line, directing the other linemen on who blocks whom.

Guard: Guards ("G") line up on both sides of the center. The guards are generally bigger than the center and are typically better run blockers than pass blockers.

Tackle: Tackles ("T") are the "bookends" of the offensive line. They are usually the biggest offensive linemen (at the NFL level they are typically at least 300 lbs (136 kg), and as tall as 6'9" (205 cm)), but also must be agile enough to thwart any outside pass rush. If a team has a righthanded quarterback, the left tackle is usually the best pass blocker on the line to prevent a "blindside" pass rush the quarterback might not see. Generally, tackles ideally have great "hands" and even better foot work. Left tackles are the most highly valued players on an offensive line as most quarterbacks are righthanded.


Quarterback: The Quarterback ("QB") lines up directly behind center. The quarterback must take the ball from the Center (in a motion called the 'snap') and put it into play. In most offenses, his primary duty is either passing (throwing) the ball or making the opposing team believe he is going to pass the ball while actually handing it off to a running back ("RB") who carries the ball downfield. Since passing the ball is an offense's quickest way to advance the ball, a team must have a quarterback who can throw the ball accurately and make quick, correct decisions as to which player is in the best position to receive the throw. In some offenses, the quarterback is often called upon to run the ball downfield as part of the play, and a quarterback might have to take the ball and run if his screen of protective players breaks down and there are no open receivers. On "trick plays" sometimes the quarterback becomes the receiver, depending on the alignment, wherein a running back or wide receiver attempts a pass to him, after a hand-off, direct snap from the center, or lateral pass from the quarterback to either position.

Wingback: is traditionally only used in the Wing T formation. He may also line up just outside and behind the tight end and be used to either block on the outside or run a pass route or a sweep.

Fullback: The Fullback ("FB") is also a running back, but in recent years, the fullback position has developed into more of a blocking back, and in some schemes a receiver. The fullback is usually the bigger, more physical of the two running backs, and so the quarterback will often hand the ball to his fullback in short yardage situations where every inch must be earned the hard way.

Running Back: The running back ("RB") is on the field for one major purpose: to run the ball. If a team is to have an effective running game, it falls on this player's shoulders. He may have blocking duties in some offenses and on some plays he may become a receiver, but in most offenses, the running back is there to run the ball. Historically, this position was known as "halfback" ("HB") or "tailback" ("TB"), depending on the offensive scheme; these terms are still used to a lesser extent. The "running back" designation is often applied to fullbacks as well.


Wide Reciever: Depending on the formation, an offense may have anywhere from zero to five wide receivers ("WR"). Most base formations feature two WRs, though three-WR formations are common as well. A WR who lines up on the line of scrimmage may be referred to as a Split End, while a WR off the line of scrimmage may be called a Flanker, Wingback or Slotback. WRs are among the fastest and most agile players on the team and their job is to get "open" (create separation between themselves and defenders), catch the ball when thrown to them, and run after the catch. Well-rounded receivers are also effective downfield blockers, though effectiveness in that regard is secondary to their pass-catching role.

Tight End: The Tight End ("TE") was traditionally a blocking position but is now considered a hybrid wide receiver/lineman. TEs are among the most well-rounded athletes on the field as they must be strong enough to run block and pass block, and agile enough to run pass routes and effectively catch the football. A TE's size presents matchup problems for smaller defenders, such as cornerbacks, while their speed gives them an advantage versus larger but slower defenders such as linebackers.                   


 Defensive strategy

The general goal of defensive strategy is to, as much as possible, limit the opposing offense's scoring. However, yards gained and time of possession must also be limited to be consistently successful. While doing so, the defensive players may also attempt to gain control of the football and score points themselves. There are many different defensive strategies.

Defensive formations

Players on the defensive side of the ball are generally split between down linemen (tackles, defensive ends and nose guards), linebackers, and defensive backs (safeties and cornerbacks). To describe the basic defensive alignment of linemen, linebackers and backs, the number of down linemen is usually followed by the number of linebackers. By far the most common alignments are four down linemen and three linebackers (4-3), but alignments with three down linemen and four linebackers (3-4) are currently used by a number of teams. The number of defensive backs is usually not mentioned.

However, on plays where the defense expects the offense to pass, emphasis is often placed on the number of defensive backs. When one of the "front seven" (down linemen and linebackers) is removed in favour of a defensive back, the five defensive backs are described as a "nickel" package. When a sixth defensive back is inserted, it is known as a "dime" package. In rare instances when a seventh defensive back is inserted, it is known as a "quarter" package.                                                                                                     

Euro football was started in England, England has spread around the world... thats why its so popular.




Oh, and btw about Americans wearing Pads? The Pads Protect you from SERIOUS BODILY HARM.  Nit...



00:54:17 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

While I do agree with you Alan.  You don't seam to realize that the Couch pretty much drills them into there heads about what to do. 99% of all plays are made by the couch. They just follow it through.

00:56:54 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Allan:

True, but there are many, Many more complications when it comes to American Football and Euro Football.

01:11:46 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Moe Lester:

Allan, couple of points.

"Euro Football" isn't a real reflection of the sport, as a term for it. It is, as I said, the most popular sport in the world, and is played on a world stage as opposed to American Footballs minute influence. Throw in the fact that football has been around since the medieval ages (albeit, having to use pigs bladders instead of the modern ball =P) and records exist of its existence even further back (China etc), and that American football is a relatively new sport in comparison, then Football has more than a fair right to claim the name and to be treated as such. To call it "Euro Football", to counter the "American football" term is merely reactionary. Go anywhere in the world, barring America and possibly Australia (where they have their Aussie rules football), and when you talk of football, people think of "soccer", not American football, and call it "football" -- not "Euro football". They would probably find it insulting in fact if you called it Euro Football. What they call your football is gridiron, or American football.

Secondly, while the British influence most definately has played a huge factor in its growth of a sport, that isn't the sole reason, and to suggest that Football (which is the fastest growing sport in the world, and is still the most popular) only became popular because of that is naive. Popularity wise, most of Footballs suport base comes from Europe, all of Africa, South America, the Middle East and Asia.

The British didn't colonise Europe, it marginally colonised south Africa, it didn't touch South America or the Middle East, and it didn't colonise the portions of Asia where Football is most popular (Indonesia, Thailand, etc). The countries the British did colonise (Australia, Canada, etc) don't have football as their #1 sport, rendering your point moot. The real reason Football is so popular is because people like it, and don't look at a sport and enjoy it purely for the amount of hard tackles and broken bones that the players receive. Hard for you to understand, perhaps, but that's it.

As for wearing pads, yes I understand people are afraid of "serious bodily harm". But have you heard of, or seen Rugby? If you're backing a sport because of its physicality (which we arent with football), and saying it's the best because of it, you can't overlook Rugby. For a technical game, Football is the best. For a physicality game, Rugby is superior to American football. No padding, no stop-and-starting for 5 minute breaks and no constantly changing of the teams. I don't know if it is, but I'd probably put bets on Rugby being more popular than American football, too, with its huge support base in the Australasian continent, Europe, and South Africa. But I digress.

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