Forums / In game politics / multi? I

multi? I
15:14:57 Mar 20th 08 - Mr. Zyrike:

DLDark Legion1Mr. Dark Reigner2
SSSouthSide1Mr. Lord Reigner0

as much as i don't like to flame and do such evil things i do kinda think tthis is a multi... and their on the same world.

15:17:07 Mar 20th 08 - Mr. William:


donīt think so...

15:18:24 Mar 20th 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

nothing unusual i see there probably his brother ;)

15:19:29 Mar 20th 08 - Mr. Zyrike:

thats why i put a question mark... so people would argue if he a multi or not... now if he was his brother wouldn't they be in same kd? and the same if he were a multi... hmmm...

15:24:45 Mar 20th 08 - Mr. Spud:

Actually. I remember a few weeks ago, there was a post on these same two guys. They WERE in the same KD...

15:27:11 Mar 20th 08 - Sir Binh The Assassin:

a brother can play on the same map if they report to Zeta and don't interact with each other in any way.

15:28:55 Mar 20th 08 - Mr. Zyrike:

ok then... Delete this thread!!!!!!!!

15:30:10 Mar 20th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

That means that they can't attack each other, buy/sell etc?

15:38:19 Mar 20th 08 - Sir Binh The Assassin:

yes, you're better off not doing anything that will make other thinks you're a multi.

Attacking each other can be an act of feeding (by multi usually). Same with buy/sell.

14:15:49 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Air:

family history


mr. benito von katzenburg
lived in era 32. member of everlong

no known history.

- close -

and in the same kd

family history


mr. benito von katzenburg
lived in era 32, got 1 heirs (tackleberry) and was a member of the gauls

mr. tackleberry
lived in era 32. member of everlong

no known history.

- close -

ggaul15mr. zek15

and on another world

family history


mr. zek
lived in era 30, got 1 heirs (sett) and was a member of the gauls

tal son of zek
zek son of tal
mr. sett
lived in era 31, got 1 heirs (sett) and was a member of the gauls

mr. sett
lived in era 31, got 1 heirs (sett) and was a member of the gauls

mr. sett
lived in era 31, got 1 heirs (sett) and was a member of the gauls

mr. sett
lived in era 31, got 1 heirs (sett) and was a member of the gauls

mr. sett
lived in era 31, got 1 heirs (sett) and was a member of the gauls

mr. sett
lived in era 31, got 1 heirs (hadees) and was a member of arcane legion

mr. hadees
lived in era 32.

no known history.

the last two where on the same world before zek gauls leader got killed.
Not that i care, they could just have bad imagination, i just have too much spare time :)

14:48:14 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Daryl:

Well air...Don't stat with acusations of multi's because you can finish losing....

15:22:39 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Fire:

Why? As far as I know Air is a perfect legally playing player. Way too active on Mr. Air to play another account.

16:02:38 Mar 29th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

A nice bit of back up there....

16:09:47 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Water:

im not a multi !



16:10:06 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Air:


17:26:55 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Durza The Wolfen Avenger:

Why don't we just get a multi sweep done, i have a few suspisions but i won't say what.

*Looks suspisously at sausage roll*

17:28:07 Mar 29th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:

Always me.... ='[

Might aswell blame me, I always get blamed.... ='[

18:03:17 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Air:

owell all 3 resigned so i guess they felt guilt >_<

18:07:48 Mar 29th 08 - Sir Sausage Roll:


Who ?

What ?  

:O ?

20:39:41 Apr 13th 08 - Mr. Einskaldir:

of course as the markets is set upto only list lower 10% some times you would be forced to interact with each other. or not buy food for starving pezzies for example [if brother was lowest market for sale]


i always worked with kd allies in same way; if someone needs food in my kd i sell it. if i need gold i get someone to buy my food etc. they can resell the food if they didn't need it but if i am under attack it does little good to have stuff still for sale


maybe change it so market lists bottom 3 items for sale not bottom 10%?

21:43:31 Apr 13th 08 - Death Lord Draven:

everyone is my multi, none of you exist muwhahaha

08:58:28 Apr 14th 08 - Mr. Random:

except me. your my multi =)

17:03:49 Apr 14th 08 - Mr. William The Evil One:

no random... i am your multi

17:20:13 Apr 14th 08 - Mr. Durza The Wolfen Avenger:

Look, we need a multi sweep.

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