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next era kingdoms
22:10:27 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Einskaldir:

i was wondering what kds will be returning next era. i am considering going to another kingdom depending on what kingdoms are returning.

22:16:48 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Might:

Holy Cows is returning.

22:22:12 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Einskaldir:

what world were they on? never heard of them. was curious ifsome old friends were bringing thier kingdoms back. not mentioning any names 

22:25:40 Nov 29th 07 - Sir Santa The Bearded:


22:28:18 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Trogor:

No more Ritz...  :'(

22:39:14 Nov 29th 07 - Sir Scientist:

FF will still be around :)

22:59:20 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Donald Merwin Elbert:

you mean, what kingdoms are going to be on Fantasia? ;-) thats the only really important question!

23:04:10 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Einskaldir:

of course. and who will be trying to come to fantasa. nice to know who the new guys are. friend or foe?

23:24:34 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Diomedes:

I hear LGC/DB were disbanding and reforming kingdoms on Mantrax LoL 

23:26:00 Nov 29th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:


We should have all the fant kingdoms go to mant for an era:P


<waits to be slapped around for being stupid>

23:27:24 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Soccerfreedom:

eins, u just miss Jester eh?  ;)

FF will remain!!!! yay!

23:33:21 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Killstone:

*slaps dung* no one else was doing it =P it is a very bad idea though...

23:50:46 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

Music is coming back to Fantasia.

00:12:06 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Sezymon:


00:35:47 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Plague:

assassin's creed is going to be on mantrax

00:52:08 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Allan:

Trio will be staying on Mant.

01:52:12 Nov 30th 07 - Lady Lacewing:

Carnage, Legacy, DB, and Phi will all merge into one super kingdom and go to Mantrax to utterly whip ****.








Yes, I am joking.

02:10:39 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Sigheart:

You sure they won't merge into one super KD and then create a couple of blocker pump troops into the blockers, create a stalemate and farm for the rest of the era?

For those people who don't get jokes then let me clear it. Yes I'm joking.

02:13:44 Nov 30th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

.....or zeta will finally listen to my idea about starting 2-man kingdoms:D


03:03:36 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Iorek Byrnison:

I heard that lady mifune is returning, probably as a ms. tho :(

03:16:00 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Killstone:

BRING ON THE ONE MAN KDs!!!!!!!!!!!!! =P

the super KD sounds good too we can do PHI/Carnage vs LGC/DB ^_^ jk of course

06:32:03 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Soccerfreedom:

Mr. Iorek Byrnison


11/29/2007 7:03:36 PM
I heard that lady mifune is returning, probably as a ms. tho :(

who are you?

to clear things up, at this point Lady Mifune will NOT be returning next era. possibly if her shift improvements, even so she wont be active enough to be on fant. a moment of silence please..........................................thank you. if it took u less than a minute to read those periods, please reread them until a minute has passed.

Mr. Killstone


11/29/2007 7:16:00 PM

BRING ON THE ONE MAN KDs!!!!!!!!!!!!! =P

the super KD sounds good too we can do PHI/Carnage vs LGC/DB ^_^ jk of course

 lol, phi and carnage cant even agree on an NAP!

06:48:19 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Einskaldir:

3 man kds will be fun. will find out fast who is going to mantrax and zetamania

08:58:54 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Aligreat Owning Banehallow:

1 man KDs!!!

I think it wud be great. No pumping blockers because it would be only one person pumping it, it would come down to who had the better skill at making troops.


/me puts on anti-slap forcefield.


10:58:34 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Crissxcross:

1 man KDs + last man standing rule, who got killed will get dropped to the next lower world, till he/she reached the last world, then he/she is death and has to wait for next round :)

11:02:46 Nov 30th 07 - Duke Mielo:

then I suggest you go create your own game :)

12:17:14 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

Duke Mielo


11/30/2007 11:02:46 AM
then I suggest you go create your own game :)

hahahahahaha, thats comedy   =)

17:37:55 Nov 30th 07 - Sir Darkmarsbar:

preds should be around next era

18:17:59 Nov 30th 07 - Lord Guderian:

That is an amazing idea. One era of free for all! Unfortunatly, the big kd's would just keep all their members together and not fight each other, but it would be fun :)

19:45:54 Nov 30th 07 - Sir Iamthekingofallbugs:

Yarr! finally i would be #1

19:52:56 Nov 30th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

amazing idea if you want everyone but about 40 people to quit

20:14:56 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Sun:

i doubt it osi, even though its not a very bright idea. ppl will still play.

20:19:12 Nov 30th 07 - Ms. Gene Atalia:


20:26:24 Nov 30th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

they didnt stay for 3 man kds did they :D a ton of people quit

20:34:44 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Sun:

there is no worry, i can go advertise on other sites if lots of ppl quit for 1-man era. there are plenty people who are alreading playing 1 men game anyway.

20:41:40 Nov 30th 07 - Dark Lord Osiris:

but then you wont have sexeh people like me playing and it would be you vs nubs!

20:45:41 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Sun:

i dont like 1men policy, it sux ;o

i play web mmo cuz of its team element. ;o

ok you can stay and be our sexeh one.

21:03:02 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

i agree with the thing you said about teams, i like teamwork, i think thats what i enjoy about playing footy. take away teamwork and you might aswell be playing against a computer simulation, there wont be much difference...

21:09:21 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Sun:

by footy, do you mean footman frenzy in wc3? -_-

08:38:24 Dec 1st 07 - Mr. Revenge:


Angels is disbanding as far as I know, Ritz is, Music is off to fant

Only trio will be on mantrax and we will have no one to play with  :'(

05:38:22 Dec 6th 07 - Mr. The Gladiator:

L'ets play capture the flag!


Dacia  will be in mantrax next era, strict rules to be folowed if you want to join, but if you meet requirements, any new player - experienced player can join.

*Places are limited

08:50:32 Dec 6th 07 - Mr. Firestorm:

Yeah replace armageddon with an enemy flag! when you capture the flag the time starts ticking, unless you retake your flag we go into armageddon.

08:53:39 Dec 6th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

i think he was joking..

09:11:31 Dec 6th 07 - Mr. The Gladiator:

who knows, admin might take it seriously life is full of mysteries

09:19:59 Dec 6th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

Whos going to mantrax?

19:43:00 Dec 6th 07 - Mr. Merchant:

Zeon will be there and always will be ;)



hopefully there will be more anti-zeon kigdoms

19:48:21 Dec 6th 07 - Mr. Might:

Holy Cows and Dacii are going to Mantrax. Maybe FA.

01:28:57 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. The Gladiator:

Dark Lord Osiris


11/30/2007 2:41:40 PMbut then you wont have sexeh people like me playing and it would be you vs nubs!

Wait, are you trying to get the : I'm too sexy for this game but I play it anyway award ?????

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