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pls help
00:39:27 Nov 29th 08 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XVI:

can anyone not in a kd please enter my name so i can make one?

01:02:31 Nov 29th 08 - Mr. Jackdaniels:

what world would you be on but i'm in a kd so i cant but i think it would help other people who might want to help you

01:20:42 Nov 29th 08 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XVI:

erm im in valhalla just write my name into the rulers option as leader


23:14:51 Nov 29th 08 - Mr. Bruennor:

I'm baaaaack!

23:37:02 Nov 29th 08 - Mr. Dope:

i'll put yah name in for ya ;)

02:28:53 Nov 30th 08 - Mr. Adrastos:

Let me guess..........DR?

02:31:09 Nov 30th 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:


02:32:04 Nov 30th 08 - Sir Stewie Griffin:

DR pwns!

02:33:02 Nov 30th 08 - Mr. Adrastos:

My thoughts exactly Osiris, my thoughts exactly.........

02:37:15 Nov 30th 08 - Mr. Punny Monsta:

Sir Stewie Griffin


11/30/2008 3:32:04 AMDR pwns!

lol pathetic ..

02:41:42 Nov 30th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus: see sad

03:26:43 Nov 30th 08 - Mr. Barney:

Maybe someone will do the right thing and just... put them down.

04:05:03 Nov 30th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

*hands Mr. Barney a syringe*

"I cannot watch defenseless things do it"

08:43:26 Nov 30th 08 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

thats harsh charley.... dr was once a great and powerful kingdom way back when i first started playing it was my first kingdom i was in. i have also been a vice in 2 separate occasions. i like dr =-D

17:14:32 Nov 30th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

I was talking about DR now the keywords in your reply were "once" and "way back when" XD

17:17:59 Nov 30th 08 - Mr. Lewatha Lover:

Lol DR

Fail kingdom, they got worse and worse as the eras went on

They even had Justin running it at one time if I remember with some weirdo Pink banner

I remember my 2nd era I rap3d their blocker and charged in on my own and took a number of cities

17:24:06 Nov 30th 08 - Prince Mielo:

Flame Lord Phoenix


11/30/2008 8:43:26 AM
thats harsh charley.... dr was once a great and powerful kingdom way back when i first started playing it was my first kingdom i was in. i have also been a vice in 2 separate occasions. i like dr =-D
Lord Cedric Deallus


11/30/2008 5:14:32 PM
I was talking about DR now the keywords in your reply were "once" and "way back when" XD
Mr. Lewatha Lover


11/30/2008 5:17:59 PM

Lol DR

Fail kingdom, they got worse and worse as the eras went on

They even had Justin running it at one time if I remember with some weirdo Pink banner

I remember my 2nd era I rap3d their blocker and charged in on my own and took a number of cities

... lol what is the matter with you guys, when were they ever good? They never proved themselves in fantasia, prolly never survived in there. I think that says enough?

17:34:49 Nov 30th 08 - Lord Cedric Deallus:

Yeah it does...I go back to restating my first point about the syringe and helping Mr. Barney put them down >.>

17:37:22 Nov 30th 08 - Mr. Dragoon:

can I join?

17:50:33 Nov 30th 08 - Mr. Lewatha Lover:

Mielo, if you read my post
I never said they were good O_O

18:10:23 Nov 30th 08 - Mr. Bruennor:

ok you all are just wrong. every era I played with DR we were just fine, i also went by swiftwolf at the time. so we have to build it back up. that happens.

19:56:29 Nov 30th 08 - Prince Mielo:

Mr. Lewatha Lover


11/30/2008 5:50:33 PMMielo, if you read my post
I never said they were good O_O

>I thought by now, you knew I never read your posts :o

19:57:18 Nov 30th 08 - Mr. Lewatha Lover:

Oh shush Mielnub :P

22:41:39 Nov 30th 08 - Duke Arzun:

Hehe DR... the only thing that comes to mind when I hear that is Fodder.

22:43:50 Nov 30th 08 - Sir Justanius Fontainius XVI:

wow such a nice wlecome

22:46:28 Nov 30th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Good luck Justanius, kill those newbs.

03:23:40 Dec 1st 08 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

i was being nice =-(

and HI BRUENOR!! where have you been? it has been a while =-)

07:15:37 Dec 1st 08 - Sir Fever:

 Lots of *beep* going on....Is the septim fever going on or mine ? ^.^

00:26:33 Dec 2nd 08 - Mr. Bruennor:

Hi Phoenix how are things going with you? and yes it has been awhile. Things are going ok right now.

00:40:22 Dec 2nd 08 - Sir Wilber:

*Walks in... looks at whats going on*

*Walks out, shaking his head*

12:35:35 Dec 2nd 08 - Mr. Megas Nikos:

Wow Dark Riders Empire!!

12:45:21 Dec 2nd 08 - Duke Random:

DR are nubs

12:46:00 Dec 2nd 08 - Mr. Megas Nikos:

Prince Mielo


11/30/2008 7:24:06 PM
Flame Lord Phoenix


11/30/2008 8:43:26 AM
thats harsh charley.... dr was once a great and powerful kingdom way back when i first started playing it was my first kingdom i was in. i have also been a vice in 2 separate occasions. i like dr =-D
Lord Cedric Deallus


11/30/2008 5:14:32 PM
I was talking about DR now the keywords in your reply were "once" and "way back when" XD
Mr. Lewatha Lover


11/30/2008 5:17:59 PM

Lol DR

Fail kingdom, they got worse and worse as the eras went on

They even had Justin running it at one time if I remember with some weirdo Pink banner

I remember my 2nd era I rap3d their blocker and charged in on my own and took a number of cities

... lol what is the matter with you guys, when were they ever good? They never proved themselves in fantasia, prolly never survived in there. I think that says enough?

DR joined Trio and make Dark Trio.

13:26:02 Dec 2nd 08 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

yap, and trio did pretty well infact. get your facts right before talking trash.

16:33:54 Dec 2nd 08 - Prince Mielo:

Mr. Tyrgalon


12/2/2008 1:26:02 PMyap, and trio did pretty well infact. get your facts right before talking trash.

Ugh, do I really even need to comment this? ... Indeed TRIO (not dr) did good, another leadership, combined with other players ... that's a complete different kingdom you get then...

YOU, sir get your facts right ...

02:30:48 Dec 3rd 08 - Duke Random:

I got killed by dark trio :(

stupid rev and his crappy kingdom


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