Forums / In game politics / price of stone on zeta

price of stone on zeta
02:47:50 May 28th 08 - Sir Peter Abby Jackson:

damn you puuu

02:50:59 May 28th 08 - Mr. Sorra:

sniff sniff.....i was waiting for you, you never came....sniff sniff

02:52:05 May 28th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Want me to sell several million PJ? I got 20 to spare

Hes only selling 50k

and it was a lousy attempt at lowering the market that much.....ill fix it =D

07:47:00 May 28th 08 - Sir Peter Abby Jackson:

lol thanks charley, and i dont need stone i just want to sell it higher :P

08:08:31 May 28th 08 - Mr. Mcmax:

Sir Peter Abby Jackson


5/28/2008 7:47:00 AM
lol thanks charley, and i dont need stone i just want to sell it higher :P


Buy it and send it right back on the market at 0.9 - 0.93 gold/stone.

10:53:38 May 28th 08 - Sir Wraith:

Max!!! BE QUIET!!!!!!

And Ernie.... I thought we had a nice thing going.. ='(    *sniff*

12:34:55 May 28th 08 - Mr. Mager:

NOOOOO you guys are ruining my StG!!

Bring the price lower. at around .7 :-)

cmon do it for an elf :-)

12:43:55 May 28th 08 - Mr. Plutonium:

Mager, take the initiative, dont buy over 0.8 and make sure all StGers on the map do the same, voila! It becomes the buyers market!

12:53:05 May 28th 08 - Mr. Mager:

i dont een know how to StG this is my first era and i reliased that im on Valhalla I thought the market was fror everyone.

12:57:02 May 28th 08 - Mr. Menger:

You are blacklisted. :(

12:59:15 May 28th 08 - Mr. Ant:

the market improvements quickly.

zetamania market

  food stone tree slaves  
* only showing the 10% cheapest.
total cost:

13:00:45 May 28th 08 - Sir Wraith:

Lol Mager, an Elf can StG pretty decently arounf 0.9 aswell. I've been doing it all era. :)

14:03:30 May 28th 08 - Mr. Archmage Pesterd:

omfg mager y rent there any people in the recuutment KD! u r supposed to accept their applications!!

Dont mind mager he is a friend of mine i brought him to the game but apparently he isnt listening to the info i give him..

Ive also been StG at .9 but the problem is the quantintity of them. they are in bulk at 20 mill a pop

14:11:24 May 28th 08 - Sir Wraith:

20 million is a but rare... Its closer to 2 million a batch.. :/

01:51:46 May 29th 08 - Mr. Archmage Pesterd:

wraith check it... trongii is ripping it p hes got around 30 mill stone on there...

and i just failed a StG with 73 % chance.. lost 2k spellweaver...
Wtvr i still got another 28k left :-)

03:38:35 May 29th 08 - Mr. Money:

Arch you going to waste all your profit STG'ing at 70+%

I never go over 65% b/c its just a big waste of MUs for little increase of %.

05:34:19 May 29th 08 - Mr. Archmage Pesterd:

lol percentage will go up bc i dont only use my spellweavers for StG..
im level 9 magic already so im an active mager now..

06:37:01 May 29th 08 - Mr. Phoenixblaze:

anything below .9 when you get to the millions is not waste of mu's =-)

08:11:28 May 29th 08 - Mr. Money:

wow you both missed what i said...

If you StG with a % higher then 65% you will waste more MUs for nothing, plain and simply.

09:04:49 May 29th 08 - Sir Wraith:

Exactly. Money may be my enemy (Grrr) but he is right on this. =P

And it shouldn't take more than... ~3-4k mus to get a good % (65-ish)


(Btw Phoenix, its still rare to find a decent amount of stone. Granted, 1 or 2 people may put up good batches but the rest are nubs -.-)

01:41:30 May 30th 08 - Mr. Archmage Pesterd:

Casting Stone to Gold from Magic Armoury upon Magic Armoury with 69% chance of success...successful, 3899967 of the stone in Magic Armoury was made into gold. We lost 1088 Spellweavers.

I had 9 mill stone when I casted it..
and I have 1k warehouses..

What is the problem why didnt it convert at least 8 mill???

Please tell me the problem

01:43:40 May 30th 08 - Mr. Phoenixblaze:

MORE WAREHOUSES i use around 2-3k

11:59:15: Mr. Phoenixblaze cast a spell upon us... Casting Stone to Gold from Colony upon Colony with 59% chance of success...21546195 of the stone in Colony was made into gold.

i had 25mil

01:44:51 May 30th 08 - Mr. Phoenixblaze:

*edit*  accidentally double posted......

02:59:23 May 30th 08 - Mr. Archmage Pesterd:

o ok thanks ... on its way and thats a nice amount of stone :-)

10:00:36 May 30th 08 - Mr. Phoenixblaze:

thanks =-) i get a batch about every other day if im lucky and someone posts low stone i can get a few days in a row =-)

10:30:47 May 30th 08 - Sir Wraith:

LOL... I'm going to be quiet and not comment... xD


Maybe end of era I'll post my lowest StG result though. xD

11:04:18 May 30th 08 - Mr. Phoenixblaze:

lol >_> never said that was my highest stg wraith. as a human i get discount buying on market =-) so i do much more than that but im not one to publicize my success on public forums. always nice to have secrets and stg success is a real good one to have secret ;-)

11:41:30 May 30th 08 - Sir Wraith:

Hehe, your discount is the only thing I envy from you humans... >.<

20:14:58 May 30th 08 - Mr. Phoenixblaze:

this is actually my first era being human all other eras i have been elf i just wanted to play around with the discount =-)

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