Forums / In game politics / ptah

20:36:58 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Prince of Darkness:

PHI nap terms with havoc

6.) This Nap does not protect new members that left their kingdoms that PHI is war with.
7.) in cases that PHI demands to have that player.. he/she shall be handed over without resistance.

asking kindly to kick ptah ? if he remans in carnage we will only attack him ...

20:40:49 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Dragonfly:

uhm he did not leave a KD at war.
unless PHI was at war with PHI

20:42:43 Nov 28th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

This is not really the place to be discussing relations issues. We have sent off pm's to Mavich to try to figure the situation out. Ptah had joined us after being untagged for awhile.


Carnage guys, restrain yourselves please.

20:55:10 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Donald Merwin Elbert:

Ptah left Phi and is now attacking Phi cities. So we are aggressively defending ourselves from Ptah. (my non-vice opinion)

Ptah is clearly a traitor and cannot be trusted by anyone at any time.

20:59:46 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Blunts:

are any of you Mr. Ptah from Cannabis?????///


22:27:30 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Jinchuuriki:

the truth is that he attacked and burn one of my colonies after leaving phi and before joining carnage, so the nap terms are in place, as soon as he attacked us he became at war with us!

22:30:24 Nov 28th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

burn baby burn ^^


I could not be amused more.

22:31:01 Nov 28th 07 - Sir Patton:

Wow, attacks from within? Go Ptah. ;-)

*Hands Ptah the 'Benedict Arnold Award'*

22:52:38 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Diomedes:

I find it sad that others support someone who is a traitor and leaves a kingdom and then turns on a kingdom for no reason.  This reminds me of the "great Condinho caper"  When this happened everyone yelled at Spoon and the music kingdom for taking him in and Music was at war with Mirror at this time.  Everybody said how unhonorable Spoon was and blah blah blah.  Now someone does this to Phi and it is okay?  and a NAP kingdom takes him in and he continues to attack us and its okay?  As much as I enjoy warring with LGC/DB, Carnage or another strong kingdom, I find it sad and no fun to fight them when they have a traitor/spy and I continued to want to fight them.  Its just a matter of respect IMO even if I don't like the other kingdom's style.  As I remember when Mirror dealt with this 2 Eras ago the majority of them joined up with Carnage.  I do not know who all is in Carnage that was in Mirror but y'all should understand my point and realize that this is not right IMO for Carnage to take in a traitor from a NAP kingdom.  Yes Carnage and Phi have had communication problems and personality problems but sometimes I feel everyone should just "man up and do the right thing"  I am not pointing fingers at any one kingdom or leader/vice but the way it looks gives very confusing ideas and interpretations.

22:56:02 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Donald Merwin Elbert:

this is exactly like the fake Condinho incident. Ptah is a traitor and continues to burn cities after he joins Carnage.

proof? easy. he has been in Carnage for at least 4 hours and this is all within the last 2 hours

  • 16:01:05: Land Raider lead by Mr. Ptah burned and destroyed Hand of God. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Axemen, 2500 Runemasters and 71000 Cavemasters in the battle.
  • 16:01:05: Our Die Ptah Die failed to defend Hand of God. Land Raider lead by Mr. Ptah burned and destroyed Hand of God. We lost 1 Swordsmen, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Axemen, 0 Runemasters and 0 Cavemasters in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
  • 16:01:05: All troops in Die Ptah Die have died!
  • 16:05:27: The progress of Freeze This has been hindered by magic!
  • 16:05:37: The progress of Freeze This has been hindered by magic!
  • 17:18:20: Que V lost a battle against Land Raider from Mr. Ptah. We lost 1 Swordsmen, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Axemen, 0 Runemasters, 0 Cavemasters and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
  • 17:18:20: All troops in Que V have died!
  • 17:18:32: Que IV lost a battle against Land Raider from Mr. Ptah. We lost 1 Swordsmen, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Axemen, 0 Runemasters, 0 Cavemasters and 19602 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.
  • 17:18:32: All troops in Que IV have died!
Current date: 11/28/2007 5:59:54 PM (VU Day 1066)

22:59:19 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Legend:

Carnage is looking for any reason to cancel the nap by any means with Phi....they have cf'ed with legacy and anything we say they will just say, fine then u say that ".....", okay the nap is void. There is no way they can do this honorably and by taking in Ptah, a traitor, they say we are attacking him and that bc he is in carnage, we have broken the nap. He is prepping on about 10 cities and he destroyed 2 of our cities b4 we even attacked him. This happened b4 he joined Carnage so there is nothing Carnage can say about taking in a player like this......

23:01:17 Nov 28th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

This is good, I have asked my men not to start anything in the forums while we talk things over, thought phi would have done the same...

If Ptah continues to attack Phi, we will kick him, he has been warned.


@Legend: I wouldnt go about questioning our honor, Ptah has told us and shown us some very interesting things about what phi has been planning on doing...

23:04:49 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Legend:

Phi was planning absolutely nothing.....EVERYTHING that Ptah has belongs to Phi. He was at war with us by destroying our cities, then joined Carnage, then kept destroying cities. Nothing of his can belong to carnage bc 6.) This Nap does not protect new members that left their kingdoms that PHI is war with. (he was not with carnage when he attacked)
7.) in cases that PHI demands to have that player.. he/she shall be handed over without resistance.

23:07:03 Nov 28th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

As I said, he has been warned, if he continues we will kick, end of story.

And as I also said, any cities taken by him belongs back to phi.

As far Phi not planning anything? Do you want to stick to that story? Because I can starts copy/pasting stuff:)

23:09:19 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Diomedes:

16:02:49: Abcd lost a battle against Crusader from Mr. Ptah. The army escaped to Achilles. We lost 0 Swordsmen, 0 Hammerthrowers, 2153 Axemen, 1113 Runemasters, 0 Cavemasters and 0 peasants in the battle and 3682 of our soldiers got injured.

Ms. Dung Beetle since you say he has been warned here is your proff that he is not listening as he attacked me trying to "defend a city"

23:10:55 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Jinchuuriki:

ms. dung beetle if you think that posting private matters from a kingdom in the public forums is right(when you got then from a traitor) go ahead, we have nothing to hide, probably it's jsut some stupid stuff zero said, lol!

23:14:07 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Diomedes:

Ms. Dung Bettle I truthfully believe what has happened between Carnage and Phi is that we saw where both were ranked and then somebody immature says something to make the other mad and then all of a sudden both sides se armies moving towards blockers.  OMG This must mean War is immenent.  LoL  Yes this can mean that or it is just a precautionary matter.  My confusiong is seeing 100-200K Freedom Fighter Armies coming down through Carnage area and headed towards Carnage blockers that are right next to Phi.  Phi is at war with FF so what are we suppose to think.  This should have been handled differently by both sides.  Most times if a NAP is going to be broken a 72 hour CF before war is given.  This allows for a fair fight for both sides.  But this appears "from personal opinon" that a CF would not even be conducted.  All in all this is a cluster that hopefully can be straightened out.

23:16:17 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Diomedes:

Now Jinc since when does Zero say anything stupid LoL  Which proves a point that everyone knows Zero can go crazy sometimes so why do people not just ignore Zero and his confusion with the English Language.  :-)

23:17:49 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

I heard that you guys couldn't wait for me to cross... You lied to me Donald! :(

23:20:22 Nov 28th 07 - Lord Software Bug:

If plans aren't changed, we need nothing to post from your forums. Within 24 hours everyone will know it anyway.

23:22:33 Nov 28th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

@Diomedes: Finally a voice of reason:P Well said too. And more than likely that is what has happened, things get said, troops are seen and assumptions are made:(

Anyways, Ptah has been officially warned, message me if he attacks any more cities after my original posting above. Also, Phi is certainly entitled to any cities he may have taken from you.

23:25:25 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Jinchuuriki:

he burned them, not taken then...

23:34:01 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Ignis Bored And Back:

How about the ones he destroyed dung beetle? Phi should get some sort compensation for those too. (Not from carnage, but from Ptah) Oops. Above beat me to it.

I hope you aren't misinterpreting some of the crazy stuff in our forum...or some crazy ideas =D. I'm interested though, what were we supposed to be planning? I can only think of one thing...which was posted as a suggestion incase Carnage decided to [Edit: Nvm, I decided not to post this...please ignore], and the suggestion was perfectly fine "nothing that would hurt our honor"(you know what I'm talking about?)

23:39:35 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Ptah:

OK here's the story behind the story. Phi believed Carnage broke a NAP I didn't see it. Zerocool became the mouthiest little punk I have ever seen I couldn't stand the backstabbing tactics or *beep*ic rants. I there for dropped out. War insued. I've lost cities they've lost cities. I apply to Carnage, they accept me. I am then again attacked, well plundered. So the war is back on. I keep getting message after message from members of a lot of kingdoms and well even a kick back or two. Thanks for the sponsor turns whoever that was.

23:41:47 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Diomedes:

I think what needs to be done is for the NAP to stay in place and for Carnage to allow us to deal with Ptah because I know he is not going to stop attacking us and Carnage will kick him as they have said.  And then next Era Phi and Carnage remember what has happened and either work on better politics or just not worry about the other and either war next Era or move on to different things.  I just think this is a bad end to an Era long stalemate between LGC/DB and Phi and now for this to happen it just makes the war meaningless as a kingdom can not be at their best because of the traitor.

23:43:20 Nov 28th 07 - Lord Software Bug:

You know? Well, I don't. I want to see it first, before I believe.

23:45:12 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Diomedes:

Ptah you are nothing but a traitor.  Phi did believe Carnage was possibly breaking the NAP because of what we were seeing.  I mean someone mysteriously cast CW on a blocker no where near the war front and then a bunch of Carnage armies come across.  Does that not look kinda hinky.  Okay Carnage is not attacking Phi so I can deal with it.  Ptah you attacked and burned one of my cities way before we attacked you.  You did it immediately after you left Phi and showed your true colors.  If you didn't agree with what Phi was doing you should have posted in the forums and left gracefully and no one would have attacked anyone.  But you started the attacks and then joined Carnage to try and save yourself from getting hurt worse.

23:48:12 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Architect:

"Carnage guys, restrain yourselves please."

But, but, cmon!!! =(

23:50:41 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Ignis Bored And Back:

Posts like the above (from software bug) totally do not are probably part of the group that will look for any reason to break a NAP with Phi...thats pretty sick, we are already preoccupied.

Please refrain from posting and let people like Ms. Dung Beetle post.

Ptah, it's ironic that you're talking about backstabbing tactics...

23:53:41 Nov 28th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

@Archi: You know that every time i see your name or faf's name in these forums i get that sick feeling in my stomach:P

23:59:12 Nov 28th 07 - Lord Software Bug:

Dung can back me up on this: I'm one of those that is actually doing my utmost best to keep the NAP with PHI. Please stop assuming everything.

00:02:14 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Ignis Bored And Back:

Ok, I apologize then. I thought you were saying that we have no proof the Ptah has broken the NAP, which is obviously untrue.

Hope we can keep the NAP then :).

00:04:53 Nov 29th 07 - Lord Software Bug:

I was commenting on this:

because I know he is not going to stop attacking us

00:05:21 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Diomedes:

Like I said no one lets not get into any kind of name calling.  When this Era is over with everyone remembers and moves on to do their own thing and make their own choices.  It will become evident as to the intentions of everyone when the dust settles.  Everyone's button is being pushed right now and its kinda like the Cold War in which both sides not what each has and the wrong statement or wrong jester can cause a War that shouldn't have happened because of something stupid.  I mean come on at least if we are going to war let me kidnap (actually she would go willing) Ms. Dung Bettle or Lady Software Bug and bring them to my palace and have a Trojan war simulation :-)

00:07:03 Nov 29th 07 - Lord Software Bug:

There is no Lady Software Bug. I reproduce by copying myself a lot of times.

00:09:23 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Diomedes:

Crap sorry I don't swing that way I misread as I need to get sleep sometime soon LoL But I will let Zero kidnap you if you wish LoL

00:09:38 Nov 29th 07 - Crazy Xuaron:

damn i would like that abillity.

ohh actualy i dont LOL one Crazy Xuaron is eneugh :P

00:10:53 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Diomedes:

Crazy I can barely handle one of you so please Lord oh please hear my prayers and not let Crazy XU reproduce.  

00:15:09 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Jinchuuriki:

ptah, backstabbing tactics? with what armies? and do you even believe what zero talks about? that guys is like a dog, barks alot but there is no bitting(no offence intended zero)! we never mobilised armies to deal with carnage, the truth is that with carnage letting ff and lgc at loose in their core we had to put armies in our blockers, what else would we do? let them enter our core? what can we do when we see carnage emptying a blocker, letting lgc take it so that it can move to attack us and then carnage retakes the blockers like nothing did happen? we position some armies to DEFEND! now from this prespective why do you think zero talked like that? i even bet that sloth has the pics to prove it

00:20:23 Nov 29th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

Do you really wish to push the matter mate? Its comments like these that only worsen the situation.

There is no use in arguing here, we feel we have done nothing to break the nap, and phi feels the same way about themselves. Of course, we may see in 20 tics or so if we interpret what we have heard right....

I thought the matter could be handled rationally.....

00:31:30 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Diomedes:

guys everone is hot headed right now and people are pissed.  No one read into other's post as it can be said in the heat of the moment when people are pissed.  Phi is pissed about Ptah and he is now Carnage so some Phi members are confused reading that Carnage is intending to attack.  When the dust settles we all will know what intentions were meant to be.  

00:35:20 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Soccerfreedom:

Mr. Diomedes


11/28/2007 3:14:07 PM
Ms. Dung Bettle I truthfully believe what has happened between Carnage and Phi is that we saw where both were ranked and then somebody immature says something to make the other mad and then all of a sudden both sides se armies moving towards blockers.  OMG This must mean War is immenent.  LoL  Yes this can mean that or it is just a precautionary matter.  My confusiong is seeing 100-200K Freedom Fighter Armies coming down through Carnage area and headed towards Carnage blockers that are right next to Phi.  Phi is at war with FF so what are we suppose to think.  This should have been handled differently by both sides.  Most times if a NAP is going to be broken a 72 hour CF before war is given.  This allows for a fair fight for both sides.  But this appears "from personal opinon" that a CF would not even be conducted.  All in all this is a cluster that hopefully can be straightened out.

Our armies (FF) coming through Carnage blockers has nothing to do with an NAP with PHI. they never broke it with regard to FF's armies.

Ms. Dung Beetle


11/28/2007 3:53:41 PM

@Archi: You know that every time i see your name or faf's name in these forums i get that sick feeling in my stomach:P

good lord, u forgot naerey. im surprised ur not the most worried about him............

Mr. Diomedes


11/28/2007 4:05:21 PM
Like I said no one lets not get into any kind of name calling.  When this Era is over with everyone remembers and moves on to do their own thing and make their own choices.  It will become evident as to the intentions of everyone when the dust settles.  Everyone's button is being pushed right now and its kinda like the Cold War in which both sides not what each has and the wrong statement or wrong jester can cause a War that shouldn't have happened because of something stupid.  I mean come on at least if we are going to war let me kidnap (actually she would go willing) Ms. Dung Bettle or Lady Software Bug and bring them to my palace and have a Trojan war simulation :-)


at first glance, i was REALLY excited to read ur post, thinking it mentioned Jester. alas, it was just the wrong spelling. here u go, mate! :)  gesture!

00:37:08 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Jinchuuriki:

sorry, just saying what made us mad!

how can we be rational when we have a traitor with thousands of nazzies attacking our cities? he says war issued... does ptah means "i attacked them without saying a word"? try to understand, i lost one colony, diomedes lost another and this was before he joined carnage, at least mine was, i just want to deal with this traitor, this is nothing to do with carnage, he joined you after he attacked us, so the nap terms say that we get to deall with them without your interference!

00:37:45 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Donald Merwin Elbert:

OK here's the story behind the story. Phi believed Carnage broke a NAP I didn't see it.

So you didn't "see it" or obviously have any idea what was happening, and used that basis to betray your Kingdom? Good luck with this guy, Carnage.

Zerocool became the mouthiest little punk I have ever seen I couldn't stand the backstabbing tactics or *beep*ic rants.

What backstabbing tactics? What did Phi do to backstab anyone? Please explain in further detail.

I there for dropped out. War insued. I've lost cities they've lost cities.

Let me fix that for you, I think this is what you meant. "I quit the Kingdom. Then, I moved my armies out and started razing every Phi city I could. Eventually someone noticed and for some reason, now *I* am being attacked? WTF NUBS!!"

I apply to Carnage, they accept me. I am then again attacked, well plundered. So the war is back on.

Also translated for everyone: "I apply to Carnage because of the NAP, I expect that Phi will stop attacking me. If they don't, maybe I can spark a war between Phi and Carnage. Hmm. For some reason, I am still being attacked even though I joined Carnage. Phi must have broken the NAP!"

Please. Ptah is a traitor and any words that come out of his mouth should be treated as such. Other players have quit Kingdoms in the past and joined NAP'd kingdoms withou problems. However, they weren't *beep*s who razed their Kingdom's cities at the same time.

Yes I am pissed but this has to deal with a single player and has nothing to do with Carnage.  I have told everyone that Ptah is the only one attacking and thus he is the only one we are responding to. I am not a vice so I can't speak to relations but when someone attacks, we have to respond.

00:42:18 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Jinchuuriki:

damn, we need to make sloth use it's 2h of awake time to bright things up to everyone, this is pretty sad actually... lol

00:51:18 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Prince of Darkness:

ms. dung beetle


11/28/2007 6:07:03 pm

as i said, he has been warned, if he continues we will kick, end of story.

and as i also said, any cities taken by him belongs back to phi.

as far phi not planning anything? do you want to stick to that story? because i can starts copy/pasting stuff:)


do you belive everything , what can we do against carnage , makin a rebel in carnage , if we were planing we were planing to stop legacy .

we were shoked by what the agreement btw carnage lgc , that lgc attacks out blokers so carnage can enter starting slughtring mad and bow .

idk , but i 'v never seen a kd accept a player 9 days b4 the era ends .

wtf ?????????????????????????????????????????????


00:56:11 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Surviver:

Owner: Mr. Wolf Spider
Size: 400 building(s).
Kingdom: Carnage
Gates: open


It Is funny How they say they never broke NAP yet they LET FF ARMYS THROUGH THIER OWN BlOCKERS.Carnage were is the nap in this?Mybe you should read the NAP before letting ENEMIES OF PHI GO THROUGH YOUR BLOCKERS.Mybe carnage has a hard time reading the second nap term?

2.) Blockers shall not be opened for any enemies of PHI; blocker agreement, third party kingdoms will not be allowed passage unless agreed by both kingdoms

01:00:31 Nov 29th 07 - Ms. Dung Beetle:

Seriously Phi, can you not get a handle on your people? Notice most of Carnage has refrained from posting in here, letting me do all the talking.

About that one blocker, will have to find it myself. If it is open into your area then he is in violation and i will handle it. (Now do you see why we arent doing any naps next era?)

01:01:27 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Prince of Darkness:

we are not asking too much

01:06:54 Nov 29th 07 - Mr. Gothrim:

Might I draw your attention to the "Fake Condinho" incident. He was foolishly let into Music, them thinking him to be a refugee or something. The moment the implications became clear, Sp00n kicked him. He then applied to Red Hand and Admiral Krum, being pretty much inactive and not knowing what was going on around him, let him in. Again, the moment they woke up to what was going on, they kicked him. And last era in BoW when Relictor began attacking our ally ZEON, I kicked him immediately myself as soon as I heard of it (and even resigned from BoW over that incident).

Now the reason that backstabbing cannot be tolerated is that it is highly destructive of the game itself, and kd's that tolerate it would be doing damage to VU as an experience.

Saying that Ptah has been "warned" is not really enough but in any case as I write this, he has just burned a 90k city belonging to Lenard. So the outcome is obvious. To defend its honor, Carnage needs to kick Ptah from the kd.

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