Forums / In game politics / smoking the peace pipe?

smoking the peace pipe?
23:30:27 Aug 23rd 08 - Sir Caradoc IV:

comon DB i expected more of you... i mean i wanted to get killed this era and you didnt do it :*( no really. and you allied yourselfs with TW very early in the era while they claimed and still do to be a war kingdom. while carnage allied pks, sheol, music. DB later (well actully i dont really know these details very well) allied shyers. eventully carnage merged. boo was all but dead... who DB also allied early era. now all kingdoms (execpt pussy shyers who only want to fight PKS) are allied. all i have to say is WTF. what happened to war? what happend to kill everything? ik paladin had slowed us down but im not sure the peace pipe was the way to go... you know we would have died so why not?

23:31:43 Aug 23rd 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

didnt you used to be in carnage? and you stand there talking about mass naps?

23:37:56 Aug 23rd 08 - Trigger Happy With Turettes:

Because having a traitor hit you where it hurts sucks.... You guys should have the pleasure of killing him without the distraction of us annailating you....There is always next era..... We can still be enemies.....  /me grabs peace pipe from Caradoc and whacks him with it....

23:39:52 Aug 23rd 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

as it takes two kingdoms for peace............u can look internally as well. :)

23:42:19 Aug 23rd 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

There are still wars going on... I don't know where you got the idea of everyone being allied? :P

23:43:37 Aug 23rd 08 - Mr. Jdquench:

I figured this was coming.

Either way a flame was coming. Either we were taking advantages of PKS's internal problems when we killed them or we were backing out of the fight.

Well Caradoc, ill give you the option, do you wanna keep running your mouth, or goto Grim and ask him to end the CF if your so wanting to die this era. I actually thought it would be thunder who made this post. And im considering crushing both your blockers to show DB was in position to walk both their merges in, not run past. But walk. Both our merges were stronger than your 2 blocker merges. And had Grim not agreed, it was happening last night.

Sorry we showed compassion, next time we will know not to.

But im sure you will feel to need to type a mini essay even then.

23:45:23 Aug 23rd 08 - Sir Caradoc IV:

yeah. and yeah. i was not the one to be wanting the NaPs, ask Thunder or Noa. i wanted to turn on LGC but no one else did last era so i didnt leave just to do it or give them a bad name... oh and Music

23:47:36 Aug 23rd 08 - Sir Caradoc IV:

did i not say that you guys couldnt inihalate us? i openly admited that. plus one does not outnumber 36 others

23:50:37 Aug 23rd 08 - Lady Quietone:

so what exactly did you expect?

and who actually lets you into a kingdom? lol

23:51:54 Aug 23rd 08 - Dark Lord Osiris:

so the peacekeepers shouldnt try for peace?!

23:58:37 Aug 23rd 08 - Sir Caradoc IV:

they should keep the peace they have made and not make more peace.

what did i expect? for DB to kill me... comeon and chase me down. im letting you, i have 3 cities left... go ahead and take them.

im not a peaceful person nor do i like to hold it. just everyone else wants to farm and that upsets me... even if i would die

00:02:12 Aug 24th 08 - Lady Quietone:

I think we'll survive without meeting your expectations :)

00:02:24 Aug 24th 08 - Mr. Jdquench:

Oh the mighty caradoc survives through keeping 1 scout alive and running with it. We demolished your core, your not worth the effort no more. We can do without 3 more rainbows. Consider it a gift!

And people say we are heartless.

00:07:34 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Caradoc IV:

SO DB DOES WANT TO FARM? why you already won the era

hmm rainbows. hahaha ok here are my cites, armoury, food, wood, mine. hmm looks like lots of rainbows. the only one is my wood city because my houses filled was so low i thought i would try so taverns to get them faster. home ratio i really high because i dont have pesants. nice try, im smarter than you think other than giving my city info on the forums...

House 25 people.
Built: 400 Build:
In construction: 100
Homes filled: 36%

Each farm produce 0 food per day.
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 0

Each mine produce 3 gold and 1 stone per day.
Built: 745 Build:
In construction: 255

Each lumbermill produce 0 tree per day.
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 0

Magic Towers
Will defend your city from magic and make it much easier for your wizards to cast long range spells.
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 0

Gives extra defence and increase line of sight.
Built: 1 Build:
In construction: 0

Increase the morale in your city and the armies stationed in the city.
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 0

Lower training costs and makes you able to train more troops in your colony.
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 0

Store one hundred times more resources then farms/mines/mills.
(All buildings can store an unlimited amount of resources)
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 0

Multiplies the defence (max walls gives 100% extra defence) and increase the preparation time when attacking your colony.
Built: 0 / 267 Build:
In construction: 0
Defence modifier: +0%

When you destroy buildings they will become Wreckages and will disappear over time.
Wrecked buildings:




House 25 people.
Built: 2289 Build:
In construction: 311
Homes filled: 21%

Each farm produce 0 food per day.
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 0

Each mine produce 0 gold and 0 stone per day.
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 0

Each lumbermill produce 0 tree per day.
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 0

Magic Towers
Will defend your city from magic and make it much easier for your wizards to cast long range spells.
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 0

Gives extra defence and increase line of sight.
Built: 1 Build:
In construction: 0

Increase the morale in your city and the armies stationed in the city.
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 0

Lower training costs and makes you able to train more troops in your colony.
Built: 4139 Build:
In construction: 511

Store one hundred times more resources then farms/mines/mills.
(All buildings can store an unlimited amount of resources)
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 0

Multiplies the defence (max walls gives 100% extra defence) and increase the preparation time when attacking your colony.
Built: 42 / 631 Build:
In construction: 0
Defence modifier: +7%

When you destroy buildings they will become Wreckages and will disappear over time.
Wrecked buildings:


House 25 people.
Built: 3000 Build:
In construction: 0
Homes filled: 3%

Each farm produce 0 food per day.
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 0

Each mine produce 0 gold and 0 stone per day.
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 0

Each lumbermill produce 3 tree per day.
Built: 3000 Build:
In construction: 0

Magic Towers
Will defend your city from magic and make it much easier for your wizards to cast long range spells.
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 0

Gives extra defence and increase line of sight.
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 0

Increase the morale in your city and the armies stationed in the city.
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 100

Lower training costs and makes you able to train more troops in your colony.
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 0

Store one hundred times more resources then farms/mines/mills.
(All buildings can store an unlimited amount of resources)
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 0

Multiplies the defence (max walls gives 100% extra defence) and increase the preparation time when attacking your colony.
Built: 0 / 610 Build:
In construction: 0
Defence modifier: +0%

When you destroy buildings they will become Wreckages and will disappear over time.
Wrecked buildings:
House 25 people.
Built: 2000 Build:
In construction: 0
Homes filled: 100%

Each farm produce 11 food per day.
Built: 9769 Build:
In construction: 231

Each mine produce 0 gold and 0 stone per day.
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 0

Each lumbermill produce 0 tree per day.
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 0

Magic Towers
Will defend your city from magic and make it much easier for your wizards to cast long range spells.
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 0

Gives extra defence and increase line of sight.
Built: 1 Build:
In construction: 0

Increase the morale in your city and the armies stationed in the city.
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 0

Lower training costs and makes you able to train more troops in your colony.
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 0

Store one hundred times more resources then farms/mines/mills.
(All buildings can store an unlimited amount of resources)
Built: 0 Build:
In construction: 0

Multiplies the defence (max walls gives 100% extra defence) and increase the preparation time when attacking your colony.
Built: 0 / 854 Build:
In construction: 0
Defence modifier: +0%

When you destroy buildings they will become Wreckages and will disappear over time.
Wrecked buildings:

00:09:21 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

Sucky sucky.

00:09:40 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Caradoc IV:

lol i just rebuilt. hahaha

00:13:24 Aug 24th 08 - Mr. Jdquench:

omg i wants those towns!!!!!!!!!!

00:14:19 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Caradoc IV:

you could burn them then...

so anyways your still smoking the peace pipe DB, and you like to whore scores, and the only thing you cando about it is flame me. hahahahaha you make me laugh. you set this fact aside bu only going to the topic of me wanting to die. NUBS. f*in *beep*s. dont try to outwite me

00:18:51 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

Peace? We still have wars going on, as I said. So what are you talking about?

Whore scores? Who are you implying whores?

Flame you? Where have we flamed you? We've simply corrected your mistakes.


Questions upon questions!

00:21:22 Aug 24th 08 - Mr. Jdquench:

We wouldnt stand a chance to try and outwite you.

We still have enemies Caradoc, cant say the same about you tho.

00:51:00 Aug 24th 08 - Ms. Jayme: are just bieng a sore loser.

01:48:13 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Caradoc IV:

sore loser? i want to fight. hahaha. but no seriosously though by doing that i feel useless now, my men unable to fight; to far way. shyers and palaidin... im on the opsite side of the map

13:42:59 Aug 24th 08 - Ms. Natalia:

db obviously secured a nap with PKS for next age because they will probably no longer have twilight to protect them.

14:19:42 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

Twilight to protect us? Oh god, please tell me your trolling.

14:25:44 Aug 24th 08 - Mr. Jdquench:

Obviously, they using Natalia's nick

14:31:18 Aug 24th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

Yeah. Oh well, no-one feed the troll :)

08:43:35 Aug 25th 08 - Ms. Natalia:

So are DB and PKS napped next era?
Or will DB put their principles to one side (again) and NAP twilight/a derivitive of Fordius again?

09:22:33 Aug 25th 08 - Sir Half The Shyers I Use:

....wait a min, did you call  me a pussy?
...i war-ed, Boo, Sheolic, Music, PKS, some small KD i dont remeber, NEBC, and i guess now WoL since they turned into a bunch of lozers...well, just king lozer as far as i know....and wait a min, I'm a one man show...hmmmm sounds like a pussy to me, jackass.
And I was never NAPed with DB, i hate them and they smell funny, cause they let some hillbilly in their house and he always has *beep* on his shoes.
So anyone else want to call me a pussy?
oh and btw, I am (was) every where, I'm like the beach, after you get home you find sand everywhere....except i tend to avoid the back door.

on a side note, does anyone know who gave Nasty Nat permission to talk? Her senseless dribble makes me want to shoot myself, and I need to be able to tell my son why he doesn't have a father anymore.

16:52:02 Aug 25th 08 - Sir Caradoc IV:

who R u kidding? you did NaP DB and eventully went into their kingdom so dont give anyone that *beep*

17:32:08 Aug 25th 08 - Mr. Jdquench:

He's telling the truth, we never made any agreement, I could walk an army over and kill him right now if i wanted to....but he's ex-DB. Why kill him when there are others to kill.

I dont understand wha you mean by him going into our kingdom, if anything you got things the wrong way around, he was DB but he was kicked for inactivity....altho he has been more active this era or atleast seems like he is. So maybe try and explain what you mean caradoc.

17:34:18 Aug 25th 08 - Mr. Game And Watch:

Wow now I know why everyone tell's Natalia to shut up all the time....cause she keeps making preposterous assumptions.

: ) 

18:35:54 Aug 25th 08 - General Ezatious:

Shows how trust worthy you are Caradoc when you want to turn on a NAP already in place. Truly what an *beep* you are lol

18:38:09 Aug 25th 08 - General Ezatious:

referring to this comment BTW:

" i wanted to turn on LGC but no one else did last era"

18:56:55 Aug 25th 08 - Sir Caradoc IV:

i didnt say i was trust worthy to other kingdoms now did i? and i didnt exactly say my reasons for wanting to turn which in my opion were greater rather than fewer. you are all so stupid. Jdquench just said that Shyers was a DB... which is exactly what im getting at. at by saying i dont attack ex-db and all other ore better targets means that this is some kind of mutral agreement between the two weather its in words or not. you just kind of killed it yourself. so when you say idk what you mean he came into our kingdom of course you do you half witted peice of *beep* nub.

19:09:33 Aug 25th 08 - Sir Harry The Crazy:

Caradoc = Flamebait


Too bad I really cba with the likes of you atm.

19:33:25 Aug 25th 08 - Ms. Natalia:

Shyers is DB. He left so that db dont look bad by having too many members. Exactly the same as what binh and fordius did last age.

20:58:28 Aug 25th 08 - Sir Soc Innewyork:

lol, i am jealous of hiding behing a nick! im going to go recreate one for myself! :)

maybe i could be rambo! :)

03:37:39 Aug 26th 08 - Sir Half The Shyers I Use:

wow...Nat...impressive :)
this is the first era DB has been shyers-less (does that make yall sad?)...but i dont come into KDs i come into....well...i'm not "in" DB atm,  but DB is in me.

and ali, I've been active cuz work was slow, but atm Nos is eating me alive cuz i can't log on more than once a day. I can never promise an activity level cuz  aa work. :(

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