Forums / In game politics / soliders of axemen strenth

soliders of axemen strenth
02:38:22 Jan 21st 09 - Ms. Romanian Gypsy:

hi we r gonner be a new guiled nxt round the soliders of knights strenth. we are an experienced group of players who have one many battles in this game.

atm there is only me in it bt the first to apply will be givn a viceroy rank then the next will be made one also. the third person to apply wont and  the 5th wont either. but the 6th person to apply then can become a viceroy. pls bring ur frends.

  • here is some rules u must post with ur post

1. How many days have you played visual utppia?
2. Which teams have u been in before?
3. Why do u want to join us?
5. Preffered soliders
6. ur login and passord

right now we have an alliance with all kengdoms, BUTTTT, if u do not lyk a kengom or if they will not giv ur a provinec u want, we will diklare war.

(aslo i will not take ur cites.))

02:38:56 Jan 21st 09 - Ms. Romanian Gypsy:

i wud lyk to jone ples X_O



02:46:13 Jan 21st 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Hai, I seme intirestd n joynin ur kindom.  I luv pnk!

1. How many days have you played visual utppia?  maybi 300?
2. Which teams have u been in before?   bunnies :D
Why do u want to join us?
3.  I liek kitenz!
5. Preffered soliders   gaia!
6. ur login and passord   fluffykittenz69   iliekbunniez

PS - I wuv ur naim

03:16:08 Jan 21st 09 - Sir Thingol:

helo aiv bin wonteen too join a keendom liek thiz.

1. How many days have you played visual utppia?  awraund 2
2. Which teams have u been in before?   nevar bin inn one

Why do u want to join us? bcuzz yoor thu koolist keendom EVAR!
5. Preffered soliders: i liek gousts

ur login and passord: toastee  ubutthead

PS - I wuv ur naim

03:22:45 Jan 21st 09 - Mr. Barney:

Gee thz kd seens prty kool i think il joun!

1. How many days have you played visual utppia? Liek 5 days
2. Which teams have u been in before? I waz on mai soker teem when I waz litle!
3. Why do u want to join us? Thiz kd jus seems liek it is gonna to dominate!
5. Preffered soliders: I liek to use halfling farmerz, 20 gold fer 1 OP!!
6. ur login and passord : Barny *beep*titsnigger*beep*

03:24:50 Jan 21st 09 - Mr. Burninglegion:

1. How many days have you played visual utppia?  A MILLION

What team have you played with before? POKEMON LEAGUE??? does that count

3:why do you want to join us? SO WE CAN PLAY WITH POKEMON AND BE G@Y TOGETHER???
5. Preffered soliders POKEMON

PS: Gotta Catch'em ALL !!

03:55:09 Jan 21st 09 - Duke Arzun:

The spelling and grammar in this thread is horrid! Not to mention the syntax! You should all be ashamed of yourselves!

03:56:41 Jan 21st 09 - Mr. Burninglegion:

ahaha .. im pretty sure we are all busting on this gypsy kid

04:14:48 Jan 21st 09 - Mr. Erebus:   *begins bleeding froem de ies*     AHHHHH!!!

04:33:49 Jan 21st 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Hey gaiz dat aint nise.  no un pix on swiffersh

05:33:45 Jan 21st 09 - Duke Slade The Drunk:

this is a joke KD right.... i mean what person would give away there account details to join a kingdom

05:35:51 Jan 21st 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

ig nor him swiffers...he ish jus jelus

05:37:29 Jan 21st 09 - Mr. Frankie:

dat wood b woove slade. Gooose darnit stop veing dutch a wumby slade. mo done dants sore enfo.

05:46:22 Jan 21st 09 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

dis is awsum can i join p|z?

1. How many days have you played visual utppia?  10 yrs (i r not nub)
2. Which teams have u been in before? i wuz capan of da bsktbl team wen i wuz 5.
3. Why do u want to join us? i r a axman!
5. Preffered soliders    i attax wit da magez!
6. ur login and passord pwnerer51 pwnerer52 (iz ez 2 member dat wey)

06:41:38 Jan 21st 09 - Sir Perkunas:

I pwn

06:45:13 Jan 21st 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

...*facepalms.  Slaps Penguin*

06:47:17 Jan 21st 09 - Sir Perkunas:

i didnt saw the message :(
Duke Michael Deallus


1/21/2009 6:35:51 AM
ig nor him swiffers...he ish jus jelus

06:48:02 Jan 21st 09 - Duke Random:

this thread is making my education bleed.

11:52:24 Jan 21st 09 - Mr. Shmeh:

atm there is only me in it bt the first to apply will be givn a viceroy rank then the next will be made one also. the third person to apply wont and  the 5th wont either. but the 6th person to apply then can become a viceroy. pls bring ur frends.

1. How many days have you played visual utppia?
2. Which teams have u been in before?
3. Why do u want to join us?
5. Preffered soliders
6. ur login and passord


Im so confused!!!!! what happened to 4!!!!

17:02:21 Jan 21st 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

He dun liek teh numbr

17:10:00 Jan 21st 09 - Mr. Archerorc the Festive:

teh numbr 4 iz g0y

17:11:06 Jan 21st 09 - Mr. Shmeh:

k denn dat xpliens dat thnx but i hinks 4 is da best numbr

22:48:16 Jan 21st 09 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

wen dus diz kidon stret pwnin?????????????????????????

03:49:15 Jan 22nd 09 - Mr. Burninglegion:


03:52:00 Jan 22nd 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Berninglejun, i dun t'ink Swifferz wil lets u in.  he needz gud playez

18:36:46 Jan 22nd 09 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:

i liek cheeze

18:41:58 Jan 22nd 09 - Duke Slade The Drunk:

wow.. and you thought elfie had bad grammer and sh!t.

22:35:01 Jan 22nd 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

1. How many days have you played visual utppia? threeve!
2. Which teams have u been in before?Cheese!
3. Why do u want to join us? I dot...apz ar funn!
5. Preffered soliders - hoomanz
6. ur login and passord
Pass: slasherthemongoose

02:30:11 Jan 23rd 09 - Ms. Romanian Gypsy:

u guyz r *beep*s............

03:06:41 Jan 23rd 09 - Duke Arzun:


04:46:00 Jan 23rd 09 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

o noes da romazio gitjzu haxored my acown!  paswrd pwner52 nt axepted!

10:06:54 Jan 23rd 09 - Mr. Shmeh:

den hows cmes ur mkin dats pst?

10:11:01 Jan 23rd 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Shwiffersh no luvs meh :'(

10:58:40 Jan 23rd 09 - Mr. Mcmax:

Ms. Romanian Gypsy


1/23/2009 2:30:11 AM
u guyz r *beep*s............

I agree - but they can't help it ;-).

11:49:57 Jan 23rd 09 - Mr. Polydeuces:

jeyy guis, i muss sai dat thys kindumm suons liek is fur meeeee

1. How many days have you played visual utppia?
ai has plyd tis fur allmust ellevntie dais now i ish pro

2. Which teams have u been in before?
i's plyd on teh grate kengdumm uvv Teh Pwnzors Eleet

3. Why do u want to join us?
duhhh liek i sed b4 tis kyndumm sunds liek ish firr mee

5. Preffered soliders
teh sooper eleet wuns dat wun dye duhh

6. ur login and passord
L: Pwnzoreleet P:isbeturrdenuall

18:44:48 Jan 23rd 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

You're addicted to VU when you understood all of the above...

18:45:27 Jan 23rd 09 - Mr. Shmeh:


18:56:14 Jan 23rd 09 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

Mr. Shmeh


1/23/2009 11:06:54 AM den hows cmes ur mkin dats pst?

i r has my brthrs acownt!

18:58:11 Jan 23rd 09 - Mr. Shmeh:

orte dat mkes a biit mor snse thn bt i stl dnt cmpletly udersnd

19:03:01 Jan 23rd 09 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

bcuz u iz da nooooooooooooooooooooooob!!!!!!!!

19:03:01 Jan 23rd 09 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

y iz my post hir 2x?!

22:47:24 Jan 23rd 09 - Sir Caradoc:

my pw is 123456 loul

03:09:55 Jan 24th 09 - Sir Crimson Xtc:

I can actually read what they are saying is that a good sign or bad sign?

10:43:10 Jan 24th 09 - Mr. Shmeh:

dat dpnds wht u thnk tis

05:30:57 Jan 26th 09 - Sir Hirgon Sadron:

ur FAEC dpnds wht u thnk its.

PSits its, nt tis, u nooooooooooobieeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!

15:08:34 Jan 26th 09 - Sir Spoon:

hi dere i join plz
i go buildt mornings nd mabe @ scool lol if taecur dont catc me lolol
i r netherlands u 2? i speak english ok becuz i hav it @ scool but i go play @ scool so no gooder english lol

nywayz i ned sum help mr. nativ peple is figtin me nd he srtong so help mi plz? den we can koncuer tings etc n win haha lololol

19:13:58 Jan 26th 09 - Sir Woody:

1. How many days have you played visual utppia erm, 42 mins, teh natavies r beeten me,halp! halp!
2. Which teams have u been in before? i duble teemd ur mum, if dat countz. me n rik ashly did er guud.
3. Why do u want to join us to be supa duper uba 11133333777!!!111one111!!
5. Preffered soliders. i laik teh french!!

user- Romanian gypsy
pass- go 2 hell
6. ur login and passord

21:32:07 Jan 27th 09 - Mr. Ptah:

Be trolled more?

This thread is an obvious troll, and you guys fell for it

* Tuts *

21:33:05 Jan 27th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Who said we fell for it? :p least I know who Romanian Gypsy is XD

21:35:06 Jan 27th 09 - Mr. Ptah:

And you dont think I do?

Heh, its pretty obvious

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