Forums / In game politics / starta eras 42

starta eras 42
18:08:29 Sep 9th 09 - Sir Marius:

noticed that the other one was borken so i thought i would make a new one...

Lady Jade


06:55:47 Sep 7th 09
Welcome everyone

Mr. Jet


08:10:15 Sep 7th 09
thank you..

Sir Marius

08:16:45 Sep 7th 09

here is a list of who is on starta at this point.

Kingdoms in Starta
Revelation 26 Mr. Roxbury 100
Phi Factor 15 Mr. Mavich 37
G O D L I K E 11 Mr. of Violations 7
Avalanche 2 Mr. Law 3
Dragoon 2 Duke Windscar The Halo Fan 0

Duke Windscar The Halo Fan


08:40:29 Sep 7th 09

Kingdoms in Starta
Revelation 26 Mr. Roxbury  
Phi Factor 15 Mr. Mavich  
G O D L I K E 11 Mr. of Violations  
Dragoon 2 Duke Windscar The Halo Fan  
Avalanche 2 Mr. Law  

correction...i am now above avalanche!
mine doesnt show percentages...i wonder why

Duke Windscar The Halo Fan


08:41:14 Sep 7th 09

by the way is my banner ok?

i made it in paint lol

Prince Mielo


09:35:48 Sep 7th 09
Nice banner :)

Dark Prince Stirlin


09:55:30 Sep 7th 09
Nice ass

Duke Drakos


10:25:10 Sep 7th 09
as Uncle Ernie said     "Good mornin campers". 

Duke Windscar The Halo Fan


10:30:29 Sep 7th 09
Dark Prince Stirlin


11:55:30 Sep 7th 09
Nice ass
y ty!
that means i wore the right pants today!
the other ones make it look big

Mr. Arthur Dent


14:00:19 Sep 7th 09
It kind-of looks like a retarded swan... I like it!

Sir Moonshine


15:22:47 Sep 7th 09
lol, in a way, it does

Duke Windscar The Halo Fan


19:26:53 Sep 7th 09
Kingdoms in Starta
Revelation 26 Mr. Roxbury 2636
Phi Factor 15 Mr. Mavich 788
G O D L I K E 12 Mr. of Violations 684
Avalanche 4 Mr. Law 419
Dragoon 2 Duke Windscar The Halo Fan 100


20:06:23 Sep 9th 09 - Sir Moonshine:

Not much is happening anyways lol

20:49:55 Sep 9th 09 - Sir Marius:

very true, but hey when stuff does happen it will be good for someone to know about it.

03:00:57 Sep 10th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Ok, so what's goin on with Avalanche and Dragoon? any wars they're involved with?

05:43:58 Sep 10th 09 - Sir Moonshine:

Avalanche well is gone you see and Dragoon is in the process of elimination

01:50:11 Sep 11th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

awww, well then it will just be us two? oh well

02:09:43 Sep 12th 09 - Mr. of Violations:


23:59:15 Sep 16th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

omg, frikkin 8 posts! Ok, so come on, this world aint that bad... GoTF coming in and attacking...

02:30:10 Sep 18th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

ARG! Why are all the other threads exciting? And this one is sooooooooo boring.

07:55:17 Sep 18th 09 - Sir Moonshine:

because there is no action

10:42:15 Sep 18th 09 - Mr. Crissxcross:

reason enough to visit another world ^^

01:47:14 Sep 19th 09 - Sir Moonshine:


21:33:54 Sep 19th 09 - Duke Drakos:

Yup, putting together a travel brochure right now.

05:24:35 Sep 26th 09 - Sir Moonshine:

just going to bump this for the sake like we actually have business within this realm, which i don't think we have :-P

20:20:11 Sep 26th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

No... Not yet anyways...

20:31:08 Sep 26th 09 - Sir Binh The Conqueror:

This thread is damn boring!!! why did you peples bump it? :P

Oh i did too :(

21:57:32 Sep 26th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Yes, it is boring! why doesn't someone invade or something? Make it a tad more exciting?

23:17:22 Sep 26th 09 - Sir Moonshine:

Arthur, taunt some kingdoms above you to fight against your kingdom then :-P

23:32:24 Sep 26th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Already doin it :D

23:59:10 Sep 26th 09 - Sir Moonshine:

i see

01:17:32 Sep 27th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic:

Crazy could come in and lead a conga line

20:40:56 Sep 27th 09 - Sir Moonshine:

that sounds CRAZY!

07:46:25 Oct 9th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

lol, BUMP! Lets talk about Starta you guys :P




16:46:19 Oct 9th 09 - Sir Serene:

I declare war on PHI! Let the battle commence!!!!!!!!!!!

01:46:22 Oct 10th 09 - Sir Struddle:


07:50:39 Oct 18th 09 - Sir Moonshine:

i think there is something to talk about in here now :=P

18:07:01 Oct 18th 09 - Sir Serene:

zomg, someone has come to Starta for a visit

19:56:26 Oct 18th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Zomg, not for long

05:53:34 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Ok, now Starta is really heated up. First HIV, then Rebirth, and now the morons in Kingdom of Hearts also decided to join in on the gangbang on PHI. Wow, I feel like a FATE player right now XD

05:55:07 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Edd:

you guys brought this on yourself

06:03:51 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

How? What did we do? All we have done was be nice and stop our attack on you guys. We had broken one of your blockers when we made peace. We agreed to the ridiculous terms of giving you all of the cities we had taken from you AND giving you all our cities on Valhalla. You guys did absolutely nothing that was honorable. I guess the only way you can say we brought this upon ourselves, was because we had a little too much trust in scumbags like you. I'm sorry, our bad.

06:06:01 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Edd:

lol and btw i was the nice one i sieged that blocker and was going to slaugher them all. I was nice to let those troops escape. I only agreed to the NAP cause of old BOW members i had the upper hand in that war.

06:12:05 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Ha, you had no upper hand at all. All you had was one big army, we had tons of them who could have easily avoided yours and taken your core. You got the best out of the deal and took our the opportunity when we had just started to send troops to two KD's who had just declared war on us. I am fine with Rebirth and with HIV, in fact I respect them. You guys on the other hand I find repulsive. Nice to let those troops escape, BS.

Oh well, it's now up to others to decide how pathetically dishonorable you guys are, I'm going to leave the talking to other members now. I guess GL with the war, although I guess you already made your own luck using traitorous tactics.

06:19:28 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Edd:

lol you think what you want I did th right thing i talked to karac on the chat tried to talk to you you never answer i tried to talked to as amny people as possible but you did nothing despite me saying we woulld go to war. this all could have been avoided if you just opened the gates and let us through to fant like we wanted.

06:36:26 Oct 22nd 09 - Chancellor Scrooge Mcduck:

Wow, I feel like a FATE player right now XD

*cackle* Fun, innit? :D

07:02:16 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

Oh, loads of fun.  Cept you guys weren't really stabbed in an unprotected back.  You guys just had tons and tons of troops to deal with.  Respect for FATE this era.  Actually bascially I have respect for all KD's this era, cept for KoH :D

07:03:23 Oct 22nd 09 - Prince Charley The Kitten:

Respect to all KDs for putting up with all of the flaming, trolling, spamming, and whining this era.

No suicides yet, so everyone must be extremely good at stress relief and anger management :)

07:08:40 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Edd:

right we are the bad ones when your kd couldn't keep your part of of the NAP and open a blocker.

07:55:22 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Crissxcross:

Edd, you have much to learn.

Too sad you have started in a world with no real enemy arround which made it able that you could easily beat the uncoordinated players there who boosted your econ a lot and gave you power of a huge army....

So it might be we can't stop you this time till era is over, but we won't forget  what you are doing what you are demanding and how you are reacting.

I am pretty sure we will see again, then when your kingdom won't be starting in a protected world when you are facing enemies right from the start who can fight back, then we will see how easily you are breaking treaties and words. And then you will understand how important it is to make friends and stay with your word.

Phi gave word, that Mr. Edd is allowed to pass our blockers, there was never another player from your kingdom mentioned. So we refused to let them pass right now, because it where your kingdom buddies who attacked out of sudden, who hoped blockers to other kingdoms and were not trustfull in Phis eyes, because even when they are no threat to us, with openeing blockers so kingdom A gets passage to a naped kingdom B and is able to attack them is also a break of NAP terms. we have with other kingdoms.
And because your kingdom mates have not been proven to be trustworthy we refused to let them pass.

Now we see how right and wrong we were, right with the appreciation of your kingdom buddies, wrong with the appreciation of you, because you are no better then them atm.

Welll you are new, so you have much to learn.

So enjoy your big army this time, next era might become much more different then this one....

08:06:01 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Edd:

~ Building Terms ~
6 No building in eachother's territories, unless agreed upon by the vices/monarchs of both kingdoms.
6.1 Respect each others territory
6.2 No building of NEW walls to prevent your NAP partner from an ongoing attack against their enemy

We will let you through to FANT, no building in our area, but we would like to be allowed onto Valhalla (scouts only) to explore as well.


look at that it does not say we will let you EDD and only you through it says you. And since im representing my kd i took you as my kd so its your fault for misinforming me  i wouldnt have accepted no NAP if my kdmates coudln't go through too that be stupid.

08:45:55 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Crissxcross:

Well if use this terms, then tell me why your kingdom buddy built a town in fantasia, no buildings in our erea ???

We will let you through to FANT, no building in our area, but we would like to be allowed onto Valhalla (scouts only) to explore as well.

So tell me where did Frodo placed his towns in fantasia especially town Brandybuck???

And tell me because of that, did my kingdom  declared war on you guys ?

So if you want to keep on the terms, then do it right and not only pick up parts to your own advantage to justify your actions.....

08:49:12 Oct 22nd 09 - Sir Moonshine:

Prince Charley The Kitten


23:03:23 Oct 21st 09

Respect to all KDs for putting up with all of the flaming, trolling, spamming, and whining this era.

No suicides yet, so everyone must be extremely good at stress relief and anger management :)

Actually Duke Bad Kitty sent a 500k army into Starta and got frozen. It would have died, but it was able to retreat back. It was really close, but as you're right, no one suicides yet.

10:48:42 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Frodo Lost His Ring:

your area on fanta? dude that's another map...i built two cities on fanta whoooooooooopeeeeeeeeeeeeee which took me ages to get too and there was no blocked off area of fanta at the least. i had pulse and phi somewheat near me so i thought it was a good place to settle(we were no threat to each other). i sent scouts into fanta of my own accord going the long way through manta before any deal was done with phi...i WAS sending my armies through phi now to reinforce those cities but just got the news we are at war.

we didnt have just one big army...edd and surprise had very good armies near our core and telemachos did too. i wont speak of myself...we will see how things pan out now. we are a small kingdom and the agreement was for us to have access to fanta via phi...and um NEWSFLASH we dont have ANY enemies on fanta or in your areas that would make a nap breach possible by opening those said blockers.

you chose on a whim to not honour the nap so we war.

10:52:12 Oct 22nd 09 - Mr. Frodo Lost His Ring:

the terms of the nap were to allow us to enter fanta and now we cant build there because all of fanta is "your area"???

i mean if i didnt go THROUGH phi to get there then it isnt your area or core because i never used your i said i went through manta BEFORE any deal was done on access via phi(would of been so much quicker if you had indeed even opened a blocker for any of us)

11:03:00 Oct 22nd 09 - WolfLord Durza Floyd Pepper IV:

Geuss what no matter how you look at it. You broke the NAP, you want to see what terms you broke? Fine, i'll show them you plebs.


1. Blockers shall not be opened to any enemy of the NAP-partner.

2.There will be no hostile actions against eachother ( Must say you blew this one out of the Fecking water.)

3. Respect each others territory.

4.We will let you through to FANT, no building in our area. Hearts will also NOT attack Rev or No Pulse unless attacked first by them.


So don't try to justify yourselves, you just a bunch of money grabbing, backstabbing fools, who saw our mines unprotected while NAP'd and thought they'd break it while our armies were elsewhere engaged. Talk about jumping on the band waggon.

11:13:06 Oct 22nd 09 - Psycho Puff Daddy Choo Choo:

PHI are kind of sexy.

12:30:32 Oct 22nd 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

Wow, I feel like a FATE player right now XD

*cackle* Fun, innit? :D

i know! i felt like a fate player at the start of the era when it was us versus there 3kd alliance! everyone seems to forget about that little war :(

12:42:28 Oct 22nd 09 - Chancellor Scrooge Mcduck:

Do all you people have selective memory problems? :)

It was more like GOTF vs RVL+Phi whilst at the same time being Fate vs Rebirth+Phi+RVL and SoL vs RVL+Hamish.

Don't try to bignote yourself thinking you were the only concern at the time.

12:59:47 Oct 22nd 09 - Dark Prince Stirlin:

i do recall rebirth and hamish not hitting fant same time we did and phi didnt push straight away either.

dont complain that everyone is picking on you when you know full well you dished it out yourselves but failed

13:09:04 Oct 22nd 09 - Chancellor Scrooge Mcduck:

Who's complaining? I think you'll be hard pressed to find many Fate members whining like little bitches in the way the rest of you seem to be. (not that I have any idea what we dished out and failed at *boggle*)

I'm merely pointing out the facts.

At the time RVL were moving into the area around Sprout Plug (quite early), Fate were dealing with the first waves from both Rebirth and Phi. You probably don't recall it because you either a) couldn't see that far, or b) your memory is as tired and worn out as your whiney anti-Fate garbage.

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