Forums / In game politics / superheroes; no honor?

superheroes; no honor?
23:46:39 Sep 12th 08 - Ms. Helga:

crazy erik has no honor, kick him from your kingdom before he has the other kingdoms attack superheroes for not having honor. he told me that he would let me retreat if i abandoned seeker II city and less than 10 minutes l;ater was casting spells on me again

#  16:51:47: We received a message from Mr. Crazy Eric.
# 17:02:04: The progress of Fffff has been hindered by magic!
# 17:03:50: Mr. Crazy Eric attempted to cast a spell upon us.
# 17:03:59: 37 walls in Seeker II got destroyed by magic!
# 17:05:09: Mr. Crazy Eric attempted to cast a spell upon us.
# 17:05:11: Mr. Crazy Eric attempted to cast a spell upon us.
# 17:05:13: Mr. Crazy Eric attempted to cast a spell upon us.
# 17:05:15: The progress of Guess Who has been hindered by magic!

23:55:37 Sep 12th 08 - Ms. Helga:

Mr. Crazy Eric [S] (9/12/2008 1:03:09 PM) GOOD BAD
if you retreat from seeker II i wont persue you, you'll get to keep your army.
You (9/12/2008 3:41:29 PM)
i cant retreat during a siege
You (9/12/2008 3:43:39 PM)
move so it resets to no siege and i'll retreat south east
Mr. Crazy Eric [S] (9/12/2008 4:02:47 PM) GOOD BAD
i've moved off so you can retreat
Mr. Crazy Eric [S] (9/12/2008 4:02:53 PM) GOOD BAD
i've moved off so you can retreat

00:09:48 Sep 13th 08 - Lord Sabbath The Dark:

lol typical VU tactics... that stuff happens everyday. But hmm oh well not much you can do about it really lol.

00:28:19 Sep 13th 08 - Sir Lelouch VI Brittania:

Don't worry Helga. We'll keel him and all his teammates too. ;-)

00:28:24 Sep 13th 08 - Lord Charley Deallus:

Just give him a cookie...

00:35:52 Sep 13th 08 - Mr. Kilroy Moistbottom:

His true identity is revealed as a Super Villain.  For shame.

01:44:36 Sep 13th 08 - Mr. Einskaldir:

i think he is mad he still can't take her city after she took all the troops out. i can see it and the city is still hers

02:09:47 Sep 13th 08 - Mr. Sokine:

wow what a believer there there enemy and you are you and who believe a enemy word pathetic rofl

08:53:24 Sep 13th 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:

I know its a tactic

But S burnt 90% of all their cities :(

02:31:42 Sep 14th 08 - Mr. Ghost Rider:

why should we let you have control of our production and people?  and Ret wrecked near 100% last era

03:10:50 Sep 14th 08 - Mr. Captain America:

oh the drama!

also I wanted to appologize to Helga. I dont know if your story is fully correct or anything but if it is, its bad manners and I dont like that. we are a newly gathered group and we have yet to establish a common set of values.

04:53:25 Sep 14th 08 - Lord Kevdwayne:

LOL, that is funny.

19:55:12 Sep 14th 08 - Sir Soccerwithnotheme:

no values is good!

20:17:26 Sep 14th 08 - Mr. Spiderman:

Well, the values Superheroes have so far is that all members must be drunk and horny... but I don't think that prevented LGC and Retribution from taking us down (even though we probably outdrink them and score better with the chicks then them... :P). So yeah, we need more values :P

*senses flamethrowers coming and runs away to hide* :P

21:57:20 Sep 14th 08 - Duke Gilthanas:

10% of 191 is 19.1      19.1=Y     7823=X+(43*99)

YX=68110.6 [(.1*191)(7823-{43*99})]

Your move Captain America.

22:16:29 Sep 14th 08 - Mr. Batman:

7823=X+(43*99)   --->  X = -3566

the rest is nonsense :P

22:17:15 Sep 14th 08 - Mr. Sloop:

Lord Charley Deallus


9/12/2008 6:28:24 PM
Just give him a cookie...


But I like the cookie :P

05:36:09 Sep 15th 08 - Commander Snook:

Duke Gilthanas


9/14/2008 8:57:20 PM

10% of 191 is 19.1      19.1=Y     7823=X+(43*99)

YX=68110.6 [(.1*191)(7823-{43*99})]

Your move Captain America.

Mr. Batman


9/14/2008 9:16:29 PM
7823=X+(43*99)   --->  X = -3566

the rest is nonsense :P


Actually, Y = -1300912.46


Superman i cant beleive u resisted the correction. We both know ur love of numbers

09:34:52 Sep 15th 08 - Mr. Batman:

7823 = X + ( 43 * 99 )

7823 = X + 4257

X = 7823 - 4257

X = 3565

12:11:31 Sep 15th 08 - Sir Ice Ice Baby Ice:


[ Though Im not some super smart guy, that looks wrong because...]

7823 = X + 4257

-X = -7823 + 4257

-X = -3566

X = 3566

So.. You got your math wrong

12:17:08 Sep 15th 08 - Mr. Basch:

what's with all this god damn rocket science??

12:25:49 Sep 15th 08 - Lord Random:

Uhm Rev he just did it a different way....

instead of taking the X over and having to multiply by -1 he just took the 4257 over and switched the order around for neatness.... :)

also where the *beep* are we getting these numbers from?

EDIT: wait im a nub, I didn't see that he was one off. looool

12:31:31 Sep 15th 08 - Mr. Penguin:

;)p didnt anyone see that snook messed really ?

12:35:16 Sep 15th 08 - Mr. Captain America:

Spiderman, so you are denying that Superheroes are a kingdom for men who have small penises?

I've formally left Superheroes this morning becouse the LACK of partying and becouse I am way cooler than the average scoring with multiple chicks while our monarch solves math problems on the VU forums.

Though I am guessing most other kds are just as lame, but as proven, they arent even good at math!!

13:00:46 Sep 15th 08 - Duke Gilthanas:

That must really piss you off, eh Captain?  

14:19:58 Sep 15th 08 - Mr. Batman:

Hes no longer welcome with us. He did something...

14:50:16 Sep 15th 08 - Mr. Captain America:

actually I did two girls in 24h and Batman is jealous. also, Nacho is a penor in the buttzors.

15:34:25 Sep 16th 08 - Duke Gilthanas:

Two Girls in 24h?

Soo... 2g/24h=CA  if g=0 (which in this case i believe to be true) and h=60

You are undefinable!! *Gasp*

12:10:11 Sep 19th 08 - Mr. Captain America:

you can't base science on assumptions. science can only be based on empirical data wich you, in this case, have none of.
besides, you can't define a girl as a numerical value unless you introduce other variables, and defenitly not if you are dividing by time. unless you want to know the average hotness a person has screwed over a certain time.
In this case they would be 10/10 & 9/10 so I've almost reached 1 hotness/hour!!

Anyway. Back to the question. I've rejoined Superheroes again. LGC wanted me to join but I didnt want to, instead I applied to Elemental Dragons but they said they didnt want nubs. Also. Superheroes killed my army and was prepping on all my cities. You might have seen that merge on the map? Well that was all for me =), and I could have hold out forever!

20:27:37 Sep 25th 08 - WolfLord Durza Zoidberg II:



20:35:28 Sep 25th 08 - Sir Soccermunches:

you actually can base math on anything you want. everything boils down to numbers.

20:48:06 Sep 25th 08 - Duke Arzun:

So you finally break eh Captain? I knew you would eventually...

21:17:56 Sep 25th 08 - Mr. Penguin:

lol S is da shlong suckers :)

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