Forums / In game politics / talents 4

talents 4
16:33:58 Jan 12th 11 - Ms. Janelle Monae:


Fantasia | Mantrax | Zetamania | Starta | Nirvana | Valhalla | Armageddon|Talents| Midgard 

Most Powerful ArmiesMost Powerful Cities

People of Janelle Monae
owned by Ms. Janelle Monae

16:35:37 Jan 12th 11 - Princess Bloodrayne:

Good job, now you have to wait 2 rl days for era to start, you're gonna loose alot of peasants :) though on the bright side you can start marching now and find an awesome spot for spawning :)


18:22:22 Jan 14th 11 - Mr. Tyr Tokugawa:

Well the eras officially started now, good luck to everyone :)

lets hope we have as little of the usual betraying, backstabbing and other shit stuff as possible.

18:26:54 Jan 14th 11 - Mr. Will Rule Your Ass:

Good luck all

18:58:32 Jan 14th 11 - Mr. Puppy:

Tyr..... get me some water.... you're closer to the lake than me. :P

20:18:25 Jan 14th 11 - Mr. Tyr Tokugawa:

Bushido doesnīt say anything about helping a enemy that is doing just fine, for now ;)

01:30:03 Jan 15th 11 - Mr. Xanatos:

GJ Bushido keep the good work up we will be first sooner than later!



Fantasia | Mantrax | Zetamania | Starta | Nirvana | Valhalla | Armageddon| Talents| Midgard

Most Powerful Armies Most Powerful Cities

People of New Man
owned by Mr. New Man

People of Inception
owned by Mr. Inception

People of Usui
owned by Mr. Usui

People of Odie
owned by Mr. Odie

People of Enlightened
owned by Mr. Enlightened

People of Horrid
owned by Mr. Horrid

People of Timmiev XII
owned by Mr. Timmiev XII

People of Bromance
owned by Mr. Bromance

People of Purple Lips Softcore Hips
owned by Ms. Purple Lips Softcore Hips

People of Honoris
owned by Knight Honoris

Small Reach
owned by Mr. Them

owned by Ms. Kristen Kreuk

owned by Princess Bloodrayne

Stupid Capital
owned by Mr. Puppy

owned by Mr. Fatalistic

Princess Towers
owned by Ms. Purple Lips Softcore Hips

owned by Mr. Sha Tan Cluu

owned by Mr. Tyr Tokugawa

Dhampir Passion
owned by Princess Bloodrayne

owned by Mr. Saz Mumoto

Most Powerful Groups Most Powerful Rulers

Death Angels
With Princess Bloodrayne as leader.

With Mr. Sha Tan Cluu as leader.

With Ms. Kristen Kreuk as leader.

Brilliant Stupidity
With Mr. Puppy as leader.

Insane Asylum
With Ms. Janelle Monae as leader.

With Ms. Purple Lips Softcore Hips as leader.

With Mr. Kisame as leader.

Three Blind Mice
With Lord Old Fat And Lazy as leader.

With Mr. Elephant The Rainbow Lover as leader.

With Mr. Gnaerix as leader.

Princess Bloodrayne
Member of: Death Angels.

Mr. Them
Member of: Death Angels.

Ms. Kristen Kreuk
Member of: Eccleziastez.

Mr. Puppy
Member of: Brilliant Stupidity.

Mr. Sha Tan Cluu
Member of: Bushido.

Mr. Fatalistic
Member of: Decimation .

Mr. Xanatos
Member of: Bushido.

Ms. Janelle Monae
Member of: Insane Asylum.

Mr. Saz Mumoto
Member of: Bushido.

Mr. Tyr Tokugawa
Member of: Bushido.

Most Fearsome Rulers
  1. Ms. Kristen Kreuk has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 0 men and women.
  2. Mr. Complete Utter Twat has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 0 men and women.
  3. Mr. Spunky has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 0 men and women.
  4. Ms. Idontcare has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 0 men and women.
  5. Mr. Explorers has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 0 men and women.
  6. Ms. Janelle Monae has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 0 men and women.
  7. Mr. Ender has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 0 men and women.
  8. Mr. Kurt has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 0 men and women.
  9. Mr. Odie has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 0 men and women.
  10. Mr. Vile Slayer has won 0 battles, captured 0 cities and killed a total of 0 men and women.

* Only battles fought against armies with more than 5000 OP/DP counts as win/loss.

18:39:38 Jan 15th 11 - General Who:

Most Powerful Armies Most Powerful Cities

People of New Man
owned by Mr. New Man

People of Half Blood The Insane
owned by Mr. Half Blood The Insane

People of Inception
owned by Mr. Inception

People of Odie
owned by Mr. Odie

People of Hedgehog
owned by Mr. Hedgehog

People of Arthur Dent Isa Dwarf
owned by Mr. Arthur Dent Isa Dwarf

People of Timmiev XII
owned by Mr. Timmiev XII

People of Kristen Kreuk
owned by Ms. Kristen Kreuk

People of Tyr Tokugawa
owned by Mr. Tyr Tokugawa

People of Cooldude II
owned by Mr. Cooldude II

owned by Mr. Fatalistic

Small Reach
owned by Mr. Them

owned by Mr. Bromance

owned by Mr. Insomniac Was Here

owned by Princess Bloodrayne

Stupid Capital
owned by Mr. Puppy

Homocountus Ped
owned by Mr. Penguin The Yellow Eyed Demon

Animal Farm
owned by Mr. Hedgehog

owned by Knight Honoris

Dhampir Passion
owned by Princess Bloodrayne

Most Powerful Groups Most Powerful Rulers

With Ms. Kristen Kreuk as leader.

Death Angels
With Princess Bloodrayne as leader.

With Mr. Sha Tan Cluu as leader.

With Ms. Purple Lips Softcore Hips as leader.

Brilliant Stupidity
With Mr. Puppy as leader.

Insane Asylum
With Ms. Janelle Monae as leader.

With Mr. Kisame as leader.

With Mr. Elephant The Rainbow Lover as leader.

With Mr. Gnaerix as leader.

Fecking Feckers
With Duke Pesterd as leader.

Mr. Them
Member of: Death Angels.

Mr. Bromance
Member of: Eccleziastez.

Princess Bloodrayne
Member of: Death Angels.

Mr. Penguin The Yellow Eyed Demon
Member of: Eccleziastez.

Ms. Kristen Kreuk
Member of: Eccleziastez.

Mr. Insomniac Was Here
Member of: Eccleziastez.

Mr. Puppy
Member of: Brilliant Stupidity.

Mr. Saz Mumoto
Member of: Bushido.

Mr. Tyr Tokugawa
Member of: Bushido.

Ms. Purple Lips Softcore Hips
Member of: Decimation .

not from the looks of it.

19:00:43 Jan 15th 11 - Princess Bloodrayne:

Looking quite good so far, it should be a fun era :)

Good luck all! :)


Kingdoms in Talents
Eccleziastez 10 Ms. Kristen Kreuk 106
Death Angels 10 Princess Bloodrayne 100
Bushido 8 Mr. Sha Tan Cluu 53
Decimation 9 Ms. Purple Lips Softcore Hips 42
Brilliant Stupidity 2 Mr. Puppy 31
Insane Asylum 10 Ms. Janelle Monae 18

02:37:02 Jan 16th 11 - Mr. Puppy:

All you damn kingdoms with 8-10 players 

*shakes paw*

Hard to keep up. :D

07:38:42 Jan 16th 11 - Ms. Janelle Monae:

if it is any consolation 5 of our members haven't dropped yet and are waiting for death on fant....

07:45:58 Jan 16th 11 - Puppy Puppylicious:

Ello neighboor. lol

Let's just hope that someone doesn't come and interrupt our little clusterfracking here. :D

11:22:51 Jan 16th 11 - Mr. Tyr Tokugawa:

We also still got 2 unlanded players. :/

16:26:02 Jan 16th 11 - Mr. Bromance:

We also still got 5 unlanded players. :/

17:23:30 Jan 16th 11 - Mr. Will Rule Your Ass:

We also have 2 dead ones

23:01:52 Jan 16th 11 - Mr. Puppy:


Dunno if that's really a problem for you guys, unless you're spawned right by Eccl.....whatever that kingdoms long and hard to pronounce name is. :P

23:58:35 Jan 16th 11 - Mr. Will Rule Your Ass:

True ;) but just wanted to show that everybody has that problem nowadays :o

00:12:58 Jan 17th 11 - Mr. Puppy:

Inactivity will be a problem with most kingdoms.......... cept mine here. lol :x

Bad drops on the other hand.... *waves to Bushido and insane asylum*

06:34:30 Jan 17th 11 - Mr. Tyr Tokugawa:

yeah. Shit happens, a lot.

Especially since zeta stopped to pick the spawns himself, you get a lot of cramped up spawns with a bunch of kds together.

07:16:05 Jan 17th 11 - Mr. Luis Pocho:

this could be even better with some changes... it seems that it will be a god era...

07:35:14 Jan 17th 11 - Puppy Puppylicious:

Mr. Tyr Tokugawa


23:34:30 Jan 16th 11
yeah. Shit happens, a lot.

Especially since zeta stopped to pick the spawns himself, you get a lot of cramped up spawns with a bunch of kds together.

Wouldn't be so bad, if it wasn't just us and both Ecclez and Death Angels got screwed over too. LOL

10:36:07 Jan 17th 11 - Mr. Tyr Tokugawa:


11:54:12 Jan 17th 11 - Mr. Will Rule Your Ass:

We planned our drop, nothing wrong with that.. you could just drop one person early, he/she picks a spot and the rest drops there as soon as cities can be built ;)

12:17:21 Jan 17th 11 - Mr. Puppy:

honestly, it looked like we had a perfect spot, until Bushido started popping up. lol

Guessing Zeta's spawner only picks so many places to spawn people, so next time, I'll be walking my ass farrrrrrrr away from where the spawner places me. :D

12:49:06 Jan 17th 11 - Princess Bloodrayne:

Thats what I did, spent over 24 hours walking to the location I chose as our Kd core :) I first though Janelle started too early, but as you can see from my first post in this thread, I did exactly what she did and found us a good starting point :)

16:23:32 Jan 17th 11 - Mr. Puppy:

I basically did the same on Mantrax.... but didn't get there early enough and was kinda close to the spawn points anyway. lol

At least my kingdom there only needs two blockers!


Desperate core battle, in the meantime..... we will not go down without a fight, Bushido!!!

17:51:04 Jan 17th 11 - Mr. Tyr Tokugawa:

I donīt expect any less :)

03:49:56 Jan 18th 11 - Mr. Puppy:

well, guess you solved some of your problems by napping Insane Asylum. lol :D

04:42:38 Jan 18th 11 - General Who:

*takes notes*

05:03:42 Jan 18th 11 - Mr. Luis Pocho:

i appear in the screenshot!

05:28:37 Jan 18th 11 - Mr. Puppy:

*bites Luis* :P

All in good fun though, friend and I are having a blast. lol

Getting our asses kicked or not

07:06:16 Jan 18th 11 - Mr. Tyr Tokugawa:

Seems like we are the only ones fighting oop, or then everyone else sucks at pumping troops, which isnīt  very likely lol :P

07:20:28 Jan 18th 11 - Mr. Xanatos:

damn straight you got my crappy drop up in that photo!

07:31:20 Jan 18th 11 - Mr. Puppy:

yup - The other two kingdoms are elusive. lol 

...... and yeah, I was gonna lie and tell you Smoke was sorry about the mess he made there, Xano, but I dun wanna lie :|

07:50:30 Jan 18th 11 - Mr. Xanatos The Conquerer:

meh you couldnt make a mess of us even if you tried puppy after all you are only a puppy are you not?

08:08:34 Jan 18th 11 - Mr. Puppy:

You keep thinking that..... not you I see doing much of anything, at the moment. :P

Get your mits off my town, toku!


Ewww, you're sending the creepy dwarves at me. :(

08:48:14 Jan 18th 11 - Mr. Tyr Tokugawa:

we are throwing all the dirt and scumbags in whole Japan on you ;)

09:12:02 Jan 18th 11 - Mr. Puppy:

This will not be the last you see of me! I'll get my revenge!

15:04:34 Jan 18th 11 - Mr. Tyr Tokugawa:

You arenīt dead yet :P

16:03:19 Jan 18th 11 - Mr. Puppy:

enjoy. :P

Was getting a bit impatient for my restart. lol

17:40:05 Jan 18th 11 - General Who:

seeing how i have top city, least i know i dont suck at pumping troops :P

18:02:07 Jan 18th 11 - Mr. Tyr Tokugawa:

dunno, my troops are doing their job, not being lazy ;)

18:26:46 Jan 18th 11 - Mr. Luis Pocho:

my troops are ninjas, thats why i have  not the top city =P

18:59:47 Jan 18th 11 - Mr. Xanatos:

well my troops... thats ... forget it :P

20:46:56 Jan 18th 11 - Mr. Dirty Dosh:

hi talents

21:05:30 Jan 18th 11 - Mr. Bromance:


Stone is to be sold at no greater than .900 gold per stone on the world of Talents.

Eccleziastez, Rulers of the lands.

21:09:52 Jan 18th 11 - Mr. Xanatos:

why what you gonna do if it isnt?

21:16:18 Jan 18th 11 - General Who:

i vow to buy all cheap stone and sell it above .900

oh and my troops are doing their job! taking fame :p

21:42:17 Jan 18th 11 - Mr. Puppy:

who got that town of mine? :P

22:36:44 Jan 18th 11 - Mr. Xanatos:

timmiev got it lol he got a nice thing kicking right now lol

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