Forums / In game politics / the devestators ~WERE RECRUIT~

the devestators ~WERE RECRUIT~
07:28:52 Mar 24th 09 - Flame Lord Phoeinx:

both experienced and new players with no exp are welcome.  we promise a good time and to support eachother. the only thing we ask in return is that you work as a team and pay attention to the forums.

again we are willing to train anyone from any race i personally have over 2 full years of exp and am more than happy to impart any wisdom i can to new players to further enrich this amazing game   =-D

07:29:42 Mar 24th 09 - Flame Lord Phoeinx:

-_-  i know i said recruiting not recruit.... well you get the point XD

08:53:16 Mar 24th 09 - Mr. Griffith:

no... just no

09:02:40 Mar 24th 09 - Flame Lord Phoeinx:

*beep* slade. still beat you back and im better than you.

09:22:28 Mar 24th 09 - Mr. Griffith:

Lmao, if you say so

If i had a better era and wasnt troll i would pwnerize you

17:38:16 Mar 24th 09 - Sir Sepelchure Grail:

but TDS would pwnerize you griffy......if it was lead by sabbath

18:24:44 Mar 24th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

Mr. Griffith


3/24/2009 4:22:28 AM
Lmao, if you say so

If i had a better era and wasnt troll i would pwnerize you

What he means to say is "If I had the best era of my life then I could stand a chance"


PS - Devastators* :p

19:57:43 Mar 24th 09 - Flame Lord Phoeinx:

sabath is in tds right now  0_o    and slade 2 words for you   "magic protection"   to "pwnerize" me you need magic protection and much m ore than you were using  ;-D

thanks charley but back to topic    were recruiting!!!!   =-D

19:59:45 Mar 24th 09 - Sir Penguin:

OMG So the nub Griffith is SLADE !!!!!!!!!! OMFG what a tard!!!! :D

20:00:06 Mar 24th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

Always willing to help grammar(and Slade express his true thoughts).  Good luck.

20:08:20 Mar 24th 09 - Sir Roheran:

good luck FLP

21:18:29 Mar 24th 09 - Mr. Cobra:

Why would anyone want to join a kingdom with Justin?

21:33:52 Mar 24th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

Why would someone pretend to be Cobra? Either that or he made a new account.

22:23:06 Mar 24th 09 - Duke Random:

lol.... good luck finding anyone with talent or potential for next era...the good kd's are struggling to find members.

22:24:37 Mar 24th 09 - Mr. Cobra:

Demonslayer Scientist


3/24/2009 9:33:52 PM
Why would someone pretend to be Cobra? Either that or he made a new account.

I made a new account
Got a problem with that?

22:25:50 Mar 24th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

Maybe :)

22:26:58 Mar 24th 09 - Mr. Cobra:

Well, do you or not?
Seriously, the stupidity of people

22:40:35 Mar 24th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

Hm...doesn't sound like Cobra...but then again I am tired.  I would normally think he wouldn't give a damn :)

22:48:10 Mar 24th 09 - Mr. Cobra:

Is that ment to be a question or just a retoricle question?

Because, w/e it was I'm not interested

23:08:08 Mar 24th 09 - Demonslayer Scientist:

Cobra never spells wrong!

23:08:55 Mar 24th 09 - Mr. Cbr:

lol fakenicking, of all the lame things to do.

EDIT: By the way, I NEVER use w/e, it's just retarded, just like i don't use w/ or w/o or anything similar to that.

"Hm...doesn't sound like Cobra...but then again I am tired.  I would normally think he wouldn't give a damn :)"

Hahaha so true.

00:34:24 Mar 25th 09 - Flame Lord Phoeinx:

>_>,    could we keep on topic here  XD 

21:40:29 Mar 25th 09 - Mr. Cobra:

Mr. Cbr


3/24/2009 11:08:55 PM lol fakenicking, of all the lame things to do.

EDIT: By the way, I NEVER use w/e, it's just retarded, just like i don't use w/ or w/o or anything similar to that.

"Hm...doesn't sound like Cobra...but then again I am tired. I would normally think he wouldn't give a damn :)"

Hahaha so true.

You know you luv the attention really :)

00:53:49 Mar 26th 09 - Mr. Justin:

Kath im no different then Sabbath as a leader. Him and I made this kd together. We built it with the help of great friends from the bottom up and kept finishing in the top 3 no matter were we went. Even sabbath told me the other day that he would even struggle with this crappy connected world "update." None of you know me so your opinions are biased and based on assumptions. Grow the hell up and get over all your issues of your pathetic lives and stop trying to bash people because your life is sh1t.

09:38:31 Mar 29th 09 - Flame Lord Phoeinx:

still recruiting XD  i know kingdoms are disbanning!!!  so if you find yourself kingdomless we are more than willing to welcome you with open arms =-D

13:59:20 Mar 29th 09 - Mr. Megas Nikos:

Good luck!

17:58:24 Mar 29th 09 - Mr. Justin:

Thanks Nikos. You should remake RoC one day. One of our best allies. Especially against the Fuzzy/Heaven Alliance.

09:37:02 Mar 30th 09 - Flame Lord Phoenix:

megas =-D   hi! 

>_>  still recruiting...

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