Forums / In game politics / the world end

the world end
18:34:28 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Zakira:

IMG TAG Kingdom Name Members Leader %P
Kingdoms in Mantrax
REDRed Hand23Admiral Krum100
WBWild Boys16Mr. Hilario95
RPKRogue Phoenix8Mr. Acelnorst Dezhelian56
UCUmbrealla Corp13Mr. Eternal Oblivion35
RSRambo Slayers10Mr. Midge32
TAKThe Alied Kingdoms7Mr. Brizencorbin14
OrcOrcs Kingdom3Mr. Skyone10
SUNSolaris3Mr. Saulens10
KODKingdom of Dragons1Mr. Mayhem Xii4
warvaxmon1Mr. Uria0
TGDThe Grass Defenders1Mr. Elos0
DeathApocoliptic Armies2Mr. Apocolipto0
AAAmerican Army1Mr. General Dixon0
Kingdoms in Fantasia
LGCLegacy16Mr. Roxbury375
DBDark Blood20Mr. Draiken265
MMirror18Duke Azaruc131
PHIPhi Empire24Mr. Mavich The Cloner124
HavocCarnage25Sir Vencrow91
ghostphantom2Mr. Charming6
SMITEHeavens Vengeance7Lady Erica Brahmins4
AbydosAbydos11Dark Lord Balzamon1
SoS IISeal of Solomon II2Mr. Jeremy1
LDKLietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste19Mr. Dovydas1
PKSPeacekeeper9Mr. Camber Negus1
SoSSeal of Solomon3Mr. Snarfles0
BYZByzantine Empire1Mr. Gamia0
FFFreedom Fighters3Sir Scientist0
godguardians of destiny17Mr. Thunder Guardian0
Kingdoms in Zetamania
PredsPredators30Mr. Howells116
LegionThe Legion14Lord Domses Drathor62
POFFPaladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame22Mr. Scythruler45
TMDThe Merchants of Death14Mr. Shadeslayer24
SRSouthern Rising 8Mr. Norbet23
DRDark Riders Empire12Mr. Phantom Liano21
MDOWMedieval Dogs Of War5Mr. Naerey17
wabbitBunny Molesters2Mr. Stupidity4
GODGods of destruction1Mr. Achilles0
REREBRetro Rebellion 1Mr. King Jermey0
NINJAThe Ninjas1Mr. Kung Foo Granny0
Kingdoms in Starta
LWLuna Wolves39Mr. Fox Voncloud111
RPRoyal Pirates16Mr. Humblepie20
LoLNo Use For A Name6Mr. Roronoah Zoro16
JESTJester26Lady Mifune5
LTLietuva2Mr. Lithuania5
EmpireUnited Imperial Alliance2Mr. Sakaal4
ShoGUShoG Uesugi Clan7Mr. Tokugawa Uesugi2
stonerebels5Mr. Stone Wall0
TBThe Brothers3Mr. Machoman0
SEsnake eye2Mr. Porcupinez Rock0
HDHades Minions8Mr. Levi0
WOLFWolf Pack1Mr. Dwolf0
UltimaUltimate Alliance5Mr. Jared The Third0
bugMontana Knights2Mr. Tmontana0
OotJOrder of the Jackal1Mr. Kamala0
AUKAnonymous United Kingdom7Mr. Grugh Thornbane0
ECElf clan6Mr. Eymir II0
NEWNew empires wave1Mr. Zeon0
FowlThe Falcons5Mr. Plokoon0
DKdeath knights1Mr. Cooley0
bellschoolboys1Mr. Rmulligan0
spartaGreeces Men1Mr. Son of Zeus0
AzaiAzai Clan1Mr. Nagamasa Azai0
Kingdoms in Nirvana
MusicMusic21Mr. Hemmer55
ZEONZEON29Mr. Messiah43
IEThe Illuminati Empire16Mr. Sigheart12
AoAArmy of Anubis18Mr. Anonymous9
T CTemplar Crusaders16Mr. Bliss8
kotuwKingdom Of The Under World6Mr. Hellzy2
BreadEat1Mr. Breadlord2
msomusic spit outs1Mr. Defence2
THCDivision of Marijuana13Mr. Deew Evol I1
KOWWar10Mr. Cooldog1
HAIRHerbal Essences6Sir Verteccio1
LoveThe power of love8Mr. Dark Destiny1
KSABKingdom of Sabreland2Mr. Alloran II of Sabreland0
SoTStone of Tear2Mr. Elwood Blues0
DMDragon Masters5Mr. Pinkf0
KODKights Of Destruction2Mr. Eeeeeeeeeeeee0
LIFEBrotherhood of Destiny11Mr. Bcordon0
KOHKnights of Honor5Mr. Slayerlyfe0
ElvesElf Lords4Mr. Gundluff0
HREHoly Roman Empire6Mr. Uthred Uthredson0
KillerDragon Lords8Mr. Jay Brown0
TEteam elite3Ms. Sarahthend0
deathblack death guardians1Mr. Bladehealer0
KODkindom of dragons1Mr. Darkdragon0
KODKingdom of Death7Mr. Deathstar II0
transtransam revenge1Mr. Zorapuppy0


18:35:49 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Dingleberry Dave:

mantrax listed first?

do I sense a hint of favouritism? =P

18:37:00 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Zakira:

yeah i was in that world so if your in starta , starta list fist oh well

18:37:19 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Darkmarsbar:

no he is proberly in mant

18:45:13 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Zakira:

Forums / News and Updates / A new era has started!

Author Message
VU Admin


5/6/2007 2:09:34 PM
A new era has now started!

For this era we have balanced the races and updated how Armageddon works:
  • Magic Science for Dwarves will be more expensive (around double).
  • Rockthrowers will be cheaper to train.
  • Goods sold on the market will more quickly be ready for sale.
  • The spell "Slow" have changed name to Freeze
  • The human 10% extra tax has been re-added.
  • The elf troops have been updated to make them more defensive.
  • Orc troops are now a little cheaper.
  • Troll troops have been made stronger, but their science more expensive (double).
  • Halfling scouts (1-5 Halflings) will be invisible on the map: They will become visible if Freeze is cast on them.
  • Bless is made a bit weaker.
  • When casting Armageddon it will take 10 days (24*10h) before it takes effect. Once it's on it can not be stopped. Armageddon will not freeze scores. Instead if will double offensive power for all troops and all armies will move as fast as scouts. This will last for additional 10 days.
  • Another update is that there will be a log of army movements and cities, that way we can make a cool overview over the era once it is finished.

so where the log?!?!

18:55:17 Jun 24th 07 - Sir Grim Darkhammer:

This is what I see as ending kingdom placement.

Kingdom of Peacekeeper

IMG TAG Kingdom Name Members Leader %P
Kingdoms in Fantasia
LGCLegacy16Mr. Roxbury40996
DBDark Blood20Mr. Draiken28126
MMirror18Duke Azaruc14361
PHIPhi Empire23Mr. Mavich The Cloner13050
HavocCarnage25Sir Vencrow10024
ghostphantom2Mr. Charming675
SMITEHeavens Vengeance7Lady Erica Brahmins485
LDKLietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste19Mr. Dovydas121
PKSPeacekeeper9Mr. Camber Negus100
AbydosAbydos11Dark Lord Balzamon96
SoS IISeal of Solomon II2Mr. Jeremy58
SoSSeal of Solomon3Mr. Snarfles17
godguardians of destiny17Mr. Thunder Guardian2
BYZByzantine Empire1Mr. Gamia0
FFFreedom Fighters3Sir Scientist0
Kingdoms in Mantrax
REDRed Hand23Admiral Krum10941
WBWild Boys16Mr. Hilario10434
RPKRogue Phoenix8Mr. Acelnorst Dezhelian6151
UCUmbrealla Corp13Mr. Eternal Oblivion3814
RSRambo Slayers10Mr. Midge3515
TAKThe Alied Kingdoms7Mr. Brizencorbin1559
SUNSolaris3Mr. Saulens1047
OrcOrcs Kingdom3Mr. Skyone1043
KODKingdom of Dragons1Mr. Mayhem Xii384
DeathApocoliptic Armies2Mr. Apocolipto2
warvaxmon1Mr. Uria0
TGDThe Grass Defenders1Mr. Elos0
AAAmerican Army1Mr. General Dixon0
Kingdoms in Zetamania
PredsPredators30Mr. Howells12724
LegionThe Legion14Lord Domses Drathor6834
POFFPaladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame22Mr. Scythruler4868
TMDThe Merchants of Death14Mr. Shadeslayer2563
SRSouthern Rising 8Mr. Norbet2469
DRDark Riders Empire12Mr. Phantom Liano2251
MDOWMedieval Dogs Of War5Mr. Naerey1875
wabbitBunny Molesters2Mr. Stupidity407
GODGods of destruction1Mr. Achilles9
REREBRetro Rebellion 1Mr. King Jermey0
NINJAThe Ninjas1Mr. Kung Foo Granny0
Kingdoms in Starta
LWLuna Wolves39Mr. Fox Voncloud12114
RPRoyal Pirates16Mr. Humblepie2144
LoLNo Use For A Name6Mr. Roronoah Zoro1788
JESTJester26Lady Mifune549
LTLietuva2Mr. Lithuania494
EmpireUnited Imperial Alliance2Mr. Sakaal460
ShoGUShoG Uesugi Clan7Mr. Tokugawa Uesugi261
FowlThe Falcons5Mr. Plokoon55
AUKAnonymous United Kingdom7Mr. Grugh Thornbane43
stonerebels5Mr. Stone Wall42
NEWNew empires wave1Mr. Zeon17
AzaiAzai Clan1Mr. Nagamasa Azai17
ECElf clan6Mr. Eymir II13
HDHades Minions8Mr. Levi11
TBThe Brothers3Mr. Machoman4
SEsnake eye2Mr. Porcupinez Rock2
UltimaUltimate Alliance5Mr. Jared The Third2
bugMontana Knights2Mr. Tmontana2
OotJOrder of the Jackal1Mr. Kamala2
spartaGreeces Men1Mr. Son of Zeus1
WOLFWolf Pack1Mr. Dwolf0
DKdeath knights1Mr. Cooley0
bellschoolboys1Mr. Rmulligan0
Kingdoms in Nirvana
MusicMusic21Mr. Hemmer6094
ZEONZEON27Mr. Messiah4471
IEThe Illuminati Empire16Mr. Sigheart1335
AoAArmy of Anubis18Mr. Anonymous958
T CTemplar Crusaders16Mr. Bliss919
msomusic spit outs1Mr. Defence188
BreadEat1Mr. Breadlord168
kotuwKingdom Of The Under World6Mr. Hellzy164
HAIRHerbal Essences6Sir Verteccio150
THCDivision of Marijuana13Mr. Deew Evol I71
KOWWar10Mr. Cooldog66
LoveThe power of love8Mr. Dark Destiny55
DMDragon Masters5Mr. Pinkf42
HREHoly Roman Empire6Mr. Uthred Uthredson21
LIFEBrotherhood of Destiny11Mr. Bcordon13
KOHKnights of Honor5Mr. Slayerlyfe9
KillerDragon Lords8Mr. Jay Brown9
SoTStone of Tear2Mr. Elwood Blues6
KODKingdom of Death7Mr. Deathstar II5
KSABKingdom of Sabreland2Mr. Alloran II of Sabreland5
TEteam elite3Ms. Sarahthend3
ElvesElf Lords4Mr. Gundluff1
deathblack death guardians1Mr. Bladehealer0
KODkindom of dragons1Mr. Darkdragon0
transtransam revenge1Mr. Zorapuppy0
KODKights Of Destruction2Mr. Eeeeeeeeeeeee0

18:56:59 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Ithakan:

I finished on place 36 of my world, wich im glad with because I play since a  week : )

19:02:38 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Zakira:

lol grim pacemaker must stink and congrat ithakan i placed 23 in matrax not bad hm,m?

19:04:12 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Isaac:

Even with the LW at my gates I still im alive and this is my score could have been a lot higher if there was more compitition in my area

41. Mr. Isaac No Use For A Name Dwarf 258656

19:10:04 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Zakira:

23.Mr. ZakiraRed HandOrc1110360

19:17:42 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Punisher:

Isaac you had plenty of competition...

like LW at your door for instance

19:59:27 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Houston:

54.Mr. HoustonUmbrealla CorpTroll497746

I played for a bit over 1 month and I did good.

20:08:54 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Isaac:

No they came too late about 2 weeks to late, They came only with troops and there core was too far for me to travel to about 40 ticks, the only compition I had was soccojester and Chwaa.which was a stallmate between us.

22:46:33 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Elfmaster:

Btw i got 50 bonus turns by good luck of having vu on favorites.

how does that work =\

23:35:29 Jun 24th 07 - Mr. Rocky:

32. Mr. Rocky Red Hand Orc 893521


I talk alot take pride in fighting ask anyone who fight with me this era. They will tell you rocky dont back down for nothing. Dont matter what you send my way we will fight. What can I say I love to fight thats why we are play.

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