Forums / In game politics / um what happened to crazy

um what happened to crazy
03:52:44 Nov 21st 09 - Mr. Palp Lost His Marbles:


Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau has disbanded the kingdom!

03:55:32 Nov 21st 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

the pressure got to him. Perhaps you guys might be merging etc.

03:56:11 Nov 21st 09 - Wolflord Karac:

The patients broke out of the Asylum obviously =)

04:01:51 Nov 21st 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

LOL funny Karac

04:02:05 Nov 21st 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

where is batman when you need him :(

04:02:43 Nov 21st 09 - Mr. Palp Lost His Marbles:

um merge with who? peng just went through our blocker soon after lol...we are going to be the crazy penguins?

04:02:47 Nov 21st 09 - Lady Liquid Sex Drive:

Interesting timing

04:03:40 Nov 21st 09 - Mr. Palp Lost His Marbles:

i was talking to him 2 minutes before it happened and havent been able to reach him since.,..very odd

04:03:56 Nov 21st 09 - General Zondervan:

suggest joining someone before your picked off by others? or you eat each otehr?..

04:05:03 Nov 21st 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

we already declared on them. they will be picked off

04:06:17 Nov 21st 09 - Mr. Palp Lost His Marbles:

well i would if there was any consensus on who to join etc but i seem to be the only one talking lol...bit hard when your kingdom forum goes...

04:06:21 Nov 21st 09 - General Zondervan:

lol sucks for them, well one just setup 2 cities by me adn has 2 scouts waiting to setup hmm, hes time to eat! :D


just join and start with me palp :P

04:11:05 Nov 21st 09 - Psycho Delic Retarded Faux Nouveau:

join anyone you like.  I'm done with this game.

04:13:34 Nov 21st 09 - Mr. Palp Lost His Marbles:

well that could make it interesting for our previous nap know i luvs you zond but the way we are set up i might wait for a restart before doing anything so drastic. our key blocker just fell anyway because of this so we arent in good shape(if we were before lol).

its a shame coz i think i fought fairly well this era up to this point....cant imagine what ryan is going to say when he gets online...

04:16:31 Nov 21st 09 - Wolflord Karac:

I think it will be along the lines of 'oh crap' lol.

BoW is open to a few members.

04:17:49 Nov 21st 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

Wow Psycho. Don't screw your kd. Reform if you were hacked. Fight. Its just a game.

04:17:52 Nov 21st 09 - Mr. Kronos:

wow i cant believe crazy disbanded that make me sadi liked crazy

04:18:42 Nov 21st 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

Wish my leader was online as they do have a couple I wouldn't mind filching also. hehe

04:19:44 Nov 21st 09 - Mr. Palp Lost His Marbles:

ah well, fair enough psycho.

was enjoyable playing with you.

i wont be joining anyone...i would either join someone without the benefit of nearby comrades or a core...and this era i aint set up for anything close to resembling solo play...and so i would be picked off anyway pretty quick or i would join someone allied with enemy whatever to save my skin which aint my style.

so back to being a forum troll...

04:22:45 Nov 21st 09 - General Zondervan:

well he gave up and your being overrun hmm join me! :) and others crazy memebrs are welcome to join.

04:35:51 Nov 21st 09 - Sir Cadmus The Valiant:


04:45:36 Nov 21st 09 - Sir Sorra:

So any reasons as to why it disbanded?

05:02:03 Nov 21st 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

I will be reforming the kingdom for at least until the end of the era, anyone who wants to join another kingdom may do so with no hard feelings, I just got home from the hospital and have no idea what happened as my last message from Kevin was this afternoon regarding not giving up.

again any Crazy who wants to join another kingdom can do so with no hard feelings, anyone who wants to stick it out can do so.

05:19:12 Nov 21st 09 - Mr. Targaryen:

good luck Ryan.

05:20:18 Nov 21st 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

GL ryan
p.s havnt heard you in a while :P

05:31:35 Nov 21st 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

Been busy, had a lot of RL crap going on with stupid kidneys LMAO and its still going on but thanks fellahs, I dont wnat to leave anyone out to dry so Ill tough it out until the end of the era with anyone who wants to tough it out with us. Ill make a thread in a few minutes.

05:42:42 Nov 21st 09 - Dr. Happy Pants:

Good to here your reforming Ryan

07:57:59 Nov 21st 09 - Sir Darth Denonia:

Not trying to be mean to you Palp. But are you trying to break a record in how many times this can happebn to you ? :-)

08:04:50 Nov 21st 09 - Mr. Palp Lost His Marbles:

well lol the irony i will die alongside ryan and landros in DARK but this is crazy's roots afterall and i will die fighting. two key blockers fell with massive casualties to us , because of this situation and made our situation extremely precarious. it was tough going before but it is like mission impossible now...just the way i like it :)

and of course for those who know me....




and of course for those who know me....



" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350">

08:09:04 Nov 21st 09 - Mr. Palp Lost His Marbles:

yeah i saw the irony immediately...the reason why i will never be a vice or leader again lol...and it still those links kinda didnt turn out so good....never tried doing them on the forum before

08:16:36 Nov 21st 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

Good luck Ryan

08:20:53 Nov 21st 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:


08:47:51 Nov 21st 09 - Lord Stewie Griffin:

SFDB!! Sup bro!!

08:51:52 Nov 21st 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

hey stew!!
im fine mann
whts up wid you ?

09:16:10 Nov 21st 09 - Sir Brown Bear:


and btw what happened to crazy is they actually lost the plot this time

09:18:02 Nov 21st 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

they have gone and ryan has started a new 1 :P
ryan wht is it called :P

09:43:08 Nov 21st 09 - Lady Landros of Luxx The Phishhead:


09:48:14 Nov 21st 09 - Mr. Some Fcked Vanilla Bear:

ahh is tht the KD tht he started ^_^

09:49:13 Nov 21st 09 - Lady Landros of Luxx The Phishhead:


15:49:02 Nov 21st 09 - Mr. Culhwch:

well yes it looks i will be eaten up lol as i await for a nay or yay from a kingdom i have applied too :) but to PHI if you feel through the reason of us being at war you need to continue then so be it and fight me. but to dishonourable ravage i rather a kingdom with honour take my cities than you guys so stay away please and let PHI take them.

16:05:44 Nov 21st 09 - Ms. Jennaside:

ill find you a home palp. lol

16:06:22 Nov 21st 09 - Ms. Jennaside:

even pay your rent for you :P

16:07:50 Nov 21st 09 - Mr. Yellow Bean:

God .... this really sucks ....
Crazy are very good allies of mine so i waged war on phi trying to help them ..... and what does he do ..... he quites ....
making TJB an open target ...

16:35:38 Nov 21st 09 - Sir Darth Denonia:

And you cant even blame me this time :-P

16:42:40 Nov 21st 09 - Mr. Culhwch:

no deno no ones blaming you i think it was done through disgrace towards a bunch of cowards.

16:59:47 Nov 21st 09 - Lady Miley Cyrus:

Nah, I still somehow blame Deno, it's always Deno's fault!

17:16:34 Nov 21st 09 - Sir Darth Denonia:

yeah. obviously :-P

17:16:42 Nov 21st 09 - Mr. Culhwch:

ok we shall blame deno lol

DENO your to blame stand up and take responsibility tut tut naughty deno

20:57:11 Nov 21st 09 - Duke Ryan The Laughing Storm:

Dark will honour all of crazies agreements until the end of this era but we understand if our former allies under Crazy do not. if you are a former ally of crazy you wish to negate any agreements with us please let us know.

21:41:07 Nov 21st 09 - Grand Ape Kongdust:


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