Forums / In game politics / umm... Starta wars

umm... Starta wars
17:07:25 Dec 26th 08 - Sir Kathandarion The Bold:

any wars on starta?

18:34:49 Dec 26th 08 - Sir Grim Darkhammer:

No, we are just a bunch of farmers.

19:00:52 Dec 26th 08 - Endless Delerium:

I see movements, people must be back from the holidays to see how their crops are doing :)

04:11:37 Dec 27th 08 - Monarch Vampire Queen:

I guess it would be fair to say that Dark is finding Biohazard to be a nusance

04:20:06 Dec 27th 08 - Endless Delerium:

One of the primary evolutionary and survival mechanisms of BioHazard weeds is their ability to quickly generate a massive reproductive seed bank into the surrounding soil. Conventional spray programs can never hope to do more than suppress or remove the adult plant. BioWeed™ Darkicide offers the opportunity to eradicate the infestation completely.

04:24:39 Dec 27th 08 - Mr. Kerforos II:

most of starta are still in protection

05:45:39 Dec 27th 08 - Mr. Juggalo:

but it seems Prosapia is gonna war people only just coming oop.

06:25:20 Dec 27th 08 - Sir Combat Wombat:

go go Biohazard !

06:59:18 Dec 27th 08 - Mr. Bagina:

Proposia is definitely having fun camping on our cities until we come oop. this will be a fun era!

07:41:52 Dec 27th 08 - Lady Hellish Holly:

Yeah we are actually going to hand out awards to Fantasia kingdoms.  The first actually goes to Proposia who before we even got a chance to get OOP, they have armies sitting on our cities! lol Another round I guess?

08:57:11 Dec 27th 08 - Mr. Koss:

prosapia is an arrogant yet frieghtfully powerful kingdom

but between biohazard and dark my money is on bio

09:16:01 Dec 27th 08 - Mr. Selos:

thanks koss that means a lot and i agree we will make dark our*beep*es haha

they dont stand a chance

09:27:15 Dec 27th 08 - Mr. Selos:

Monarch Vampire Queen


12/26/2008 8:11:37 PM
I guess it would be fair to say that Dark is finding Biohazard to be a nusance



09:35:45 Dec 27th 08 - Prince Mielo:

Mr. Koss


12/27/2008 8:57:11 AM

prosapia is an arrogant yet frieghtfully powerful kingdom

but between biohazard and dark my money is on bio

Ow please, like we are arrogant... Spend a day shopping with osiris. You will know what arrogant is then :)

10:19:51 Dec 27th 08 - Mr. Juggalo:

Only reason why bio might win is cause i gotta deal with prosapia and bio oop. Lol but really without me there is plenty to kill bio.

This should be renamed "War of the Worlds" since fantasia KDs seem to be coming over I c 2 with a city or two already.

11:38:51 Dec 27th 08 - Mr. Satani:

Ow please, like we are arrogant... Spend a day shopping with osiris. You will know what arrogant is then :)

at least he admitted that you are a powerful kingdom

14:16:47 Dec 27th 08 - Lady Hellish Holly:

*Grabs head*  OOOooooOOoooOo  Hang overs and VU don't mix..... OOooooOOooooo

14:23:39 Dec 27th 08 - Commander Aligreat:

Only reason why bio might win is cause i gotta deal with prosapia and bio oop. Lol but really without me there is plenty to kill bio.

Thats your fault lol.....your the one who attacked us first.

16:55:51 Dec 27th 08 - Mr. Juggalo:

lol ur an *beep* just like this other guy i know.... hmmm lets look at the facts this was camping on my town breeding grounds before i was even oop. Soooo what do u call that? I think ur being a little blind here.


Army Info
Commander:Mr. SleepyheadKingdom Banner
Size:Battalion (500-1500)
Status:Moving West

17:36:09 Dec 27th 08 - Endless Delerium:

Well, you know.  Somebody thought it was a great idea to unleash Fant players on new players ;)

BTW, since I'm Dark.. I have my $$ on Dark kicking some Biobutt unless the Fant players take us out :)

17:42:40 Dec 27th 08 - Lord Frost Wraith:

Oh please, you could always have messaged our leader or something. :p

17:43:59 Dec 27th 08 - Sir Kathandarion The Bold:


17:44:33 Dec 27th 08 - Mr. Cronus:

Cronus has arrived on starta XD I couldnt resist those lovely cheap stone and tree prices lol.

stone= .3 gold
tree= 2.6 gold


17:44:44 Dec 27th 08 - Lord Frost Wraith:

Lol, Kat nub is here too? Now the party can really start ^^

17:44:49 Dec 27th 08 - Commander Aligreat:

Well seeing as I was in discussions with your leader Juggalo the first attack was from you.


19:46:42 Dec 27th 08 - Mr. Juggalo:

The first attack was from me but the first move of aggression was from your KD. I have a question: You moved your scout, so why didnt your member move his army? BTW ive responded to your message.

20:15:46 Dec 27th 08 - Mr. Selos:

okay so who exactly is prosapia after???

DARK or everyone

20:24:01 Dec 27th 08 - Commander Aligreat:

Did you message the member?

@ Selos - It depends

20:40:50 Dec 27th 08 - Prince Mielo:

@ Mr. Juggalo

I had a convo with one of your teammates and he told me he asked you to back off the city. You didn't, you took it and burned it. Therefor you got your ass handed to you.

End of story

20:49:44 Dec 27th 08 - Endless Delerium:

Prince Mielo, that member had no authority to tell Mr. Juggalo anything. I'm not saying it was or was not good advice just that he took it upon himself to do so with no authority and without realizing that both our leaders had negotiated the scout removal on "Magic".

As for the back off city in question, I have no information yet on what transpired.  I'm waiting to get details.

21:30:55 Dec 27th 08 - Sir Ryan The Quiet:

however camping on someone is considered to be aggression at worst poor form at best, I have a feeling that this era will be a waste I will build up and fight but frankly the pandering to a few veteran kingdoms at the cost of many new ones seems a bit stupid to me.

09:48:21 Dec 28th 08 - Mr. Koss:

ha selos dont ask questions you dont want the answers to

Mr. Selos


12/27/2008 1:15:46 PM

okay so who exactly is prosapia after???

DARK or everyone

Commander Aligreat


12/27/2008 1:24:01 PM

Did you message the member?

@ Selos - It depends

20:45:55 Dec 28th 08 - Mr. Dethklok:

i thought that this was a war thread not a flame fest come on guys. epic falure, cosmic shame!!!

22:16:10 Dec 28th 08 - Endless Delerium:

DarkDark32Monarch Vampire Queen


BIOBioHazard13Mr. Heripy

Not sure if it's an official war or just open season and happy hunting :P

23:23:01 Dec 28th 08 - Mr. Dethklok:

I'm not sure either but to me it looks like a war.

23:42:03 Dec 28th 08 - Mr. Bagina:

it's war. and Dark is goin down.

23:43:44 Dec 28th 08 - Sir Sky:

Dark wins tbh. You don't know who you're dealing with :) ODC made the same mistake last era.

00:16:16 Dec 29th 08 - Endless Delerium:

Last era was a lot of fun, and ODC great sports.  Good fight Sir Sky ^_^

01:16:34 Dec 29th 08 - Lady Hellish Holly:

ODC is a good kingdom.  I want to see them back in full engine force.  Last era, the only reason we cracked their blockers was cause their allies were already wounded and they had a lot of kingdom rushing them.  Is Mattd still playing?

02:15:44 Dec 29th 08 - Sir Sky:

Mattd is playing with Mad Against Drugs this era.

11:30:18 Dec 29th 08 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:

Hey hey nubtards, lets not forget prosapia was created on starta.
Yes we won that era :)

Aww Bagina took down my lowly ams I couldn't be *beep*d spending gold on.

12:01:40 Dec 29th 08 - Sir Haribs The Small One:

I knew i saw mattd in MAD,

btw annyone who said bio is winning pay now plz, dark is owning

12:04:34 Dec 29th 08 - Sir Spoon:

You better own with 36 members =P

12:25:23 Dec 29th 08 - Mr. Arcenoliol The Destroyer:

it always fun hunting

13:18:30 Dec 29th 08 - Mr. Satani:

sorrry bio we have a war with pks right now so were having a hard time helping

13:22:56 Dec 29th 08 - Sir Kathandarion The Bold:

hehehe War is fun.Hunting down Biohazard...Nothing better.

05:21:22 Dec 30th 08 - Sir Ryan The Quiet:

I actually dont like having so many members we too many inactives a smaller tighter team is preferable but then we do have an open door policy and we have picked up some great players like whoop and harib, either way we are on track

05:31:19 Dec 30th 08 - Endless Delerium:

Sir Ryan The Quiet


12/29/2008 8:21:22 PM
I actually dont like having so many members we too many inactives a smaller tighter team is preferable but then we do have an open door policy and we have picked up some great players like whoop and harib, either way we are on track

You do know if YOU don't like it you can always go to another KD right? Sheesh, maybe I will instead... :p

05:44:58 Dec 30th 08 - Monarch Vampire Queen:

Ryan they are not inactive they are people still in protection.  Please use Kingdom Forum when you want to talk to Dark players not this forum

09:21:50 Dec 30th 08 - Mr. Alose II:

biohazard might still pull through because as far as i can see and know from communications its like this:

pks vs. basically everyone

dark vs. bio and dhara and fallen angels

pro vs. basically everyone

3 against bio and dhara and fallen angels where as its 6 for the other 3 kingdoms

and biohazard owns the 3 most powerful armies and 2 of the most powerful cities so its still anyones game

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