Forums / In game politics / valhalla 22 maybe

valhalla 22 maybe
21:25:01 Jul 15th 13 - SFD (Duke Stealth Fire Demon):

ok last age of Val topic was not used, Personally I wanted one and have only just found it as I went to write this.

Kingdoms in Valhalla
The Don KIlluminatti8Mr. Alpha And Omega100
Victrix Mortalis2Mr. Xerxes The Warrior65
Darkness Falls2Mr. Rimjob46
Stormcloaks5General Paper36
Lost Souls3Prince Erythnul30
Lietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste1Mr. Vytautas Didysis20
Hydrogen Dioxide
I hope it is a better era than last era!!

I want Bitching, Flaming, Trolling and all.

May the era/age be full ^_^
9Lord Dacarta20

22:40:45 Jul 15th 13 - Xerxes The Great (Mr. Xerxes The Warrior):

Good luck to all!

22:41:23 Jul 15th 13 - Prince Erythnul:

why would you want all the normal krap of Bitching , Flaming , Trolling here ? theres enough of the over inflated egos , condescending remarks , and childish behavior on the higher worlds . Valhalla has always been a place where you can get your ass kicked or win without the melodrama of players bitching about it . Please leave that to those higher worlds

Ohh and Good luck to everyone who is playing here :-)

23:50:13 Jul 15th 13 - SFD (Duke Stealth Fire Demon):

ery, we are ( with the help of everyone) going to make val the new fant ;)
So bitch away.
At least it is something to read when I come on I don't ncare what it is.......I scould be clingon for all I care :P

03:54:48 Jul 16th 13 - Mr. Vytautas Didysis:

Good like it is...

I am alone this era..anyone from other worlds willing to join - welcome :)

Good luck everyone, if I am alone does not mean it will be easy to kick my ass uh yeah

19:17:09 Jul 16th 13 - SFD (Duke Stealth Fire Demon):

anyone found an enemy yet :)

21:01:52 Jul 16th 13 - Dark Spawn (Mr. Dark Blight):

Most the map landed in exactly same spot except you?

21:06:21 Jul 16th 13 - SFD (Duke Stealth Fire Demon):

haha that is good for us then :P
but seriously has everyone landed with each other?

21:39:18 Jul 17th 13 - SFD (Duke Stealth Fire Demon):

Would I be right in thinking victrix are fighting NEW HERITAGE??

Kingdoms in Valhalla
Victrix Mortalis6Mr. Xerxes The Warrior289
The Don KIlluminatti9Duke Stealth Fire Demon100
Lost Souls5Prince Erythnul84
Hydrogen Dioxide8Lord Dacarta35
Lietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste1Mr. Vytautas Didysis26
Pitch Black2Mr. Stix III26

23:05:39 Jul 17th 13 - Xerxes The Great (Mr. Xerxes The Warrior):

You wouldn't be wrong

23:06:50 Jul 17th 13 - SFD (Duke Stealth Fire Demon):

damn scouts getting fired!!!

pitch black?

23:08:12 Jul 17th 13 - Xerxes The Great (Mr. Xerxes The Warrior):

hmmm... Possibly...

23:10:27 Jul 17th 13 - SFD (Duke Slender Frame Displayer):

so is everyone with you or was that wrong info about everyone started at the same spot?

23:23:07 Jul 17th 13 - Xerxes The Great (Mr. Xerxes The Warrior):

Nah, info was good. It's a moshpit of players in this corner.

23:26:40 Jul 17th 13 - SFD (Duke Stealth Fire Demon):

well Gl with that, you guys will win the oop war im guessing ^_^

23:52:02 Jul 17th 13 - Xerxes The Great (Mr. Xerxes The Warrior):

Good luck to you as well, btw are all 8 members of the Killuminati playing?

03:53:33 Jul 18th 13 - SFD (Duke Stealth Fire Demon):

no a few of us are not playing this age but most of us are.

19:46:17 Jul 20th 13 - SFD (Duke Stealth Fire Demon):

5 days in.....Sh!t stone market.....and its 0.95 -_- lower then we can talk :P

03:43:41 Jul 23rd 13 - SFD (Duke Stealth Fire Demon):


Family History

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Mr. Werewolf

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (Werewolf).


Mr. Werewolf

Lived in Era 47 and got 1 heir(s) (Ares God of War).


Mr. Ares God of War

Lived in age 12 of Mogrox, got 2 heir(s) (Xerxes The Almighty, Xerxes The Almighty) and was a member of Legacy


Mr. Xerxes The Almighty

Lived in Era 47 and got 1 heir(s) (Hersh).


Mr. Hersh

Lived in age 22 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (Die Vectrix).


Mr. Die Vectrix
Lived in age 22 of Valhalla

No known history.

Family History

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Mr. Xerxes The Deciever

Lived in age 0 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (Xerxes The Unforgivable).


Mr. Xerxes The Unforgivable

Lived in age 24 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (Xerxes The Graceful).


Mr. Xerxes The Graceful

Lived in age 21 of Tutorial X and got 1 heir(s) (Xerxes The Warrior).

Mr. Xerxes The Warrior
Lived in age 22 of Valhalla Member of Victrix Mortalis

No known history.

04:15:00 Jul 23rd 13 - SFD (Duke Stealth Fire Demon):

Mr. Xerxes The Warrior (7/23/2013 4:08:00 AM) GOODBAD
I would post this in the forum but I'm on my phone. Hear me out now, Hersh was my dad. When I came back to VU I had forgotten my password for my old account so I created a new one and began playing. In the process I remembered my old account and asked my dad if he wanted to play and taught him the basics. It was coincidence and when I told him it was me who killed him he restarted on this same world.

07:57:04 Jul 23rd 13 - Mr. Astrolda:

Kingdoms in Valhalla
Victrix Mortalis6Mr. Xerxes The Warrior427
The Don KIlluminatti10Duke Stealth Fire Demon305
Lost Souls6Prince Erythnul176
Hydrogen Dioxide9Lord Dacarta165
Lietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste3Mr. Vytautas Didysis135
Eternal Singularity2Mr. Elite100

Tree floating avg : 3
Food: .85
Stone: .93
(based on 60 ticks of data)

20:19:15 Jul 24th 13 - General Wrongfellow:

Does anyone (other than VM) fancy taking on a less experienced player?

Victrix Mortalis took my first city, so they are my sworn enemies this era and I will fight them to the death! However the rest of my kingdom seems to have died or gone inactive, and as a lone newbie I suspect the death in question will be my own. Besides, I can't just join the strongest kingdom in the world, because that would be boring.

20:37:59 Jul 24th 13 - Arkantos (Mr. Arkantos):

You may join my kingdom :)

22:23:58 Jul 24th 13 - Mr. Don Kichotas:

LDK takes people too

00:44:28 Aug 2nd 13 - Mr. Gandalfur:

bump ^^

02:22:37 Aug 2nd 13 - Arkantos (Mr. Arkantos):

Victrix Mortalis4Mr. Xerxes The Warrior726
The Don KIlluminatti10Duke Stealth Fire Demon688
Lietuvos Didzioji Kunigaikstyste3Mr. Vytautas Didysis398
Lost Souls6Prince Erythnul364
Eternal Singularity2Mr. Elite305
Hydrogen Dioxide10Lord Dacarta292
Fallen Warriors4Mr. Arkantos100

Who's fighting who?

02:25:11 Aug 2nd 13 - SFD (Duke Stealth Fire Demon):

ES and DK are fighting nobody atm, but ES have probalbly fought some battles but dkno.

LDK look to be attacking LS and possibly beat H202, but dkno :P

and you guys I don't know, possible NAP with LDK ;)

10:06:06 Aug 2nd 13 - Mr. Vytautas Didysis:

Not sure , but looks like LS and VM have NAP, but before they maybe had fights.
H2O2 NAP with LDK
ES farming
DK farming too as I understand from SFD post ;)
FW fight Dioxide
LS fight Dioxide
LS fight LDK

10:48:18 Aug 2nd 13 - Dark Spawn (Mr. Dark Blight):

How can you know such information from across the other side of the map? Do not give false information :)

It is not true that VM have any diplomatic relations, we are at war against everyone around us. As you can see in the kingdom stats, its clear to see who is fighting and who is farming


Battles won: 45
Battles lost: 27

(only four of us, have been fighting people around since protection time)


Battles won: 6
Battles lost: 2

(their losses are against me when they attacked us, but I would say they have the advantage over others in winning this world, due to their numbers and the amount of farming they had so far)


Battles won: 35
Battles lost: 10

(thumbs up for them, three players quite nice stats)


Battles won: 21
Battles lost: 12

(nice war kingdom, good job)

Battles won: 1
Battles lost: 0

(two players so not a big shock that they are farming in the corner)


Battles won: 9
Battles lost: 36

(for a 10 men kingdom, surprisingly bad)


Battles won: 0
Battles lost: 1

(six of you must be bored unless not all of you are playing?)

10:56:04 Aug 2nd 13 - Arkantos (Mr. Arkantos):

The rest of my kingdom just started But we are currently at war with LDK and H202

11:08:18 Aug 2nd 13 - Mr. Vytautas Didysis:

oh so you at war with us? :) good to hear Arkantos, I will send for you soon my top army then lol

12:38:38 Aug 2nd 13 - SFD (Duke Slender Frame Displayer):

ark he is moving in on you now :P

17:29:55 Aug 2nd 13 - Mr. Dur:

I should say that alot of LDK's victories have come from me raiding/bullying a semi-inactive player who is right next door to me. I feel pretty guilty about it now =P

Also Arkantos. war you say? ;P

20:45:20 Aug 2nd 13 - Dakarta (Lord Dacarta):

A lot of our guys, including myself, have been inactive at times and haven't put adequate defenses in our cities. Not saying it's a good excuse, but it's partial.

22:12:55 Aug 2nd 13 - SFD (Duke Stealth Fire Demon):

count yourself lucky dacarta, at least you don't have to face us again :P

23:12:44 Aug 2nd 13 - Mr. Gandalfur:

You better let me farm a bit first! :o

02:31:51 Aug 9th 13 - Mr. Vytautas Didysis:

The Don KIlluminatti after long farming - they moving :)

02:39:42 Aug 9th 13 - Struddles (Mr. Mcgriddle):


02:49:31 Aug 9th 13 - SFD (Duke Stealth Fire Demon):

we are not farmers, we are warriors!!!
but we are old now so it takes us a while to get the key in the door ;)

03:11:41 Aug 9th 13 - Mr. Vytautas Didysis:

Fair enough lol

23:43:20 Aug 15th 13 - Mr. Vytautas Didysis:

looks like no one else fight Iliuminati =) only us 

00:45:06 Aug 16th 13 - SFD (Duke Stealth Fire Demon):

we are NAP whores who wants me ;)

15:51:17 Aug 17th 13 - Mr. Vytautas Didysis:

nice..hydro inactive, VM probably nap iliuminati, and I not see going any war between ls and VM. 

Looks like LS versus inactive Dioxide. 

I won't talk about ES, they probably trying races for farming and not playing at all here. Maybe they cast arma dunno. 
VM probably NAP every kingdom now, not see them in war front, if I am wrong let me know. 
Farmers versus LDK. Good job farmers kingdom You did well. I not blame you guys for farming..just other kingdoms or nap u guys or won't attack.. Sadly LDK had no chance to attack you earler..we had to busy to eliminate from map two kingdoms. 

Fak that. 

16:17:07 Aug 17th 13 - SFD (Lord Silent Fire Dragon):

VM have no NAP's that I know of, they have been fighting back us and trying to break LS and ES :P

LS is fighting up north with hydro I think.
we have no NAP's ;)

ES have done well to stay alive bouncing/killing armies that come to them ( only being 2 players )

16:49:23 Aug 17th 13 - Mr. Vytautas Didysis:

SFD lie :))

Battles won: 3
Battles lost: 0

ES have this stats from almost of era begining. Can't say they are in any war. 

If others no have naps with you, then I can't understand what they thinking, because after you kill us, they will die easly ;) 

16:54:38 Aug 17th 13 - SFD (Duke Slender Frame Displayer):

well when you take 160k knights with only a few K MU's out when you go to war, someone is going to ROF the sh!t out of you lol.
that is why they have not attacked since that time :P

and so true ;)

17:17:01 Aug 17th 13 - Dark Spawn (Mr. Dark Blight):

On August 2nd I wrote the exact same thing.
How can someone on the other side of the map know whats going on here?
Again you assume things here, that are totally incorrect.

True, there is a sorta peaceful time after Killuminatti initial attacks failed, but that does not mean the war stopped. They have sent two large armies at us, I managed to slaughter one, and the other one escaped to their blocker. Now they are regrouping and preparing a second time that I will not be able to stop by myself.

Victrix Mortalis used to be a six member kingdom, quite powerful and the idea was to take on everyone, war everyone. But then due to internal conflict, two of our members quit, and one went inactive, leaving us three people fighting three kingdoms. Quite a bad situation for us now.

Our first attack on ES failed, we managed to get in their core but they bounced us back, so the three wins they have were against armies of 500k, I think at that time it was the most powerful army on HoH that they bounced. Elite is pretty much preparing offensive at us I am sure. Same goes for LS, we sent some small armies that got killed, and now their dwarf Joyless is sending around 200k Axers down to us, so we will have to take care of that. 

I do not know what other kingdoms are doing, but that is the report of this part of the map.

17:22:07 Aug 17th 13 - SFD (Duke Stealth Fire Demon):

that's pretty much whats going on!

17:47:12 Aug 17th 13 - Zond (The Gravitation):

sfd is drama nub (no really he took drama in school). he likes making lies and talking to himself :P

but. yes i agree. 

23:25:02 Aug 22nd 13 - Mr. Vytautas Didysis:

I think LS should win this Era :) 

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