Forums / In game politics / vallhala 87

vallhala 87
04:37:39 Feb 27th 23 - Mr. Mullet Also:

where yall landed so far?

05:03:15 Feb 27th 23 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Karmatic):

I saw you Mullet ^_^

05:54:03 Feb 27th 23 - Mr. Mullet Also:


07:07:15 Feb 27th 23 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Karmatic):

well yeah, and what 

07:07:20 Feb 27th 23 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Karmatic):

well yeah, and what 

07:11:32 Feb 27th 23 - Mr. Mullet Also:


08:10:50 Feb 27th 23 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Karmatic):

I don't wanna talk about what I saw..

08:19:29 Feb 27th 23 - Mr. Mullet Also:

i am unashamed  speak prude

10:37:37 Feb 27th 23 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Karmatic):

heretical things.. heinous.. *_* .. 

11:21:01 Feb 27th 23 - Mr. Mullet Also:

heretical ?!

pray to your god then
see what good it does you 

18:51:25 Feb 28th 23 - Lord Caedus:

I'd imagine it'll do quite a lot of good. 

22:37:21 Feb 28th 23 - Nayoke the Kid (Mr. Nayoke Forest Dweller):

Zeta doesnt answer prayers so...

14:28:23 Mar 1st 23 - King BurningLegion (King Burninglegion The Mercenary):

Mercenary's have established a group in Valhalla this era. Each member accepts contacts with whatever kingdom pays their price.

The price paid can be creative or simply giving a city to said Mercenary to complete an attack or other tasking.

Valhalla Mercenarys

Kingdom Banner

Name: Valhalla Mercenarys
Members: 2
Created: 2/27/2023 6:08:15 PM
Leader: King Burninglegion The Mercenary

Compare kingdom


We are a group of self governing Mercenaries, we fight the enemies of our contract holder, each member is independent in their contracts and do not follow any chain of command.


00:46:14 Mar 2nd 23 - Mr. Existentialist:

King BurningLegion:

Mercenary's have established a group in Valhalla this era. Each member accepts contacts with whatever kingdom pays their price.

The price paid can be creative or simply giving a city to said Mercenary to complete an attack or other tasking.

Valhalla Mercenarys

Kingdom Banner

Name: Valhalla Mercenarys
Members: 2
Created: 2/27/2023 6:08:15 PM
Leader: King Burninglegion The Mercenary

Compare kingdom


We are a group of self governing Mercenaries, we fight the enemies of our contract holder, each member is independent in their contracts and do not follow any chain of command.


This didn't age well, are you guys still about or ?

09:25:15 Mar 3rd 23 - Mr. Mullet Also:

fucken argh

21:57:54 Mar 6th 23 - Revolution (Sir Utred):

When did this era start?

02:42:54 Mar 7th 23 - Mr. Existentialist:


When did this era start?

About a week or go give or take.

16:16:45 Mar 7th 23 - Mr. Vinny:

hey when does the new world start and is the game Alive cuz i notice the forums are kinda dead 

17:45:02 Mar 7th 23 - Jarl (Jarl Rahzalgul):

Mantrax just started and people are more active on discord.

19:56:35 Mar 7th 23 - Nayoke the Kid (God Eros Please Cry):

I think Val is actually the last world to have started; although, Fantasia will be restarting within the next few days. Forums are also not as active as they use to be because a lot of people use the VU discord channel. In the questions and answers section of the forum there should be a thread with an active link to the discord. If you can't find the thread, message me and I can send you a link to it.

20:05:44 Mar 7th 23 - Mr. Ghost Face Killah:

Here in the RED you can see how long maps have been going for

The worlds

New player worlds (with 50% protection)
6* ValhallaOpen50002arkan967111%
Special worlds (Different game mechanics)
13GvE QuaOpen29402island1153132%

18:54:02 Mar 8th 23 - Mr. Vinny:

ok i joined the discord how do i tell when theres a new world?

19:04:08 Mar 8th 23 - HorusPanic (Sir Horus al):

With one of your characters, hit the kingdom button and apply to the Evil kingdom. Thats the newest world. After you get accepted, you can start anew game by finding the create a character screen under production.

11:45:39 Mar 10th 23 - Mr. Mullet Also:

so yesterday three of my cities got a farming boost 

but one of them lost its wood resource 
while one the same distance for max size didnt
did the map get shifted 

id get if it was a bad place but it had it at the start


12:38:40 Mar 10th 23 - Bigfield (Mr. Big Field):

Mr. Mullet Also:

so yesterday three of my cities got a farming boost 

but one of them lost its wood resource 
while one the same distance for max size didnt
did the map get shifted 

id get if it was a bad place but it had it at the start


This may be related to your total number of buildings. I don't have the exact numbers but at certain thresholds of 'total number of resource building constructed' the 'overall multiplier' to that 'resource type' goes away.

13:01:07 Mar 10th 23 - Mr. Mullet Also:

thats fucked cause now that whole city is useless for its original purpose

and i get the whole dminishing return thing but why the x2 boost then

and nfn i had another at the same spot on another quadrant with no problem 

well its not a problem if its only mine so thats how it is

13:39:33 Apr 3rd 23 - HorusPanic (Sir Horus al):

Yes I casted, please consider voting yes.

Here is where we are at:

Kingdoms in Valhalla
Albatross10Lord Caedus225
Hammer and Shield6Mr. Big Field172
Pestilence8The Pale Horseman100
Valhalla Mercenarys3King Burninglegion The Mercenary98
Whisper8Ms. Jasmine41
The New Guy Clan4Captain Captain Captain Captain8

Whisper got orc dropped by one very enterprising player and it royaly screwed them for the era. They did not recover. Pest settled in the north, HnS in the NW and Alba in the SE. Merc is a new kingdom that works on a contract basis, which is making them some enemies this era.

Pest foritfied their HnS side while some went to try and help Whisper survive. Alba eventually tried to take advantage of it by coming up from the south to also attack Whisper and Pest engaged them as well. Merc negotiated from the sidelines and farmed. HnS continued farming.

Some whisper tried to resettle in the SW but merc snuffed that out. Merc announced a contract against Pest (unknown sponsor) and Pest and Merc tangled just outside Merc's central location. Merc launched a series of powerful plagues that Pest couldn't snuff out. Partly, because a 50% protected New Guy player had a city in their core.

Merc were pushed away, but Pest econ was wrecked. Meanwhile Cao and remaining Whisiper militia push Alba back to their blockers. Eventually Cau had to respond to the core because.... what to we have here... HnS with their FIVE WEEK FARMED armies coming in to claim the spoils.

I'm a little salty, but looking forward to exacting some revenge.

Please consider Arma. We are really not interested in a corners battle of HnS vs Alba. That would absolutely last months and kill the map.

13:54:18 Apr 3rd 23 - King BurningLegion (Mr. Burninglegion The Good):

Good synopsis, I agree a corners war would last like 45-60 days no doubt.

12:31:15 Apr 5th 23 - Bigfield (Mr. Big Field):

Hammer and Shield Decrees and Economic Embargo of all goods for sale from Albatross.

12:44:02 Apr 5th 23 - King Perilous:


Hammer and Shield Decrees and Economic Embargo of all goods for sale from Albatross.

I'm going to miss flipping that. 

14:39:23 Apr 5th 23 - Lord Caedus:

You've already got what you needed to farm your win, I suppose. Well played?

15:56:26 Apr 5th 23 - King Perilous:

You don't like bubba's billions buying your booty? Who financed your armies and expansion all era?

You love us. Your lifestyle is a fruit of our farms. Clothing your appreciation in hate isn't fooling any one. You're welcome for being a part of the cash flow.

Talk to your manager if the funds weren't utilized well. 

16:48:55 Apr 5th 23 - King Perilous:

What is another hundred million among friends?

10:07:11 - Artix Ignix of Albatross bought 52500000 stone for 49100810 gold from you on the market.

02:49:13 - Water Bender of Albatross bought 30000000 stone for 28850810 gold from you on the market.

02:48:24 - Water Bender of Albatross bought 20300000 stone for 19522381 gold from you on the market.

18:48:31 Apr 5th 23 - Bigfield (Mr. Big Field):

A clear majority is against a full on war. It would seem unsportsmanlike to delay the era beyond the next 7 days.

This gives a finite timetable for the era to conclude. We will see you the battlefield over the next 180 ticks.


Armageddon has been cast in your world!

Currently 20 people want the age to end, 9 do not, and 3 people have not voted.

06:24:01 Apr 6th 23 - Lord Caedus:

Feel free to manipulate stats how you want - two kingdoms have been killed off and we were preparing to fight with you, and then arma is cast. Of course there would be more that wanted arma than that of the kingdom most likely to win.

Anyway, you chose a play style and you've won using it. It's a troll move, lacks honour (and now plague has been cast to boot) but it is what it is. 

12:33:13 Apr 6th 23 - King BurningLegion (King Burninglegion The Mercenary):

You forced me to plague you. you sent 5 500ker armies towards the neutral Mercenary kingdom, and completely ceased fighting Pesti for a week. Its good to see Mr. Chaos is still a good sport and fighting the big kingdoms.

The Mercenary Guild will continue to strive to be neutral and act independently, but when attacked as a whole then we will respond as a whole. I don't know if its because its Arma or this was the plan regardless. 

13:57:20 Apr 6th 23 - Bigfield (Mr. Big Field):

There is no need to manipulate the statistics. We did not cast Armageddon. The other Kingdoms cast it and it is our intention to let it ride. 

The dishonorable thing would be to overturn the will of the overwhelming majority of the players. 

22:36:48 Apr 6th 23 - King BurningLegion (King Burninglegion The Mercenary):

Armageddon really changed the dynamic, as Albatross's invasion approached my doorstep... I see my Mercenary ally coming to assist except some of his knights have split into different directions... no worries right?

16:17:52 - Mercenary Force won a battle against Farmer Haters from Lord Caedus. We lost 12097 Gaia, 120014 Hammerthrowers, 22456 Ogres, 11890 Shamans, 336 Nazguls and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.

16:04:56 - Our Mercenary Pride successfully defend Mercenary South. Arma III lead by Mr. Mullet Also attempted to take over Mercenary South. We lost 0 Gaia, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Ogres, 0 Shamans, 0 Nazguls and 0 peasants in the battle and 0 of our soldiers got injured.

16:04:56 - Our Merc Ass Hands successfully defend Mercenary South. Arma III lead by Mr. Mullet Also attempted to take over Mercenary South. We lost 264 Gaia, 659 Hammerthrowers, 0 Ogres, 0 Shamans, 0 Nazguls and 0 peasants in the battle and 497 of our soldiers got injured.

16:04:56 - Arma III lead by Mr. Mullet Also attempted to take over Mercenary South. We lost 28642 Gaia, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Ogres, 945 Shamans, 0 Nazguls and 971 peasants in the battle.

15:56:19 - We received a message from Mr. Mullet Also.

15:48:47 - Hutch lead by Mr. Mullet Also attacked and took over Merc Hideout. They also took 805900 gold, 525041 stone, 0 tree, 0 food and 45 slaves from us! And 148773 of the peasants in the city where taken as slaves! Due to their overwhelming power our troops retreated to Mercenary South. We lost 0 Gaia, 0 Hammerthrowers, 0 Ogres, 0 Shamans, 0 Nazguls and 148773 peasants in the battle.

15:48:47 - Hutch lead by Mr. Mullet Also attacked and took over Merc Hideout. Due to their overwhelming power our Merc Ass Hands retreated to Mercenary South.

15:45:59 - Mullet Also has left your kingdom!

22:51:01 Apr 6th 23 - Nayoke the Kid (Mr. Nayoke Forest Dweller):

And that is what you call karma. Live by the sword, due by the sword 

00:47:38 Apr 7th 23 - Mr. Mullet Also:

00:53:43 Apr 7th 23 - King BurningLegion (King Burninglegion The Mercenary):

Mullet you will be erased in less than a day by Warchief and I, while we also send the Decayed Bird back to their plagued homeland.

You did increase my interest in the final days of the era, so cheers to that :) 

02:43:11 Apr 7th 23 - Mr. Mullet Also:


02:46:00 Apr 7th 23 - Mr. Mullet Also:

04:42:41 Apr 7th 23 - Mr. Mullet Also:

to be truth wtf is this as end era 
i was okay with hns doing a split kd as merc and hns
it did took me a second to accept that
i saw burn leg saw the landing and said oh 
but then 
they put a wedge in the near obvious pesti win with whisper as a cheap vanguard
no offense alba (but also fuck you for ooping me)

but now 
what is this wont even cast your own arma bulls hit

if my job in all this was the distracting man in the van
thats how ill end it

03:51:52 Apr 9th 23 - Bigfield (Mr. Big Field):

It will take a full week for our main armies to meet one another. Our four active players occupy four of the top five spots.

We cannot cast Armageddon, and would do so now if we had the option, much as we would have allowed Armageddon to continue. I'm still not 100% certain why it ended, unless the vote 'completed' for it to cancel. 

We would vote in favor of the Era ending if it were cast again, much as we were in favor of it ending earlier as well.

We do not think it is beneficial to drag out the era for another month.

04:36:07 Apr 9th 23 - Lord Caedus:

Of course you don’t, you farmed up for a win and obviously want things to end now. Had you played a different era, we’d have accepted arma. 

07:39:22 Apr 9th 23 - Mr. Mullet Also:

its now day three brodie

18:53:43 Apr 6th 23 - King BurningLegion (King Burninglegion The Mercenary):

Mullet you will be erased in less than a day by Warchief and I, while we also send the Decayed Bird back to their plagued homeland.

07:47:04 Apr 9th 23 - Mr. Mullet Also:

talk about honor and all that crass 
cant even keep your word 

11:54:30 Apr 9th 23 - Bigfield (Mr. Big Field):

Caedus, we are losing 1-2 players every era, and the rate of attrition increases when there are long durations when new players cannot begin again.

If your kingdom can defeat the four of us, then why don't you do it? We have a countdown and we have 10 days. I am presuming your kingdom is the 7 continuing to vote "No"?

12:31:58 Apr 9th 23 - Lord Jellybean (Mr. Karmatic):

If people don't vote no, then wouldn't it instant end the world?? 

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