Forums / In game politics / want a good kd for next era

want a good kd for next era
22:39:06 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Cool The Real One:

im okay got about 8 eras exp then about 4 eras break

and im back

i got this in 1 day of a 3 day old world i know that cause my mates play

Most Powerful Groups Most Powerful Rulers

[CDoc] Myrr
With Mr. Star as leader.

[DeS] destinyy
With Mr. The Warrior Ones Called Skiepe as leader.

[AOT] Absence of Torches
With Mr. Elegost as leader.

[mm] Gunmen
With Mr. Bourne as leader.

[DA] Dead Angel
With Mr. Mcguyver as leader.

[OoS] Outcast of Society
With Mr. Dracula as leader.

[thl] The Last Alliance
With Mr. Farimor as leader.

[SK] SKnights
With Mr. Supersoulja as leader.

Mr. Mittalmar
Member of: Absence of Torches.

Mr. Cool The Real One
Member of: Not a member of a group.

Mr. Marcrucio
Member of: Myrr.

Mr. Jrsnier
Member of: destinyy.

Mr. Nightmaretheend
Member of: Myrr.

Mr. Xyz
Member of: Myrr.

Mr. Praetorian
Member of: Myrr.

Mr. Yoyo
Member of: Myrr.

Mr. Hammerhead
Member of: Gunmen.

Lord Timmiev
Member of: destinyy.


as you can see i got there untaged as well .

i want a kd that is stroung and does not let any old noob in

22:57:43 Jan 19th 08 - Wolflord Karac:


23:07:46 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Cool The Real One:

hmmm i got a good tactic used in pirates and spoons old kingdom id be willing to use with any kingdom that is a great way to keep them under controlk and very power full

23:08:17 Jan 19th 08 - Sir Dead Oralive:

which world ya goin to next era?

23:11:05 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Cool The Real One:

mantrax or fant

23:11:20 Jan 19th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

i played with sp00n and learned from him. either BoW or PHI.

23:12:38 Jan 19th 08 - Mr. Cool The Real One:

well im looking for a kingdom that dont let any old *beep* in not like silkicon knights (nooooooobs)

01:13:02 Jan 20th 08 - Sir Soc:

Wolflord Karac


1/19/2008 3:11:20 PM
i played with sp00n and learned from him. either BoW or PHI.


spoon has nothing to teach! :)

01:22:54 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Cao Cao:

You can come to CE. We are going to Mantrax next era, allied to Preds too.

And not that it counts for much, but we are first in Valhalla = )

04:08:29 Jan 20th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

sp00n has all to teach you wannabe!!!




and bow doesnt accept anyone, we have 15 members only. lowest amount on fant, except for FF

04:16:24 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Condinho:

i would suggest abydos, but since we can't accept *beep*s, you can't join us...

04:26:03 Jan 20th 08 - Wolflord Karac:

not nice condinho.

05:06:01 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Condinho:

but it was funny and he was asking for it, he was once a *beep* too, why insult his former self? they have to learn sometime, and abydos always likes to teach some from time to time...

hummm i don't think we have any this era... our team must have been full already... maybe next era...

well if i think carefully we do have sloth with us, so we do have *beep*s that we need to teach, lol, lazy lazy lazy *beep*

11:03:19 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Cool The Real One:

abydos is crap and wins though numbers only about 5 of your mebers are skilled.

11:04:17 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Cool The Real One:

and im no nooooob i joined in the era of sparker and came back after a 4 era break

11:26:16 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Cyber Assassin:

Mr. Cool The Real One


1/20/2008 11:03:19 AM

abydos is crap and wins though numbers only about 5 of your mebers are skilled.


Kingdoms in Fantasia
AbydosAbydos23Dark Lord Finwe100
ZeonZeon32Mr. Messiah64
LGCLegacy22Mr. Roxbury58
HavocCarnage32Mr. Clone XXX55
DBDark Blood24Ms. Quietone52
PHIPhi Factor22Mr. Mavich The Hypocrite44

23 menbers just like a normal kingdom ...   and in 1 place 
then it means that there must be more then 5 good players in abydos :)

11:41:35 Jan 20th 08 - Lord Protector Nimic:

8 eras doesn't exactly make you superman.

12:00:31 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Cool The Real One:

ytea but it dont make me a *beep* im probley more experensed

condinho though and i never have liked abydos

but would like to join a kingdom like fredom fighters

13:41:44 Jan 20th 08 - Pirate Lewatha:

Mr. Cool The Real One


1/20/2008 11:03:19 AM

abydos is crap and wins though numbers only about 5 of your mebers are skilled.


Care to proove that?

14:00:40 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Kassius The Kookie Bandit:

"but would like to join a kingdom like fredom fighters"

........isnt that were quite a few abydonians went after Abydos shut down for an era?

14:15:00 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Cool The Real One:


14:23:24 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Condinho:

yes it was... lol

this is the part that you weren't here and we won some eras in the meanwhile...

talking thrash about abydos only proves that you are a *beep*


14:36:20 Jan 20th 08 - Ms. Minge:

The top kds don't just take top players. A lot of the top players take in new players, so long as the new guys show potential, fit in well, are willing to learn, are active, etc etc.

A bit presumptuous to think that the top kds only take the best..because they don't.

14:38:45 Jan 20th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

if the top only took the top players, the amount of top players would be 0 already.

15:18:18 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

does that make sense?

15:19:56 Jan 20th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

yes. if the top players didnt train new players.. how could there be any top players when the current top players leave?

15:31:28 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Crissxcross:

abydos is crap and wins though numbers only about 5 of your mebers are skilled.

Well that's really not true, first abydos has a lot more then 5 skilled players and an average number size.

And they willmost prop. win by skilled farming, not by numbers.

Never seen so many dwarves building so many new towns after 2/3 of era is past and the time for troop training and fighting should have come....

15:38:47 Jan 20th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

and yet we also have the biggest armies in the game ;)

15:43:57 Jan 20th 08 - Lord Argyle:

yarr, cool is back :D

16:24:10 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Sloth:

nice Crissxcross..  but we have the largest and most powerful armies as Finwe said... thus whatever we do must be working, yes?

advanced strategy... to others....... may be indistinguishable from magic ;-)

17:22:16 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Condinho:

Never seen so many dwarves building so many new towns after 2/3 of era is past and the time for troop training and fighting should have come....

well some of us have already such massive armies that we can afford to build a new colony for an extra upkeep solution...

17:34:39 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Sloth:

ya.. when your upkeep is 10M/tick from massive armies.. you need more income to reach the 15M/tick upkeep point ;-)

20:15:22 Jan 20th 08 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Epyon:

Wolflord Karac


1/20/2008 1:11:20 AM
i played with sp00n and learned from him. either BoW or PHI.

Not that I have a word in this but I honestly doubt Phi would take him in. As far as I know, he's just a wannabe you cannot trust and Phi's leadership must think that too :)

23:25:47 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Brannigans Law:

the only reason aby can get thir income up this high is cos of the NAPs they made when the era started. they NAPd 3 surrounding kds, took down music together and then farmed for ages using phi, BoW and Zeon as protection. its jus that the western kds didnt have such a big alliance, so consequently started losing!

23:27:14 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

I will rally the troops! 

23:28:46 Jan 20th 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

Brannigans stop talking out of your *beep*.

We have NO nap with BoW, NO nap with Zeon and we killed music alone.

you should learn to think before talking bs


1. Music joined zeon so why would zeon attack music?

2. who could bow protect us from? the edge of the map maybe?

3. you have a clear path to us and likewise so hiding?



4. I suppose phi are protecting us from the south edge of the map too?

23:30:09 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Haywood Jablowme:

Boo finwe!

23:38:14 Jan 20th 08 - Mr. Condinho:

lol, we have one NAP, ONE, 1, uno, um, un...

02:58:27 Jan 21st 08 - Wolflord Karac:

finwe, you have a problem with BoW dont you?

03:13:51 Jan 21st 08 - Sir Soc:

osi, u may not have a NAP with anyone other than phi, but u still have peace. who have u fought this era? legacy. killed about 100k troops right? well done, congrats. now, im wondering where ur war declaration for FF is? i was caught offguard! :(    i was trying to farm like u, but now i have to train troops? drat!

:p   <3 aby, as always!

03:16:55 Jan 21st 08 - Mr. Sloth:

Soc, you guys just looked so lonely, not much action, so I thought we could "spice up your life" a bit. Make things interesting and all that. Besides I know you've had us right where you wanted us, we weren't going to wait for the decisive strike from FF to end our era!

03:35:23 Jan 21st 08 - Mr. Condinho:

100k? lololololololololololololololololololololololololololol lmaowrofpay

i won't even continue after that... lol

06:28:26 Jan 21st 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

try 1mil troops and karac tell me who would bow protect us from? there is no one to the east of you.

06:47:09 Jan 21st 08 - Sir Spoon:

Mr. Condinho


1/20/2008 2:23:24 PM
yes it was... lol

this is the part that you weren't here and we won some eras in the meanwhile...

talking thrash about abydos only proves that you are a *beep*


Wolflord Karac


1/20/2008 4:08:29 AM

sp00n has all to teach you wannabe!!!




and bow doesnt accept anyone, we have 15 members only. lowest amount on fant, except for FF


All this sp00n-talk made me read this topic! Be gone infidels!

07:57:31 Jan 21st 08 - Mr. Method:

I heard Spoon is really a fork!

08:00:11 Jan 21st 08 - Mr. Random:

I heard he's a spork.... if you get my meaning ;)

13:54:12 Jan 21st 08 - Mr. Dolfyn:

so little flaming towards Abydos? tusk tusk ...
about spoon, spork or fork no matter .. the action on the battlefield spokes the truth.

14:17:33 Jan 21st 08 - Mr. Random:

Abydos is full of gheys... that better?

14:24:04 Jan 21st 08 - Mr. Hanky Panky:

Trio ?

14:35:58 Jan 21st 08 - Lord Weirdgrivi The Epyon:

Well just think... If Phi wouldn't have covered the southern edge, the boogie man might have gotten to you too :)

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