Forums / In game politics / war on mantrax I

war on mantrax I
14:02:23 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Dragonboy:

this is a thraed to discuss the wars on mantrax that have been really starting to heat up.



p.s. this is not a spam thread

15:39:43 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

dr's a 2 weeks late yet they fight the number 2 kd such courage ;)


16:08:18 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Random Iii:

wernt u the leader of dr last era?

17:28:20 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Obiwancanoli:

Yes he was and in that era they showed no courage at all.

18:11:25 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Dragonboy:

what kingdoms you guys in?

18:14:35 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Arkantos:

TC is here :)

18:45:27 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

ye y do u ask random

21:16:21 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Booyah Peeps Sacred Warrior:

Ill give DR credit for the fact they have guts to fight Angels just out of protection thats courage their so dont say they dont have it.

21:23:18 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Arkantos:

I declare war on Eternity

21:35:05 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

wd justan keep the woop@ss comin down on the enemy :P lolz

22:24:37 Aug 29th 07 - Mr. Razios:

Mr. Booyah Peeps Sacred Warrior


8/29/2007 4:16:21 PM

Ill give DR credit for the fact they have guts to fight Angels just out of protection thats courage their so dont say they dont have it.


that isn't courage. Thats just plain stupid.

11:37:58 Aug 30th 07 - Mr. Dragonboy:

i think thats courage

11:39:18 Aug 30th 07 - Mr. Dragonboy:

DR Dark Riders Empire 13 Mr. Justanius Fontainius 4
Angels Angels 22 Mr. Trendkill 29
although its a bit one sided....

11:49:11 Aug 30th 07 - Sir Malekith Naggaroth Vineraven:

DR Dark Riders Empire 57
Mr. Justanius Fontainius 4
Angels Angels 68
Mr. Trendkill 29

not really...

14:33:22 Aug 30th 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

bloddy hell SIR u hav 1 LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG name! wats it mean?

14:54:14 Aug 30th 07 - Mr. Penguin:

57 , 68 ? :D:D:D

15:18:37 Aug 30th 07 - Mr. Orcinus:

what how come im not on the highscores im taking a kd out myself

15:20:48 Aug 30th 07 - Mr. Chicosci II:

Lol because you are a traitor and VU don't want a traitor in thier game. You don't belong to the highscore and you can't defeat all pred in the highscore.thats why you are not in the highscore.

15:24:02 Aug 30th 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

Mr. Arkantos


8/29/2007 10:14:35 AM
TC is here :)


Two TC members are here :)

15:27:47 Aug 30th 07 - Mr. Orcinus:

hey how am i a traitor? i left u guys cos i felt like it n i neva showed any agression till ur leader attackd me? i had less than half his income n he thoughthe cud bully me so i let him hav the war he wantd wid me


15:42:51 Aug 30th 07 - Mr. Chicosci II:

Trendkill attacked you? how could it happen the same people in the kingdom are attaking their member. it can't be happen you know. when few of the kingdom member are online you resign and you took and burn cities in the plan all of this before you leave the kingdom thats why after you resign you have to many armies and you  know all armories and magic city in the core and you burn it and took only income cities.

16:15:01 Aug 30th 07 - Mr. Killer:

Justanius, you did not attack Angels. Angels attacked you first. So in reality, that's not showing courage, you're just going to be killed, and you didn't even start it... It's nothing... you just got attacked because you were there.

16:31:38 Aug 30th 07 - Mr. Orcinus:

i did my resaerch.thats nt a crime....i posted mine on the forums as wat i knew of u guys n wat u knew of me balances  out!

on top of takin on marko who has something like 4 times my income n trendkil wth more than double mine so dats 2 ppl alone with more than 6 times my power so i had 2 do my esearch well.....n rememb on top of those i had 2 fight BOOYAH n he had more income dan me 2.

trend attackd me as soon as i left the kd. my army was outside markos armory n he said move it so i was goin 2 n he attackd my army 3 times so i didnt start dis fight! n on top of that i cudnt attack him dat turn so der was no reason 4 him 2 attack me unless he plan 2 attack me aft i left knowin dat at dat if he beat my army i was dead cos i had non else 4 that reason i had 2 fight n im doin a gd job so far..even if i die im dien with all guns blazin

n i left cos ur plans n mine wer different....i tld trendkill wat i wantd b4 i joind n a day b4 i left he tld me dat he has othr plans 4 the kd n so i decided it wasnt 4 me, bt da icing on the

16:34:35 Aug 30th 07 - Mr. Orcinus:

bt da icing on the cake wich made me sure of leavin was the letter he sent 2 BLUNKLY aft blunckly left n i decided dat blunckly did the right thing n isure as hell did da same as him except trend cudnt dare attack blunckly cos blunckly was as strong as him bt he knew i was only oop 4 a couple of days so i wud b a meal 4 him....well guess gona make him choke on me n i jst might b da lst meal he trys 2 eat 4 a while

17:34:05 Aug 30th 07 - Mr. Truefailure:

way to post the same thing 5 times...

anyways, preds attacked one of my scouts :( i hate you guys, he was juss goin along doin his little scouting thing...

as for orcinus, pretty sure leaving a kingdom and lying about circumstances makes you a traitor :) first you say that the king attacked you (which i'm still trying to figure out because your spelling is horrible) and well he can't...then you change your story to a friend of yours left so you left too, and using the information and the trust that your kingdommates left in you, you attacked them at a weak vaguely remind me of battlefield vet aka Saint Paul :D I let him in my kingdom last era and as soon as things went sour he left and attempted to join musics side :( meh! anyways, i hope (too lazy to scroll up) i think it was Angels, get their stuff together and have a good ol' fashioned ass whoopin on ya ;)

18:46:02 Aug 30th 07 - Mr. Orcinus:

u cnt count i did it 6 times by mistake thou might i add!

anyway ur jst plain thick or ur jst tryin 2 vindicate me! ur pickin out da words in my post dat make me bad n on top of dat ur addin bits coming frm ur ASS so stop typin pooh! 1st of all i neva said blunkly was my friend cos he aint i only spoke 2 him aft he left.......I SAID i left 4the same reason he left on top of my own reasons.....i did NOT leav jst cos he left! n bwt me attackin week spots dats wat ur meant 2 do in war u fool! n da war startd wen dey "trendkill" attackd my week spot which was my only army n i knew if i lost my armies my cities wud b next so i attackd dem aft dey faild 2 kill me.........n u fool since u kno he cnt attack me if im in his kd y wud u think he did it while i was still wid em? he did it 5 mins aft i left cos my army was next 2 his so they throu the 1st punch n frm den on its all fair cos we r at war.

n shame bwt da guy who left u bt its ntin 2 do wid me n ur nt da subject of this debate so go complain 2 som1 who cares.u gt bk stabed cos ur weak.....angels r nt weak i was weak n i did da right thing by leavin them cos my goals n thers didnt agree n so i left dem n i didnt aprove of ther ways either so more the reason.

02:00:42 Aug 31st 07 - Mr. Razios:

TYPE ENGLISH! really, you left your kingdom on your own accord. he's not a traitor but he has every right to be slaughtered. please no more cussing or flaming. go settle this on the battlefield.

04:16:26 Aug 31st 07 - Mr. Booyah Peeps Sacred Warrior:

i agree with razios just be quite Orcinus we'll get you back eventually even if it takes all era we'll get you no matter what you say you'll be consider an enemy by me.



13:41:12 Aug 31st 07 - Mr. Elsin:

No. He should type that way. If he makes a typo, no one will ever know 0.o

15:49:58 Aug 31st 07 - Mr. Orcinus:

i like how u tink elsin..........y shud i b quite r u scared of wat i hav 2 say? eh.....

15:52:41 Aug 31st 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

(Sorry guys, couldn't resist)

*Septim pulls out a large trout


*Septim starts beating the hell out of Orcinus with a large trout.


17:07:29 Aug 31st 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

ah spam solves all disputes

23:47:12 Aug 31st 07 - Mr. Orcinus:

is der any1 worthy interestd in my services?? i need a kd n now cos wooping angels on my own is a bit if ders a partner outder show ur self :)

00:24:22 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Razios:

he certainly has a big ego..

(Sorry guys, couldn't resist)

*Takes out Septim holding out a large trout


*Septim starts beating the hell out of Orcinus with a large trout.



00:26:05 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Orcinus:

OK OK OK man i get it.........ther you go satisfied?


00:38:06 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

no one can stop septim from his spammin raids on the forums :)

00:39:45 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Razios:

You mean Razios.

01:06:30 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

ye i mean uncle raz

02:52:22 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Might:

Orcinus you writing is so horrible I might die. You are fired from the job of writing kid.

05:35:18 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Tooty:

Orcinus please try to write in normal English. My English is not good but at least I try, right 0.o?  Anyway you keep talking about incoming, if someone has 2 times more incoming than you it don't mean he should have more army than you because if you're an orc you don't need that much incoming since you have cheap troops but dwarfs need higher incoming since their army cost much more. Get it?

I will explain more if you tell me what race you are.

Also if you're talking about political things it would be the best to write which KD you are from at the end of your message like I have.

Vice of Predator

12:05:57 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Orcinus:

well mr.vice  i hav no kd dats y i dnt type it at the end. oh n im human n i was a day oop wen i decided 2 leav angels n fight dem

13:28:12 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Krusty The Clown:


14:43:53 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Orcinus:

keep ur hair on man.....i speak wat i like....y r u complaining if ppl understand wat im typing den my post serves its purpose! n if u dnt gt its pros co ur yellow n nt real so dnt blame me

14:46:49 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Orcinus:

probs* i mean

16:31:43 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Booyah Peeps Sacred Warrior:

Mr. Krusty The Clown


9/1/2007 7:28:12 AM


he's using english he's just using the internet slang version we have that is quicker for typing

17:59:15 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Krusty The Clown:

yellow and not real? what the hell does that mean.....

21:59:48 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Orcinus:

u obviously dnt watch da simpsons do ya!

22:25:33 Sep 1st 07 - Mr. Justanius Fontainius:

lol probably dosnt hav a tele

00:00:00 Sep 2nd 07 - Mr. Tooty:

Orcinus dud please try to understand this isn't MSN. In forums you type like normal and if you want to post something it won't hurt if you put 1 more second to make a U into a YOU does it?

ps typing like msn makes you look like a 10 year old boy.

Vice of Predator

09:43:04 Sep 2nd 07 - Mr. Krusty The Clown:

i do have a tele justani......

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